Magical Night in the Sky Bus


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I dropped him and then Heather off, she made some vague plans for us all to get together soon. I was sure she was just being nice. Instead of going home we all went to Sammy's small apartment. Even though I knew why she'd want us to go there. Even though I remembered being with her and Faye, it was still different. Different in the light of day as it were. But a little nervousness didn't stop us, and by the end I knew it would be something we'd be doing for a long time.

If not forever. Me, my sister, and one of my best friends.


Epilogues - You don't need to read them. You can just be happy with how I ended it, but it explains some things. They aren't totally in chronological order.

Epilogue 1

When we did it in Samantha's brightly adorned bed in her tiny apartment I noticed it, when we did it again before lunch I was fairly certain, and after getting back from a fun Halloween party I knew for sure. Two things. The first was that my stamina was vastly increased. I don't have to claim to be a woman pleaser here. The times before I don't think I ever got a woman off by penetration alone. Afterwards, after the bus, well I only had to do oral stuff for fun. The second was that I was throwing a lot of heat each and every time we did it. Sure having Faye and Sam was something to be really turned on about, which might explain my ease to get an erection, but that couldn't explain why I came such a vast amount of cum each and every time. It didn't explain how they were so deliciously wet, like running down their thighs and leaving large pizza sized spots on the sheets.

And... I was bigger, not gigantically so but I knew my own dick and it was at least 25% thicker and longer.

I stayed bigger forever but over the months that followed my ejaculations sizes dialed down to something in the realm of believability. Still... more. I always had plenty, but it was believable. Even though I never fooled myself into thinking that nothing strange had happened up there.

Epilogue 2

Faye's mom approved of us dating! Dating but not so much moving in together just a couple weeks later. She got solace in that she could tell her friends that Faye was living with my sister, not her boyfriend. I think our mom thought it was weird that we were all in the small one bedroom apartment, but I don't think dad registered it at all.

Epilogue 3

Keith knocked up Elisha on their third date. I guess she hadn't ever gone on birth control, too embarrassed to ask her parents. Which even Faye had done with her strict parent. Elisha's dad "forced" him to come work for him, which was great for Keith because he was always upset with making decisions and had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He got a decent job and the real prospects of management, he got a wife, and they had perfectly healthy kids. Yes kids! Triplets!

Epilogue 4

Heather left town a couple weeks later, we never hung out as she said. Of course it took us a while to hear the rumor that she was gone, don't know why she left but I knew she was going to be happier whenever she ended up.

Epilogue 5

Something I left out of the main story. As Faye was riding me at the end of the night, I looked over her and Sammy's shoulders. Across the bus I saw Keith with a look on his face that I wasn't sure was pain or pleasure. Heather was still riding him, but they had shifted so he was almost laying down on the bench. His head and one shoulder was still up on the backrest. In that moment of distraction I saw they were both glistening with sweat, or I thought it was just that. Because Keith let out a noise like he did the one time his kid sister accidentally tossed a soda can into his crotch. A deep prolonged wheeze. Heather responded with nods, laughs.

"Fifteen! Fifteen for you and five for me!" She said as she lifted off, Keith nodding his head in miserable verification of her count. His dick slapped against his stomach, as hard as mine was. His head pressed back into the seat, as he ejaculated, spasms making him collapse fully into the seat. Shot after shot of his cum ejected out of him, up his stomach and chest, hit him in the chin by how he turned his head away. "You keep cuming for me! Oh god I'm so fucking hot that you... KEEP... COMING... FOR... ME!" Reaching down to milk more out of him, not caring that she was showering him with his own seed. A big grin on her beautiful face she sat back down on his dick while it was still oozing. "YES! Still so hard!"

I was distracted by what was going on, literally in my lap, but it wasn't too much later before it happened again. Heather rubbing her hands all over my friend's stomach and chest, lathering him with his own cum. He let out the strained wheeze, she rode him, shouted the score was sixteen to five. Coming off him a little late, her pussy dripping with his cum, but he still had more to splatter over the both of them. Too much. Impossibly much.

When Faye, Samantha, and I collapsed in a heap to fall asleep... Heather and Keith were still going at it.

Epilogue 6

I was deep asleep. So deep that it was like a dream more than reality. I think I was dreaming that I was being taken Trick or Treating, led by the hand from house to house. Only it was away from the warmth of the two women I loved. Out into what was colder by comparison autumn day.

"Gordon!" A voice that was not mom's brought me out, as well as me tripping over a backpack.

"Huh?" My where and when came back to me, but not the who. Even after everything my brain refused to believe that this was Heather Fucking Lancaster, who was naked and pulling me atop her. Looking over my shoulder, knowing I should be with Faye and Sammy, they were asleep and now clinging to each other. "Wha?"

"I need one more. From you!" And still sort of thinking it a dream I nodded, of course this wasn't real, but even dream fucking Heather Lancaster was something I couldn't pass up on. "You clearly need it too!"

"Yeah," I supposed I did because I was (still?) hard.

"There! YES!" She was wetter than anything I'd ever been in before, she still moaned like she wasn't totally saturated with my friend's cum, moaned like she hadn't had it in ages. I groaned, grabbing her tits and thrusting myself into her as hard and fast as I could. Such amazing tits I remember thinking as I slammed inside her over and over, rocking the bus. Looking around to see if anybody else was seeing this, me fucking Heather Lancaster! Keith did! He was in a heap (Naked for some reason? Not really remembering anything before Heather pulled me away from my two loves.) but he was watching me with wide eyes, looking so pale in the lowlight of the moon coming in the windows. "Gordon! I'm gonna come but keep going! Keep going! COMING SO GOOD!"

I did, not because she said so but because mine seemed so far away. Far away but I wanted it! I wanted to be able to brag to all my friends that I fucked Heather Lancaster. That I raw dogged her and came inside a pussy that (I thought then) only jocks had gotten before. I think... It's just another crazy thing of that night but I think I fell asleep. I "came too" as she ran her fingernails down my back, luckily too weak from the hours of sex she'd probably been having by then to do much damage.

"YES! TWO! KEEP GOING!" And then moments or minutes later. "GORDON! YOU FUCKING FAT DICKED ANIMAL! THREE! KEEP GOING!" Three orgasms, god how I would brag! Feeling myself thrusting away, hard! So fucking hard! Trying to get to my eruption. Fog of us grunting and moaning before, "Four! You fucking beast! FOUR!" Darkness that was just me humping away. "FIVE! FUCK ME!" And there was, "SIX!" and finally, "SEVEN! IF YOU DON'T CUM NOW YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME WITH YOUR PERFECT DICK!"

I did come, inside her a good three or four huge splurts. Then I pulled out of her, thinking this was my one and only chance with her. I didn't just cover her stomach. I hunched over beside her, tugging myself and getting wads across those perfect tits, her neck, chin, and SO MUCH across her beautiful face. Like with Keith's earlier she happily rubbed the stuff in, only it was into her skin, a big drunken smile on her face before her eyes flittered shut.

"Did you see that?" I asked my friend, because I didn't remember where I took my clothes off. I wanted my phone to take a picture to prove to everyone I'd done this. Keith and the guy outside nodded, they had seen it. I laughed at the relief I felt that they were my witnesses, even if I had my phone I thought, it wouldn't matter because this is a dream. "I hope I remember this in the morning."

"I don't." Keith croaked, I laughed at him but by then my voice had woken up Sammy.

She rolled away from Faye, patted the spot between them, it looked so comfy and exactly right that I didn't care if one was my best friend and the other my sister. Dreamily didn't bother wondering why both were (for some reason) naked.

But of course none of it was a dream.

Epilogue 7

The month after Faye and I got married, both her and Samantha ended up pregnant. By me. The three of us had a conversation about going off birth control, I didn't really have a say when Sam and Faye agreed both of them should stop taking the pill. Can you guess what we had? Faye and Samantha both had triplets. All healthy and perfect as a dad could ask for. While it did require a lot of work they were great kids. I heard other parents complain that they didn't have a sex life anymore. They all joked that Faye and I wouldn't be able to touch each other until retirement, not with triplets. But they were wrong. Even with Samantha's "illegitimate" three we were good. I think our kids fell asleep early just to give the three of us time to relax, then get in the mood. Almost every night.

Epilogue 8

Six years later I ran into Heather while out of town for work. She was happily, "unmarried" and living with her sister. Only I saw them let go each other's hands when somebody from Defluer rounded a corner to see them. I'm not certain because of course she didn't spill her guts to me right there in that Colorado grocery store, but I think her sister was her "wish". Maybe she didn't have the courage to be with her sister, maybe her sister had a reason not to be with her. Whatever it was, I just knew that this was her happiness.

"Of course you know about the kids, they're all still doing great!" The sister said in a way that said she was happy to talk about the kids, that it was one of her favorite topics. "They're at school right now, only chance we get to go out really."

"Oh yeah, the kids!" Giving a look to Heather that told her I was clearly playing along.

"They're all doing great." And then she proceeded to name off six kids and what was unique and special about them. I nodded and smiled, watching Heather's anxiety grow with each passing moment. "Five is a really great age. Really great."

Five! That was a real kick in the shorts, it hit me. They were five years old. I didn't know and didn't ask the exact age. Could see it in Heather's eyes that it would not be good for her if her sister even suspected I was the father. I knew for sure those kids were whatever age minus nine month pregnancy that it took to be back to the night of the bus. Sextuplets. I knew for sure, even though I wasn't sure it was medically possible, but I knew that three were mine and three were Keith's.

I really don't know what was said after that but eventually we parted, with Heather (and her sister) once more insisting that we get together sometime.

Epilogue 9

Faye was sick when she told me about what she saw. Running a fever and half out of it, I was taking care of her while Sammy was taking care of the kids.

"I had a dream." She said, after coming awake right as I'd been about to get up to go help Sam. "A dream about the man! The man outside the bus windows." It tickled something in my own brain, like... I knew what she was talking about. Like the name of an actor that you know but just can't recall. There had been a man outside the bus, but I just couldn't recall seeing him. "I betrayed you!"

"What? Me?" And because she was feverish I clarified, "Gordon?"

"Yes I betrayed you Gordon!" That made my stomach sick, at the concept of her betraying me, but as soon as I thought who I was talking to I knew it wasn't that sort of betrayal.

"How?" Asking to figure out what she thought of as betrayal.

"I covered us up so you wouldn't see him, so I couldn't see him. It was finally happening! Me and you were finally happening and I saw him out there. So I covered us with my jacket and... You didn't freak out!" She clung to me, weak but I didn't try to pull away, trying to remember how I fucking knew there had been somebody outside the bus. How I knew but also why I wouldn't have freaked out. "He was a monster! He was out there and all I cared about was that we were together. He got inside us all," She didn't mean physically but all the hairs on my body stood up as if it was the case. "And all I cared was that his magic tricked you into being with me."

Had I been tricked? Had... Had he fulfilled Faye's wish? Was her wish to have me? Maybe even me AND my sister? Forever? I sat there staring at nothing and thinking. Thinking how I'd felt before the bus and how I felt afterward. Remembered her admitting one night about how she loved watching "Step-brother and step-sister" porn, masturbating while imagining it was Sam and I. Watching them and wondering if those plots could ever be used to convince us to do it, incest.

Had the magic done something to me? Convinced me of feeling and being something and somebody I wasn't? But... I do think I loved her, I was scared to admit it to myself back then, to hope she cared for me that same way back, but I did love her.

And Samantha? Of course I loved my sister but... Was that magic? I thought maybe it was, sure there was a set of circumstances where Sam and I could have messed around. Maybe even gotten together. But... Be in love? As we were now? It was probably magic. A wish.

Some part of me tried to be bothered by it, but whose wish was it? Faye's? My sister's? Did it even fucking matter? When my life was damn near perfect. When I had two women ready and willing to fuck me together, or separately. Did it matter that somebody's wish had made it happen? That magic had re-written my brain a little to not just find my sister attractive, but to be into the incestous act of being with her. Like sometimes I swear I had to fuck her after leaving a family holiday get together, after everyone and everything at those parties reminded me that she was my sister. The fact that she was the same way, kinda said it wasn't either of us that made the wish.

I kissed Faye, on the forehead, and told her the truth. "Doesn't matter, I'm glad you protected me. I think I saw him." How did I even know it was a him? If I couldn't remember there being anybody? "But... If it was your wish, or Sammy's... Or even Heather's or Keith's for some reason." Well maybe Heather would have a reason, after seeing her with her sister. "Whatever it was, I don't care. I'm happy with you, and my sister." Even then I got fucking hard while embracing my flu-struck wife, at the idea that I had kids with my own fucking sister! I'd knocked her tiny body up and she'd given me THREE kids! "I wouldn't wish for anything more than our family. Our life."

"Really?" Faye asked, feverish but aware.

"Yeah." Another kiss on the forehead, laying her down, the burden taken off her of the memory brought back by the fever she went to sleep, and I had to go see Sammy.

"The kids just went down for a nap," She said after I slipped out of the bedroom. I was not surprised by the 'supernatural' timing. "Is she doing okay?"

"Yeah, feverish. She... Mentioned something about the bus." I didn't need to define what bus. "I think it might have been her wish that made us... Us all a family." I told her, struggling not to reach out and grab her.

"Yeah?" A thoughtful expression coming across her face as she processed what that all meant. "Does that bother you?"

"No, in fact I want to fuck you right now, my own sexy lithe big sister." The thoughtful expression was instantly replaced with a wicked smile.

"I was hoping for the same thing after I checked on her." And we fucked right there in the hallway, the kids and Faye slept right through it, the two of us perversely aroused by the act of fucking our sibling.

Epilogue 10

I did bring it up to Keith one fall night while we sat outside on the porch of his house. A shape catching our attention moving through the woods. But it ended up being a woman looking for her dog. After she had gone, after we promised to keep an eye out for it, in the silence that followed where we both felt a little bad for not offering to help, but we were too buzzed to go walking around in the woods at night, I brought it up.

"Did you think it was him?" I asked, simply, once more I didn't need to clarify, Keith just knew as Sam had just known what bus.

"The guy from outside of the bus? Yeah, I do. You?" I still didn't remember him! I didn't remember but that didn't mean I didn't know he had been out there.


"You don't remember him much, do you?" I shook my head that I didn't.

"I... I forgot about him, lost track of him once Heather..." He checked to make sure Elisha wasn't in earshot. "Once Heather got on me and... Hammered me like she did."

"Understandable." I grinned, he did too.

"Heather Fucking Lancaster!" I totally agreed to that sentiment too. After a second he went on, without a smile. Which was good because I'd been about to tell him about her kids and my suspicions. "But I think it was because... I wasn't resisting the magic, I saw him before because I was fighting it. Once I gave in... It was like he was never out there."

I didn't want to say anything, but I did. "I think Faye wished for me and Sammy to be in love, with each other and her."

"Eh," He waved that away easily. "You and her were in love with each other anyway. Just couldn't admit it to each other." That made me feel better, that he'd seen it, that the magic hadn't just made me think that that was how I felt before. "Sammy on the other hand... You two were close but..."

"Yeah," I agreed, close but not anywhere near incest.

"Does... That bother you?" I could tell it was something he'd wanted to ask for a while.

"No, maybe it's the magic but... No." He nodded clearly unable to understand how I could do it, much less be okay with it. I smiled, that idea, Keith being uneasy with my sister and my incest, meant Sammy would get all my focus tonight.

Epilogue 11

"You know what I just thought of?" Mom asked as she stood there with us as we saw the kids off on the bus for their first day of school.

"What?" Sammy asked, stepping away from where she had been leaning against me, needing support for our kids being so big now.

"It just popped into my head at seeing the bus." All three of us tensed, I noticed how proficient mom had become at ignoring the signs that her son and daughter and daughter-in-law were together. She had not looked our way until Sammy put some space between us. "Remember that summer when you all were obsessed with finding the Sky Bus?" Mom giggled. "You weren't even young! You were like nineteen... Twenty?" Mom shrugged, giving us all a look like we were infinitely different from her for ever being so young. "I can't believe that you all looked for that, especially you Sammy." Mom giggling some more, shaking her head. "So silly."

"Why was it so silly?" I asked, mostly because of how statue still Sammy got at mom pointing her out specifically.

"Because... because of what you need to do to get your wish. At least... One of the things I heard that people had to do." Mom shrugged, blushed. "I could barely tell her then..."
