Love of Autism Ch. 17


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"Some friend I am," Scott said still feeling depressed and guilty. Alyssa gave him a quick kiss on the cheek that he wasn't expecting. "Wha...what was that for?"

"To distract you from feeling down and let you know that you are a good friend."

"But you kissed me...Katie and I are back together."

"And I allowed her one kiss on the cheek if she felt like she needed to do it," Katie said from the doorway. "Plus I know you're faithful to me and Alyssa promised it would only be one kiss."

Scott shook his head in disbelief and confusion. "Please don't do that to me again, both of you. I'm confused enough as it."

Alyssa grabbed his hand to get his attention. "Just know Scott, you are a good guy and a good friend. I would sacrifice any possible relationship if I knew they were going to be a jerk to you or define you only by your autism."


"And here we are," Scott said as he parked his car in front of the family lake house.

Katie looked upon the lake house from inside the car and was happy with what she saw. It definitely looked like a log cabin in the woods. So many vacation homes that she had seen looked very fancy and over the top. Those homes looked very out of place in the woods, even by a lake surrounded by woods. But his house looked like it belonged.

"I love it," Katie said with a big smile.

Scott chuckled lightly. "Well this is just the front. You haven't seen the inside or the back yet."

Both Scott and Katie proceeded to grab their luggage from the car and approached the house. Once Scott unlocked the door, he opened it up and let Katie walk through first.

She did not expect to see a finished basement with beige carpet and painted walls, but it looked nice and still made it feel warm and comforting. There was a TV on the far wall and a small couch on the opposite end that she guessed doubled as a pull-out bed.

He walked her upstairs and she didn't believe she was still in the same house as it looked more like a cabin. At the same time, she still liked it. Scott gave her a tour of the rest of the house before taking her outside to the back deck where her breath was taken from her. The yard outside looked well-kept and beautiful. The little river where the pontoon sat was just that, little and narrow. However, Scott told her that little river led to much bigger lakes which Katie could not wait to see.

After seeing the pontoon boat, they walked back onto the deck and looked out onto the yard. Katie leaned forward on the railing and Scott wrapped his arms around her. After a few minutes she leaned her head back between Scott's shoulder and chest. "We should come up here more often."

Scott kissed the side of her head. "I think that can be arranged when we aren't in school or working crazy hours at our jobs."

Katie loved it when Scott kissed the side of her head. "I think even on Spring break next year we should come back up here. Just the two of us. No Steve. No Liz. No parents. Just the two of us."

"The pontoon boat will still be on dry dock."

"That's fine," Katie said with smile. "I just want to spend time alone with you like we are now."

"That does sound nice," Scott agreed. "We should enjoy this before everyone else gets here."

"Yeah, this is going to be an interesting weekend with everyone up here."

Scott turned his head to look down at Katie. "Are you worried at all about your dad, Lauren, and Carly?

Katie looked down at the railing knowing that question was coming. "You mean when my dad and I tell Carly that I'm actually her sister?"

"Yes," Scott answered.

Katie let out a long breath she didn't know she had been keeping. "I am very worried, but I'm hoping it only changes things for the better."

Scott held her tighter after Katie gave her answer. "Do you want me to be there when you and your dad tell her?"

Katie turned her head and looked up at Scott. "I would like that."

Scott kissed her forehead before kissing her on the lips. "I'm sure everything will work out fine in the end."

"I hope so."


"Food is ready," Trevor called out from the deck.

Scott, Katie, Steve and Liz were in the middle of a badminton game that looked more competitive than it probably should have. Of course Carly was cheering on Scott and Katie but her cheers weren't helping them win at the moment as they were down 12 to 13 and they were playing first to 15.

"We'll be up in a few," Steve yelled back. "We just need to finish the game."

As much as Scott and Katie would have liked to say they made the game interesting and that it came down to the final point, Steve and Liz scored the next two points easily and won the game.

"You'll get them next time," Carly said.

"Yes we will," Katie agreed, "but we must get dinner now."

Katie and Carly walked hand in hand together up to the deck, grabbed their food and drink and sat down at a table with Scott. Katie became nervous as she really wanted to find time to tell Carly the truth, but there just never seemed to be a good time. On top of that, Carly seemed a lot happier than before. She didn't want to ruin the great time Carly was having.

"Are you ok?" Carly asked noticing that Katie seemed distracted.

"What... yeah I'm fine," Katie answered quickly.

"You can tell me if something is wrong," Carly said.

Katie couldn't help but smile at Carly's sweetness. "I know I can. We can tell each other anything."

Carly's smile got really big as she grabbed a French fry. "Yep, especially because we're sisters."

Katie's face went to complete shock. Scott nearly choked on his hamburger and Trevor froze in place, staring at his youngest daughter. "Carly, sweetie, who told you that Katie is your sister?"

Carly finished her French fry before speaking again. "I heard you and mom talk about it before we left to come up here."

Trevor looked over at Katie and mouthed sorry to her. He knew Katie wanted to tell Carly the truth and this ruined it. Katie didn't know what to do but she was also confused about something as well. "Carly, are you not mad that we never told you that I'm your sister?"

Carly shook her head no, still keeping that big smile. "No. I still love you, whether you are my sister or not."

Katie couldn't help but give Carly a hug. "I love you too Carly." Tears started to form in her eyes, and she had to wipe them before she let go of her little sister. After she let go of Carly, she sat back in her seat and started to eat her food. Scott gave her a back rub which caused Katie to look at him and she liked the look he was giving her. It wasn't the 'I told you this would work out' or anything like that. It was a look happiness for his girlfriend that the situation not only worked, but it worked out better than anyone thought it would.

"Mr. Scott, why did you choke on your hamburger when I said that Katie is my sister?"

That got a round of laughter out of everyone who heard Carly's question. However Scott didn't find it funny because he needed to come up with reason that Carly would understand and didn't ruin the sweet moment Katie and Carly were having together. Thankfully a good answer came to him.

"Well, Katie had told me before we came here that she wanted to tell you that she is your sister. It was just a surprise that you already knew."

Carly looked up at the sky as she thought about what Scott. "Mr. Scott, are you my brother?"

Another round of laughter ensued but not as loud as before. Scott smiled at Carly and her innocence. "No, but maybe one day, when I marry your sister here," Scott nods his head towards Katie, "I can become your brother."

"I would love that!" Carly squeals with excitement.


Scott always enjoyed the peace and quiet of the early mornings at the lake house. He sat there on a bench on the dock, just looking out at the water and all the surrounding properties. Everything was peaceful and quiet and it helped calm his mind in the chaos and craziness of the world. The sound of the lake water moving, birds chirping in the air, wind blowing the trees and the leaves rustling, all relaxed him.

The steps leading down to the dock started to creak, signaling that he was about to have some company and by how heavy the creaking sound was, he was guessing it was not Katie coming to join him.

"May I join you?" Trevor asked. Scott nodded his head and Trevor sat next to him. They sat there in silence for several minutes before Trevor spoke again. "I see why you like this. Nice and quiet. Helps reset the mind with all the noise of the world...except I'm bringing some noise to you right now."

Scott couldn't help but smile at Trevor's observation of the situation. "It's ok. I've been down here a while and probably need to head up soon. I know my dad and mom are making quite the spread for breakfast."

"And Katie too," Trevor added.

That made Scott smile even bigger as he thought about how his relationship with Katie was different now than over two years ago. Then he thought about how the relationship between Katie and her dad was now completely different.

"Do you know why I really like being down here by myself?"

"I would assume because of the peace and quiet," Trevor commented.

"That is part of it, but honestly, the peace and quiet helps put things into perspective for me. My mind isn't racing as much and I can slow down, think and really just...think at my own pace."

"Sort of like thinking about the worries you have and realizing you really don't need to worry about those things anymore."

"That and just...realizing what is really important, especially as I'm getting older."

Trevor liked hearing that from Scott. He honestly never liked the way his ex-wife talked about Scott's father or even Scott for that matter. The more he got to know Scott, the more he respected. "I know you haven't asked for this and I don't know what your plans are for you and Katie, but you have my blessing."

That caused Scott to turn and look at Trevor in complete shock. "Um...I don't know what to say."

Trevor put his hand on Scott's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You don't have to say anything. You have brought out the best in Katie and I know you make her truly happy."

Scott turned back to look at the lake. "You know she makes me happy too."

"I know," Trevor answered, "but that's not the biggest reason why I'm giving you my blessing."

"Ok, so what is the real reason?"

"You two communicate with each other and make each other feel better when you two are at your worst. You both honestly are more mature than most of the relationships I see right now. two are better at communicating that Jillian and I were. I know you two will make it work."

Scott still wasn't sure how to process the news that Trevor was giving him his blessing, much less everything else he was laying on him. But still...he had the blessing. That was one thing he had been worried about it. But now his thoughts revolved around something else. How in the hell was he going to find the perfect ring for Katie, afford it and make a memorable proposal.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

What is with the hate with ABA therapy, also would not recommend lumping people who believe autism is because of a vaccine and ABA therapy together, those things are not parallel. Great story but that part was really stupid.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 1 year ago

I read Keith and Jackie’s story years ago, saw when this started publishing, but waited until now to binge-read it. I’m glad I waited. It flows really well, without delays between postings.

Kudos for spending your time dealing with a very sensitive subject, in a realistic, serious, and entertaining manner. Autism affects many families who simply don’t realize what’s going on. We had a terrible time handling our son, whose Aspergers was misdiagnosed as ADHD until he reached middle school. His was never as sever as Keith’s or Scott’s. I share symptoms with my son, although not nearly as severe- and never diagnosed.

It’s not something that needs to be hidden. It’s ignorance born of laziness, and a severe lack of critical thinking skills. People assume their aren’t any lies or misrepresentation online. Idiots.

So thank you for having the courage to share.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Glad you're back enjoying Reading this Chapter and the others

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please speed this last chapter up as much as possible. This has be a fantastic series and I have been waiting for this moment for about 2 years

Franksmith1918Franksmith1918over 1 year ago

So happy you’re back. I love your reading your stories. I can’t wait for more!

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