Maia Laaning Ch. 04

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Vivian and Anna indulge in some lesbian sex.
7.3k words

Part 4 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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Meanwhile the story of Anna Nezhdanova and Vivian Laaning had its interesting twists and turns of its own. When Vivian had entered the dressing rooms of Dmitri Arkhangelsky and Anna, she was naturally inclined to secure the attention and possibly a sexual tryst with Dmitri. However, cognizant of Maia's undisguised interest in him, she decided to let her daughter dominate the conversation with him. Besides the vibes she detected from meeting Dmitri suggested to her that he was not in the mood for any after concert sex. Consequently, she didn't think Maia would be able to seduce the opera star for a tryst. Still, Vivian believed that the experience would provide Maia with more confidence once she did in fact become sexually active.

So as Vivian had turned her attention to Anna Nezhdanova, she found the opera soprano to be a delightful and interesting conversationalist and an equivalent heavy drinking companion. They were polishing off shots of vodka as readily as if they were drinking a non alcoholic drink. As stated before, their conversation was conducted entirely in German as it was the most efficient common language between them. Anna's command of English was not strong enough to carry on a smooth dialogue and Vivian had no real grasp of Russian.

They started their conversation with rehashing the grief Anna was experiencing as a result of the war between the Ukraine and Russia. Anna summarized her position, "As a private citizen I have no real say in the matter except to regret that it is occurring. I really do regret the rumors that allege I was a mistress to President Vladimir Putin; as if that were it to be factually true it somehow makes me more culpable to the tragedy of the war. I didn't help my public denial to have admitted I would have liked to have a go at him. I would think that at least every Russian woman would find him sexy like I do."

Vivian interjected, "Well at least you're not as controversial as the Ukrainian pianist Valentina Lisitsa, who speaks unapologetically in favor of pro Russian Ukrainian separatists. She has been accused of having parroted Putin's propagandistic talking points about Ukraine."

Anna opined, "I actually admire Valentina's bravery for standing up for what she believes in. Although she is Ukrainian on her mother's side, she's not afraid to voice sentiments that are an anathema to most Ukrainians. I remember a few years back when her concert scheduled to perform in Toronto, Canada was canceled because of her impugned provocative online remarks on her Twitter account.

"One of the Toronto newspapers decried the cancellation by writing and I quote as I best remember it: 'First Valentina Lisitsa was not invited to Toronto to discuss her provocative political views. She was scheduled to play the piano. And second, banning a musician for expressing, opinions that some believe to be offensive, shows an utter failure to grasp the concept of free speech.'

"I obviously endorse such view especially since in my case I keep my political views to myself. I'm a musician first and foremost; not a damn politician who makes war."

Vivian replied, "Bravo Anna Nezhdanova! Well said. I know my father's Estonian generation and especially my grandparents' generation hated Russians with a passion because of the brutal occupation during the beginning of the second World War and the subsequent annexation to the Soviet Union. But as Estonia has been an independent state since 1991, such hatred has dissipated amongst the younger generations. My daughter has two close Russian friends which in turn has improved her command of the Russian language. I guess that is why she can catch Dmitri's attention better than me. I haven't taken the trouble to learn Russian."

Anna replied, "Yes Dmitri is a good guy. I've had the occasion to bed him a few times after concerts, and I can say he is a very good lover. I wish your daughter good luck with him. He seems though to be out of sorts so I'm not sure if she can coax him into her arms. Mind you she sure is very pretty. It's hard to see any straight man could be immune to her charms."

Vivian beamed at the comment about Maia's beauty but was intrigued by the negative reference to Dmitri. So, she asked, "What do you mean 'out of sorts' when you are talking about Dmitri."

Anna responded. "It's hard to put a finger on it. You've heard no doubt that he had mysteriously canceled his entire last autumn's concert engagements; so unlike him."

"Yes I was aware of it, and I was apprehensive that he might cancel our concert tonight as well. Luckily that was not the case."

Anna resumed, "Yes there's no question he was truly magnificent tonight, and he was critically successful with his performance of Il Trovatore receiving justified rave reviews. Still, I've just felt that he hasn't been quite himself like any of the past performances I've shared with him. I had the impression that he was going to be content with just drinking his usual two bottles of vodka and going to bed. At the end of the concert, I had actually given up hope for some nookie with him tonight."

Vivian opined, "Well I guess I had no chance with him tonight from what you say. Maia is actually still a virgin, so I don't think she's sophisticated enough to seduce him either."

Considering the copious amount of straight vodka both of them were imbibing, Anna was not too startled by Vivian's intimate personal information. She asked. "Is your daughter deliberately out to get sex just to get rid of her virginity?"

Vivian replied, "No. Apparently, she is in no hurry as the boys available to her at her school hold little interest for her. However, a man like Dmitri would apparently fit the bill for Maia to induce her to contemplate her first sexual adventure. But I guess it will be all for naught after all."

Anna said, "I'm afraid I've forgotten how I was as a teenager, so I have no real clue as how to raise a teenage girl. As a mother I've only one son to raise and he has been no real problem except that he's at an age where he wants to know about the birds and the bees. Lately he has been pestering me for an answer and so I'm not sure how to answer him."

Vivian responded, "Well perhaps, you can try the description given in a song by Harry Belafonte, the late famous calypso singer from the West Indies."

Anna was astonished and asked, "There's a song that addresses the problem of how to explain the story of the birds and bees to an inquisitive child?"

Vivian replied, "Exactly. The song starts with the singer describing that as a lad of three foot three he asked his father for the meaning of the birds and the bees. Then the chorus of the song is the graphic explanation provided by the father."

Anna gasped, "A graphic description of sex? Really and to a tune of a calypso song? This sounds exciting."

Vivian replied, Yes indeed. Now I'm going to have to revert to the English lyrics as I sure as hell have no clue how to say it in German."

Since their conversation was in German this is exactly what Vivian said to Anna in English:

"The father said to his son:

'The woman piaba and the man piaba

And the Ton Ton call baka lemon grass

The lily root, gully root, belly root umph

And the famous grandy scratch scratch'!"

Anna laughed and said, "Oh yes, the famous grandy scratch scratch! I must say that when my partner does it right, I always enjoy a delicious orgasm every time."

Vivian giggled and confirmed, "Yeah, me too!"

Anna then got serious again as she said. "I understand from some of my friends who are mothers that raising a teenage girl is hell on earth consumed with constantly worrying that their daughters become prematurely pregnant. You seemed to have at least been spared of that anxiety."

Vivian replied, "I've been assisted in that regard by the circumstances of Maia's periods. She had been wildly erratic in the timing of her periods ever since her first menses. The only medical remedy that has proved to be effective was to put her on birth control pills which would regulate her irregular periods. Of course, the happy side effect is that she won't be able to conceive while on the pill."

"So you're unconcerned whether she is sexually active or not while still under your parental control?"

Vivian answered shrewdly, "My view is that life is in reality a game. Since we're all going to die eventually, it is a sad waste of time not to participate. This is especially true in the matters of sex. A day without sex is just that: a day without sex. It cannot be made up. For example, if one does not have sex today then having sex tomorrow doesn't replace the sex you missed out on today."

Anna pondered a moment at what Vivian had said. After due reflection, she said, "You know Vivian, normally after a concert my dressing room is overflowing with well-wishers and fans praising me and congratulating me on my performance. And if I'm feeling particularly randy, I can usually pick one admirer to keep me company intimately.

"Unfortunately, tonight as the length of the concert was overly prolonged because of the enthusiasm of the audience there's only you and your daughter present in my dressing room. And so, I guess..."

At this juncture, as the two of them had been sitting side by side close to each other, Anna turned to Vivian and was able to seize her by her shoulders and plant a deep passionate kiss on the lips. Surprised and in self defense Vivian involuntarily parted her lips. This in turn allowed Anna to invade with her persistent tongue to affect a deep soulful passionate kiss which immediately aroused Vivian's libido.

After a significant passage of time, as the two of then enjoyed exchanging intense sensual hot embraces, Anna broke off the kiss. Thereupon, she completed her previous sentence, "unless you're into the occasional girl-on-girl play, tonight will be a day without sex for me."

Despite completely sexually aroused by the sudden unexpected kiss, Vivian still had her wits about her to make a banal response. So, she replied, in a deep heavy seductive voice belying her inconsequential remark, "I take it you're randy tonight."

Anna replied in a similar husky voice. With her soprano voice she was able to affect a truly erotic sensual tone, which would disarm any reluctance on the part of her lovers. She said, "Oh yes indeed Vivian. And unless I miss my guess, I sense you're not averse to some loving with me."

Vivian replied, "Even if I were straight as a ruler, it would be impossible to resist your charms. And for the record I can account various women amongst the roster of my love partners I've experienced."

Anna replied laconically, "Me too!"

Thereupon they got up and said their goodbyes to Dmitri and Maia. They entered the limousine engaged for Anna and Dmitri's use during their concert date and were driven to the Swissôtel. During the ride Anna and Vivian eschewed the vehicle's mini bar and utilized the time to renew their passionate kissing. Upon arrival at the hotel, Anna instructed the driver to return to the Alexela Concert Hall to provide service for Dmitri Arkhangelsky in accordance with his directions.

As soon as they emerged into Anna's suite, both hung up their coats in the closet, and removed their snow boots. Once done with that task, for the moment they just stood there staring at each other; taking each other's measure. Although Vivian was very tall at 185 cm, (6'1") Anna was not short either as she stood at 180 cm tall (5'11"), and was usually the tallest woman in any crowd she happened to be in. Each woman had problems with casual male partners who were shorter than them. With some shorter men, they had experienced some unsatisfactory sexual episodes due to their partners' perceived slight in their ego to be the shorter partner.

It was especially a problem in the case with Anna given her celebrity status as a premier international opera star. As a result, a lot of her casual male partners were intimidated enough so as not to provide the dominance in their sexual play which Anna would be delighted in experiencing. That was never a problem in the occasional lesbian sex she had indulged in. Nevertheless, every female partner she ever had fucked was grateful to her for deigning to having sex with them.

Such attitude in the minds of her female partners, allowed them to provide satisfactory sex for Anna in lieu of having the usual male partner, still it was not of the bursting stars and fireworks kind of sex Anna would most desire. Anna knew that Vivian was in essence married to the Estonian Prime Minister. However, coupled with her instinctive impression that Vivian was a player with a list of plenty of sophisticate lovers under her belt, Anna had no apprehension that sex with Vivian would be lacking in excitement.

As Anna Nezhdanova was in reality totally heterosexual in sexual preference and orientation, she seldom engaged in a lesbian tryst. Usually, her lesbian sexual activity only occurred when there was no other practical option available. Although this time it was the same case as well as to why she was agreeable to having sex with Vivian, nevertheless she sensed that sex with Vivian was the better choice than most of the casual male lovers she had experienced over the years.

As for Vivian, she considered Anna Nezhdanova to be certainly a potentially good partner for an extramarital sexual tryst. She was happy that Anna was a woman since at least in straight theory it softened or even mitigated the notion of cheating on her part of her current husband (common law/significant other) Raimond Kruuse, the Prime Minister of Estonia. It was not like she would become smitten with Anna or any other woman for that matter to the extent that she would want to abandon Raimond.

Raimond Kruuse was the perfect partner for Vivian's wants and needs. He was not jealous of her TLR orgy visits per se, as he chalked it up as an example of her unique sexual proclivities. He viewed the TLR orgies as a personal enjoyment to her without reference to her true independent commitment to him. Raimond was so certain of Vivian's commitment to him that he did not even get jealous knowing that Vivian was also having sexual relations with Jed Baxter periodically during her family visits to the United States.

As he saw it, from what Vivian had told him, that Baxter was not about to leave his wife as their marriage had become a fixture in the minds of the high society in Chicago and in the entire United States for that matter. He recognized that Vivian and Baxter had a history between them which makes Vivian vulnerable to his charms and charisma. However, as he also saw it, her time with him is more like an itch than cannot be thoroughly exorcised. The bottom line of his attachment to Vivian was the absolute certainty that he was fucking Vivian Laaning a helluva of lot more times than Jed Baxter was.

Vivian was truly appreciative of Raimond's forbearance such that she was not tempted to stray while she was residing with him in her home in Tallinn. The one exception occurred during Natasha Starikovich's annual August chamber music festivals wherein she and Raimond joined in with Natasha to participate in some impromptu group sex orgies. Since Raimond was with her on those occasions, neither one of them considered the event as belonging in the adultery category. It was merely their one time in the year where they pursued a swingers' lifestyle of sexual fun.

Consequently, this night's dalliance with Anna Nezhdanova was technically an unauthorized cheating incident on the part of Vivian. However, Vivian subconsciously justified in her mind that this night was an obvious ephemeral moment, never likely to proceed into an affair. Besides with Anna being a woman, as far as Vivian was concerned, it really doesn't count as a threat to the integrity of her relationship with Raimond. Although she had engaged in a plethora of lesbian sexual encounters with several different women, with one exception, Vivian did not involve herself in a passionate romance with a woman.

The one exception was her very first romantic attachment after she surrendered her virginity. It was a two year affair with her high school English and History teacher by the name of Erin Falconbridge. Even on that occasion, although Vivian had developed a genuine romantic love for Erin, she instinctively was aware that their affair was not bound to last, as she did prefer a heterosexual relationship. When Erin started hinting that she would like to take their relationship to the next level i.e. cohabitation, Vivian was alarmed by Erin's intensity of love towards her.

Thereupon, Vivian set out to sabotage the relationship by having sex with a male student. She deliberately left evidence of the tryst in her bedroom clearly visible to Erin when the latter next visited. Vivian regretted her callous method of bringing about the end of their affair. Erin Falconbridge was a truly estimable woman worthy of respect. She didn't deserve such harsh treatment in the manner of the way Vivian ended their affair. It was not Vivian's finest moment.

With reminiscences of past lesbian lovemaking, Vivian took her time in gazing at Anna intently. Although considered overweight at 86 kg (190 lbs), Anna Nezhdanova did not appear fat, just pleasantly plump; actually, in light of the reputed rotund image certainly not the typical stereotype image of an obese female opera singer, Anna would be considered average with regards to her weight. In addition to her imposing stature, Anna was by all consensus the prettiest of the prominent international opera sopranos, and most easy on the eyes. As Vivian weighed in at 98 kg (216 lbs) herself, she was most comfortable with a woman of her own size for lesbian lovemaking.

After staring at each other for some time, and presumably liking what they saw in each other, they embraced each other tightly. They commenced kissing. At first it was merely lips adhering to lips. Their mutual intention was just to gather in the taste of each other's mouth and to savor each other's scent which was augmented by the subtle touch of an exquisite perfume.

Then their lips parted, and the exchange of deep intense kisses ignited their passions to sizzle. This was a turning point for Vivian. Up to this moment Vivian had been aroused simply by the anticipation of the forthcoming sex. She had not calculated her attraction for the opera soprano as such was immaterial to her desire for sex. However, with erotic kissing provided by both of them to each other, her unexpected affinity towards Anna awakened and caused her to moan involuntarily.

In the case of Anna, she was attracted to Vivian mostly by default. The strenuous prolonged concert had stretched her stamina to the limits. However, the enthusiasm of the audience produced an adrenaline high which caused her libido to activate. As she left the stage, she had become horny and was resolved to have sex. Unfortunately, as Dmitri and her got to the dressing rooms, she could see that he was a hopeless cause. Added to her dismay was the lack of people present in her dressing room. Even the orchestra had decamped as quickly as possible. Soon there was only Vivian Laaning and her daughter for companionship in their dressing room.

In the result, with Maia hogging Dmitri's attention it left only Vivian Laaning as the only opportunity for sex. Since Anna was not a stranger to an occasional girl-on-girl tryst the situation for sex for Anna was not hopeless. Soon during their conversation, Anna was able to discern that Vivian was a player and one who did not object to a casual lesbian fling. With such assumptions Vivian became very attractive to Anna's eyes.

Then during the intense passionate and furious tongue action, Anna was moaning likewise, as she had become very wet in her pussy. It then became imperative to become naked. But neither one was willing to suspend the wondrous mutual caressing. Vivian's floor length silk Givenchy gown proved to be easier to get rid of. As the dress was virtually backless it was an easy matter, with Vivian's cooperation, for Anna to slip the gathered straps off Vivian's shoulders. That action rendered Vivian naked from the waist up, as the dress had a built-in cup making the use of a bra unnecessary.