Madison Ch. 02


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She came out I heard her put stuff into her suitcase, but I didn't look at her. She said something and I didn't catch what she said so I looked away from the TV to ask her what she said. She was standing there in a men's t-shirt that just covered her pussy and ass. I just sat there staring at her with my mouth hanging open.

She looked down and asked "What? Is there a stain?"

She pulled the hem up and I could see the front of her panties. They were a shiny cream color and they were riding low just above her pussy. I still sat there mute, my eyes glued to her crotch. She looked down and giggled.

"Pervert" she whispered, but she didn't drop the shirt.

I pulled my eyes away and looked up at her. "Huh?"

"Staring at your big sister's panties, you're a pervert." She taunted, but still hadn't dropped her shirt.

My eyes were drawn to the little cleft at the crotch of her panties and I could imagine her bald pussy lips in there. My cock had ballooned to its full angry hardness as I stared. Madison slowly lowered her shirt to cover herself and I looked back at her face. She had a small sexy smile on her face.

"Are you going to get ready for bed?" Madison asked.

"Uh, I didn't expect that we would be sleeping in the same room let alone the same bed and I didn't bring any pajamas." I said.

Madison laughed "Just sleep in your boxers."

"OK" I said.

I got out of bed and nervously removed my clothes. I started with my shoes and socks and followed up with my shirt. Now was the moment of truth. I had to remove my pants and I still had a raging hard-on. I unbuckled the belt and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. I glanced at Madison and she was watching me intently. For some reason she was holding onto the hem of her shirt. I let my pants drop and my dick was freed and stuck straight out under my boxers. There was a huge wet spot from pre-come and I know I blushed. I turned to look at Madison and her hands began to creep back up with the hem of her shirt. As soon as I could see the crotch peeking out she let go of the hem.

Madison turned and went into the bathroom. I turned out the lights and TV and got in bed. I heard the toilet flush and the water run and Madison came out. It was very dark in the room.

"Oh, the lights are out" she said.

"Why don't you crack the bathroom door and leave the lights on in there so we don't kill ourselves tonight" I suggested.

"That's a good idea" she agreed.

She slid into the other side of the bed and was still for a few minutes. Then I felt her roll over.

"Pete, are you awake?" my sister whispered from the other side of the bed.

"Yes" I answered.

"I don't sleep well without contact" she said "can I snuggle up to you?"

"Sure" I said.

She scooted over and I stretched my arm out assuming she would lie with her head on my shoulder. She stopped and pushed my arm out of her way.

"Can we spoon?" she whispered.

"OK, me in the front?" I was really hoping that's what she wanted; otherwise my white hot, rock hard rod was going to be poking her in her ass all night.

"No, you goof; I want you to hold ME." She said softly.

"Oh, ok" I said, "Uhhh, yyou kkknnnoww..."

"Don't worry, I know what you're worried about and it'll be OK." She said.

I rolled on my side and she just jammed her ass up against my cock. I think I knew what heaven and hell felt like in that moment. She reached back and grabbed my arm and pulled it over her and under her tits. I just hoped she would lay still; otherwise she would get a BIG wet surprise.

As I lay there, I could feel my heart pounding and Madison had to feel it, too. The bigger problem was that I could feel my pulse in my cock and I didn't want Madison thinking I was flexing it into her ass, as much as I wanted to. I thought maybe I could relieve the pressure a little by backing my hips off, just enough that my dick wasn't pressed into her. I tried to move so she wouldn't really feel the movement and not realize I had backed away. It took a couple of minutes but I finally had some separation. I could feel cooler air on my crotch and less heat on my brain.

Apparently, Madison likes her ass to be warm, because as soon as I was finding relief her ass bumped back into me and she made sort of a satisfied sighing sound. She also pulled my arm tighter around her. I was trapped and I didn't feel like I would get any sleep in my highly aroused state. I figured I could wait her out, she'd fall asleep and then I could get some relief.

As we lay there, I was trying to be still and trying not to concentrate on her ass. I was finally drifting off and I thought I felt her ass twitch around my dick. I lay there for a minute and thought that it was my imagination, until I felt it again, just a little harder. OK, my dick definitely felt it that time and, to my horror, responded in kind. I tried to think of baseball stats even though that never works for me.

Madison's twitch had turned into a tiny squeeze and my flex had turned into a tiny thrust. We squeezed and thrust against each other for quite a while. Then Madison's tiny squeeze morphed into a squeeze and thrust and my tiny thrust grew into a no doubt thrust. Madison suddenly pushed away from me and I froze. I thought I was in trouble for misreading what was going on. I could see her outline under the covers and she was squirming around. The bed shook from her squirming and I hoped I wasn't in trouble.

Madison moved back towards me under the covers. She gently bumped her ass against my dick, which had wilted in my terror. She reached back again and grabbed my arm and pulled it over her. To my delight and amazement, she was naked. My chest rubbed against her back and her skin was warm and silky smooth. My sister pulled my hand to her breast and I found her nipple. I gently pinched it between my thumb and forefinger and was rewarded with a little moan. She ground her hips back into mine and I thrust deeply towards her. She pulled my hand from her breast and I started to protest. I stopped when she pulled my hand down to her little pussy. She didn't have panties on any more, either. She reached behind her and grabbed the waistband of my boxers. I didn't need another hint and quickly removed my shorts.

I guided my hard cock between her soft cheeks and shivered at the contact. I pressed down so that the head of my dick was between her legs. I could feel her heat and wetness on my cock. I started slowly and smoothly dragging the head of my cock between her little butthole and her pussy. I put my hand back on her tit as I rocked to and fro with my cock. This was turning me on so much that I was getting a little tingle in the small of my back. I think Madison liked it, too, because she was moaning and cooing as I sawed my dick between us. Between my pre-come and her wetness it felt like our sexes were bathed in warm oil. It was sensational, and I hadn't even been in her pussy yet.

I alternated between her tits with my attention. I was rubbing, stroking and pinching and she had put her hand lightly on the back of mine. She just followed every movement of my hand with hers. This was soft, sweet, sexy and loving. I leaned forward and kissed her shoulder and neck.

"How you feelin'?" I whispered.

"Mmmmm oooohh" was all I got back.

I slid our hands down to her pussy and gently found her clit. I put some pressure on it and she hummed some more. I could tell she really liked that. I just made little circles on and around her clit for a little while. Pretty soon, she pushed on the back of my hand like she wanted me to press into her harder. I did that and she moaned her approval. I kept up a steady pace with my cock and between the tingling, rubbing and stroking I was getting close.

"Sis?" I whispered.

"Hmmm?" she answered.

"I'm gonna cum and it's gonna be big" I said. "Could you come with me?"

"Uhhh-huhhh" and she pressed her hand harder onto mine.

I didn't change anything else and she started to shake and quiver with her orgasm. Her spasms sent me over the edge and I started spurting between her legs and it continued for some time. My heart was pounding and I felt light-headed. I had never come like this before and we were soaked. I stopped spurting and stopped rocking into her. I was still caressing her pussy and finally she pulled my hand away. She pulled my hand to her mouth and kissed it and licked our juices off. That made my dick jump and I realized I was still hard.

When she was done cleaning up our hands she pulled my hand down under her breast and pulled my arm tighter around her. She also pushed back with her ass and wiggled at little. Since I was still hard, I decided to see if she wanted some more. I started rocking back into her and she made a contented little sound. I just kept rocking and pretty soon by her breathing I could tell she was asleep. I pushed one last time and just lay there with my dick between her legs. I had never felt anything like this before, and I thought of Madison describing her feelings for Victoria.

"Bliss, that's what this must be" I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke sometime later to the feeling that I was in water. I opened my eyes and tried to remember where I was sleeping. I felt something going on with my dick and looked down to see Madison with a washcloth washing my dick and balls. She must have sensed that I was awake and looked up to see me looking at her.

"Hi" she said shyly. "We were really sticky and yucky and I cleaned myself up and thought you might like to be cleaned up also."

She was kneeling at my side and had obviously taken a shower because her hair was wrapped in a towel. You know that turban thing that women do mystifies me. I can't even get one to stay around my waist and they have this exotic wrap on their heads that doesn't move unless they want it to move. Weird.

Anyway, she was washing me with a warm washcloth and it felt pretty good. Evidently, it felt good to my dick, too, because it was starting to show an interest. She ignored the evidence of her effect on me and just kept washing. When she finished she got up and walked back to the bathroom. Did I mention that the turban was all she had on? Oh, yeah. This was the first time I had seen her completely naked and she was breathtaking. This was my sister? Wow!

"Madison?" I said.

She stopped and turned and I saw her breasts in the light for the first time. "Yes?"

"Do you know you're beautiful?" I asked.

She blushed from her head to her toes. Really, I saw the flush start at her scalp and race down her body to her toes. It was very cute....and very, very hot.

"That's your dick talking" she said and turned to complete her trip to the bathroom.

"Well, I know he agrees, but that's not why I said that." I explained. "I know I've never said anything like that to you before and you think it's because of the sex...."

"Almost sex" she interrupted.

"OK, almost sex" I laughed. "And it is....but it isn't. When you started telling me about your, yesterday, it changed the way I looked at you. Don't take this the wrong way, but until yesterday I didn't even realize you were a woman..."

"All right, how could I not take THAT the wrong way?" she interrupted again, laughing.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry, what I meant was you were my sister. Maybe I said that wrong. I knew you were a woman, but as my sister I didn't look at you like I look at other women, you were just my sis." I was botching this badly and she stayed in the bathroom. "After yesterday, I started looking at you as a woman and I realized that, My God you're beautiful, and cute and sexy and hot and, and, and Shit, I'm sorry and I love you."

Madison came out of the bathroom and the turban was gone and she was still naked, and crying.

She crawled over the bed to me and gave me a big hug. "Pete, that's the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me. I love you, too."

I lay down with her and just held her and she snuggled up to my side. I had my arm around her and my hand was lightly cupping her breast. My cock was standing straight up and she reached out and grasped it lightly in her little fist. She stroked a little and I moaned.

She said "You know, we've had almost sex, but we haven't had sex. Do you want to fuck me?"

"No" I said.

"Wwwhat?" her voice trembled.

"I want to make love to you properly" I whispered as I leaned down and kissed her as a lover.

My big sister melted into my arms and we just kissed tenderly for a few minutes. I gently stroked her breast and teased her nipple to its full height. I kissed her chin, I kissed her eyes, I kissed her cheeks, ears, throat (that made her purr), shoulders, arms, breasts, breasts again, breasts again, her ribs, and I stuck my tongue in her belly button to see how tuned into Victoria she really was and she squirmed a little. I made my way down to my objective, her sweet pussy. I kissed all around her pussy and she started to open like a flower. It was beautiful to watch. I kissed and started licking all around, but I didn't touch her pussy. I looked up at her and she was watching me intently. I dabbed my tongue to her pussy and tasted her for the first time. She lurched a little when the tip of my tongue touched her. I looked up at her again and her eyes were closed.

I placed my thumbs on each side of her pussy and pulled and she opened the rest of the way. She was shimmery and shiny and dripping in anticipation. I started at the bottom of her pussy and just touched her with tiny little licks. Every time I touched her it was like a jolt of electricity had run from my tongue into her lips. Her pussy was so ready to be touched it looked like it was breathing. The lips were so full that they were pulsing with the beat of her heart. I licked and lapped and nipped her lips and she had started moaning and trying to push into my face. I got back to the top of her pussy and her clit had shown its face completely. It was like it was looking for me and I put my lips on it and sucked gently. Madison screamed and started bucking her hips in a massive orgasm. She bounced around the bed for a couple of minutes while I tried to stay with her. She finally calmed down and reached down and tugged at my shoulders to pull me up to her. I lay down next to her and looked into her smiling face.

"Wow!!!" she said "Where did you learn that?"

"Like I told you yesterday, I don't get to do very much. So I had to learn to enjoy what I get to do." I said.

"Come here" and she pulled me on top of her. "Love me just a little?"

"Not a little, a lot" and I kissed her.

I pushed into her slowly and gently. She was so wet and I was so hard that we slid together like we were made to be together. I rocked into her and just held it here for a minute.

"What?" my big sister asked "Is something wrong?"

"No" I said "It's really right. I thought I felt bliss last night and I wasn't even in you. This, this is bliss."

I leaned down and kissed her and started slowly moving inside her. Up and down, in and out no matter what I did, my cock felt like it was encased in a warm velvet glove. We started moving in concert seeking each other's core. It felt like we had been doing this all our lives, this was just so right. I pushed deep into Madison and she put her hands on my ass and pulled me down and held me down. I stayed deep inside her and she started working the muscles deep inside of her. I felt everything she was doing. She locked her ankles around my hips to keep me there and then pulled my head down for another deep kiss. Her hips started rotating and my cock swirled around inside her. I felt the beginning of my orgasm deep in my belly and I pulled my lips from hers.

"I'm going to come soon" I whispered and kissed her again.

Madison rolled us over and sat on top of me. She kept rotating her hips and was grinding her pelvis into mine, she threw her head back as I reached up and caressed her breasts. I teased her nipples and she looked back down at me.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming" she squealed as she squirmed on top of me.

I unleashed my load deep inside her as she came with me. She collapsed on top of me and lay still. I stroked her hair and kissed her neck.

"Oh my god, sis, that was amazing." I told her as I held her tight, her breasts squashed on my chest.

She started giggling "I think I need another shower."

"Yeah, I do too." I agreed.

We went into the shower together. I washed her hair and back and she washed my back and butt. I licked and bit her a little, but there was no more sex.

We got into the van and headed south for the rest of our trip. We talked about everything but sex for the rest of the trip. As we got to Tampa she pulled out the map to Mom's apartment. This trip and our time together was rapidly coming to a close.

"Madison" I started.

"Yeah, Pete?" she said absently, while looking at the map.

I didn't respond and she looked up at me. "Pete, it's OK. The trip's over, but, it's not over. We will get together soon, I promise."

"OK, sis, you know I love you more than anything, right? I don't want anything to get between us, even if I have to give up sex with you." I said.

"I know, Pete, I know. But that isn't going to happen." Madison said as we pulled up in front of Mom's apartment.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
added humor

Running into sister outside the room followed by the spontaneous laughter that made the approaching couple wary of them is a great addition to this chapter. Then the bar/meal episode was really a great addition to this story. I like stories that include humor, and I laughed for a fairly long period. Hopefully the rest of the chapters have some more humor. This has been a great story so far. Thank you!!!!!!!!

David48David48about 14 years ago

Is NOT a date with a lawyer. When you find out something absolutely amazing about someone close to you, and it changes every opinion you ever had about that person, except for the main then you have trust, plain and simple. Those kind of stories NEVER get old...Good show kid...

marklionmarklionabout 15 years ago
Great Second Chapter!!!

The first chapter was good and the second chapter was great. I like it the way you describe the sex between the brother and a sister at the end of the chapter. I also like the way you had the sister describing her sexual exploits with their husband, her lover, her sister and the attorney. I can hardly wait to see you what you do in the third chapter of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Let's See a Part 3

Let's see a part 3 where the other sister gets involved also please. Based on the first two parts it could be equally as hot.

oldwayneoldwayneover 15 years ago
Really good tale.

I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing a really good tale.

stevaroonistevarooniover 15 years ago
Excellent work, and interesting throughout

Beautiful work. I loved the build-up of the first chapter, and then quite a bit of build-up in the second. Sure, sure, the dissatisfied spouses segueing into swinging is kind of cliché, but well-written. Great descriptions to boot.

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