Marriage Counseling - The Bride

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Now it's the bride's turn for counseling.
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The next day I arrived at the office with a quickening heartbeat. Soon, the young bride-to-be Maddie was due for her appointment.

Yesterday our session with her hubby-to-be was a thrill, and I hope he felt the same. Little did he know that our "counseling" had no basis in honorable practice, but I felt that what he taught him would be valuable. It certainly was valuable to me because of what I was planning for Maddie's visit.

At two o'clock sharp, there was a knock on our office door. Dr. Thoroughgood, my wife Evelyn, answer the door. In walked a lovely, sweet, innocent young woman, not much over five feet tall, with long hair that must have been blonde when she was a child but had turned to a light brown. She was trim and almost, but not quite, flat chested and dressed in a modest skirt and blouse ensemble. And delightfully, she had freckles across the bridge of her nose.

"Welcome," said Dr. Thoroughgood. "Please come in and make yourself comfortable." She looked at Evelyn and me, dressed in our white lab coats, and took a seat.

"Yes, welcome," I said. "I am the doctor's assistant, but please excuse me while I tend to other business."

I left the room as I heard my wife say, "It's nice to see you again, Maddie. Today will time for just you to talk with me about anything that will make your new marriage a success." As I closed the door behind me, I could see Maddie smile and nod to the doctor.

Evelyn left the intercom on, and I took a seat in the outside room and listened as the doctor asked, "Why don't you tell me something about your upbringing and especially about intimate friends when you were in school? What drew you to trust them? Do you feel secure in your knowledge of what makes a satisfying relationship?"

Dear Maddie began speaking about her early friendships and her teen years and her home life. I was transfixed listening to this attractive but inexperienced future bride tell my wife about her secrets and likes and dislikes. Apparently, much of her upbringing has centered on her church, and it seemed that she was as innocent sexually as I had guesses. One can never tell.

Finally, Dr. Thoroughgood steered the conversation to Maddie's sexual history, just as I had yesterday with her intended, Gary. As soon as the doctor asked, "Maddie, when did you discover your womanhood?" I felt my cock squirm and puff up.

Evelyn had to as the question in a few different ways before Maddie felt comfortable answering. Maddie said that a girlfriend had learned the facts of life from her mother, and told Maddie. The doctor pressed, "Did that make you feel uncomfortable?"

Maddie said, "Oh yes, I had no idea that babies came that way, not exactly. I mean, I had figured out that mothers had babies, but, but..."

Dr. Thoroughgood helped her finish the sentence, "But you did not now what boys did to make it happen?"

"Yes, that's right," Maddie said.

"Well, you know all about that now, I'm sure," the doctor said.

Maddie was quiet a few moments, then said, "Yeah."

The doctor spoke, "Why don't you tell me what they do."

Maddie seemed to fumble a bit before she could say anything, "They have a thing...."

My wife chimed in, "They have a penis."

Maddie said, "Yes, mam."

Dr. Thoroughgood spoke again, "It's called a penis in polite company, but also a cock, a dick, a pecker, all sort of common words, as I'm sure you know, Maddie."

"Yes, mam," she replied.

"Have you and Gary been sexually active?" asked the doctor.

"We've done some stuff, but I don't think we're supposed to," Maddie answered.

"What about other boyfriends? Have you ever had a real sexual experience?" my wife asked.

By this time, Maddie had grown comfortable with talking to a doctor, and she told her, "There was a boy once who know a lot, and he talked me into..." Maddie couldn't finish her sentence.

"Did he fuck you?" asked Dr. Thoroughgood.

"Oh, no mam," Maddie exclaimed. "But he did sort of put it in me."

"So, you're not a virgin?" the doctor asked.

"I don't know, and that worries me," said Maddie with concerned emotion in her voice.

"Well don't you worry," Evelyn soothed her, "We can check that and I can give you advice on how to handle things on your wedding night."

"Oh gosh! Thanks," said Maddie. "I was worried about all that."

"I don't think anything will be a problem," the doctor said, "We examined Gary yesterday, and he should be a perfect gentleman as a husband and with you on that first night."

I was beside myself listening. Here was a rare young woman nowadays who evidently had not had much experience. Her obvious trust in my wife gave me encouragement that we might be able to offer instruction to her as we had to her fiancé the day before.

At that point, I opened the door and came into the room. "Dr. Thoroughgood," I said, "Should I run errands now, or do you think you'll need me?"

Evelyn looked up said, "I think you should stay for now -- you might be able to help us in a little while."

I nodded and left the room, but this time I left the door ajar so that I could spy on the doctor and her patient.

Evelyn stood and walked to the bookshelf. She returned with a large format book and asked Maddie pull her chair next to the desk.

Dr. Thoroughgood said, "Maddie, let's look at these photos and illustrations together and you can tell me what you know and want to know.

The book was filled with illustrated penis and testicle photos and illustrations. The first section is just drawings with arrows explaining the body parts.

"Maddie, let's be sure that you know all the basics," Evelyn said. She opened the book and asked Maddie to identify parts of the male anatomy from enlarged drawings. Dr. Thoroughgood pointed and said, "Show me the scrotum," and, "Point to the foreskin."

She turned a few pages to the photos of nude men, "Notice how in some men the testicles descend very far but others do not," and "Some penises are tiny and shrunken in their flaccid state, and some flop forward and dangled downward."

Evelyn was all eyes as she stared at the naked men, and I was already leaking cum as I watched.

The next chapter was about erections. The models must have enjoyed making these photos because something was giving them hard-ons.

Each page featured two men, side by side, with erections. Some were circumcised, some were not, some were white and some were black, some had pencil dicks like her fiancé, some had long johns. Maddie stared.

"Does anything surprise you, Maddie?" asked Dr. Thoroughgood.

"Gosh, is it okay to be looking at these?" Maddie asked.

The doctor laughed, "Of course, this is for educational purposes." Since Maddie seemed to be shy about speaking, Evelyn said, "You notice the difference in sizes?"

"Yes, mam."

"It's hard to say or to know just meeting a man if he has a large or a small penis," explained the doctor. "There is the rule of 'relative expectations' that would have us expect that larger men had larger cocks. But that is not always true. For instance, your young man, Gary, do you know if he has a large or small dick based on what you see here?"

Maddie said, "We've only touched and I haven't seen him, not that part."

"Well I have," said Dr. Thoroughgood. "Yesterday he have us a sperm sample to test for the ability to get you pregnant, and let's just say the circumstance were such that I saw his cock."

Maddie looked surprised. Evidently Gary had not told her what happened the day before.

The doctor went on, "Don't worry, I'm a professional and I see men and women naked all the time. It's part of the job. And I won't spoil your surprise on your wedding night."

I wondered how Maddie felt, knowing that this mature and beautiful doctor had seen her intended naked and maybe had watched him jerk off. (She did!)

Dr. Thoroughgood called out to me, "Are you there? Can you come in now?"

I entered and saw Maddie's face was a little flushed and red. "Yes, mam?" I asked.

"Our client here might benefit from a demonstration. Do you mind the standard display for her?

I smiled, "No, mam, it would be my pleasure."

Dr. Thoroughgood said to Maddie, "Photos only can teach you so much. I think we should have a live demonstration to help you understand better."

As she spoke, I was unbuckling my belt and unzipping my pants. In two seconds I let my cock flop out and bounce on the desktop between the doctor and her patient.

Maddie's eyes widened.

My wife, the good doctor, looked down as both women watched my cock growing longer and thicker, extending farther across the desk. My balls hung low to the side of the desk, but the doctor said, "Let's get them up here, too."

I reached down and hefted my ball sack up and laid it on the table, one testicle on either side of the shaft of my cock. I am circumcised, so Maddie could clearly see the swelling head and notice the pinkish purple color and smooth velvety skin covering its tip.

I help my lab coat open with my hands on my hips as Dr. Thoroughgood picked up a pointer and began to quiz Maddie. She rested the pointer on the column of my dick and asked, "Can you identify this part?"

Maddie could hardly speak, "Is that all his penis? It's kinda big."

The doctor answered, "Yes, Maddie, this is the cock of a grown man."

My wife teased me by lifting my cock head with the pointer. A tiny cum bubble was forming atop my slit. Maddie asked about it, and Evelyn told her, "Men often start to emit their sperm when they are aroused. But his is inert. He was neutered long ago."

After quizzing Maddie on the parts of my dick, she asked me to go to the exam table. I law back on it with my cock pointing up into the air.

"Maddie, you need to know how to please a man. Come with me."

The two of them took opposite side of me on the table, just as Gary and I had stood over Evelyn yesterday.

Dr. Thoroughgood took my cock in her hand, by now at its full nine inches. Her hand could not close around its thickness. "Maddie, do you know how to masturbate a man?"

She shook her head, "no."

"Okay," Evelyn said, "Let's through this together."

Evelyn juiced my dick with lubricant and proceeded to stroke me. "Like this," she indicated to Maddie. "It's like pumping, and it depending on how aroused the man is, it can only take a few seconds, or it can take much much longer. Some men have no control and end quickly, while others are masters of control and you could spend a long time trying to get them to cum.

Dr. Thoroughgood looked at me and asked, "Are you going to cum soon?"

I said, "I think this one might take a long time."

Evelyn stopped to spread my ball sack out and into better view for Maddie, then she used both hands to my shaft. Up and down. I was in heaven with my wife showing this lovely young woman how to jack off a guy. I was hard as a rock and not about to let it end soon.

Dr. Thoroughgood said to Maddie, "Okay, now you try it."

Maddie's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"Reach over and see how this feels."

Maddie reaching out, but her small hands were no match for my cock. She had to use both to hold it up and make good contact. The feeling of her hands on my dick were almost enough to send me over the edge. Almost. But I was waiting for a better opportunity to release the flood.

After a suitable "teaching" time, Dr. Thoroughgood said, "Okay, that's enough. I need some time with or client to finish our session. I knew what this meant. Evelyn and I had discussed it the night before, and I was so ready for this.

I rose off the table and, with my cock sticking straight out in front of me, I said, "Maddie, I hope this has helped you, and I know it will make a difference on your wedding night with Gary." I turned and walked out of the exam room, my dick waving from side to side.

Dr. Thoroughgood said, "Met me check you for this matter of your virginity. Please slide up here on the exam table." Maddie obeyed, shifting her body to get comfortable.

The doctor said, "Remove your panties please." I watched through a crack in the door as Maddie reached under her skirt and raised her hips as her panties slid down her legs. "Good," now let me prop your legs up on the edge of the table, and Dr. Thoroughgood lifted and bent Maddie's legs into position.

Poor Maddie kept her knees together, but not for long. Evelyn gently spread Maddie's legs apart, exposing her pussy to my gaze. The girl had a forest of pussy hair, a tangle of brown pubes that concealed almost everything. Only a darker zone in the center indicated her pussy valley. My cock dripped.

"Try to relax," the doctor told Maddie as she reached between the girl's legs and inserted her finger. Maddie gasped as the doctor probed her pussy.

"Well, it appears that your hymen was broken by that boyfriend, and you're not technically a virgin. But don't worry. Your pussy will fell tight to your husband, and he won't notice. But just to be sure...."

At that moment, Dr. Thoroughgood, my devious wife, called out, "Are you still out there?"

I answered, "Yes."

"Can you come back in here? We need you for a moment."

Maddie was reclining on the exam table with her legs propped up and her pussy exposed. She started to cover herself, but Dr. Thoroughgood stopped her, "No, don't bother. He needs to see you."

The doctor explained Maddie's trouble, then said, "Step down there and see what you think."

I moved to the foot of the exam table and used my hands to open Maddie's legs even wider. Now I could see her cleft and the details of her little pussy.

"It's very nice," I said.

"Go ahead, you know what to do now," said the doctor.

I poised myself exactly in the center of Maddie's spread apart legs and looked down at her little treasure and my pulsing cock.

Dr. Thoroughgood said to Maddie, "Let my assistant try to test you for tightness and depth. This will prepare you better for the wedding night and especially for having children when that time comes."

"Go on," the doctor encouraged me. I gripped my dick and raised it into position. Drips of cum were flowing down to the floor. My cock head was wet and shiny, and Maddie's pussy lips had swollen a little. Now I could see that she had what I call a "type 1" vagina, with just a smooth slit, rather than my wife's "type 2" that has layers of labia and inner lips and folds.

I rested the tip of my dick against the upper tip of Maddie's pussy lips, embedded deep into her fuzzy hair. "Maddie," I said, "Just relax as best you can while I carry out this experiment."

My cock head slipped downward until I located her entry. The I began a very slow steady attempt to penetrate.

Maddie called out, "Doctor, do you think this is necessary?" Her breath was coming in short pants.

Dr. Thoroughgood replied, "I do think this is best. You'll have much more information and experience that you can use to get your marriage off to a good start."

"Press deeper," she told me.

I needed no encouragement. My large cock was not making much headway, and I feared forcing it into her too soon. I rocked back and forth a bit, gaining perhaps a quarter of an inch each time until finally my entire width was being accommodated. But only a few inches of length were planted.

At that point, Dr. Thoroughgood reached down and used a finger to massage Maddie's clitoris. Suddenly Maddie's pussy became a fountain of juicy pussy juices. She began to moan and pant as my wife fingered her and as I kept up the depth patrol duty.

With the help of Maddie's first orgasm, I was in about five inches. But still I was careful and did not force all nine inches. I looked down and enjoyed the view of her young pussy, virtually unentered before and so wildly hairy, and the sight of half of my cock vanished up between her pussy lips.

Finally, anther two inches, and I think I felt the limits of her inner depths. My cock bumped up against an obstacle with still a few inches to spare. I explained to Maddie and the doctor that I had reached maximum depth, and then I began to withdraw. Oh my, the motion of such a thick cock in such a small tight pussy caused her to experience shudder after shudder as my cock rubbed against her tender parts.

I had not yet ejaculated, but that wasn't part of the treatment anyway. I took the liberty of re-entering her pussy a few more times, "Just to be sure the passage way was fully capable of taking her future husband," I explained.

Evelyn read my mind and said, "Maddie, yesterday we observed Gary's ejaculation velocity."

Poor Maddie was a bit dizzy but was able to ask, "His what?"

The doctor explained the concept of EV as the force with which the male ejaculates and how it relates to insemination and pregnancy (a bogus idea). The she said, "Since we have one now ready to ejaculate, why don't you observe and see an example of EV in a man."

I slid all of my inched out of little Maddie and saw a pussy that had been well stretched. Her lips were open and her slit was no longer a hidden mystery. I laid my cock atop her mons and let it rest a few seconds. Maddie rose up on her elbows and looked down to see my beefy dick.

I got a grip on my cock and stroked, moving in closer so that each stroke made my balls bounce off Maddie's pussy lips. My now, I knew it would take no time for me to give the ladies a show. If I came now, poor Maddie would get drenched. She had been so kind to allow me to stretch her pussy that I didn't want to push my luck by dumping a cumload on her and soiling her clothes. Funny, but having fucked her, she was still dressed from the waist up. I didn't get to see her tiny titties and little rosebuds, but that was not part of the counseling. We were only concerned about her ability to take a cock in her pussy, and little did she know that we used an extreme example to open the way for her small dicked finance.

I turned ninety degrees and faced the open floor of the exam room just as my first cum jet launched. Maddie and Dr. Thoroughgood watched as each pulse of my cock sent another load of cum across the room, splashing down in the middle of the floor. Over and over, I kept cumming. The last hour of toying with Maddie had produced a exceptional volume of spew, and the circumstances added to the pressure in the hose.

As my last few spasms subsided, Dr. Thoroughgood said, "That was nice of you to let us see how strong an ejaculation can be. Your EV is quite high, and no doubt impregnation would be assured if you still had live ammo." She looked at Maddie, "And yesterday, your new husband showed us that he had enough EV for a likely insemination, but his was no where as powerful as you just saw."

Maddie nodded.

I was exhausted, and stretched my back while my cock fell from full erection to a drooping position, still oozing cum. Maddie lay there, watching me, looked at my dick, and I looked directly at her pussy. In that moment, I knew my erection was about to return, and I felt a desire to fuck the dickens out of that girl, but my professional demeanor got the upper hand. I smiled, walked to Maddie to slip her legs back into her panties. I helped her pull them up and covered her pussy, then I politely lowered her skirt to a modest position again. The ladies left the exam room as I dressed. Dr. Thoroughgood spoke with Maddie, and I heard them say good-bye.

Of course, Evelyn and I had acted outside the bounds of the profession with this young couple, and I have wondered why they allowed us such liberties. Perhaps they trusted us. Perhaps they thought we were helping them. Or perhaps they felt under our influence and cooperated against their own better judgment. Whatever it was, the outcome for us has opened a new world of marriage counseling, Since this experience, we have introduced new methods into our counseling session, but we always go carefully and slowly to be sure our clients agree with the "treatments."