Lux Ex Tenebris Ch. 02


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The sun was about to set when Marsila walked in and informed me that I would be dining alone. I got up and walked to the bathroom. After cleaning myself and dressing up, I went back to the sofa where the food was already prepared and set on the table for me. I idly nibbled on the food and couldn't finish it as I had too much on my mind. I stood up and headed towards Vidor's study room, intending to do some reading there. The guard opened the door for me as there was no one there and I made my way to my spot. Sitting down on the nook, I tried to read but I couldn't. The room felt so wide and cold without Vidor's presence. It was probably close to midnight when I decided to go back to my room. After changing into my sleeping dress I lied down on the bed and wondering what was going on in the council hall. I was anxious for Vidor to return and I needed him by my side because my mind just wouldn't stop replaying the scene of my father's death, my last time in Lumien, and Vidor's revelation.

It was past midnight when the door opened. I sat up and saw Vidor closing the door behind him. My worries immediately went away when he came to approach me. He sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned down to kiss my lips deeply.

"I thought you would be sleeping by now,"

"I couldn't, I was waiting for you."

He caressed my cheek and grazed my lips with his thumb,

"I am leaving in a moment and I will return in 3 days."

I felt my heart crushed.

"Will you be okay?"

I managed to nod.

"Get some sleep now, it's late."

He kissed my lips again and whispered,

"My wife. My beautiful, strong wife. Wait for me."

I hugged him tightly for some time before releasing him.

"Stay safe, Vidor."

"I will."

He gave me one last kiss before leaving the room. When the door closed I buried my face in the pillow but the tears wouldn't run.


I filled the first 2 days with a lot of reading, fencing, archery and fishing on the lake behind the castle with my guards and Lorant. Bastian and Lucien began to ask about the culture and the people in Lumien and I happily explained it to them. It was a good distraction as my mind was a complete mess and I missed Vidor so much. On the third day I was more than anxious waiting for Vidor to return. I kept moving from my room to Vidor's study room to the library and back to my room as I couldn't stay in one place without feeling restless. When I moved again to the library and began to read, I decided to venture the part of the vast garden that I hadn't been to. Some fresh air might do good for me.

Lorant couldn't keep me company as he had a class to teach so it was only my guards and I. We strolled to the other part of the garden and found a lot of fruits ready to harvest. With Bastian and Lucien flew from trees to trees to take some fruits, we sampled each one of them while talking about their new favorite subject which was Lumieni delicacies. I was telling them something funny that made them laugh when they abruptly stopped laughing. I turned around to see the cause and saw Belial flying towards us. He landed not far from where I was standing and he bowed before me. He smiled at me and I immediately disliked him.

"It is such a beautiful afternoon, isn't it my Lady? Ah you are having some of our most delicious fruits, suitable for the lovely day."

This sudden friendliness was weird given the fact that we never talked before and it was not the culture of Tenebrians to make small talk. Concealing my suspicious look I forced a smile, that I hoped didn't look fake, and I politely answered,

"Yes, it's a beautiful afternoon, indeed. What brought you here, my Lord?"

"Oh I was roaming around, enjoying this day when I spotted you here. I had to see what our Queen is up to,"

"I am not your Queen yet my Lord, I have yet to be inaugurated."

He waved his hand as casual as he could,

"Non sense. You are married to our King thus technically you are our Queen."

I forced another smile and slightly nodded at him when he took out a sword that radiated the color silver from his cloak and swung it swiftly at Bastian and Lucien in one fluent move. I watched their heads easily slid off their necks.


The old man was fast. Before I got the chance to react he quickly put the sword back into his cloak. He then put his hand on my mouth and seized me on my waist with his other hand and flew really fast through the trees deep into the woods. I manage to land a punch under his chin but it was only strong enough for him to bump into a tree. That upset him and he purposely lowered me down so my body hit the next huge tree branch. It sure knocked the wind out of me. I struggled to be free from his grip but he was far too strong. I had no idea how far he flew us but he then flew down a cliff and dropped me on a protruded tree root that was large enough for me to move around.

"Belial, what is wrong with you?!"

"I will not have a human as my queen!"

"You don't want to do this! Think about what the King will do if he finds out what you've done!"


He lurched towards me like a madman, held my head with his hands and smashed my head to the rock cliff behind me. The world then turned black.




[Nope, no editor yet. But thank you for reading and stay tuned for more!]

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HM8485HM8485over 6 years ago

You write very well except for mostly the verb thing, and you are getting better. Like the cliff hanger end to this chapter!

Cute_HedgehogCute_Hedgehogalmost 11 years ago
Please update!

I think I'm your biggest fan ever! I've been waiting a really a long time for the next chapter, and every single day I go to to see what has been updated, but I don't see any new update. D'X Waaaaah!!! Please update new chapters soon, and I wish that this was a long series because, there aren't very many really good nonhuman stories, but this could definitely be a really amazing and long series! Thanks for creating this awesome story, from your loving fan,

Cute_Hedgehog xoxo

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Damn lol

I thought he was going to trick her into eating the poisonous fruit. Unexpected twist. I dig that.

Toxicity23Toxicity23almost 11 years agoAuthor
Update on the 3rd chapter

Hello everyone,

As of now I'm still working on the 3rd chapter of this installation and I must apologize because it's gonna take a while for me to upload it -life just gets in the way. Nevertheless I have no intention in abandoning this story so stay tuned and I thank you for reading and giving feedbacks either on here or through PMs!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

SO when is the next chapter,,get us hooked and then leave us hanging like this,,just not fair,lol,,,,soon i hope???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Simply amazing!

5 stars! Love this story, please continue! To the first anon about editing- the author is fine without it.

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaabout 11 years ago
Waiting on the next chapter,soon,lol

Great story,just not long enough and yes,,always a cliff hanger,lol,i dont see anything wrong with your writing,,keep up the good work,,,POST AGAIN SOON,PLEASE,,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Superb story

Ever since I chanced upon the first chapter of this story, I couldn't forget it because it don't just talk about sex and stuff. The element of love in this story is so great that I look forward to your next update. No other love stories could even match up to yours. Looking forward to the 3rd chapter. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The only problem I have with this the cliff hanger. I am so excited about this series and have really enjoyed it so far. I can't wait for the next chapter!! And ooooooo somebody's going to be feathered like a chicken!!! lol

mercy8774mercy8774about 11 years ago
You don't need an editor, keep writing

Ignore the last comment by "Anonymous" about needing an editor (that person is an asshole and very rude) because you don't need one.

Your writing and story telling is great. I cannot wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You NEED an editor! Take some pride in your writing, it won't fucking kill you to get some help with the editing.

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 11 years ago

Belial is going to get his. The King is going to de-feather him like he said he would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
No need

You don't need an editor. Just keep writing!

Your story is amazing and I, like many others, am very sucked in!

EdwarusEdwarusabout 11 years ago

Damn you and the cliffhanger

Reddestiny921Reddestiny921about 11 years ago

While I never regret any of my cliffhangers I know how the readers feel now, but that is a great place to stop. Really looking forward to the next chapter :D

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