Marcus Pays His Dues


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"Dude, thanks a lot. This was pretty intense!" I ventured.

Marcus was confused a bit. You could see that easily on his face. A definite sense of disorientation. He sucked, he swallowed, he was even not going to get paid for it. Besides, we knew each other. Not that we were closest of friends, but, yeah, we knew each other pretty well. There was no shroud of anonymity around him anymore. All of this was slowly setting in. But, setting in, it was.

The way his sperm-smeared mouth opened indicated that he was about to start logging in a minor complaint, along the lines, 'Dude, I did not want you to cum in my mouth, you know.'

But he stopped short of saying anything. A mixture of post orgasmic smile with the slightest hint of a smirk on my face stopped him dead in his tracks. Marcus was a cocksucker and a fag, alright but he wasn't slow. What good was complaining about your own actions and their results? Nothing was going to change the facts anyway.

So, he looked down, took a breath, and mellowed a bit. "Yeah, this was awesome."

I liked this attitude. OK, I saw him as being a loser here. But from his point of view, he got a big, full mouth of prime cock. He felt a bit humiliated, too. Which comes, as we all know, from sucking cock and taking other dude's seed down your own throat. Pretending he did not like it would have made his situation even worse. Being a cocksucking fag was one thing. Being a cocksucking fag with wussie manners was so much worse. So, he reconciled himself with his position without any further embarrassment. Not that it matters, but if given an option, I'd rather fuck a smart hole than a stupid one. That much I knew even then.

"Dude, let's take it easy. Have another beer, another cig. What are you sayin'?"

This little outbreak of friendliness on my part, was more than welcome. Marcus needed some reassurance that I was still his friend and that I was not looking down on him after all that took place between us. I thought of him as a fag and a cocksucker at that, too. Because, that's who he really was and the evidence was still dribbling down his chin, for all I cared to notice. But he was an excellent cocksucker, too. A guy with a rare talent, you may say. He was 'helping me out' or at least, that was how I had put it in the first place. Just like I, he too, had a vested interest in keeping it all very, very private. So, yeah, he still was my friend, cocksucker and all but the dude was following my lead, maybe to his own detriment, but he did not do anything, I did not want him to do. He only did everything; I would never want to do.

The two of us sat down, started guzzling at our beer and smoking our cigs. This was fun and certainly no drama worth mentioning. I guess, having Marcus around for a while with all of his talents would be a very good plan, if viable, at all. So, we all daydream, don't we?

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ilovegibbsilovegibbsabout 10 years ago
The leading man was way too egotistical for me.

I like the stories that are not so hard(no pun intended). I like happy endings!(again, no pun intended).

dinkybootsdinkybootsover 12 years ago

boring long winded

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
White Cum

great story with humour; couldn't be much better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
awesome---don't listen to the idiots

don't listen to the idiots. It's an awesome, hot story that I keep going back to. Write more like this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
selfish attitude

Erotic fiction works best if the characters enjoy the sex & each other's pleasure. - Tops who just use women & other men as masturbation aids are boring story characters.

SvenskaflickaSvenskaflickaabout 19 years ago

As if the story itself wasn't meager enough, the language was terrible. Loose the attitude and the ebonics-wanna-be phrases, and write your next story in normal English, OK?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
way too long

way too long......... make it shorter and cut out lots of the BS. Goo dstory but oh my God, way too long-


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