Mary Pulls a Train

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Wife tires of husband and takes on three men.
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One of the many things that attracted me to my wife was her sexual appetite. Mary was always ready to make love, just a kiss or touch in the right place had her panting and ready to tear my clothes off. We could never get enough of each other, I remember our first year of marriage where many weekends we never even bothered to get dressed spending our time either fucking or resting up for the next bout. I would lie there next to her too sore and too spent to get an erection watching her play with herself, seeing her eyes glaze over once again. She would say something like, "Give my little clitty a kiss it's getting lonesome." All of a sudden my face would be in her pussy and me cock would be growing hard again.

As we reached middle age, my desire didn't weaken but my ability to perform did. After another weekend of my subpar lovemaking, my wife announced that she was going to find someone who could satisfy her. Mary told me she still loved me but could not spend another weekend unsatisfied and horny. I was in shock but the more I thought about it the more turned I became. I asked if I could watch and she said maybe some other time, as she wanted to enjoy the first time without worrying about my reaction. Mary said she was going to make a date with a man named Jack from her work that had a reputation of being a Cocksman and hoped to be fucked royally.

As I sat home worried about her safety and wondering if I was about to lose the woman I loved I couldn't get the erotic thought out of my head of watching her make love with someone else. I must have jacked off at least three times while I waited for her to return. When she came home she was riding on air, she told she had the best time and had wished she had done this sooner. It turns out her date was a black man and he had taken her to a club that filled mostly with interracial couples. She had quite a few drinks and a lot of dancing, with her date taking liberties with her at their booth. He had his tongue in her mouth and his hand up her dress rubbing her through her panties. Mary said she was so hot that when he instructed her to take her panties off she did so right at their table. He took them from her and after sniffing them, he put them in his pocket. He then stood up and led her to a back room saying he could not wait to have her any longer. He sat her on a table then dropped his trousers to his ankles; he waited only long enough to put a condom before mounting her right there. She wrapped her legs around him as he kept pounding his manhood into her, she said she lost count of the numbers of climaxes she had before he at last came in a loud grunt.

She looked up to see two other men standing there watching them, Jack told her they were his brothers and that they always shared their women. I asked Mary what she did next and she told me she fucked all three and at one time had Jack in her mouth while one brother fucked her rear and the other fucked her pussy. She told me the cock in her ass hurt like hell but she was so turned on she didn't care and she kept screaming for more. They all kept fucking her until they ran out of rubbers and then she sucked each one more time swallowing their cum with gusto.

I was rock hard but no matter how I begged my wife said she was too sore to accommodate me. I drew a hot bath and helped her out of the few clothes she brought home with her. I helped her into the tub and carefully washed her sore body. As she lay in the tub, she asked my thoughts on her night of debauchery. She said she felt like a wonton slut but instead of humiliation, she felt empowered making all these men cum so many times. I answered that the thought of what happened turned me on and I wished I could have been there to witness her prowess. Mary said she would never let me watch because she would worry about what I would think of her. Then she said she couldn't wait until next time saying Jack told her he had two more brothers.

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Bonz123456Bonz12345612 months ago

I loved my 5 man night

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Love the theme. Wife pulling a train is a huge fantasy of mine. However, at least in my part of the country, what you describe is more of a gangbang. A train is when the woman takes on several men one after another. Each man spending time alone with her. When one gets done another takes a turn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

A true blue slut...God love her!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

"As we reached middle age, my desire didn't weaken but my ability to perform did. After another weekend of my subpar lovemaking, my wife announced that she was going to find someone who could satisfy her... I must have jacked off at least three times while I waited for her to return."

So you can jack off repeatedly but you can't complete the sexual act to your wife's satisfaction?

Get help. Go to a psychiatrist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

god your story made me laugh, especially the part about her wondering if she became a wonton slut,

sometimes i feel like a fortune cookie slut, so i totally relate...., lol--starrry

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Nigger's got two whitetrash 'bitches' now!

I bet this faggot's so hooked on NiggerCum now he'd be good to use in videos...make some money off of both of them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Pulled the entire train

Loved this tale. I bet she was quite sore for days!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Why A Sissified Wimp writer?

Your picture portrays a sick little cuck who doesn't respect himself and loves that feeling of male humiliation.<P>

It also shows in your sick stories about absurd little sick boys addicted with self cuckolding and watching cocks. When will you come out of the closet wimpus?<P>

I believe you are here seeking the disrespect you are addicted to.<P>

Some help soon wouldn't be soon enough but by the look on your face you will go down with the ship of self disregard and belittlement.<P>

How sad for your parents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Bakeboss...You are a pathetic little wimp who

be shot. That's what we do in Alabama with a white skank that fucks niggers don't like to hear black people being called niggers...well that's my right mutherfucker and if you don't like a mile of my puke...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You were getting better but now you are back

To being a wimp cuckold pathetic version of a man. Stupid story for people who do stupid things.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Pathetic Wimp

So she walks out the door to meet a work-mate for sex, and hubbie gets' turned on ? And of course it HAD to be a black ! Pathetic wimp, a story that only perpetuates the myth that all blacks are huge and super lovers. If this story was true, I'd have kicked her out pronto, as she is only going to humiliate him time and time again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What a dumbass story

I tried to like it but there were too many problems. First and foremost is the question: What kind of mental problems does she have that would cause her to act like this? No woman in her right mind sees a cock and immediately "has to have it" Thanks for ruining the story, jackass. Why not toss in some other fairy tales while you're at it like Mary fucking Poppins or Edward Penishands....because that's how awesome your story was....retard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
She Would Be HISTORY!!!

She would be out of my life so fast she would have thought she had a rocket up her ass!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 15 years ago
Well isn't that a kick in the ass

Why would want to fuck a slut skank whore like her in the first place. Just load her stuff up and take her to the train station. Dump her and she stuff onto the train with a one way ticket to hell and forget about her. At least don't let the slut die in your county.

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