Mama's Beach House

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A man and his best friend's mother become lovers.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over the age of 18. No animals were harmed in the writing of this story.

This is a sweet but sexy twist on the old "Best Friends Mom" trope. It takes place over a long weekend. I hope you enjoy it.


I met fraternal twins, Jeff and Darlene, in my first year at university. Jeff and I ended up in many of the same classes, and we became friends. The twins had the advantage of living with their parents locally, while I was a half day's drive from home. Jeff was an easygoing, fun guy and I enjoyed hanging out with him. Darlene, on the other hand, was the original unobtainable hot chick. She made it totally clear that she DID NOT date her brother's friends when I hadn't even shown an interest. Eventually, Darlene figured out that I wasn't interested and we became something close to friends.

After a few months, I was invited to their parent's home for dinner. Tired of microwave food, I happily accepted. Jeff's parents were Thomas and Corine Eastman. Mr. Eastman was a medically retired firefighter. Mrs. Eastman was a caring mother and wife, and... a complete fox. Mrs. Eastman was uncommonly beautiful. She had lovely deep red hair that I yearned to bury my hands in. She had lovely blue eyes and an incredible body. She was curvy and busty and very womanly. Her family had been from Georgia, and she had an enchanting southern belle accent. After a few months, she started telling me to call her Mama. Mr. Eastman was dead against it and corrected me whenever I called her Mama, then she would correct him right after, with a bright cheery smile and a wink.

"All the kid's neighborhood friends called me Mama." She would argue.

Mr. Eastman would fire back with, "Yes, but Jake isn't a kid, he's a grown man."

"Yeah, but he and Jeff are great friends. He's like our bonus kid. But one we didn't have to feed, clothe or raise. He's polite, does the odd chore if I ask, and cleans up after himself. A total win!"

Over time she just wore the old man down until he just accepted that he wasn't going to get his way. So as not to be entirely disrespectful, I did make sure I called him Mr. Eastman. It was enough and over the year he and I got to be friends. I enjoyed his firefighting stories of which he had many. I was invited often for dinners, weekends, and trips out on their boat. For the sake of transparency, I have always been terribly attracted to older women. When Mama would come out in an attractive outfit or a bathing suit when we were out on the boat or in their pool, it was all I could do to not stare like an idiot. Mr. Eastman caught me doing so a couple of times and dealt with it, with a surreptitious slap to the back of my head. "Act like a gentleman," he said both times. "A gentleman doesn't stare."

Life would continue like this through our freshman and sophomore years, and I developed a rather serious crush on Mama. She always featured prominently in my masturbatory fantasies. At the end of my sophomore year, I still hadn't picked a major. I had no idea what I wanted to do in life. After talking with my folks and the Eastmans, I decided college maybe wasn't for me. I decided to enlist in the Navy and see some of the world, before choosing a career. On Mr. Eastman's recommendation, I became a Damage Controlman. A sort of maritime firefighter and shipboard structural repair type. I'd always liked working with my hands and being physical so this seemed a good fit. I served six years, was honorably discharged, and went to the firefighter academy in my hometown. My parents and Mr. and Mrs. Eastman attended my graduation and were very proud. Mr. Eastman especially. I may not have been his blood son, but I was following in his footsteps and that made him happy.

Years went by and I ended up getting a job at a fire station not that far from the Eastman's. My parents were disappointed that I moved away, but I liked coastal living. I met a girl, fell in love, and got married. I remained close with the Eastmans, dropping in occasionally but mostly staying in contact through social media. Darlene finished college and moved away for her job. She met a good guy, got married, and started a family. Jeff also graduated and surprised everyone by joining the Army and becoming an officer. I was very proud of Jeff. I'd worked with both good and bad officers in the Navy, and knew Jeff would be a great one.


A few years later, shortly after my divorce, I got a call from Darlene. It occurred to me I hadn't heard from any of the Eastmans in quite a while. Darlene said, "Jake, things have been crazy with my parents and I need a favor after I tell you about it."

I said, "Anything, you need. You know I love your folks." With her parents in their mid-50s, I expected some sort of medical issue. I was wrong.

She told me that her dad had started sort of "downsizing" about six months ago. He sold the boat, the motorcycle, his project muscle car, his antique guns, and some other collectibles. At the time, he said that he just didn't use them enough to justify the space or the cost of keeping them. Mama was amazed at the change in him, as she'd suggested that very thing many times. Then one day, about three months ago, he grabbed his golf clubs and left to meet his friends and never came home. The next day, with Mama, worried sick, a courier from their attorney served her with divorce papers. With the papers was a handwritten letter from Mr. Eastman, explaining that he had secretly been a homosexual his whole life and had fallen in love with a man. He deeply regretted hurting her and his children but that this was a part of himself that he needed to finally embrace if he was to be happy in life. As a way to try to make amends, the divorce favored Mama. She got the house, her car, and seventy percent of all assets.

To say that I was floored doesn't begin to cover it. "Darlene, how can I help?"

"Dad has sent over a trailer and a check to cover the cost of hiring someone to box up his things and load the trailer. He just doesn't want to face Mama. Jake, neither Jeff nor I, can break away right now. I'm ten weeks pregnant, and my last pregnancy was rough. Jeff is deployed. Would you go, help Mama?"

"I'd be happy to. I'm so sorry Darlene. I can't imagine what she's going through. I'll make work arrangements and be there tomorrow."


-Thursday afternoon.

When I showed up at her door, Mama nearly flung herself through the door to embrace me. "Somehow, I knew it would be you." She pulled back and gave me a big smile that had sadness behind it. I gave her a smile of my own. Mama had changed quite a bit since I'd seen her last. She looked tired. She was making no effort at keeping up her appearance. She wore no makeup and her hair was a mess. She wore baggy shorts and an old t-shirt.

"Of course, who else but your bonus kid?" I replied. She laughed and it was a real laugh and her smile seemed brighter. She turned and led me into the house.

We talked for a long time that afternoon. She sure needed to. Then we got up, shook off the melancholy, and started planning the job. It was tough on her. She'd already brought boxes into the house and started packing, but her effort had been half-hearted at best. We moved boxes to every room and quite a lot of the garage. I aired up the tires on the old hand truck. We got everything ready for the next day's effort. We ate a supper of leftovers and drank a bottle of wine. Afterward, it was obvious that she was both physically and mentally drained, so with a kiss on her cheek, I sent her to bed. With a smile and glistening eyes, she nodded and went.

I slept in the spare room. This was not the same house that I had spent so much time in. After Jeff and Darlene had graduated college and moved out, the Eastmans sold the big family home and bought a smaller, two-bedroom, two-bath, beach house on the bay. It had a single garage, but a large carport. A pool, hot tub, and a pier for the boat. There were palm trees everywhere and water on two sides. It was a very pretty place.



The next morning, I awoke to find Mama standing in my doorway, just looking at me, with an odd little smile on her face. She looked more rested and was dressed in a pair of yoga pants, and a halter top. Mama had brushed out her lovely hair and it shone in the morning light. It was then that I saw her, really saw her. I noticed that though she was older, she was just as beautiful as ever.

I am just a sliver shy of six feet tall. I've got my mother's brown eyes and hair, which I keep short. Firefighting and the constant training involved tend to keep a fella in shape. I add a little gym time on top of it and it keeps me trim and toned.

"Morning Mama."

She smiled and said, "Breakfast is ready. Let's get going." She turned and walked away. I watched her ass as she turned. She wasn't in the same shape as years ago. But she was still round and womanly with an hourglass figure. I felt my cock begin to stiffen at the thought and decided to get up and get going.

We ate breakfast, and she seemed to have shaken off the funk of the previous day. She smiled, laughed, and seemed in good spirits. We surveyed the job and we determined it would take us about three days to get Mr. Eastman's stuff boxed and loaded. Especially once we moved into the garage. The man loved his tools.

We worked together. Going room by room, packing thirty years of Mr. Eastman's life into moving boxes. She wasn't vindictive, everything was packed to survive a move, with breakables wrapped in Mr. Eastman's clothes.

"Tell me something, Jake?" Mama asked me around midday.

"Sure, what is it?"

She looked at me with a playful smile. "You know, it was hard on Jeff, having a sister as pretty as Darlene. Lots of his friends wanted to come and hang out here, just to try to be around her. Jeff hated it. Was that why you came so often? Did you have a crush on Darlene, like the other guys?"

"No ma'am," I replied. "I wasn't interested in Darlene. Darlene knew she was pretty and that gave her an attitude and an unapproachable air that was a major turn-off for me. She was a bit of a bitch. There was one thing about her though, that I thought was cute. That snort she does when she laughs. She hates it, but can't stop doing it."

Mama laughed. "Oh, you have no idea. Once, one of her boyfriends imitated her during dinner here. She broke up with him on the spot."

"The fact that she got mad about it, was what made it cute."

We were quiet for a few minutes.

"To be honest Mama, it was you that I had a crush on. A big one." I looked at her and smiled shyly.

She tried to feign surprise, but she wasn't good at it. "Really? I never realized."

I played along. "Mr. Eastman knew. He thumped me a couple of times for staring."

She laughed and paused as if searching for what to say next. After a few moments, she made a huh sound in a "you don't say" sort of way and turned back to the work.

We worked the rest of the day and chatted about this and that. Her grandbabies, my work, and my divorce.

My divorce is probably the happiest divorce story you'll ever hear, but I little sad. Ellie and I met when I wheeled one of my colleagues into the ER with a lacerated hand. She was the ER nurse and she was something. She was beautiful, confident, and beyond competent. A dynamo. After watching her for an hour, I was in awe. I returned at the end of her shift and asked her out. A year later we married and two years later, divorced. No strife, no irreconcilable differences, just two careers that did a great job at making sure we didn't spend much time together. After two years, we sat down and admitted that we weren't feeling it anymore and that it was no one's fault. We had a good cry and called it quits. We got a simple divorce, that gave us whatever we entered into the marriage with and we split what we accumulated during our time together. No pets, no kids. Thank goodness. Ellie and I still see each other now and again and we're doing good. The occasional dinner with a booty call afterward, but completely non-exclusive.

While Mama and I worked, one thing was different after my confession. There was a lot of eye contact. While we talked, of course, but our eyes would also meet pretty frequently while we weren't talking. We'd smile and look away, only for our eyes to meet again a moment later, and then we'd giggle a bit and go back to work. We got a lot done on day one. After we'd worked up a sweat and an appetite, we got some home-delivery pizza and called it a day.

"Shall we watch a movie before bed? It would be a nice way to wind down." She asked me during dinner.

I smiled and said, "That's a nice idea, Mama. How about we meet back here after a shower?

She smiled and nodded.

After our showers, we met in the TV room. I was dressed in some athletic shorts and a tank top; Mama wore a satiny nightgown and matching robe that hung nearly to her knees. Nothing fancy or revealing. Really it was just a house gown, but it did look very nice on her, and I told her so. She smiled shyly and thanked me.

I sat on the end of the couch and she sat on the other side, but about twenty minutes into the movie, she moved next to me in the center of the couch. Not needing to be hit over the head with hints, I put my arm around her shoulder and she leaned into me. This was what she wanted, what she needed right there at that moment. She snuggled in tight, pushed her face into my side, and breathed deeply. I stroked her hair and face and softly told her that everything was going to be better soon. I ran my hand down her shoulder, her arm, stopping down on her hip. I hugged her to me gently and a shiver ran through me. We relaxed together and watched the movie in silence.

As the credits rolled, she took the TV remote and muted the TV. She took several deep breaths, then she stood and faced me. Her face was flushed and her eyes glistened in the light from the TV. She shrugged off her robe and then pulled the straps of her nightgown down and let the nightgown fall to the floor.

She stood there beautifully naked and vulnerable before me, the look on her face spoke of uncertainty and fear. I could see the struggle going on inside her. She shivered.

"Am I," she paused and swallowed, "Still worthy of your crush?"

Mama's body was curvy and womanly. She looked so soft and sexy; my cock sprang to attention in seconds flat. Her breasts were large and wonderfully full, with broad pink areolas. Her pubic mound was enticingly plump and her pubic hair was neatly trimmed.

I stood confidently, took her in my arms, and as I kissed her, I said, "Never so much as now." I kissed her deeply, pulling her into me. She kissed me back fiercely. Our lips parted and our tongues searched each other out. She relaxed into my embrace, letting me take her full weight. Her arms wrapped over my shoulders and around my head. Her legs curved around mine. There was no way she could have failed to notice my erection. After several minutes of kissing, she broke free of my lips and kissed my neck, and whispered. "I want you to take me. Take me like I'm yours. Take me in my marriage bed."

I whispered back, "Are you sure?"

"Never so much as now."


I lifted Mama and carried her into her bedroom. I sat her on the edge of the bed, straightened, and pulled off my tank top. She pulled me into her and pressed her face against my stomach. She kissed my body and inhaled deeply.

As her hand trailed down to the insistent bulge in my shorts, she looked up into my eyes and whispered, "Can I....?"

My hands shook and I replied a little breathlessly as I NEVER have thought this would be anything but fantasy for me. It was surreal. "Please, Mama."

She took the waistband of my shorts and slid them down until my cock sprang free. She inhaled sharply and slid both hands down the length of my shaft. "This is for me," she whispered to herself.

She looked up at me and said, "Tom, never wanted anything...."

I stopped her. "Tom isn't here and never will be again. I'm sure a gay man was never going to be a sexual dynamo with a beautiful woman. We won't talk about him anymore."

Mama sighed and kissed the head of my cock, already leaking precum. She licked it off her lips with a smile that made me even harder. "You have a beautiful penis."

"Cock," I corrected her. "Penis sounds so clinical. Between lovers, it's called a cock."

"Tom, um," she started. "He... never let me talk dirty to him. He said I sounded like a whore."

"But you still always wanted to."

She smiled slyly up at me, her eyes gleaming and she nodded.

I looked at her intently. "I want to hear it, Mama. Talk how you want to."

Mama smiled brightly. "You have a beautiful cock. I want to taste it." She slid from the rather high bed, stripped my shorts off the rest of the way, led me to her makeup table, and sat in her chair there. She slid her hands around and cupped my ass, pulling me into her. She leaned over and began to lick up and down the length of my shaft. She kissed and rubbed it on her cheek. "Oh, the smell of you. It's intoxicating." She took me into her mouth and began to suck. It was pretty obviously one of the first, if not THE first blowjob she'd ever given, and she tried her best. She ran me in and out of my mouth as far as she could without gagging and made good work with her hand on the rest of my length. She made happy little moans as she sucked, she was enjoying this nearly as much as I was. I sank my hands in her beautiful red curls and moaned loudly. After a while, she popped the head of my dick out of her mouth and laughed. "I'm not used to this; my jaw is getting tired."

Using the wetness we'd generated, she took my cock in both hands and stroked me briskly until with a loud moan, I exploded all over her neck and those beautiful tits. She looked a bit surprised at my cum all over her chest, almost like she was so focused on my cock, she forgot about the inevitable result. She looked quickly around for something to wipe it with.

"Leave it," I said. She looked up at me expectantly. "You look so sexy like that. So primal." I took her hands, stood her up, and walked her back to the bed. I gestured with a nod that she was to slide up on it. With a gasp, she quickly slid up on the bed and laid down on her back with her head on her pillow. She was breathing heavily in anticipation, perspiration creating a lovely sheen on her face.

I went down to the foot of the bed and climbed up, approaching her on my hands and knees. She looked at me with desire and gasped again when I touched her thigh. I took both her thighs in my hands and slowly spread her legs. I stretched my arms out and ran my hands firmly up the inside of her thighs until my thumbs grazed the outside of her labia. Looking up at her I said, "You have a lovely pussy. I'm going to taste it."

"Oh, no one's ever..."

"Shh," I whispered. And she did. I settled down with my head between her legs. She was already quite wet, her pussy glistened enticingly. Not taking my time, I spread her plump, pink pussy lips with my thumbs and licked with the full width of my tongue, from her vagina to her clit. She gasped and cried out a loud "OHHH" and grabbed handfuls of the bed sheet. I did that same lick several times and then started alternating attention between her pussy lips, her vagina, and her clit. I flicked with my tongue tip and then used my whole tongue. I sucked her pussy lips or clit into my mouth and ran my tongue over them. I slid my tongue in and out of her with varying speeds and durations, changing whenever she started getting a rhythm. She writhed and moaned and swore loudly between gasps of air.