Love of Autism Ch. 16


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Scott looked away for a second, but smiled. Out of everything that he and her had talked about over the past year, that made him feel valued and wanted. "I would have loved nothing more than that," he said turning back to look at her, seeing tears of happiness coming down Katie's face. Tears of happiness also start to come down his. "My dad would have had a field day though about us not using those condoms at the hotel."

Laughter overcame Katie when Scott said that. "Yes he would have, but I wouldn't have cared because it just meant it would be something for us to laugh about later."

Scott embraced Katie in a hug again but instead of trying to comfort her, he hugged her to show her love. "I love you Katie," he whispered into her ear.

A smile came upon Katie's face she hadn't had in well over a year. A smile where she was told she was loved and truly believed it. "I love you too Scottie," she whispered back.

Scott began to kiss her cheek gently, but slowly each kiss moved closer and closer to Katie's lips. Katie however didn't wait for his lips to reach hers as she turned her head to kiss him. The two locked lips for a few seconds before separating and looking at each other wondering what just happened.

"Sorry," Scott apologized.

"Don't," Katie said not wanting to feel sorry at all. "You were just kissing my cheek and..." she didn't get a chance to find the words she wanted to say as Scott kissed her again, but she didn't resist. Everything was finally out there, no more secrets, nothing left to hide. They kissed for several minutes before stopping to catch their breath. As they breathed heavily, they looked into each other's eyes and knew the truth. There was something that love could do for them.


"Well I'm glad to hear you two managed to work things out," Bernie said, happy to finally have an appointment with two of his favorite clients.

"Me too," Scott said, gripping Katie's hand tightly.

"So, what is next for you two?" Bernie asked curiously.

Katie let out a quiet laugh and smiled. "Telling our parents that we are back together."

"They don't already know yet?"

They both shook their heads but Scott answered the question he knew Bernie was going to ask next. "We wanted it to be a surprise for them when we go to the pool party at Melissa and Luke's house."

"Do Liz and Steve already know?"

"Yes," Katie answered this time. "We knew we wouldn't have been able to hide it from them for long so we told them when they got back from their jobs."

"I see," Bernie said nodding his head. "Well I'm sure both of your parents will be happy to hear this news. Anyway, our time is up so you two must go and be adults."

Scott snorted softly at the mention of being adults. "Sometimes I wish we were still in high school without all these adult responsibilities."

"But you are adults and can't go back," Bernie pointed out.

"Yeah yeah," Scott grumbled as he and Katie walked out of Bernie's office and headed off to his car. Once they got in his car, they drove off to go back to the apartment.

"So..." Katie began feeling nervous about asking Scott something, "I've been thinking about something."

Scott quickly looked at her in shock before moving his eyes back onto the road. "Why didn't you bring this up with Bernie?"

"Because this isn't about us. This is about Carly." Scott shot her another look, but this in complete surprise. "I want to tell her...that I'm actually her sister."

Scott put his hand in hers and gripped it in a caring way. "I could give reasons to tell and not tell her, but I'm not the person you need to ask for advice."

Katie looked at Scott questioningly. "Who then? Bernie?"

Scott shook his head. "You need to have this conversation with your dad because this is something that will also effect his relationship with Carly as well."

"But what if he and Lauren say no?"

"Then you respect their wishes."

"You're not helping," Katie said sourly.

Scott took a deep breath before saying what needed to be said. "I'd rather be honest with you and have you mad at me for being honest, than to just tell you what you want to hear. You telling Carly without her parents knowing could do damage you can't see and also might change your relationship for the worse with her as well." He glanced over at her seeing that she was considering his words. "She is only six now and still has a lot to learn and understand. This will change everything."

As much as she hated to admit it, Scott was right. Her telling Carly just because she wanted to could have untold consequences. "You're right and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for telling me how you honestly felt."

As they approached a red light, Scott grabbed her hand and kissed it. "It's ok. This is something you feel strongly about and I get it."

Katie smiled hearing his response. "Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you."

Scott kissed her hand again. "You do deserve me and I deserve you."


"Well look who finally decided to show up," Luke said seeing Scott and Katie come from around the front of the house.

"Sorry. Someone," Scott said while tilting his head towards Katie, "couldn't decide which bikini to wear."

Katie playfully shoved him. "More like someone wanted to triple check to make sure we had the snacks we promised to bring."

"Either way, I'm glad you two could make it," Luke said truly happy to them being friendly with each other.

Scott and Katie walked the rest of the way to the deck and were greeted by everyone that was there. Once that was done, Keith suggested a game of volleyball in the backyard, men versus women. Several games were played and the men won three of the four games played. After the fourth game, Luke said that he needed to start the grill to cook the burgers and hotdogs. Jackie, Melissa and Stacy went inside the house to make salad and bring out any appetizers they already had made beforehand. That left Scott, Katie, Steve, Liz, Sarah and Colin to have the pool all to themselves as Keith and Andy drank some beer and chatted with Luke.

After over an hour of swimming and playing in the pool, Luke called out and said that the food was ready. Within minutes everyone got out of the pool and got their plates to get the food that they wanted. Scott got his food before Katie did and sat a table with his mom and dad. A minute later Katie came by and instead of sitting in the seat next to Scott she sat on his lap.

"You two look like you're pretty comfortable with each other," Jackie commented.

"Well yeah, why wouldn't we be?" Scott asked trying to play dumb.

"Well, it is kinda weird Scott that you and Katie are friends and you're letting her sit on your lap as if you two are something more," said Keith.

Scott's face betrayed him as he smiled and tried to stifle a laugh. "Is there anything wrong with letting a beautiful woman sit on my lap?"

"Why are you smiling?" Jackie asked noticing his smile. She then looked at Katie who was also trying to stifle a laugh. "What is going on with you two?"

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Katie asked Scott.

"Tell us what?" Jackie and Keith asked at the same time.

By then everyone else turned their heads to look at their table with the exception of Steve and Liz who already knew the truth.

Scott decided to place his hand on Katie's cheek, pull her face to him and give her a light kiss on the lips which she gladly accepted.

With the exception of Steve and Liz, everyone's jaw dropped and several plates and items of food fell to the deck, all stunned at what they had just seen. Sarah was the first to find some words to say when she blurted, "When the fuck did you two get back together?"

At that point, Scott and Katie couldn't help but laugh hard at that reaction. "About a week ago," Katie said, still laughing and trying to not let her food drop from her plate onto Scott.

Stacy looked at Steve and Liz and saw that they just eating their food and were not shocked by this piece of news. "You two knew?" Both of them nodded their heads. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"We wanted to see your guy's reaction," Liz answered before turning to look at Stacy with a big smile on her face, "and you did not disappoint."

"And before any of you start with all your questions," Katie said knowing what was coming next, "we're not going to answer anything today and I'm not going to let you bombard Scott with questions and overwhelm him. In due time we will tell you all what happened, but for right now, let's eat and just celebrate us getting back together."

After a few minutes everyone finally collected themselves. The news was still a huge shock but they are slowly getting over it. However, Keith had a question he needed to ask. "So since you two are back together..."

Scott cut off his father knowing what he was going to ask. "I bought some yesterday and yes, we will use them."

Keith smiled and nodded his head. "Just making sure."

Jackie lightly slapped her husband on the arm. "Let them be. They are smarter now about this."


Even though Scott and Katie were back together, they agreed not to sleep in the same bed as they didn't want sex to get in the way of healing from past wounds and avoid talking about deeper issues. It sucked because now that things were getting better he wanted to be sexual with her again, but he didn't want to just go into her room and jump her.

That being said, it was still weird to Scott that Katie would sleep in until nearly noon, even on a weekend. He knocked on her bedroom door, but she didn't respond. That was also very unlike her. He thought about leaving her alone, but he knew something else had to be bothering her. So he opened the door and walked, seeing Katie still laying in her bed, a teddy bear in her arms.

"Hey, are you ok?" Scott asked with concern in his voice. Katie shook her head in response. He walked closer and saw her face was red with tears. Kneeling down next to the bed he started to rub her back.

Katie turned over and showed Scott how red her face really was and all the tears streaks. "Today was the day..." she closed her eyes, remembering all the pain too vividly. She couldn't say it. She didn't want to repeat what happened a year ago from this day.

Scott however figured it out and kissed her on her forehead. "It's ok. You don't have to say it."

Katie opened her eyes and flashed a quick smile before she started crying again. "I'm sorry."

Scott shook his head and kissed her forehead again. "Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry about. What happened..." he hesitated, almost wanting to mention the word 'miscarriage', "was horrible, but you don't have to suffer alone. I'm here for you in whatever you want and need me to be."

Katie wiped the tears from her face and smiled again briefly. "Can you cuddle with me?"

Scott gave her a loving smile. "Yes, always."

Katie moved over and gave Scott room to join her. Once he was laying with her, he moved his arms around her, holding her as she cried into his chest. He lost track of time of how long they were there, but didn't care. Katie needed him.

After a while Katie's crying softened. "Thank you for being here with me."

Scott gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "I love you and will always be here for you, even on your worst days."

Katie wrapped her arms around Scott tightly. "I'm glad we're back together."


Sadly Katie couldn't shake the loss of her unborn baby from the previous year. The whole week she tried to smile but it always felt forced. As much as she tried she couldn't feel happy, even with Scott's love and support.

She got back to the apartment late that Friday night after working what seemed like a never ending dinner service. Everyone seemed more demanding than normal and it took everything she had to not breakdown in the middle of service. The only person that kept her from breaking down was Alyssa, who helped Katie get the job as a waitress. She backed her up numerous times throughout the night and made sure that Katie didn't lose it.

Katie was ready to change her clothes and cry herself to sleep, but when she entered the apartment she saw Scott waiting for her at the kitchen table. "Hey, why are you still up?"

"Just waiting for you to get home and help you relax," he replied.

Katie couldn't help but smile at how much Scott cared for her. "Thank you, but I'm just drained."

"I know," Scott said as he nodded his head. "That is why I have Netflix cued up for you to watch whatever you want as you are cuddled by me."

"Scott, that is incredibly sweet of you but like I said, I'm drained."

"And if you fall asleep in my arms I'll just sleep there with you."

"You don't have to do that. You don't need to try to fix my mood."

Scott got up from the table, walked up to her, drew her face to his and gently kisses her lips. "I know," he whispered. "That won't stop me from caring about you, tending to your every need, and making sure that even in your worst days where you want to give up you have a reason to keep going."

Katie looked directly into Scott's eyes and she processed what he was telling her. "What reason are you giving me?"

"That I am by your side through everything. That I love you more than anything and will give up anything for you. I will..." tears started to fall down Scott's face as he struggled to say what he wanted to say, "be there for you even when I can't do anything to help. I'm not going to let you give up, just like you never gave up on me."

Katie could see in his eyes and tears the struggle he was going through just to say these things. She didn't give up on him when he tried to commit suicide. He felt like he owed her a debt that he could never repay. Without thinking she kissed him back, but not gently. She kissed him in a way that told him she loved him.

He kissed her back with even more passion as their hands roamed over each other's bodies, their hearts beating faster with every second they kissed. Katie broke the kiss and looked Scott dead in his eyes. "Take me to my bed," she whispered.

Scott wasn't sure if she was serious. "Are you sure?"

Katie grabbed his hand. "Yes, I want you to make love to me," she said as she pulled him towards her bedroom. Once there, she pulled him into a kiss that he more than welcomed. After a few seconds he pulled up her shirt and broke off their kiss only long enough to get her shirt over her head and off her. Katie wasted no time in unbuttoning Scott's jean and pulling them down, grabbing at his hard penis over his boxer briefs.

Scott gently pushed her back, breaking off the kiss. "Katie, slow down."

Katie looked at him confused. "Why?"

Scott breathed slowly to catch his breath. "I don't want to rush this and go at this like just another fuck. You said you wanted to make love."

Katie nodded her head. "Yeah, I did."

"Then let's just take our clothes off, cuddle in your bed naked and feel each other's bodies. I want to get to know your body all over again."

Katie smiled liking the sound of that. "Ok, let's do that."

Both of them proceeded to take their own clothes off in front of each. Once completely naked, they realized that each other's bodies had changed since the last time they saw each other naked, and Katie realized this as she tried to cover her body with her arms.

Scott smiled when he saw her do that. "Why are you trying covering yourself up?"

"It's been a while and..." Katie started to sheepishly admit, "I don't exactly have the same body I did over a year ago."

Scott could see what she meant as she didn't have the flat stomach like she used to, but he didn't care. He also noticed that her body got curvier in a good way. He approached her and lifted her head up so that her eyes could meet his. "My body hasn't stayed the same either," he said while patting his slightly bigger stomach. When Katie heard him patting his belly she laughed a little. "But you're still the sexiest woman I know and I want your sexy body."

Katie smiled at Scott calling her body sexy, but she still didn't feel it. "Thank you."

"Come on. Let's go cuddle in your bed for a bit before we make love," Scott suggested.

Katie nodded her head and the walked to her bed. They laid on top of the bed next to each other, arms wrapped around each other. Slowly Katie reached down to Scott's penis and stroked it, feeling it get harder in her hand. Believing that was his cue, Scott took his hand and placed it on Katie's breast, slowly rubbing around her nipple. They continued to play with each other until Katie told Scott she was ready.

Scott then got on top of her and with Katie helping guide his penis into her they began to make love. Midway through Katie began to cry and Scott noticed. "Is something wrong?" he asked concerned.

Katie shook her head. "No, I'm just happy to be making love again with you."

Scott kissed and continued to make love to her until he came in her. A few minutes after he came he rolled off her, but was on his side so he could still look at his amazing, beautiful girlfriend.

Katie turned her head and saw him smiling at her. "What?"

"I'm just thinking about how much I love you."

"Well yeah, you did just make love to me."

Scott shook his head. "No, I mean I really love you."

Katie rolled onto her side as well to face Scott. "I love you too!"

Scott then took her hand in his. "I know we've been through hell but I truly believe we'll be alright."

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Aspie007Aspie007almost 2 years ago

Can we please get an update on this amazing story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

How do you intend to end the series? Will it be with Scott and Katie's wedding, or will it go ahead to the future a la GatorRick and show us their married life and how they raise their children?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

i love this chapter better the last chapter for this 60 something old with c p not autism it did not make cry keep it up the good work

DestinyReaderDestinyReaderalmost 3 years agoAuthor

So I have to state this because I see I've gotten the "don't take so long writing your story" comment on this chapter.

This has been a very fun hobby for me and I love that everyone is enjoying this story so much. That being said, I will write at my pace especially because this is a hobby, not a job. My full-time job and my girlfriend take precedence over writing this story. I will also not rush writing a chapter that I don't think will be well received nor write a chapter that is just there to be there without setting something up. Hence why I knew chapter 14 wouldn't be well received with how I ended it, but still a vital chapter to this story.

Just like with video games, I will delay as much as I need to so that I create a product with consuming.

That being said, I am slowly working on chapter 17 and had to scrap how I started it because I hated it. My new beginning for chapter is something I actually am enjoying and have something come full circle.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great Chapter nice to see them back together .

it was a surprise this morning

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