Maia Laaning Ch. 20

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Maia and Riina go to Prague for an orgy.
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Part 20 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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When Maia duly arrived in Tallinn, Vivian was there to greet her and take her home. Upon seeing Maia's t-shirt, Vivian exclaimed, "You got to be kidding me! You actually had sex on the plane during this flight?"

Maia replied, "Of course not on this flight. It would have been presumptuous of me to expect to join the club beforehand without any partner in mind. I did the deed with Toomas in the airplane's lavatory when we flew together from California to Miami. Hence, it was not false advertising for me to wear this shirt on this flight starting from Chicago. So, you're no longer the only one of the Laaning family to be a member of what I presume to be a very exclusive club."

Vivian rolled her eyes as she said, "I guess it's true what they say that the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree."

Maia retorted, "They also say great oaks from little acorns grow. "

They broke out into hearty a laughter at their insipid exchange. Vivian was naturally eager to hear all the details of Maia's trip to America. She was intrigued by the revelation of the story of Sonia Broadhurst. Vivian said, "Sonia Broadhurst is certainly a most interesting addition to our family and you say she has an uncanny resemblance to me?"

From that, there ensued lots of topics for mother and daughter to talk about during that afternoon. Around five Vivian left for the Stenbock Maja to spend the night with Raimond, her common-law husband and Prime Minister of Estonia. Consequently, Maia had texted Riina about her arrival and asked her to come over for the night.

Riina Mölder was our heroine's best and intimate friend ever since they met when each of them was seven years old. Thus, they were close friends throughout the entirety of their primary and secondary educational years. There were several factors that cemented their regard for each other and attributed to their enduring ever lasting friendship. The main point was that there was never any jealousy or envy of each other's beauty, between them whether as children or as teenagers or as adults.

Even when they were children, Riina was cognizant that Maia was the superior in traditional female allure. Riina had an inborn self assurance and esteem of herself that prevented her from feeling any envy of Maia's beauty. She accepted the fact that Maia was prettier as just a normal happenstance difference equal in consideration that at full maturity she was two inches shorter in height than Maia. Neither fact bothered Riina since she knew whenever one makes a comparison there is bound to be a difference.

As Riina saw it, if Maia's pulchritude and height were objectively deemed to be superior to hers, then she had qualities superior to Maia. One of them was that Riina had a more gregarious personality which allowed her to interact with her peers easily. On the other hand, Maia was aloof with her friends except for Riina. Maia and Riina were the two most popular girls in their high school, but Riina had far more close friends because of her friendlier convivial temperament.

Riina had been overweight as far as she could remember. As a result, when she started elementary school, she was subject by her schoolmates to constant taunting and mocking of what was considered by them to be her fat body. She had heard every pejorative epithet of obesity directed at her such as pig, hippo, elephant, rhino, fat, grossly fat, etc. The more polite taunts and mockery hurled at her such as chunky, plump, portly, pudgy etc., were paradoxically even more hurtful to her self esteem. The former jeers could be dismissed by her as ignorance displayed by her despicable tormentors. But the latter insults by otherwise normal peers, struck Riina's psyche dreadfully as she perceived it suggested as a proof that she did not merit to mingle in worthwhile society.

Riina's spirit was buoyed by her parents' unconditional love for her as they constantly reassured her that she was indeed a lovely girl. However, it was Maia's unwavering attitude whereby she sincerely maintained that Riina was just as pretty as herself. That constant reassurance by Maia really bolstered Riina's self-confidence. Riina sensed that Maia's comforting assertion was not just paid simple lip service but indicated a genuine belief. Such perception by Riina went a long way to dismiss her feelings of inadequacy with regards to her own feminine allure.

Riina's ultimate reassurance for her very own favorable assessment of her pulchritude occurred during the previous summer when Maia and she were both eighteen years old. On an afternoon in August during an especially sunny and pleasant day, Maia was in a giddy mood. She suggested to Riina that they partake in the pleasure of going to the beach at Narva. The Narva-Jõesuu nudist beach is the only official nudist beach in Estonia, although there are other nudist beaches, but those do not offer the safety such as attending lifeguards plus other amenities. The Narva-Jõesuu is located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. It's a beautiful eight kilometers long white sandy beach lined up with pine trees.

When they arrived at the beach, there were mostly families and couples all naked getting in some sunbathing and swimming. Some indulged in a picnic. Maia and Riina were slightly disappointed in not seeing any young men of their age, as in the back of Maia's mind was the hope there would be an opportunity of striking up an acquaintanceship with a male superior to the males whom she knew. Perhaps a sexual encounter could result in her finally losing her virginity. However, an occasion to swim and sunbathe naked in public was by definition a delightful experience to savor and enjoy and took the sting out of their initial disappointment.

As soon as they laid down their beach blanket and were completely undressed, Riina said, "I'm going to the water and stick my toe in the water to determine how cold it is, and I'll report back to you."

As Riina was coming back from the water's edge, Maia was struck by the scintillating and stimulating picture Riina provided by her slow but deliberate stride in returning to her. Her complete nudity with the background of the water and two sailboats presented a vision reminiscent of the nude models in Paul Rubens' paintings. There is a guilty pleasure in admiring imagery of unclothed female bodies in a public setting. Maia could discern the wonderment, attraction, and even shock at viewing the image of the naked Riina walking on the beach. It would undeniably invoke excitement in the minds of an observer especially of the male persuasion.

Not wasting a moment, Maia grabbed her smartphone and took a series of pictures of Riina walking towards her. Once Riina arrived, Maia was able to show the pictures. Riina was pleased as two thoughts instantly came to her mind. It was obvious that Maia's continuous contention that she was beautiful was an authentic assertion otherwise why would Maia have taken the trouble to capture this naked image of her. And upon seeing the photos, Riina perceived that she was indeed beautiful even objectively. Of course, she was aware what she looked like naked, but the pictures Maia took, accentuated her pulchritude and defied a contrary conclusion.

Riina stood five feet ten inches tall (or 178 cm) and weighed two hundred and thirty pounds (or 104 Kg). By all measure and according to every health chart, she would be deemed obese. However, in viewing the pictures Maia took, Riina did not appear in any way shape or form to what an average person would consider being obese. Yes her breasts were big but not outrageously so. They were in size proportionately to her big body and absolutely appealing to look at. There was no sag to them, as they were as perfectly alluring as they could possibly be.

Her belly was large and round but again not at all unsightly. It was simply mouthwatering. Again, there was no sag as it was perfectly proportionally to her torso. Her thighs were thick, and her calves were not slim either, no sticks for legs on Riina. She was not fat nor obese; she was just a big woman. And big is beautiful!

Unlike most Estonian females, Riina's hair color was satiny black. On her the affect was just right. Her hazel color eyes complemented the visual appearance of her hair to provide a most tempting picture. The overall effect of these pictures was so exciting and tantalizing, that Maia had one blown up to 120 cm x 90 cm (4 ft x 3 ft). She embossed and framed it, and hung it up in her bedroom wall, to Riina's everlasting embarrassment.


When Riina came over at Maia's request, naturally, the first discussion entailed a blow by blow recitation of all the sex Maia had enjoyed while in America. In return Riina reported the sex she had experienced while Maia was away. The most exciting one included a bold intriguing proposition.

Riina described her encounter, "I was invited to a party given by Ursula Linnamäe not this past Friday but the Friday before, a week earlier, when I guess you were having your fun with your coach in Miami. At the party I was introduced to her older brother Konrad Linnamäe. It turns out he is employed by ČSA (abbreviation for ČSA, České Aerolinie or in English Czech Airlines), as a manager working at the Václav Havel Airport in Prague. He obtained the employment after graduating from the Charles University in Prague. We had a wonderful introductory conversation. He had a date at the party, but that did not stop him from asking me out for the following night.

"Our date was at the Põhjala Brewery & Tap Room; under my suggestion we drank your mother's beer. He was aware of the beer as it is prominently available in Prague but hadn't had any despite being Estonian. Konrad was a real hunk of man, and I got wet just by gazing at him. I won't bore you with the details of our conversation, wherein he advised me how he came to the Czech Republic. As a result of his education in Estonia, he had become quite fluent in Russian. Thus, he found it was easy enough for him to learn Czech, during his undergraduate years at the Charles University; at least sufficient enough to become employed at the airport.

"As you know Põhjala has a sauna which one can rent for at least an hour or more. So, I was thrilled that he had booked two hours which of course paved the way for some truly terrific sex. He took me doggy style as I elected to be on all fours. He draped over me to manipulate my tits exactly how I like it, while simultaneously penetrating me deep. He expertly kept stimulating my 'G' spot constantly with every thrust of his mighty penis. Consequently, my orgasm was of the shooting stars and fireworks variety. I panted fiercely and it was not so much from the heat of the sauna either. Best of all, he had stamina to spare so that, before we exited from the sauna, I gave him a blow job and make him cum again, but this time in my mouth."

Maia smiled, and said, "Sounds like you had a good time. Too bad he lives in Prague."

Now Riina was sporting a very warm smile as she advised, "Yes that is so, but there is an interesting twist. Turns out, that through his work Konrad had become acquainted with a producer of orgy parties in homes as opposed to studios. There are two separate film crews which would record audio and the action all of which would become available on the internet.

"He advised that all the participants are not professional porn stars but actual amateurs. They are recruited pursuant to ads placed online and in newspapers and in certain magazines throughout The Czech Republic plus in the neighboring countries of Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Germany and Poland. They are then selected after an interview wherein they are apprised of conditions of the participation.

"As he had a special rapport with the producer, Konrad suggested if I were ever to come to Prague, I could partake in one of these orgies. He could vouch for me and arrange for my participation in any upcoming orgy party so long as he was given sufficient warning in advance. Since the producer was always interested in new fresh faces for his parties, especially foreign girls, he would most likely even agree to allow me to attend the orgy this coming Saturday, without the necessity of a prior interview. Konrad also said I could bring along a friend, who is just as 'adventurous'* (*air quote) as me; the more the merrier."

Maia was shocked by the last innuendo, so she asked, "Oh my goodness do you really mean I should accompany you in such an adventure?"

"Why yes, of course I mean just that. Don't you think that would be a blast? Now that you've finally become sexually active, I would think this would be wonderful opportunity for you to catch up in sex to what you had missed by staying a virgin as long as you did."

Maia protested, "But Riina, you said these orgies are recorded and can be viewed on the internet. In fact I've seen a couple of them myself, and they sure are raunchy. As the daughter of the Prime Minister, I'm one of if not the most recognizable woman In Estonia. My appearance would surely start a scandal which my family would not appreciate, not to mention that my reputation would be shit. Not that I care that much if I'm deemed a slut and a whore privately, but to become so known publicly would be too much to bear."

Riina replied, "I think you need not worry, and you can relax. You just simply deny that it is you to anyone and everyone who asks. After all it is somewhat a universal consensus that everyone has a doppelgänger. Besides you had cut your hair before you left for the tennis tournaments in America, presumably making it easier for you to compete competitively. It still hasn't grown back to your normal length so that you can easily wear a wig, say with a black page boy cut hairstyle, so completely opposite to your normal appearance of curly golden locks. You can even get one with red streak highlights in it. In addition, we can both obtain appropriate removable tattoos so that our denial would be more persuasive."

Knowing that her mother as a member of TLR, the swingers club in the United States, attended their orgies whenever she was in America made the prospect of attending an orgy in the Czech Republic very enticing for Maia. So she replied, "Well OK then Riina, but you must not mention anything of this to any of our friends and acquaintances. Despite a pledge of secrecy, the likelihood of someone betraying our confidence to others would be very high. In that case our denials would not be believed."

Riina replied, "My lips are sealed; more often just on a cock!"

Riina duly contacted Konrad Linnamäe and arrangements were concluded. As luck would have it, the two of them could participate in an orgy at a selected private residence in Prague the following Saturday. The orgy would start to get underway about 05:00 PM and they could stay all night if they so wished. Konrad intimated that the producer was so excited by his recommendation of foreign girls that he would spring for first class seats for return trip to and from Prague would be provided. Of course, with his employment, Konrad was able to score those luxury airline tickets at a deep discount.

Before departing for the orgy, Maia followed Riina's advice and obtained a suitable wig which made her look vastly different than her normal appearance. The wig altered her appearance to such a remarkable extent that Maia felt that even her mother would not have recognized her. On Saturday morning, Maia and Riina went to a tattoo parlor to affix temporary removable tattoos for disguise. Maia had a fairly significant red star planted on her skin just below her throat. That temporary red star would be at least partially if not totally visible at all times, unless she was wearing a turtleneck sweater. Maia was pleased with her disguise as she believed the red star tattoo alone should surely stop speculation that she might be the woman in the forthcoming filmed orgy. The page boy cut hairstyle with its streaks must confirm to anyone watching that the red star lady must not be the daughter of the Estonian Prime Minister despite the apparent similarity.

Now in Riina's case, she wasn't as concerned that her appearance in the video might have a negative effect on her personal reputation. in any case since she didn't have a high public profile like Maia no one would really care, so that her denial would readily be believed. However, she was cognizant that any present or future lovers of hers, who might view the subsequent video might be displeased with the notion that she was so slutty to have performed in an amateur porn video. Such suspicion on their part would tend to ruin the pleasure of a future sexual activity. Accordingly, Riina had a replica of the German Iron Cross affixed to her right buttock. Her rationale was that any subsequent denial must be unequivocally believed. With the tattoo, on her ass visible on the video should remove all doubts from her present and or any future lovers since they could see she had no tattoos at that location.

On Saturday afternoon, they caught a LOT (Polish Airlines) flight leaving at 02:00 PM and with a brief stopover in Warsaw arrived in Prague at 05:20 PM. They were greeted by Konrad Linnamäe who drove them to a large country house in a rural area just beyond the city limits of Prague. Upon entering the front door, the three of them were greeted by one of the hostesses of the party. They were directed to take their shoes off which were thereupon stored on one of the shelves lined along the wall of the foyer. They were each handed a glass of white wine as an ice breaker.

They were advised that there were lockers on the third floor which served as the building's attic. On the second floor there was a corridor separating four small spartan size bedrooms on one side and four more bedrooms on the other side. There were two showers plus a half bathroom in between the showers at each end of the corridor. On the main floor there was a small size but a full kitchen. The rest of the area contained three separate rooms, each furnished with long and wide couches, love seats, individual chairs and a large coffee table between the couches.

The Hostess advised there were pizzas and spaghetti dinners available in the kitchen. There were supplies of paper plates and plastic utensils They can eat now or at any time during their stay. The kitchen contained two refrigerators stocked with various brands of beers in cans and bottles; one of the brands Maia was pleased to note was her mother's beer. The hostess also provided with each of them their own unique user name and password so that they could subsequently access the premium web site which would feature their orgy as well as other videos available for viewing on this site.

All three then opted to grab a couple of slices of pizza and beer. They each selected Vivian's Brew of course, but not just because of deference to Maia but because they were Estonian. They ate the pizza in the kitchen and then meandered to one of the living rooms, which already was almost fully occupied. The majority of the people sitting on the couches or love seats or chairs were still fully clothed. One exception were two middle age women already in each other's arms romantically kissing away. They were clothed except that their short skirts had pushed up to expose their free buffing hairy pussies. Their exuberant kissing was augmented by their mutual fingering of each other's cunt.

Another exception was a man still wearing only his shirt but was naked from the waist down. His fully clothed female companion to his left was giving him an enthusiastic blow job including massaging his scrotum. At the same time, his other fully clothed female companion to his right was engaged in some heavy duty kissing, as well as gripping her right hand on his cock assisting in the fellatio. Typically of a hot orgy, none of the other persons sitting in the room paid much if any attention to these two groups engaging in sex.