Martha in America Ch. 11


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His sister was observing the other people, mostly couples and families, but there were occasionally single men, younger and older ones, who noticed the two of them. After one had stared at them more than the others had, when they had passed him, Martha did up another button of her shirt, and his sister snickered softly and remarked:

"Um-hmm, mine did, too."

Martha glanced over at her with a nod and smile, and then they walked on again in silence.

It was beginning to get darker as the sun disappeared, and they turned and started back. After a while, his sister snickered and told Martha about her having to go to the bathroom on the beach with her brother, and Martha chuckled at the story, that she ended with:

"But I don't have to now. And it was much later, all dark,"

Martha nodded again and then told her about the first boy she had slept with and that after they had, they had done it together. When his sister looked at her questioningly, Martha snorted and added:

"Not like that, like with you ... and your brother."

She nodded in response, and then they walked on again in silence, looking at the first stars, and then were back at the house, looking back at the beach and the almost dark sky from the deck for a minute, and then went into the dark house.

"Are there any candles?" Martha asked.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," she replied and found a couple in the dark, and then searched for matches in a kitchen drawer and finally lit them, and they smiled at each other in the candle light and took them to the living room.

"What do you want to do now?" she asked Martha.

"I don't know."

"Watch TV?"

"Sort of ruins the candlelight."

"Um-hmm. ... What did you do with him ... when you weren't ...?"

"Hm-mmm! ... I guess we usually were, ... no, we talked about my family, ... my brother, ... Let's sit down."

They did, again on the towel on the sofa as Martha continued:

"Oh, once we played backgammon. ... Hm-mmm! ... But that didn't last long. We started to play that you had to take something off if the other could remove one of your pieces."

They both snickered, and his sister replied:

"I bet not. ... But we could play it here, too, if you want to? ... Not that way."

"If you want to."

His sister got the board, and Martha moved the candles to the table with the puzzle, and they set the board up on top of the puzzle. After they had started to play, his sister looked up and asked:

"You want another beer?"

"I wasn't going to suggest it, but if you do, yes, I would like one."

"I'll get them."

His sister did, and they opened them and drank with a skaal, and continued to play. After three games, two of which his sister won, they finished their beers, looking at each other.

"I've got to go," his sister said, and got up as Martha nodded and said she would put away the board. She went off, turning on the light in the bathroom and using the toilet, and then washing herself and brushing her teeth. By the time she was finished, Martha had joined her and was using the toilet. She left the bathroom and went to his room, seeing that Martha had brought the candles in there. She smiled to herself as she pulled his shirt up and took it off and hung it and her bikini bottom on the back of the chair, and then got into bed, pulling the covers up.

Martha returned with her bikini bottom in her hand as she unbuttoned her shirt, smiling at her, and then hung her things on the chair, too. She blew out the candles and got in bed with her, lying facing her, with their hands up between them.

Martha chuckled with a snort.

"What was that for?" his sister asked.

"I just thought about something we joked about last week, that we were trying to make up for all the times I hadn't - hadn't been able to last year."

"Hm-hmm! And did you? How many times would that have been?"

"Oh, I said I wanted to once a week - which certainly never happened at home - and then we agreed that once a fortnight was more realistic - still more than at home. But I said that then I would want to do it at least twice, so that was still about the same thing ..."

"And did you?"

"Of course not. -- Hm-mmm! - But for a couple of days, we tried, ... and I think the second morning I told him that we had done the first month already - doing it that way, too. But, of course, we couldn't make up for nine months - 36 weeks - in one week."

"Oooh, I guess not! Five times a day! No, just evenings and nights. ... Hm-mmm! ... He said - once when I asked him - that they had done it six times - counting both ways - ... but then they decided not to do it the next day, ... though they could have - it would have been possible ... to be together - but they agreed that it might not be good, trying to repeat that."

"Um-hmm, just sort of doing because they could, and preferring to avoid that ... and what it might suggest about their relationship, ... yes, like our thinking it nice that time when I fell asleep."

"Um-hmm. ... Yes, making love makes you love each other, but maybe only for a little while, ... till it wears off, ... the arousal. ... You don't want to find out that that was the only thing. ... I mean, ... you want to show that that isn't everything ... - the only thing you can do together."

"Um-hmm, something like that."

"Hm-mmm! I think we once did it that many times, ... but we had all day and night."

"Um-hmm. I don't think we did. Funny, on Saturday, when probably we could have, we didn't do it in the morning, went out, but in the evening, we sort of made up for that, but, I don't think that many times, ... but all we wanted. By then, we had forgotten about the joke. Hm-mmm! But now I was remembering it and thinking that maybe with your help ... the original goal could be achieved. I think we're a month further on, already."

They both snickered, and then his sister replied:

"Oh, that would be good, a real family effort to let their au pair enjoy ... - Hmm! - 'all the comforts of home'!"

They both laughed, holding hands.

"Oh, more than at home!" Martha responded, and they snickered, and then snickered again after she added:

"More, and more different, ... and more better."

"For me, it's going to be the other way, I guess. I'm sort of storing them up, ... but I don't know if they keep very well. ... I don't think they do."

"I don't either. Sorry. ... But they will give you something to think about ... at night."

"Hm-mmm! Oh, yeah! I know that already. Yeah, that helps."

"Um-hmm, me, too, last winter, ... and I didn't know what was really good."

"Pity. I think I do."

"Me too, now."

They let go of each other's hand, and their arms slipped over the other's waist, and they were silent, just lying comfortably together for a minute or two, and then his sister said softly:

"We don't have to, like with you and him."

"Hm-umm, I like that."

"With you and me."


They drew each other a little closer, and kissed each other lightly, and then his sister rolled over and moved back closer to Martha, who found her breast with her hand as she murmured "goodnight."

"You too, goodnight. It was a wonderful day, thank you."

"It was, thank you, too," and Martha held her breast, and she held the back of Martha's hand, and then they fell asleep.

When Martha woke up in the early morning light, they were lying like they had been while they were talking before they went to sleep, except that their thighs were comfortably overlapped. She opened her eyes, and then they closed again, and she just lay there.

Then his sister's eyes opened, and then also closed again as she murmured a soft "um-hmm". "Um-hmm," Martha responded just as softly.

"Hi, good morning," his sister said softly and opened her eyes again, and Martha did, too, as she replied:

"Um-hmm, good morning. Sleep well?"

"Um-hmm, real good, thank you. You, too?

"Um-hmm, I must have; I don't remember how we got back like this."

"Me neither. We must have. I like that. ... Oh, I think I was holding your breast, but maybe it was a dream. It was just nice and familiar.

"Um-hmm, maybe you did. Yes, I think I must have turned over, ... and then - now - recall that I was liking the way it was, whose ever warmth and hand I felt."


"I'm not sure, I just recall that it felt ...'nice and familiar,' like you said."

"Hmm! I like that, ... nice, 'just nice and familiar', ... for both of us, ... family; his or my hand, ... or ... for me, maybe his ...?"

"Hm-mmm! Being your own sister-in-law."

"Um-hmm. ... Hm-mmm! And you, being sort of mine!"


"Do you think sisters do it?"

"Um-mmm! Why not, if brothers and sisters do?"

"Mmmmm? ... Of course, why not? We talked about that; easier then brothers doing it."

"I hope so, having two."

"I didn't mean to suggest that."

"I know. ... But the sisters - one of them at least - would have to know more about it. I doubt they would discover it by themselves."

"Yeah, probably not. ... Oh, no! Or there would be a lot more of it! I mean, if they ..., we could discover it by ourselves, all of us would do it!"

"Well, not you and I, not having sisters."

"Just brothers, and trying to find out. Gee! I am lucky!"

"Um-hmm. ... Hm-hmm! Maybe I should have tried it with my older brother?"

"Maybe, but it's too late now. ... Well, I guess you could, ... but ... well, ... I guess you don't need to now."

"Hm-umm! ... Hmm? ... But I have thought about showing my younger one what I have learned."

"Oooh! Really? We know he would like it, but I bet he would be surprised."

"I bet he would be, too."

"Or maybe not."

"That I wanted to do it to him?"

"Oh, of course! I was thinking about his maybe already knowing about it."

"I hope he does."

"Me too. ... Hmm! ... Aren't we sweet, hoping your brother knows what we like?"

"Um-hmm, I hope he does."

"Me too. ... You could tell him, ... if ... - Hm-mmm! - you can't show him."

Martha snorted with a snicker and slipped her hand past his sister's and rubbed the backs of her fingers between her breasts as she replied:

"You really want me to!"

"I guess I do, ... for him and for them. It's just so good."


They looked in each other's eyes, and his sister rubbed Martha the same way.

"You want me to?" his sister asked softly: "... I want to, ... for me. I just love to do it, just love the way you taste," and her thighs held Martha's tighter, and hers responded as she replied:

"If you want to ... - Mmm! - ... if you do it, I know I will ... want you to, ... and want to, too, ... as much as you do ...," and the backs of Martha's fingers slid down and rubbed her stiff nipple.

Mmmm! Oooh, that's a lot!"

Martha nodded with wide eyes, and she smiled back as she rubbed Martha's nipple in return and nodded in response, and then she began to turn around, sliding her head down over Martha under the covers. She rolled on her back and drew her leg up and flung the covers back. Then, as his sister got her legs around, Martha slid herself down the bed, and she was lying half on her, her mouth nuzzling in Martha's hair, and then moving herself a little lower on Martha, her mouth pressed down between Martha's extended thighs, and Martha drew them up and opened them as she rolled towards her, onto her side again, letting his sister's face slip between them, sighing as her mouth kissed her, rolling her hips up to press her pussy lips to her mouth. Then Martha sighed more deeply as her kiss became more intense, and then murmured:

"Do I taste as good as the way you love?"

"Um-hmmmm!" she responded with a nod as her tongue explored, her hips still flat on the bed next to Martha's head as she continued.

"That good?"


"I love that, that you do, ... - Oooh-mmm! - and I love the way you do it!"

"Um-hmm! Me too," his sister replied with her mouth on her.

"I was right, ... I want to, too, ... to taste you're pretty pussy."

"Um-hmm," she responded and rolled her hip up and raised her thigh and let Martha draw herself closer as she drew her other thigh up under her head, and then Martha's mouth found her "pretty pussy."

For a long time, they seemed to be satisfied with just tasting each other, just exchanging appreciative sounding "um-hmm's," and then holding each other's breast, but then it seemed that they couldn't resist trying to arouse each other, exchanging even more appreciative sounding moans, and then their hands slid down over each other's hip, and they both nodded, and then their fingers were sliding down and finding the other's asshole, and then they seemed to lose all restraint as their thighs began to twitch, and their moans and gasps became more intense as their hips jerked, and then continued, again and again, and then they finally relaxed, freeing each other's head from the weight of their thighs as they lay there, still gasping, but then with longer, deep breaths, exhaling with long, satisfied sounding moans.

Martha's hand slid down his sister's back and over her shoulder and then up her neck and found her moist cheek. She turned her head up and just kissed her finger tips, and then found Martha's breast with her hand, holding it in the palm of her hand and then murmuring:

"I was really only thinking about how much I wanted to do it, to taste you, ... but, of course, then I wanted something else, especially when you started - thank you. ... Hm-mmm! I guess I knew that would happen, ... but at first, I was really only wanting to have a tasty good morning kiss."

Hm-mmm! ... Um-hmm, and I was enjoying it, too, ... letting you have it, ... or giving it to you, ... and wanting yours - the other way. Yes, just a nice good morning kiss. But - you're right - it became something better, ... real good, thank you, too."

Um-hmm, ... what a nice way to start the day! Making each other feel so good. That's just got to be good!" and his sister squeezed Martha's breast, and she stroked her cheek in response as she agreed:

"Um-hmm," and then snickered and asked:

"I wonder if we both taste the same?"

Hm-mmm! Me too. ... Do men? ... We should ask him, ... about us, ... of course!"

"Hmm! ... Hm-mmm! ... I can see that, his tasting us both and giving an opinion!"

"Yeah, like that! You're as bad as me, ... no, I mean, ... have the same idea. I was - after I said that - envisioning him ... - I guess, with us lying next to each other - 'tasting' one and then the other of us. Hm-mmm!!"

"Oh, you're right, - as bad as you - I was thinking of something like that!"

"He'll think that we are really weird, ... if it works out that he can pick us up."

"And 'have us'! That would be really good."


"Hmmm? But, ... sort of funny, ... a lot funny! ... With you watching, ... - oh? I guess that I was seeing me doing it to him, sorry."

"That's all right. Why not? That would have to happen, ... - Hmm? - ... or maybe I wouldn't be just watching ...?"

"Oh, we are really weird!"

"But we know what we like, ... and what we would like, if it could happen, ... his coming out here."

"Um-hmm, I guess we do."

"We sure do. ... But now I've got to go."

"Um-hmm, me too, now that you've mentioned it."

They sat up, smiling at each other, and went to the bathroom and both stepped into the tub, and then "went", just smiling again at each other as they did. As Martha turned to turn on the water, his sister said:

"If he comes, we're really going to do it to him."

"If he comes?"

And then they were showering again. This time, when they had their arms around each other, his sister held them closer, holding Martha's hips to hers, and they looked at each other as their stomach muscles tightened against each other and their hips rolled up slightly, pressing them tighter together, and Martha smiled slightly and whispered:

"Good morning," and pressed her hand against his sister's back, pressing their breasts closer.

"Good morning," she replied softly as they looked in each other's eyes, and then their heads tilted slightly, and their eyes closed as their mouths met, opening as they embraced each other and their kiss became more intense under the shower, continuing as their hands held their hips together, rocking their pelvises up again. After kissing for a few moments more, they separated and Martha murmured:

"Mmmm, good morning, again."

"Um-hmm, yes, to you, too. How did you know I wanted to?"

"... Hm-mmm! When you held me - what did you say on the deck? 'If you had been a boy, you certainly would.' Your remark suddenly occurred to me, and I wanted to. Oh, for a moment, I wondered if you had been thinking the same thing, but I forgot about that when we did."

"Hm-mmm! No, I didn't ... think about that. It was just sort of a reflex - to hold you closer. I don't even know if I was thinking about kissing when it happened ... but I soon was ..."

"Um-hmm. A nice reflex. ... Hm-mmm! That was funny; though I knew it was you, I suddenly felt something was missing; - kissing, standing up like this - didn't feel something I always feel when kissing boys that good."

"Hm-hm-hmm! I guess so! I didn't, but I don't have enough experience ... yet. I don't know if we ever kissed standing up? Hm-mmm! Yeah, I can imagine that you missed that!"

By now they were rinsing each other off, and Martha turned off the water as she agreed:

"Um-hmm. Oh, the first time it happened - with our clothes on, of course - I think he was embarrassed - not wanting to press it up against me, but I did. Oh, I wanted to feel it!"

"And then he didn't mind."

"Hm-umm! Not when he understood that I did." Martha grinned and added:

"Oh no, now - with more experience - I think he was real aroused."

They were drying themselves, and his sister glanced at Martha with a snort and asked:

"You mean ..., uh, ... he might have come?"

"Hm-mmm, but I didn't know that then, just with hindsight now. I hadn't thought about that before, ... or thought about him for years."

They finished drying themselves and went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

"Um-hmm," Martha murmured to herself and then after a moment turned to her, waiting without smiling until she looked at her. Martha remarked softly:

"I like to talk about it, ... with you," and she then smiled, adding: "and with your brother, too, of course. Never did before, but it is so nice - so much nicer - to tell each other or someone else how good it is."

"Um-hmm, it sure is. I never imagined that we would talk about it. We two, of course, but not with 'him', whomever. But, of course, I had nothing to go on, but now I do." Thanks. Have to remember to tell him that too."

They both nodded with smiles and returned to making breakfast.

After breakfast, they went out on the deck, almost forgetting their shirts, and then Martha let her rub suntan lotion on her, chuckling a little as she did it thoroughly on her breasts and everywhere else - front and back.

Then they were reading again. Suddenly the phone rang, and his sister sprang up, forgetting her shirt as she ran to answer it as Martha rolled over and followed her with her eyes.

"Oh, it's you. Where are you. ... We're getting along fine. What did you expect? ... Um-hmm. ... Oh, it's good that you called. We were thinking that it would be nice if you could pick us up, ... instead of the parents, if you came out with the train. ... Um-hmm, we've been talking a lot. ... Yeah! ... It's your fault - 'gentlemen don't tell' - like ...! ... No. I like that you did. ... Really, that's what we've been talking about. ... Hm-hmmm! And not just talking! ... Yeah! Are you alone? Asking that? ... That's good. Yeah, you told us we would like it. ... Oh, I understand; now you can't talk, but I can. Thanks for telling us; we do. ... Hmmm! You're jealous! You shouldn't be. We both want you to come out. ... Yeah. ... Oh really! So suggest it to the parents, like you were doing them a favor. You could come out Friday evening and stay till Sunday. ... Yeah, we want that! ... You want to talk to her?"