Madam Emma Calls for Tea


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"I really like this strap." Madam Emma murmured to herself. "Nice sting, don't you think Tarek?"



"Er ... yes, ma'am. Very!"



"When we talk on the FL messenger app," Madam Emma remarked. "Sometimes a thread gets too long. I have told you before to start new threads when that happens, but you never do."




"Is your ass stinging, Tarek?" Madam Emma asked.

"Er ... yes, ma'am."

Madam Emma had paused, and I thought, mistakenly, that my spanking was over. Almost involuntarily my hands reached behind to soothe my smarting buttocks.

"Did I tell you that you can move, Tarek?" Madam Emma's tone was sharp, and annoyed.

"I am so sorry, ma'am. I am really sorry."

"Now don't move again, Tarek."







Once again Madam Emma paused. This time I remained still, having learnt my lesson. I could feel her hands examining her handiwork. My buttocks must have been a bright, crimson red with welts and bruises.

"Your butt is warmed up very nicely." She told me gleefully. "Since you are a brown Indian man, a pure red butt is hard to get, but I am sure Falicha will oblige nicely."

Ding dong!

Almost as soon as Madam Emma said her friend's name, the doorbell rang.

"Hmm." Madam Emma said. "That must be Falicha. The pizza is still about 30-40 minutes away."

It was Lady Falicha. While I had remained bent over on the chair, Madam Emma went to open the door. I heard the two friends greet each other. There was some laughter, and then they both entered the living room.

"Ah, Tarek." Lady Falicha laughed. "So nice to ... er ... see you ... like this. Bent over, ass up, getting a beating!"

"I am sure you can make that ass ever redder, Falicha." Madam Emma told her friend.

"Hmm. I am sure I will." Lady Falicha laughed. "That's how I like my men. Naked, with a red bum!"

"Er ... my lady." I addressed Lady Falicha. "Permission to get up and greet you, please."

"Permission granted." Lady Falicha replied. "Good that you asked, Tarek. I might give you one less slap because of this!"

I stood up. My knees creaked in sudden protest as I moved after being in the same position for so long, and then turned around to face the ladies.

Lady Falicha was as I remembered. She was a big lady, not only tall, but bulky, and chunky. She also had a pretty big ass. In kink terms, she would be what you may call a PAWG. I knew that she also had firm hands, and a stamina and mood to match her domineering nature.

"My lady." I was a bit puzzled. Normally I would have greeted her with a hug, but here I was, naked and being punished. What was the protocol here? Lady Falicha seemed to guess my confusion. She beckoned me to come closer with a curled finger.


"Tarek, my dear." Lady Falicha said, patting my cheek softly where she had just slapped me. "When you are naked, in service, and getting punished, the protocol to greet another lady is to kneel down, bend over, and kiss my feet."

"Thank you, my lady."

Prostrating myself, I immediately kissed Lady Falicha's right foot. I pressed my lips to her ankles, and then kissed the area just above the toes, and then kissed her big toe. I repeated the action with her left foot. I then remained like that, kneeling, waiting to see, hopefully, if she would beckon me to stand up and give her a hug. Instead, she raised her right hand and caught my left ear in a vice like grip.

I remained at her feet as Lady Falicha punished me by pulling my ear.

"Emma tells me you like this." She laughed, as she pinched my earlobes before tugging my ear. "Ok, Tarek, go and get me a glass of cold water, honey."

"Er ... yes, my lady."

As I stood up and made my way into the kitchen, I heard Lady Falicha and Madam Emma seating down on the sofa and talking softly. Their voices were low, but I had very good ears.

"... it's true, you think ...?" Lady Falicha was talking about something. "I always felt he made it up."

"I think it's true." It was Madam Emma who replied. "The details. The consistency. And his account ... so raw ..."

"He could just be a good writer." Lady Falicha replied. "Two maids ... for years ... and no one gets caught? I think ..."

I didn't know what they were talking about, but by now I had filled a glass with cold water. I covered it with a small coaster and took it back to the living room, where the women stopped talking as I entered, looking at me. As was my role, I knelt beside Lady Falicha and presented her the glass.

"Very good, Tarek," Lady Falicha said, taking the glass and taking a sip. As she drunk the water, she glanced at me.

"You seem to have gained a couple of pounds, luv." She grinned. "A little busy to go to the gym nowadays?"

"Oh yes, my lady." I couldn't meet her gaze in shame. "I am working on that now."

"No worries." Lady Falicha waved a hand. "Not my concern. I am just commenting on it. This winter hasn't been kind to all of us."

"You look lovely as always, Lady Falicha." I replied. "You actually look even more attractive than before; I kid you not."

Lady Falicha gently raised her hand and caught hold of my right ear.

"Flattery, my dear Tarek, will get you anywhere!" She giggled, before giving my ear a firm twist. "Lying on the other hand ... will just make me put you over my lap and spank that big, fat, ass of yours!"

"Oh, no ... Lady Falicha! I am not lying." I protested, as Lady Falicha continued to twist and pull my ear, while Madam Emma giggled. "You really look lovely ... as always! Both of you!"

Lady Falicha let go of my ear and finished her glass. I took it and placed it away. I remained kneeling beside their feet.

"Tarek, stand up." Lady Falicha suddenly ordered. "Stand beside me."

"Yes, my lady."

I noticed that ever since Lady Falicha had entered, Madam Emma was taking the backseat and letting her friend drive the play. Lady Falicha reached out and cupped one of my balls in her hand.

"A bit full of cum, aren't you, my dear?" She mocked, as Madam Emma giggled again.

"Er ... yes, my lady."

"All males should have full balls and empty heads." Lady Falicha murmured, as she rolled my testicles in her hand. "Nature herself designed them that way. Just let your thoughts go into your swollen balls and let the ladies take the decisions."

"Amen to that." Madam Emma laughed. "Too bad Tarek doesn't have a permanent mistress. He needs one to mold him into the submissive create he truly is. What do you say, Tarek?"

"Er ... ma'am ..." I croaked, and both the ladies laughed.

"Well, now that we are in charge, we are the mistresses that he needs." Lady Falicha said, "It's a pity the pizza is still not here. This means, my dear Tarek, your punishment goes on."

"Er ... ma'am, my lady." I addressed my hostess and her guest. "I am ready to serve you in any capacity, as always."

"Look at his teenie weenie." Lady Falicha grinned. "It's dribbling. He's so excited, the poor boy!"

The two ladies laughed again. Lady Falicha continued to play with my balls, leading me to get harder and harder. I finally decided to ask a question.

"My lady. Ma'am." I said, addressing both of them. "May I be allowed to ask a question?"

Madam Emma nodded, and Lady Falicha also nodded in the affirmative.

"In all these years, none of you ladies have ever touched my ... um ... balls-"

"Do you not like us doing this?" Lady Falicha interrupted me.

"Oh, no, I didn't mean that." I hastily added. "I just wanted-"

"You should be glad I am touching your filthy balls." Lady Falicha told me. "Now, I think it's time for your punishment, dear."

Apparently, the discussion was over. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"Er ... yes, as you say, my lady."

"Tarek, I want you to go down on the carpet." Madam Emma ordered me quietly. "Go on your haunches - on all fours - and bow down and stay like that. Head down, ass sharply up. Stay in position until Falicha is done with you."

"Yes, ma'am."

Dreading what was to come, I slowly walked over to the carpet in the middle of the living room and assumed the position on the floor. Kneeling down, bending over, and then lowering my head so my buttocks was now raised.

"I am disappointed at some of your conduct, Tarek." Lady Falicha's voice was cold, without any sympathy as she stood up and walked to where I was standing. "We had a good time at the last party. And yet ... you waited two whole days before you sent a message thanking me."

She was talking about something that happened over one and a half years ago!

"I am very sorry, my lady." I apologized meekly. "I should have messaged you sooner."

"I am going to give you twenty, or maybe twenty-five, strokes, Tarek, but I warn you, it will be a little harder than you have experienced from me in the past." Lady Falicha continued. "I know you don't like to be caned, and you may find it painful, but I have decided that this is what you need. Your conduct as a slave towards your lady friends, and especially your promptness in returning emails and messages, needs to be improved."

I heard Lady Falicha take out a cane from Madam Emma's bag. I felt the soft and smooth skin of her hand on my bottom as she braced herself.


It was a firm, and very hard stroke. And delivered with absolutely no warm up.

"Don't move, Tarek." Lady Falicha warned. "Otherwise, I will increase the strokes."


"Er ... yes, my lady."

I had already been punished prior to her arrival, and my poor butt was stinging by now. The cane was gently tapping at my left ass cheek.


This stroke was like nothing I had ever felt before. I gasped and gripped the fibres of the carpet as hard as I could to stop myself rising up. The pain seemed to eat in deeper and intensify as the full effect of the cane made itself felt, before gradually fading to an intense burning.




"Ow!" I had to cry out. That was a hard stroke. "I am so sorry, my lady."

"Now that's a clever boy. Only 6 strokes in and he has already realized I can hurt him worse than he had imagined. He is very sorry." Lady Falicha threw her head back and laughed. "Now, imagine my dear, how much it will hurt once I reach 25. Or 30."



"The last time we asked you to be our waiter," Madam Emma said, as Falicha paused her caning for a bit, "You just left the dishes in the sink. You were supposed to load them into the dishwasher."

"I am sorry, ma'am."



"He also needs to ask us whether we need a refill for our drinks." Lady Falicha added. "I always have to beckon him to get me another glass of drink."

"He should be ..."



"... hanging around us ..."



"... waiting to ask us ..."



"... whenever our glasses are empty!"



"He's a good and willing slave, but he needs to learn fast too."



Lady Falicha continued caning me hard and fast.



"I am going to strike even harder, dear" Lady Falicha warned me, as she assumed her position again. "If you move out of position, there will be consequences. Understood, Tarek?"

"Yes, my lady," I whimpered in dread.



"As an Indian boy, I know there is some differences in our cultures, and you had to get used to serving us white ladies." Lady Falicha admonished me. "But we have played long enough for you to know our likes and dislikes. I don't need to repeat them each time!"



"But I find that you rarely take the effort to remember and have to be reminded every time."



"The last time we attended a play party, you forgot to arrange the Uber ride for us." Madam Emma said. "It is not our duty to do it. As a slave, it's yours."



"He is often late to the parties too." Lady Falicha added. "We will be there for ten minutes, without a slave, until he shows up!"



My grip on the fibres of the rug increased and my knuckles showed white as I fought with the urge to leap up.



The pain was so intense that I didn't think I could stay down, but I didn't want to disappoint my mistresses. There was already the perception that as an Indian man I couldn't take a beating as well as a white servant man could, and I didn't want to prove that to them. These white ladies always kindly involved me in their play, and I was very grateful to them for it. I didn't want my beating to end before they were ready to end it.

"It's a work of art watching you cane Tarek, Falicha." Madam Emma said in an admiring tone. "And Tarek always look so cute trying not to bawl his eyes out as you toast his butt."

Lady Falicha paused, and I felt her cup my balls in her hand again. I moved slightly, as my ass tingled.

"Oh, stop squirming, Tarek!" Lady Falicha grinned. "As I said, you should be thanking me for touching your filthy balls."

"Er ... thank you, my lady."

"I love this shade of blue on your welts. It matches your aching blue balls."

Once again both the ladies laughed. I heard Lady Falicha position herself again.

"The next stroke will be the hardest you have received so far, Tarek," Lady Falicha told me in her most authoritative voice. "I expect you to remain in position until I give you permission to rise. Is that understood?"

"Er ... yes, my lady," I nodded.

I braced myself, tightening my grip on the mat, as I felt the cane gently tapping my upturned burning bottom.


It was devastatingly hard. Once again, a searing white-hot line of fire sank sickeningly deep into the tender flesh of my bottom. I lost control of my hands as I nearly shrieked in pain. I almost half arose, before I managed to wrestle control of my body. I forced my hands back down, lowering my torso back onto the floor, as I tried to cope with the agony that was still blooming in the wake of the cane stroke.

"You may rise, sweetie." Lady Falicha told me, after what seemed an eternity.

Slowly I stood up. My ass was blistering and stinging, and yet I didn't dare rub it. I gently turned around to face my two mistresses.

To my surprise, both Lady Falicha and Madam Emma was standing, and smiling. I had expected a stern and scolding look from them, and yet they were smiling kindly and happily at me. Lady Falicha actually spread out her arms.

"Come here, Tarek." She praised me. "Sweetie, you did very well. You need a hug."

Suddenly, all my bottled-up tears, the way I had controlled my anguish through the punishment, the way I had grimaced and borne the pain, all of it came tumbling down. I rushed across to give Lady Falicha a warm hug.

I forgot that I was a naked Indian man, and these were two fully clothed white ladies. I forgot how my hostess had stripped me and slapped me and spanked me, and then her guest had caned me. I forgot the humiliating feeling of each slap, each spank, each strike of the cane. All I knew was that I was lost in the moment as I wrapped my arms around Lady Falicha, and lost myself in her embrace.

"There, there." Lady Falicha lovingly stroked my head with one hand, while her other hand gently rubbed my poor bottom, now full of welts and bruises as a result of her caning.

I continued to hug her, my relief palpable at my punishment ending, as Lady Falicha gently kissed me once on each cheek. My dick painfully throbbed and pushed out. Lady Falicha calmly ignored my manhood poking her, and stroked my head and ran her hands through my hair again, before finally letting go of me.

"Tarek, come here, darling." This time it was Madam Emma who called out to me.

I hugged Madam Emma far longer than I usually did. I felt her hands lovingly rub my bottom. No doubt my bottom was now covered in a series of welts that ware causing me raw biting pain. Madam Emma tenderly caressed my ass, with each move she swirled and moved her hands around, jiggling my butts, giving me some calm relief.



I got a warm kiss on each cheek from Madam Emma.

"I didn't think you could take the whole punishment, Tarek." She laughed. "Falicha and were discussing when you would ask for mercy."

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang again.

"Ah, that must be the pizza." Madam Emma turned to get her purse and head to the main door. "I will get the pizza. Tarek, be a dear and help Falicha set up in the dining room."

"Yes, ma'am."

I turned to Lady Falicha.

"My lady, shall I be permitted to put on my clothes for dinner?"

Lady Falicha looked at me, raised one eyebrow, and sported a mischievous smile.

"Why, my dear Tarek?" She asked. "Do you think playtime is over?"

"Er ... my lady, I thought..."

"We will have dinner now." Lady Falicha stated. "Then, after dinner, we will see if we are in the mood to play some more. And if you are ready, then ..."

A slow smile lit up my face.

"Oh, my lovely lady, I am, and will always be, ever ready ... to play ... and be your slave!"

It was going to be an interesting dinner.

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spankedboyspankedboy8 days agoAuthor

@anon, thanks for the comment.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Very real. . raw... short and nice! Great wank.

spankedboyspankedboy15 days agoAuthor

@anon thanks for the comment. There is a reason it feels real!

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

This feels so raw, so real! A local bdsm scene described perfectly! Please continue this series.

spankedboyspankedboy20 days agoAuthor

Thanks for the comment!

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

I almost consider your works as fine works of literature. I am sure only a very intellectual, intelligent and sophisticated man can have this taste in sexuality. The one theme that is always common in each of your stories is a man getting degraded, humiliated, beaten and insulted by powerful buxom women but also shown tenderness by that Goddess. I will continue visiting your stories dear friend... So well written these are.

spankedboyspankedboy4 months agoAuthor

lol all caps.

Look I will bring Vidya when I feel like it. Bye for now.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


spankedboyspankedboy5 months agoAuthor

@anon, thanks for the comment.

@nirana, :-)

@anon not sure when.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

hey what is happening with the neetu bhola trilogy can we expect it in next 2 months? loved this one!!!

NiranaNirana5 months ago

Really nice! Thanks! I wish I had a community/mistresses like that!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wow, Another Femdom story.

This is amazing, hoping another long femdom series.

spankedboyspankedboy5 months agoAuthor

Hi anon. Don't ask me about what happened to this series or that series. This is a hobby, not a profession. If I get to it, I get to it. Reserve the comments on a story to that story please. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hey what happened to summer of Indian aunty series.

You have not uploaded any new parts for that

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