Mariam's Gambit


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It wasn't long before Mariam had made it to the inn where the handsome nobleman Alistair Merryweather was staying. Vivien had Mariam followed by two guards, to make sure she held up to her side of the bargain. Mirriam would be entering the inn with a note written by Vivien, asking for the mysterious nobleman to meet with Vivien, it would be at this point, when Mariam was alone with the Merryweather that she would seduce him and inquire about his sexual preferences, performing them if needed.

Mirriam enjoyed the looks that she got from the male gaze as she walked through the streets and into the inn, she had never worn such revealing clothing. It didn't take long for Mariam to be led up into Merryweather's private suite when she finally came face to face with Merryweather she froze and nearly had a heart attack. She was swept into Merryweather's room and she stood shocked, looking through the candlelight of the inn, at a very familiar face. It was Liam, her fiance who had left and traveled to the North Sea to find his fortune, he had returned! Unable to speak the two embraced in a loving hug by the candlelight.

Whispering, to not allow the guards standing outside of the door to hear about their reunion the two began to speak, "Your alive!" Mariam whispered with tears streaming down her face.

"I came for you!" Liam said gently touching Mariam's face with his hand, wiping away her tears.

Looking intensely at Liam Mariam asked, "You must explain!"

"Almost immediately I was captured by pirates, everyone I was with was killed, I worked as a deckhand, eventually the pirate ship got lost in a storm and wrecked on an uninhabited Northern Island, again I was somehow the only survivor. On the island was a small abandoned monastery, filled with priceless relics and an abandoned castle filled with gold. It must have been abandoned hundreds of years ago. I was ecstatic to find the fortune, but I was stuck on the island. A few years later a ship which had run astray landed on the island, I was barely alive, they nursed me back to health. The small crew and I agreed to share the treasure found on the island, we hauled it onto the ship and started sailing, hoping to eventually find a home. We found various ports and used some of the treasure to buy a new larger boat and buy some exotic clothes, we all took noble titles, as to ward off pirates, who would dare not attack a noble ship. I came back to get you, I was not looking for you, I told them I was looking for my wife, I guess they heard a wife' the women on this island, they hear what they want to hear." Liam smiled.

Mariam hugged Liam again, and then said: "Take me away, anywhere, my life has been ruined by the famine, by Vivien Atwood for whom I am a servant to."

"My plan was to take you and your family, and the crew's family back to the island where I initially found the treasure, it's fertile, we could build a village, revitalize the monastery and the castle, I could be a real nobleman, you my princess!"

The two reunited lovers began to passionately kiss, their clothing quickly being shed. Liam had grown more muscular through his years at sea, Mariam audibly swooned as she caressed her hand over Liam's rock hard abs before Mariam could even think about her actions, she found herself light-headed, her face buried into Liam's now naked crotch. As Mariam put her lover's erect penis in her mouth, her right hand also darted to her naked midsection, she began to play with herself as her lips caressed each and every vein of her lover's rock hard cock, Mariam moaned in delight as she sucked off her man, she tasted his precum and reveled in her good fortune.

Before Mariam knew it she was on her back, her long-lost lover's cock effortlessly sliding in and out of her well-lubricated pussy, her legs pointing in a v-shape towards the ceiling. Mariam moaned as she looked longingly at her lover's face in the candle-light. Mariam wrapped her legs around Liam's torso drawing him in and eventually coaxing him to roll over. Now Mariam was on top, bouncing up and down on Liam's large erect cock, she bent over and as the two lovers passionately fucked Mariiam kissed her lover, their tongues met and tangled Mariam felt her lover's hands grip tightly onto her ass. Then with force, Mariam found herself again on her back, being fucked in the missionary position, Liam holding her ankles as he thrusted deep and methodically inside of her. Mariam felt as though she was about to explode with pleasure, she harshly grabbed her tits and moaned in pleasure, but Liam wasn't done.

Mariam found herself flipped over on her stomach, Liam's gripped Mariam's hips and was fucking her deep and hard, Mirriam backed her ass up into Liam's thrusts as both lover's moaned, each one close to climax. Finally, Mariam cried out, biting her bottom lip, her eyes rolling back in her head, her body gyrating almost uncontrollably, wave after wave of earth-shattering pleasure struck Mariam as Liam continued to thrust deep into her now pulsating pussy. Finally, Mariam felt Liam's seed gush inside of her with incredible force as Liam deeply growled in utter satisfaction, Mariam was pumped full of seamen as every time Liam's cock pulsated it let out a massive gushing swell of seamen right inside of Mariam's well-fucked pussy. Mariam's pleasure was deeply satisfying.

After a short post-coital nap the two lovers woke up, nude in each other's arms. Liam picked up the folded up letter that Mariam had brought him.

"What is this?"

"Oh, god. Vivien sent me, she desperately wants to marry you, she thinks your a nobleman, it's the only way she can avoid marrying Winthrope, she wants you to pay off her family's debts." Mariam said nonchalantly as she slowly got up from the bed, looking for a rag to clean up the semen that was leaking out of her.

"Why did she send you to deliver the letter?"

Mariam laughed, "Oh that's right she wanted me to find out what you liked in bed, so she could impress you and ensnare you into paying off her debts and so you could rescue her from Winthrope."

"So, you were going to fuck a stranger for Vivien."

"Look, she gave me about three years of wages, and three dresses, I thought you were long dead, that was my ticket off this island."

Liam starred seemingly contemplating something.

"Look, Vivien is worse than she seems, if I didn't do what she said, she would have done something really bad to me, it's a miracle I got these dresses and her stuff. She is wicked, she makes me pleasure her before she pays me, she slaps me and calls me a "whore." This whole island it's no good, we have to get out of here." Mariam said quickly not wanting Liam to be upset.

"We'll inform your family tomorrow morning and ship out in the afternoon, we'll leave, Vivien will marry Winthrope and live happily ever after," Liam said while he started to get dressed

Mariam smiled, and then a wicked flood of sadistic thoughts entered her mind, she stuck with it and let it stew, it seemed like a terrible thought, it could easily work against her, but it was also so devilish and appealing.

Pausing Mariam blurted out her thoughts, "Maybe Vivien deserves a greater punishment, I still taste her sour juices in my mouth, a taste I cannot dismiss, she treats the other servant's horribly as well, with your help, we could thoroughly knock her down a peg or two, maybe a few hundred pegs."

"What's your plan?" Liam said with a sigh, knowing that his lover was someone who held grudges.

Mariam smiled a wicked smile, "I can return, and tell her all sorts of nasty things you want to do to her, and then we can schedule a meeting, and she will willingly do everything I told her, she will confess her love to you and then when you are done having your way with her in every conceivable debased humiliating way I can think of, you can leave her and take me, my family, your crew away to that island, where we can start a new life."

"Let me get this straight, you want me to fuck your biggest enemy, a tall beautiful blonde. What if I decide to stay with her?"

Mariam paused, "Well if you leave with me, I will know that you love me, and you know me, anything she'll do, I'll do. You'll live a good life with me, I won't be controlling or I will always think of you first."

"Ah, you'll always think of me first, eh! Well, we'll see about that!" Liam said jokingly.

So the two lovers schemed, laughing and making jokes as they came up with all of the ways Vivien would degrade herself for fraudulent love.


So, the next day Mariam returned to report to Vivien. Vivien sat nervously, Mariam sat beside her and put her arm around the nervous desperate noblewoman.

"He likes to have his arsehole licked. Just like you make me do to you."

Vivien's face contorted into a disgusted facial expression, but before she could even comprehend the first shocking revelation Mariam interjected.

"He would like you to act like a dog."

Vivien looked confused.

Mariam slyly responded. "You know, crawl around on all fours, bark, play fetch, hump his leg."

Vivien looked concerned her face turning pale, '...Oh god..."

"He'd like to tie you up."

Vivien looked away in deep thought.

"He'd like to fuck your ass!"

"I've never!" Vivien put her hand up to her mouth but was yet again interrupted.

"He'd like to cum all over your face."

Vivien looked mortified just thinking about all of these defiling acts, breathing heavily her hands clenched into fists. Vivien didn't make a sound, she just motioned her hand for Mariam to leave. Mariam smiled to herself imagining Vivien's racing mind as she tried to grapple with her task of "trapping" who she thought was a nobleman named Alistair Merryweather and was, in reality, Liam, Mariam's long-lost husband. Mariam wondered if Vivien would lower her noble self to perform sex acts that she clearly saw as beneath her status with a man she just met.


So, the stage was set, Mariam waited at the docks, with her family already boarded onto Liam's ship. Meanwhile, Liam was visiting Vivien Atwood the most prominent member of the ruling noble family, her only chance to keep her status would be impressing Liam, a man she knew of as Alistair Merryweather.

And after a spectacular dinner, filled with the finest most expensive exotic foods, Liam was invited back to Vivien's large chamber.

"So, Vivien Atwood, you have summoned me to your chambers. I do not know why?" Liam asked, looking at a clearly nervous Vivien, her pale flesh nearly blending in with her large fanciful dress.

"Well I hear, you are a young rich nobleman looking for a wife. You've been at sea for some time."

"This is all true." Liam stoically responded.

"I am a noblewoman looking for a husband. I have turned down many men, but I have heard that you may be someone I am looking for."

"Why is that?" Liam responded.

"Well, I have heard about your certain peculiarities."

"What do you mean?"

Vivien gulped, "In bed."

"I still don't follow your line of reasoning."

Vivien looked down, a slight wave of shame seemed to fall over her face. "I...I...share these peculiarities."

"What have you heard?" Liam said suspiciously.

"Well, that you may like to tie women up, and fuck them while they lay helpless in front of you"

Liam starred into Vivien's eyes, and very quickly, Vivien said, "I too have this peculiarity, I would like to be tied and taken."

"Well, Vivien I don't know where you are getting this information, but this is not nearly my only peculiarity."

"I have heard more, and since I have just met you, I am ashamed to speak on these topics, but I assure you I share these peculiarities." Vivien was now red in the face.

"Well, the first confession was broad, many men and women enjoy light bondage, if I am to be convinced that you share these so-called peculiarities, then I will need to know specifically." Liam stepped closer to Vivien.

"You would like to put your seed on my face...I...I...would like that as well."

"So you would like to be tied up, and fucked and then have me ejaculate on your face."

Vivien swallowed, her face now deep crimson, "Yes...sounds...wonderful."

"Tell me Vivien, do you, yourself, have any more peculiarities because I think that many men would like to tie you up and fuck you and ejaculate on your beautiful face."

Vivien smiled nervously, she stumbled, lightheaded and then blurted out with a sneer, "I'd like to lick your bum! And crawl around on all fours like a dog, obeying your commands. I want your cock deep in my asshole" Vivien sat down, she couldn't believe what had just come out of her mouth, she looked up at Liam and tried to force a smile.

"Well then, you seem to have me pegged."

Vivien smiled a forced smile, "None of this will happen until we marry."

"Then I think you are pulling my leg, some whore came to you and told you everything she knows about me, and now your going to lead me on. I would have considered courting you, but this deception is untenable!" Liam said feigning that he was upset, knowing that Vivien would have to not only seduce the man she thought was Alistair Merryweather but also marry him before her estate was liquidated by bankers.

"No...don't...please" Vivien was concerned.

"So, I don't have to wait until I am married to you?" Liam said, his hands on his hips.

"I shall give you a taste...What type of lingerie would you prefer I wear."

"Stark naked, no Lingerie," Liam said matter of factly.

Vivien swallowed and then smiled, her face still felt hot with shame, and again she became light headed. "Good...I appreciate a man who knows what he wants."

Vivien sat on the bed, and took off her heeled boots first, then she reached behind her dress and unzipped it, letting it fall to the floor. Shaking she unclasped the top half of her undergarments, and then slid out of the lower half. Vivien stood up straight, looking at Liam, she was starkly nude, Liam fully dressed. Vivien was used to towering over her lovers in high heeled boots, dominating them, but for the first time, she did not have the upper hand.

Slowly Vivien lowered herself to her knees, and folded her wrists up near her head, she looked at Liam like a puppy dog, panting, then she got on all fours and crawled around the man she was desperately trying to impress and please. Vivien felt the breeze hit her private parts as she crawled, the cold air hardened her nipples as her tits swayed. Vivien, ashamed managed to let out a bark as she continued to crawl like a dog as stood stoically watching her display. Finally, as Vivien circled back around to the front of Liam, she grabbed onto his thigh and began to gyrate her hips on Liam's boot, rubbing her clit on the toe. Looking up at Liam, Vivien moaned gently. Only initially intending to do this for a short period of time Vivien started to enjoy her gyrations and continued humping Liam's boot like she was a dog. Vivien's mind was swirling with thoughts of both shame and pleasure, it was an unexpected outcome for the normally proud Vivien.

Vivien had intended for this to be her ultimate display of submission, that this act alone would convince her noble savior to take her hand in marriage, yet when Liam lowered his pants slightly and presented a handsome and large erect cock for Vivien, her mouth began to water and before she knew it she was on her knees bobbing her head up and down on Liam's large throbbing cock, moaning onto it as she sucked.

"Look at me!" Liam ordered

Vivien looked up at the man attached to the dick she was sucking, admiring his chiseled masculine face with her yearning puppy dog eyes. No longer gyrating her hips on Liam's shoe, Vivien found her hand stroking her now dripping wet pussy.

Pulling his cock out of Vivien's mouth, Liam started to take off his pants completely. Vivien laying back on her laurels continued to vigorously masturbate herself, precum and saliva dripping out of the corner of her full and glistening lips.

Lying on his back on Vivien's chamber bed, Vivien was quick to join Liam, on her knees between his legs. Moaning and stroking herself wildly, Vivien took a momentary break, to utter the words, "I love your cock, it feels so good in my mouth!" Before continuing to desperately bob her head on Liam's now rock hard erect cock.

Soon Vivien was on her stomach, licking Liam's balls and perineum with a huge amount of gusto. Vivien was shocked at her own willingness to indulge in her own wanton desires. Only a few minutes ago she could barely even speak to Liam without feeling shame. Now she was slobbering all over his scrotum, one hand stroking herself the other hand feeling Liam's abs and chest from underneath his shirt. As Vivien laid completely naked between Liam's legs she kicked her feet involuntarily in a playful fashion. Vivien couldn't help but to gently kiss and worship Liam's lower extremities, her head racing as she stroked her soaked pussy. Soon Liam lifted his legs and Vivien felt the unmistakable feeling of her tongue touching an arsehole. Liam's hand pushed her head down further, and before Vivien knew it she was vigorously circling her tongue around the rim of Liam's asshole, she was pressing her tongue as deep as she could into the hole, Liam's balls resting on the bridge of her nose Vivien looked at Liam as she pleasured him. Vivien bent her legs at her knees and roughly grinded her hips onto her hand.

Vivien took a short break to state, "I actually like this!" Before continuing to pleasure the now loudly moaning Liam with her tongue. Vivien rubbed and stroked herself, a puddle of her own juices forming beneath her crotch on her chamber bed. Soon Vivien felt like she would explode in a rapturous pleasure. Vivien's climax was delayed, however, by Liam getting up and taking Vivien by her wrist.

Liam pulled the lustful Vivien up, panting heavily as Vivien looked longingly into Liam's eyes, launching herself onto her tiptoes, Vivien started to passionately kiss Liam, who was taken off-guard.

Pushing Vivien back down onto the flats of her feet Liam turned Vivien around and bent her over so that she was lying on her bed prone.

"I want your ass," Liam said.

Letting out a lustful growl, Vivien reached back and opened her well-shaped ass cheeks apart, and presented her asshole to Liam.

With pain and pleasure, Vivien let out an animalistic grunt as the tip of Liam's cock slowly made its way into Vivien's unlubed asshole.

"It hurts! Keep going!"

Vivien screamed again, her eyes almost bulging out of her head as she felt Liam's cock stretch her asshole open as it penetrated deeper. By the time Vivien felt Liam's pelvic region press into her buttocks, she was in shocked silence, her mouth making a long oval shape, her eyes open wide with fear. Then Liam began to thrust, and he was not gentle.

"FUCK ME! OH GOD, IT HURTS! KEEP FUCKING!" Vivien screamed in both pleasure and pain as she was roughly fucked in her virgin asshole, her bare legs kicking, her toes curling in pleasure and in pain.

"AHHHHHHHHHH ALISTAIR FUCK ME!" Vivien was letting out screams of lustful agony as Liam pulled her golden hair back, forcing Vivien to stare forward as she continued to feel Liam's devastating thrusts. Vivien managed to slide an errant hand underneath her stomach and was stroking her clit with all the diligence that she could muster.

Suddenly Vivien felt unfilled, her now well-stretched asshole was exposed to the open air. Vivien was led by her hair to the end of the bed, looking up at Liam, her golden hair was matted with sweat, her mascara and makeup were running all over her face. All Vivien could do was look up and Liam and wait for his next command, she was at his mercy.

"On your knees," Liam ordered, and the obedient Vivian did as she was told, only to have her wrists tightly tied to the two-bed posts, with some errant sheets.