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John tottered across the room toward her and fell to his knees between her gaping thighs. He pressed his hands against her legs at her knees, then leaned forward and slid his fingers up along her hot flesh. Her body writhed at his touch, the muscles of her firm belly convulsing visibly. He slid his thumbs up into the twisting, wiry mass at her crotch. He pressed his thumbs against the soft, yielding lips of her vagina, and then spread them open.

She sank her fingers into the mattress at her sides. The pearly bud of her clitoris gleamed in the harsh light.

Delicately, John tweaked that gleaming protrusion with one thumb. With his other he plumbed the opening of his wife's vagina. Her juices formed a hot, sticky coating on his fingers as he explored the pink, shining folds of her pussy.

Mandy writhed ecstatically under her husband's intimate caresses. Fire blazed through her as he investigated her most intimate opening. The pressure of his thumb rasping over her clitoris made her whimper senselessly. The feeling of his other thumb stretching the folds of her vagina as he plumbed her dark hole made her spread her thighs even more widely.

Hot breath touched her tissues, drying her excited flow of juices into a flaming cold paste. God, he was going to do it! His tongue touched her clitoris and her hips jerked in mindless response. Her body bounced and writhed on the mattress as her husband fastened his mouth on her hungry crotch. His hands slid up the length of her twisting, naked, soft body to cup and fondle the soft mounds of her breasts. She imagined her young man there, as she had imagined him over and over in her mind unremittingly.

She whimpered hungrily when his mouth left her crotch. His hard, hot body slid upward along hers. With his elbows braced on either side of her, he continued to mangle her breasts as he slid his chest up past her tender belly, and then up still further to grind his hands down hard on her boobs. Finally he released her breasts and slid his hands under her shoulders and hauled himself down on her. He pressed the full length of his muscular frame against hers. Their mouths met in a devouring, demanding, soaking, hungry kiss. Teeth clashed and tongues dueled as

Mandy twined her legs with her husband's as he lay between her waiting thighs. She felt his cock nestling at the gates of her vagina and held her breath in anticipation. She felt her labia wedge open as he humped his hips. Her pelvis writhed in expectation as she felt his first delicate penetration of her inner folds. Her clitoris was being crushed between them into a patch of fire that seemed to be spreading outward through her entire body. Never retreating, he pumped his cock into his wife's sex, feeling her hot tissue enfold his shaft.

Mandy felt her vagina driven open by her husband's towering organ and wrapped her arms around his strong body. She hugged him to her, trying to engulf him with her entire being.

"Aaaahhh," she growled. "You're so biiiggg."

John responded with a wordless, gargling growl as he felt his prick being swallowed by his wife's clinging, steaming vagina. With a final drive he sank his cock full depth in her juicy hole.

"Oooohhh, baby," Mandy sighed ecstatically. She was stuffed full, glutted with his wonderful phallus. She felt gorged with cock. But the demanding itch deep in her guts that her imaginary lover was here to ravish her was undeniable evidence that the best was yet to come.

John drew his cock out and powered it back home with a smooth movement of his hips. The feeling of her hot flesh sliding past the skin of his cock sent fire slashing through his body.

The sensation of being emptied of cock and then filled again with it wrung a mindless cry from Mandy. The impact of John's pubic arch cracking her clitoris against her pubic bone was like the jerking on the trigger of a gun.

"Aaaag-g-gain," she urged, frantically clutching his muscular buttocks, spurring him on with her fingernails in the fleshy cheeks of his ass.

John didn't need to be told. He was drawing back already, and then ramming his prick home in his wife's eager belly. He stroked his huge hard cock in the velvety glove of her vagina, feeling her flesh cling to his, feeling her folds envelop his pistoning cock. He felt the semen pooling in his groin, accumulating for the final, pulsing, powering thrust deep into her body. He fought down his orgasm, praying that he could hold back long enough to lift his wife for her own orgasm.

Mandy's gasping whisper relieved his worry on that score. The unadulterated desire for her young lover was exploding through her in an unbelievable climax.

"I'm cumming," she whispered. "I'm cumming, cumming, cumming, cummiiinnnggggg."

Mandy's body arched, her heels and shoulders driving into the mattress as her pelvis lifted the mass of her husband clear in the air. As her orgasm roared through her she tried to take his entire body in through the small opening of her vagina.

The muscle-straining convulsion of Mandy's body was the final stimulus for John's lust. His body reacted explosively, his buttocks convulsing and jerking as he poured his semen into her. Wad after wad of searing cum bulleted the length of his cock and sprayed deep into his wife's vagina. His body quivered with the recoil as he filled her with his gooey sperm. His muscles tensing, he did his best to climb right inside his wife's body as he hosed her insides with his fluids.

The husband and wife on the tattered mattress strained at each other for long, quivering moments, then slowly slumped in exhaustion as their climaxes faded. In Mandy's dreams that night her lover repeated the lustful exploration of her body, she slept fitfully, the visions of her dream lover too real at times for her to sleep through.


Barely able to get through her aerobics class because of exhaustion, Mandy muddled through her exercises and from time to time checked on the object of her desire, doing his work out in the other room. She strained her neck around several times in an attempt to see if his bulge was visible when he seated himself in a machine. Frustrated for the most part, she caught only fleeting glimpses of him.

As she was leaving she happened to see him leaning on a weight stack talking to a lovely young girl. She was beautiful and Mandy was instantly jealous, she was incensed that anyone could perturb her fantasy lover. She felt the rage rise in her very core this was an imposition that could not stand. Mandy moved purposefully toward them, then as if struck by lightning she caught herself, covered her mouth in shame as she gasped a little "oh" and turned so as to not be seen by either of them, and froze as the young girl said,

"I'll see you tomorrow Tom."

"Sure thing, bye." He said returning to his work.

'Tom,' Tom was his name. It rolled around in her mind then, spellbound as she was, she mouthed the name "Tom," ever so quietly. Once again she said his name "Tom." And she left driving for home, smiling as she pronounced his name, imagining they were leaning against the weight stack together, talking, talking of love…of sex. She felt it building, slowly at first then with an increasing fury, deep in her center, she closed her eyes for a moment and the shudder of orgasm wracked her body. The convulsions surged through her and in that split second she lost control of the car, veered into the curb and only just missed another motorist, careening past, horn sounding vicious in its stark realism. Mandy gulped for air, gathered her wits and cautiously drove the remaining distance to her home. Safely at home she started shaking from the anxiety that had been suppressed from the near miss.

John came home late, apprehensions of the past two days clearly concerning him as he tread lightly into the house, showered and prepared for bed. As he climbed into the bed Mandy faced away from him, whimpering softly, he spooned up behind her asking "what was the matter?"

"Nothing, I just had a close call driving today, that's all."

"Oh you poor babe, you should be more careful."

"I'll try," she said, and went fast to sleep.

John found it difficult to sleep, Mandy's strange behavior the past two days had him concerned. Just as he began to doze off, Mandy seemed to stir from her sleep.

"Oh," she moaned softly, "Ummm."

John looked on admiringly as his lovely wife gently tossed in her sleep, her feet kneading the sheets beneath her, her legs parting and closing slowly.

Mandy moaned again "Oh, umhumm, oh, Tom!"

John was taken aback, who the fuck was Tom? What was going on with his wife that spurred this wonton behavior of late? Was she having an affair? It didn't make sense, she was all over him, not exactly the modus operandi of the cheating spouse. But what could explain her dreaming like this? He had to find out now; answer the questions he desperately needed to answer.

Gently, he placed a finger in the opening of Mandy's vagina, and found it sopping wet. He teased the clitoris lightly and she seemed to respond to his touch without waking. He wanted to say something, but had no clue what to say. Again he pressed his digit into her soft folds, deeper this time, she began to writhe against the pressure.

"Oh, yes." She gasped.

John continued his attention to her velvety folds.

"Tom." She moaned.

Unable to resist, John answered softly, "Yes."

"Tom." More urgently this time, as she moved further down the mattress, attempting to engage more fully the penetration.

"Do you like it?" John asked her.

"Umm, I…Tom…Tom." She mewled as she was now fully rocking and thrusting her pelvis against his hand, and instantly climaxed in her sleep, unaware of the true nature of her stimulus.


Morning came and Mandy was refreshed. She went to work and was able to concentrate on her required tasks, 'finally' she thought. The day zipped by and soon it was time to wrap up the days accomplishments. She left for the gym and suddenly realized she hadn't thought of her dream lover all day, 'that's peculiar' she wondered how it had escaped her consciousness for the day. 'Oh well, maybe I have it out of my system', she thought, and entered the gym. As she was preparing to work her butt on the glute machine, Tom was doing low-rows directly opposite her. In this movement Tom held a bar while seated and pulled in a rowing motion as he extended his legs from a bent leg position to a fully extended one. Mandy was steadily moving the weight and watched as Tom moved, then she saw it, peering from between his thigh and his billowing shorts, his penis was hanging in the gaping space and was easily visible when he started to press backward.

"Oh my god," she said under her breath, eyes now riveted on his crotch. Again and again his man-meat clung to the opening, gently displacing as he went through the range of motion. She found her repetitions on the machine had crept up and were now much too fast, slowing, she unconsciously inched her pelvis to the edge of the waist belt that kept her in place, and the large clasp was directly over her clitoris and provided a welcome assist during the extension of the weight. In seconds she was again driving the weight too fast, this time she didn't slow, she climaxed with her teeth clenched, veins bulging, and breath hissing through her thinly stretched lips, eyes still riveted to Tom's wriggling meat. To an onlooker it appeared as if she was working intensely, of course only she knew how intensely.

When John came home Mandy was already in bed she was completely exhausted from the full day's activities. John wondered, now, if maybe she was having an affair; her unusual sex drive earlier in the week and now the seeming absence of that drive, and what to make of Tom, her dream lover? He had more questions than answers.

John woke to Mandy thrashing on the bed, "What's wrong," he asked concerned. She didn't answer, she just moaned and arched her back, thrusting her hips upward, legs falling in a lewd manner, a scene which if it hadn't been a source of concern would have aroused John. Mandy didn't call his name, she didn't have to, John knew it was Tom not he that delivered to her in her dreams that which she seemed to need so desperately.

At work the following day John called the private detective firm that was retained by his law firm. After explaining what he knew to the lead detective, John was given a set of options, first of which was to ignore it and let it pass-no deal John said, he had to know. Second was to have her tailed and report all contacts, photos optional-God did he really distrust her so? Third was to set up a meet with a surrogate 'Tom' and see if she took the bait-bingo this was much less intrusive and if she declined then no harm/no foul. "Set it up," John said, the die was cast.

As he hung up the phone the lead detective called down the hall, "Hey, rookie, get your ass in here. I've got a job for you."


Mandy was tying up loose ends for the day as the phone rang, "Hello."

"High honey, just wanted to let you know I'll be late tonight, big case to prepare for tomorrow." John's voice crackled through the receiver.

"Oh, ok, call me later, bye." Mandy said almost absentmindedly.

At the gym, she was energized, she was resting much better now, and her whole fitness regimen seemed to be refocused, recommitted. As she walked into the gym she glowed with the fresh vitality that she hadn't known for years. Aerobics were a breeze, and just as the tempo of the class reached its zenith, Mandy saw Tom. He was directly in front of her as she went through the demanding chorus of movements. She dreamed her private little dream, of Tom, watching as he moved through the gym so graceful, so confident, so svelte. Just then, she caught his eye. Was he looking at her? Her heart raced, her pulse palpitated under the force of a drumming in her chest. She averted her gaze and avoided him the rest of the work out.

Later, after finishing, but before changing clothes, he approached her and asked, "Do you have a moment to help me? I could use a stretch partner."

Mandy was speechless, "Uhh…I…"

"I guess I could find someone else, but everyone seems busy."

Gym protocol dictated that she help, her mind told her to run. "No, that's ok I'll be glad to help." She heard herself saying, as if from somewhere outside looking in.

He moved to a clear spot on the floor and spread his towel, lay on his back and indicated for her to grasp his leg as it hovered in the air. "Push slowly, I'm kind'a tight tonight."

Mandy placed one foot between his thighs and the other outside his hip, leaned her shoulder into his calf and pressed.

He stretched the first leg, and then moved to the second, whereupon he winced in pain, "Ouch."

"Did I push too hard?" Mandy said visibly shaken.

"No, I think I'm just too tight today. Maybe I'd better stop." He said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, ok." Mandy said, almost disappointed the exercise had come to an end.

Tom jumped up and announced, "Hey, your turn."

"No, that's alright, I…"

"Nonsense, I've seen you work out. You should really stretch afterwards."

Mandy was flattered that he had noticed her, all restraint was lost, and she pivoted to the floor and gingerly began to stretch. Tom gently pressed and pulled her legs and thighs like a professional masseuse. She lost all track of time, and then, there it was again his meaty penis, close up. Very close up, Mandy was limber and as Tom reached to press her calf downward and over her head, his groin was just inches from her face. She breathed in deeply; the arousing sent of his male musk was sensuous and inviting. He caught her looking and she blushed. He smiled, but said nothing. 'God, this Adonis is driving me to such erotic thoughts,' she thought.

A voice drug her from her revelry, "You have the most supple calves and thighs. You must work them constantly."

Mandy blushed and asked, "Is that a pick up line?"

"Would you mind if it was?"

Mandy's heart leapt, She had asked the question, but didn't expect the answer. "Uh…well…" she stuttered.

"Suppose we get out of here?"

Mandy heard that voice again that sounded like hers from far off say, "Ok."

Tom drove them to his apartment and asked her to "excuse the mess."

Mandy smiled, and reddened a bit. He's so young, she thought, so fresh, so ready to attack life. I wish I was like that. I was once.

He grinned, and his teeth were very young and white and square. "You're a gym rat, you're very firm and well defined, everything in balance." He looked down at her breasts. "And nothing bouncing." Mandy swooned, the hours of sweating it out in the gym had paid off.

He wore nothing but blue satin work out trunks and her eyes fell on the thick bulge, the almost invisible throb at the skimpy center. She looked back up into his eyes. And she knew. They both knew... Running his middle finger over the crispy curling strands of her pubic hair, he hissed down at her his teeth bared in an animalistic mask of lust.

"Don't worry," he told her. "I'm going to give you the loving you deserve!"

"Oooooooooh!" moaned Mandy. "Yeeeeeees!" His obscene words triggered still more excitement in her wildly impassioned body, and she groaned louder, "Do it to me...fuck me as hard as you can!" Her small ringed hand tightened about the shaft of his pulsing penis as she spoke, and her naked white ass-cheeks began to rotate in wanton little circles on the mattress as she felt his prodding finger swirling around and around the sensitive little bud of her clitoris. "Aaaaaaah," she cried.

Her new lover's penis lurched violently and he knew he could not wait any longer. Suddenly inspired by her lewd gyrations and wanton pleadings, he decided what his plan of attack would be with the woman. He wanted to shove his bursting cock up inside her tight little belly, and he wanted the salacious view of her jouncing breasts and her lust-contorted face as he did so. There was only one way to do it.

"Get on top of me!" He commanded, and before Mandy had a chance to protest or to consent, she felt herself being pulled up over his passion-fevered loins.

Her husband had never made love to her this way, and she was not quite sure of what to do. She stared down with wide wondering eyes, afraid he was going to do something else that would only satisfy his own needs instead of giving her the fucking she needed. Her breath came in quick labored gasps, and she only wished he would put his penis inside her aching pussy quick! It felt as though her cunt was on fire, and the spirit of licentious liberation from all inhibitions drove her to heights of wanton desire which she had never before known.

"Like this, baby," explained the youth whose fingers were clasping the satin-smooth cheeks of her resilient buttocks and positioning her temptingly small cunt mouth directly above his throbbing hardness. A lewd little smile lighted his face as he noted the half-fearful, half-lustful gleam in her eyes as she stared greedily down at the size of his penis. "Is it big enough?" He asked lecherously, his eyes gleaming. "This what your hot cunt needs?"

Mandy could hardly answer. The sight of his rigid pulsing flesh rising straight up from his hairy loins to her unprotected pussy made the lustful woman almost faint with desire. But it's so big, she thought in terror. It will surely tear me apart. Suddenly her lust was forgotten in a flood of terror. "No!" She gasped. "Stop! Let go of me!" Forgotten now, in the moment of truth, were all the nights she had dreamt of doing this, with him, with Tom. But there was no stopping now.

The panting youth was quite sure that she'd like his big thick cock well enough once it was firmly ensconced within her trembling cunt. "Take it in your hand and put it in your cunt," he ordered, too impatient to pay attention to the cock-teasing woman's objections.