Luna's Gift Ch. 02


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Her body, being close to his all night, had her warmed up above normal. Sweat glistened her entire body making her nipples pucker when they met the cooler air in the room. She shivered and wondered where her clothes went. I can't believe I have spent a night in a stranger's bed naked! I am so not that kind of girl. What is mom going to say?

To make sure she would not wake the man still sleeping, she stood on her toes and quickly followed the wall behind the bed to the first set of doors. Pulling the drapes away Rylan saw the faint lights of early morning. Lowering the drapes back into place she moved onto the next set of doors. Pulling the handles down she pushed the door opened and saw the biggest walk in closet her eyes had ever seen.

As much as she wanted to explore the shelves of clothes, time was running out. Running on her toes again, she made her way to the doors that were ten to twenty feet diagonally to the right of the bed. Again she pushed the door handles down and pulled it open slowly so she could peer into the room. This room looked like a tiny living room. Comfy couches and chairs along with a coffee table filled the room.

Closing the door quietly and turning to make sure the man was still asleep, Rylan was becoming desperate. She sprinted on her toes to the last door across the room.

Finally, she thought as she hurried to lock the door of the bathroom. Rushing to the toilet she barely made it in time. Curiously Rylan looked around the huge bathroom. She was amazed how glamorous it was. There was not only a large Jacuzzi style tub with jets but also a walk in shower with four showerheads. The shower was not really wide, maybe six feet, but it was really deep...almost twice the width. In the front of the shower there wasn't a curtain or door but a half wall standing at five feet from the floor. It also had a showerhead poking out from each of the larger walls and one hanging from the ceiling, four in total. Finishing the bathroom off were two a beautiful sinks and a closet filled with the softest towels she had ever felt. Rylan pulled out one large towel and wrapped it around her torso. The towel was black and hung down to her knees.

Looking in the mirror she was startled by what she saw. My hair! Last week she had gone to get her hair cut and colored. Before waking up here her hair went to the middle of her back and had some blonde highlights. Now her hair went to waist and was back to the coffee colored brown it had always been. What a waste of eighty bucks!

But that was not the end of the differences in her body. While looking at her face, shoulders and arms she noticed that every blemish was gone. She no longer had tan lines, scars, and freckles from being burned by the sun... no blemish what so ever. Rylan lifted her towel slightly to check her knee that had always bothered her after she injured it during a high school sport. It too was miraculously healed. What is going on?

She really didn't want to leave the safety of the bathroom, but she knew that was her only exit. To get to the only window in the bathroom she had to climb over the bathtub. It was a bay window so she knelt on it's ledged, opened it, and looked out. She knew she couldn't leave the house that way-- it was at least three stories high. Also it might be smarter to know where she was so she could also find how to get home. Maybe if she could find a phone she could call her mom and have her come get her. Ugh that would be so embarrassing!

Try as hard as she might she could not remember how she ended up in a lake in the middle of the woods. The last thing she remembered before waking up was... she closed her eyes tightly... home? Yes she had just moved back in with her mom after a couple of bad years on her own. Ugh what am I doing here? Where is here? What is going on?

Turning the lock and pushing open the door, Rylan tried to see if the man was still asleep in the bed. It was still early in the morning and the curtains were drawn across the windows so there was not enough light to make out more than a lump in the bed. Her heart was beating hard in her chest and she couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from the bed. What am I doing? I need to find a phone, a map, a sign that says 'you are here', something that can help me get home. I definitely need to stop focusing on him and get out of here before he wakes up.

Back on her toes she proceeded to make her way over to the set of doors that led to the living room. Half way to the doors strong arms reached around. Rylan screamed as fear jolted her nervous system. Terrified, she reared her head back smashing into a head. The arms around her released her instantly.

Rylan turned to see whom her attacker was and saw the man from the other night. Not giving him a chance to react she made her way to the door but then darted in the opposite direction making her way to the balcony. With as big as the man was the only thing that would keep him from grabbing her would be to keep changing directions. She turned again toward the bed. Leaping onto it, Rylan turned again to jump off the end but the man had caught up to her. He dove making a grab for her but only caught the towel between his fingers. He yanked hard and Rylan was left wide-eyed standing on the bed in her boyshort panties. She gasped, crossing her arms to cover her breasts. Great there is no way I can escape here naked. I need to get to the bathroom to escape him and come up with another plan.

Unfortunately, that moment of hesitation cost her. The man grabbed her leg knocking her off balance. Her hands flew to her sides to catch herself. In a second his body was over hers, he held her arms by her head, and his legs pinned her legs so she couldn't move them at all. His eyes were wide and there was a glint of something predatory there as well, his breath was coming out ragged, and his bottom lip was split.

"I...I...I'm..." She stuttered. Knowing how vulnerable she was right now, she was terrified; hopefully he would be easy on her.

Jake could not believe the tiny female in his arms. First she screams like she is being tortured, then head butts him clocking him in the mouth, then manages to dart out of reach longer than he would have thought possible, and finally inciting passion in him that he could hardly keep himself from taking her right then and there. Then there was her scent. Adrenaline from being chased around the room had caused her to start sweating, increasing the headiness of her scent. He could never forget this scent.

Keeping his eyes on her, he lowered his head until his nose brushed across her jawline, down her neck, and across her collarbone. You've got to know what you're doing to me little one. Everything about this tiny female lured him in, calling to his essential nature. Luna did a great job! I'm so glad she brought you to me.

"Good morning my beautiful mate," he whispered softly. Peering into her eyes Jake was surprised by what he saw. She wasn't pleased, or even surprised...she's wary!

Cocking his head to one side he looked at her curiously. Every Were should know about mates. It was something to look forward to, as you got older. Not everyone found their true mate but when they did it was celebrated throughout the pack or packs. Jake needed to find out which pack she belonged to so the plans for their mating ceremony could be finalized. He knew he had never run across her scent before so she must have lived very far away.

Suddenly he remembered he didn't know what kinds of Were she was. What family did she belong to; a cat, dog, or bear-- the possibilities were endless! With as small as she was she probably wasn't a bear, or the larger dog and cat species. Maybe she was a fox or an ocelot. He was overcome with this desperate desire to know her animal side that he quickly got up on his hands and knees overtop of her and blurted out "Let me see you".

Rylan was unsure of this man's intentions and scooted backwards on her hands and feet. Belatedly she covered herself again with her hand and arms. "I think you've seen enough."

He chuckled "Well not that I wouldn't want to see more you this side of you." His eyes roamed her body suggestively, "But I meant your animal side not your Were side."

Shaking her head to get rid of her confusion, she jumped off the bed and walked backwards toward the bathroom. Jake followed her. "Please I just want to go home. Please just tell me where am I and let me use your phone and I will be out of your hair."

Jake growled, what is she thinking? She wants to leave? I don't thinks so, not without me. "No! I don't want you to leave."

Rylan was shocked. The only reason that she could think of for him to want her to stay all came down to this morning: her naked in his bed. How dare he! She was not some object in a perverted game of finder's keepers. Her temper was growing but she knew she needed to be level headed until knew exactly where she was. So she just glared at the man.

Jake sighed he didn't want to fight with his mate he wanted to love her. He wanted to rub his whole body all over her and have her do the same. He couldn't understand why staying with him and being his mate upset her.

Trying to calm and reassure her that he really did have her best interest in mind Jake spoke softly. "Please we really should get a few more hours sleep. I will explain everything, I promise, but right now we should get as much sleep as possible before we have to deal with this. There are many things right now that even I don't understand. I need to get a couple more hours sleep to be able to sort of all of this out."

Jake held out his had for hers and looked into her beautiful eyes. They looked at him suspiciously, then turned calculating, then slowly they surrendered in defeat. He smiled and took two steps forward hoping she would follow him. He turned back around and caught her running to the bathroom, turn, smirk at her triumph, and shut and lock the door.

If Jake weren't so tired he would have laughed. That female was quick and she was not going to back down to him. Jake sighed while glancing at the ceiling. How was this gift supposed to help him? She was making his life more complicated instead.


After wrapping another towel around her body, Rylan sank back on the tub. Now what? She thought to herself. I sure as hell can't stay in here forever and I know that man is not going to just forget about me. I am after all in his bathroom.

A loud knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. "Open the door beautiful."

Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin she thought darkly. "No! Tell me where I am. Why did you bring me here? Why won't you let me go home?"

" I don't know where you're from beautiful. But if you come out we can find out together." He would find where she was from, however she would not go back home unless he came too.

Not wanting to have him come looking for her after she got back home, Rylan decided to give him the general area. "I live in America. Now where am I? Just give me a map and let me leave."

What? Ugh mare ick ugh? I've never heard of it, I wonder where that is... "Beautiful, please come out so we can talk about this. I hate yelling through the door."

Rylan's temper was at an all time high. He had refused to answer any of her questions and yet was still demanding things of her. "You know what I don't care what you hate..." or love for that matter. "I didn't ask for this. I'm not going to open the door. So unless you can magically open it yourself, you can forget about it."

You are no match for me little one. "Fine you give me no choice but to break down the door." He threatened. Jake didn't want to scare her, but he was tired and didn't want to argue anymore.

She rolled her eyes, oh quit being dramatic, she thought.

He removed his boxers and shifted to his wolf form, ready or not beautiful... here I come! And with that thought he slammed into the door hard.

She couldn't believe he was actually trying to break the door down. She climbed onto the windowsill and hid behind the long curtains. Hopefully he would make his way to the back of the bathroom, in his search for her, giving her enough time to run again.

The door clattered to the ground in broken pieces. Jake was awake now and excited. Even though he was still a little annoyed, this cat and mouse game was driving him wild. She wanted to play, well let her see what she was playing with. He scanned the room. As soon as he found his little one he was going to prove his dominance and lay his claim on her! That thought alone had him hard.

Jake took in a deep breath and listened closely for the sound of her heartbeats. His eyes zeroed in on the drapes hanging in the window. Climbing into the tub, he placed his paws on the sill and yanked hard on the drapes pulling them off their rod.

Rylan look on in horror as the only wolf she'd seen in real life found her hiding spot and stared at her, giving her one long growl. I'm going to die! I can't believe that man sent a wolf to kill me. Tears streamed down her face and a heart-wrenching sob broke from her chest.

Jake was shocked with her reaction to his wolf form. He knew he was a large wolf, but she looked as though he was going to eat her. He quickly shifted back to his Were form. His mate's eyes went wide and she gasped covering her mouth. All the color drained from her face and Jake wondered if she would faint again. He moved closer to catch her in case she did.

Rylan backed up against the window as much as she could pulling up one leg and holding out both her hands in case he came any close. " Please," she whimpered. She couldn't say any more, her mouth was so dry it made speech almost impossible. Never in her life had she felt more scared and more alone.

"I'm not going to hurt you beautiful." Jake soothed. "You must be a very small Were to be so afraid of me." He wrapped his arms around her small body and she tensed. He couldn't stand to not touching her while she was so distressed. Gently his hand caressed her back calming her.

"You're not going to kill me?" Rylan was scared out of her wits, however with his hands gently stroking her back, she could feel herself slowly relaxing in his arms.

"Of course not! Don't you feel it? Do you not know what this bond means for us?" Jake pulled her closer hoping that she would feel his love for her.

"Us? I'm not like you; I can't change into a wolf. I didn't know that was even possible." Everything about this conversation was confusing her. She didn't understand Weres, and bonds, and anything else he was saying.

"Well beautiful I didn't think you did shift to a wolf... especially after the way I found you. But you are Were so what animal do you change into? Something small I'm sure."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. I can't...shift into an animal." Rylan was at a loss for words. "I'm not a... a Were. I don't even know what that really means." She grimaced as her head pounded from all the questions bouncing inside her brain.

Seeing this Jake realized she should probably lay down. "Come on, let's go lay down on the bed and we will talk about this some more. I would hate for you to faint again and hurt yourself this time."

"Um can I get some clothes first? I'm really uncomfortable running around naked."

Jake smiled "You look beautiful doing it though."

Rylan went bright red. Seeing this Jake nuzzled her neck. He picked her up tenderly and carried her to his bed. "My mother brought in something for you to wear. Let me go get it." He paused looking down at her. "Are you going to try and sneak out?"

"No I'll stay if you are going to answer my questions." The thought of being properly clothed finally, appealed to her. No more running around in panties and a towel.

Jake jogged into his closet grabbed the first night gown his fingers touched. He came back to the bed and held up the nightgown for her to see. "How is this?"

"Um..." She didn't want to complain. Especially since she knew he could tear her apart if he wanted to, but she was hoping for something more along the lines of jeans and a t-shirt.

Guessing at her hesitancy he said, "Both of us could still use a couple hours sleep. I figured this would probably be more comfortable to sleep in."

Conceding to his logic, she pulled the nightie over her head.

Jake was disappointed to notice she had managed to pull the nightgown down her body and remove her towel with showing any skin. She looked up at him smugly.

"Okay, let's hear your questions."

"Um, I don't even know where to start. There is a lot I don't understand." Rylan was suddenly exhausted. She took a deep breath so she wouldn't start to cry. "What are you? Who are you? You said you're a Were, like a werewolf?"

He smiled, "Yes I am Jake Hamilton, the alpha of the Hamilton pack." She looked back at him, unfazed with his statement. "What about you, what is your name beautiful?"

Rylan debated whether to tell him he was crazy. Then again maybe she was the crazy one. She couldn't deny what she just saw though. Only in her wildest imagination could something like this take place. Here she was talking to a werewolf --and not just any werewolf, but the 'top dog'. Jake seemed to be sincere, so she decided to keep talking. "My name is Rylan Johnson."

"That's such a lovely name...Rylan. It fits you." He smiled. "What's your next question Rylan?"

"Why do you think I am a Were?"

"Because everyone one on this planet is. If you aren't a Were, what are you?" What the hell is going on? How can she not be a Were? She didn't look much different from the other females in his pack, other than being very tiny. All Weres from his pack, male and female, once they were fully-grown were at least six feet tall.

"I'm human. What do you mean everyone on this planet is a Were?"

Hugh mahn? She seemed to give him more questions than answers. "Just that. Every being, like me, on this planet started from the first Weres. It's kind of a long story but basically Weres evolved from being able to shift to seven different families of animal, to now being able to shift to only three. Which animal you shift to depends on your linage. You know if you parents were cats then you'll be a cat." Thinking that her parents must have abandoned her and she never learned what she was he asked, "So what other form do you shift to?"


"What? Not at all?"

"No. Human's can't change from this form." She motioned towards her body.


"Yeah, you're telling me. Okay so if I'm not on Earth, where am I? You said that everyone on this planet could change forms. On Earth, humans can't change forms."

"Right now you are at my house on my pack's land in the southern region of Gambia on the planet Torin."

Rylan couldn't stop her tears from falling this time. "How did I get here? How do I get home?" She looked up into his face. What will I do if I can't get back? What about my mom and the rest of my family? Sadness filled her.

Jake heart broke to see his mate so sad. "Don't cry beautiful. I'm here." He gathered her into his arms and gave her a big hug. "Don't cry." He pulled her head back and used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. He hated to be the cause of her sadness and hated that he was going to cause her more. "You are here because of me. You are my gift."

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MizTMizTover 12 years ago
I Missed This

when it posted, which is a shame. It really is a good story. The whole idea of Luna appearing to give the first human to a planet of Weres. What an original idea. I would love to read more of this and hope you post the next chapter soon!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Love it, love it, love it!!

WerewolfEnthusiastWerewolfEnthusiastalmost 13 years ago
loving it

i admit when i was reading this i was thinking of dorothy an the wizard of oz's truest statement "i dont think we're in kansas anymore toto!" but anyway totally loving this story keep up the brilliance

canndcanndalmost 13 years ago

interesting twist about a different planet. I hope future chapters can be a tiny bit longer, but I know it's deceiving b/c it takes alot of pages to fill a lit page. Looking forward to more.

lili82lili82almost 13 years ago

I love it!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I cant wait for more!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
a w e s o m e & its worth 5 STARS!!!

Such a great story so far.

I would really love to read more of this as soon as possible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Ok, WOW!!!!

Ok you have got to keep this going. I know how hard it can be to get chapters out but pleeeeeeaaaaase don't make me wait forever this story is amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love it, Love IT, LOVE IT!

You got me! LOL! I did NOT see that coming! Great job - please keep it coming!

Gemini_KnightGemini_Knightalmost 13 years ago
Didn't see that coming

Very interesting twist to the traditional were story. Keep going I 'm dying to know what happens next and how will Rylan and Jake deal with it all.

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