Mary's Journey Pt. 02


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I just made it into the kitchen before I almost collapsed. I needed to catch my breath, as much as check on dinner. I paused just inside the door, hands on my heart.

Talking to myself, I rationalised that Harry had been very gentle and gentlemanly with me so far. He had looked me over and smiled, showing no signs of being repulsed. It actually felt quite the opposite. 'That's a good start', I thought.

Fussing over dinner, I was hopeful that tonight wouldn't spell the end of our friendship, instead enhance it....and who knows what else might come of it. His height and physicality was definitely appealing to my inner horny girl.

I returned to the lounge room and Harry's face lit up as I re-entered the room. I smiled in reply and as he handed me the glass of wine, Harry raised his glass of wine to mine and said, "Cheers Mary. Can I say that you look stunning tonight. Thank you for inviting me into your home... and introducing me to your life. I'm honoured!"

It was said softly and with a lot of emotion. I was somewhat taken aback and found myself start to get a little emotional. Blinking profusely, I replied, saying softly, "Thank you for that Harry. You look very handsome tonight." I paused for a second, before continuing with a voice that reflected my level of concern. "Us meeting is something that I have wanted to do for some time. I have been delaying it, largely because I was concerned about potential negative effects on our friendship."

Harry stood a bit taller and said in a confident but soft voice, "Well let me allay any concerns you might have right now Mary. I am thrilled and frankly very encouraged to meet you. I too have been waiting, with similar concerns of my own. Now we're here, I can assure you, that they were clearly ill founded, for sure." As he said the last bit, he had reached out and taken my upper left arm in his hand, smiling more broadly and warmly. "No matter what happens, Mary, you will always be my best friend. You have nothing to worry about my dear bestie."

At that point we both pretty much understood that we had both wanted to meet, were happy with how it was going so far and that it was unlikely to affect our friendship. What astounded me though was the message from Harry... that he had either suspected or had known for some time as well. I was doubly relieved at that news, because it meant that the possibility of Mary hadn't been off putting to him.

I felt like I could relax and after taking Harry's jacket, I told him that I would serve the appetiser in just a minute. I went into the kitchen and a few minutes later came out with two laden plates, asking Harry to sit. I served him seared Scallops with a Citrus Beurre Blanc Sauce. I did a great job, searing them to perfection. I served them with a delicate citrus-infused butter sauce, both of which went well with the Sauvignon Blanc.

We both relaxing a bit and started to chat about things in general. We had to start finding our new centreline, now that Harry had met Mary. I was definitely feminine, which changed things substantially, but there was the underlying life long friendship, that we were able to use as a cornerstone.

For main Course I served herb-crusted rack of lamb, coated with a mixture of fresh herbs, roasted to a perfect medium-rare with a red wine reduction. Accompanying the lamb were roasted baby potatoes and grilled asparagus. I had Harry open a bottle of local Pinot Noir that I had matched with the mains.

During main course, we continued chatting, becoming more and more comfortable. Humour emerged and we started to have some fun. We were sat across from each other and occasionally I caught him staring, as he caught me a few times as well.

When Harry put his knife and fork together on his plate. He looked up at me and said, "That was spectacular Mary. I'm not sure I've ever had better Lamb. Please don't tell my Mum." We laughed.

Standing and picking the plates up, I walked into the kitchen to get desert. I was trying to be kind to both our waist lines. Wanting desert to be lighter than something like a lava cake, I had chosen a small selection of local gourmet cheeses and fresh fruit, accompanied by a lovely, light but sweet, dessert wine.

I called Harry away from the table, moving us to a less formal setting on the couch, with the cheese and fruit on a platter and wine, on the coffee table.

I served Harry and myself some local brie on a cracker. When I gave Harry his, he thanked me, but he had a thoughtful look on his face. I thought, 'Here it comes. Just be kind Mary and let him do this his way.'

Harry looked at me and asked, "Can you tell me how and when, you became Mary. I'd love to know how you turned into the vision before me." He was embarrassed at the last part, blushing a little, his eyes flashing downward.

I had been prepared for the question of course. I knew what I would say because my original intent was to tell Harry when we were on the golf course, the previous day. But the last part of Harry's question, caused me to pause a little.

I was sitting on the front edge of the couch and as he had asked his question, Harry had sat forward to match me. Our knees were only a few inches apart. We were turned to face each other fully, giving each other one hundred percent of our attention.

I started, still reeling from the "vision" statement. I told Harry how it had all happened, slowly at first, giving him a little detail. When I described how wonderful daddy had been, supporting me the whole way, Harry was very complimentary. I told Harry that there hadn't been any one incident, but Mary had gradually grown and daddy, Sally and I had nurtured her, to this point.

Having introduced her at that point, I explained Sally's involvement; how she had been my guide in the finer feminine elements of Mary's development. Basically, that she had become pretty much a replacement for my mom.

I told him about my surgeries, the recovery and my first time out of the house - the tropical resort holiday. Lastly I told Harry how, after the holiday, I had been out with the dinner group once a month. I left out any mention of orientation and specifically any mention of my time with Peter. One massive explanation at a time, I thought.

Through it all, Harry was attentive, holding my gaze - except when I mentioned the surgery. As I listed the things I had done, he had looked at my hips, stomach, boobs, throat and my nose - although only the quickest of glances at my boobs, LOL.

When I got to the end of Mary's story, I paused.

Harry took it in for a bit and then, in a considered tone, asked, "I have a couple of questions." After I nodded for him to proceed, he continued. "Why did you wait so long after the holiday to be yourself in public?"

That question brought a wide smile to my face. "That's an easy one to start Harry. The answer is you." I put my hand on his forearm and said in a soft voice, "To this point, I haven't been Mary in public, because if I had, word would have gotten back to you. I respect you and our friendship way too much, for anyone else, but me, to tell you. So I waited until you came home." Giggling a little, I continued. "It's kinda silly actually. I had planned to tell you on the golf course yesterday. I really don't know what I was thinking, but I'm thankful that it's happened this way."

Harry put his hand gently over mine, reminding me that I had not removed it from his arm. He smiled gently. "Thanks Mary. I can't tell you what that means to me, to hear you say that. You honour me."

Looking down, feeling the warmth of Harry's arm and his hand over mine, I looked up at him and adding my second hand to rest on his, said, "Can I ask you a question?" Receiving a nod, I said, "Did you know or at least suspect? Because a couple of times tonight, you kind of indicated that you did and you looked at me funny and few times yesterday."

Harry replied, "I'm not sure when I started suspecting, Mary, but looking back now, after you just told me your story, I realise that the changes were all so small. I'm not sure that I really caught on until after the end of school. It must have been just before your surgery. Your looks had softened, but I think it was the fact that your hair and nails were longer, even for you, with some of your mannerisms becoming more feminine. Yesterday confirmed it for me though. Your nose, throat and hips were dead giveaways, and I thought I saw breast type bumps under your shirt. What confirmed if for me, one hundred percent, was when I walked past your outfit out on the spare bed yesterday, after the game. The fact that you closed the door though? Rookie mistake baby."

We were both shocked when harry called me baby. I found myself blushing with my mouth a little agape and my hand daintily over it - eyes wide as dinner plates.

Harry blushed harder than I've ever seen anyone blush before. He looked at me - eyes the same as mine - and said, "Oh My God Mary. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out."

I laughed and said, "Don't worry at all Harry. It's not like calling me bud, mate or dude, is suitable any more." We both laughed and I was taken with his humility. As I looked at some of the colour leave his face, I snuck in, "I kinda liked that actually." Now it was my turn to blush a bit.

I could definitely feel some sexual tension building, between us, and I welcomed it and felt like I reflected it back to Harry. I got an inclination that he too was feeling the beginnings of passion. His face remained heavily coloured - one level below blush, like a mild sunburn.

After another chuckle had ended, Harry again looked at me, getting a more serious look on his face, before asking, "So are you attracted to women or men?"

I smiled when I replied. "Men. Which, as I had explained to me recently, makes me straight, because I consider myself female." He didn't look fully convinced, so I added, "There was a guy on the island holiday who confirmed it for me. Nothing serious happened, just some kissing. But there was ample opportunity for me to meet someone of either sex. None of the girls came close to being attractive to me. The boys won, hands down."

"Ok" he said, clearly convinced and seemingly encouraged. But there was one more question. "So from what you've told me, you haven't fully transitioned?" After I shook my head no, he added, "Are you planning on doing that? Like hormones and GRS?"

That last part of his question, caused me to pause again. If he knows what's potentially left to do, then he has clearly done some reading. Looking at him with a serious face now, I replied, "I have thought about it. Frankly though, I wanted to tell you first, then live openly as Mary for a while, before I answer that question for myself." I pausing, unsure how to continue, just waiting till the words came to me. Harry waited. "I'm still young and my frame and size isn't going to disadvantage me. Besides, there was a lot going on in my head, just to get me to today."

I paused and looked off in the distance, contemplating the question again, before adding, "But at this stage, I'm leaning towards a yes."

We sat back and ate some more cheese, slowly sipping on our wine, while we both processed the conversation we'd had. I was really happy with how it had gone. It felt like we were really comfortable, not just with the questions, but also the answers, as well as my change in physical appearance.

I wanted to ask Harry about his experiences at university and where he was planning his life to go, but I quickly discounted adding anything onto the already very heavy subject, we had discussed.

After about five minutes of idle chat, I felt a sudden wave of exhaustion come over me. I realised the totality of everything I had done that day. Not only had it been a physically long and frantic day - which had gone perfectly I might add - it had also been a pinnacle moment in my life. I had opened my heart to my best friend, allowing myself to be completely vulnerable, with the most important person in my life, outside my family. Though it had gone well, I felt like I couldn't do any more.

Turning to Harry, I said, "Harry." He looked at me with tenderness before I continued, "I don't mean to be a bore and I know it's early, but I've had a pretty big day. Would you mind terribly if we called it a night?"

"Oh goodness." came Harry's reply, as he sat bolt upright, seeing the look on my face. "Are you Ok?" he asked, before quickly adding, "Of course Mary. I'm so sorry. I can only imagine. Would you like some help with the dishes before I go?"

I was flattered, but said, "Oh no that's fine Harry. They'll keep till morning. Thanks for offering though." We rose together and retrieving his jacket, I walked Harry to the door. He opened it and reflexively, guided me outside, with his hand on the small of my back. I was jolted back to reality and it felt like I was walking on a cloud, as we made our way onto the front porch and into a moonlit night.

Stopping at the top step, Harry put on his jacket and turned to me. I turned to him and smiled up at him weakly. Truth be told, I was now really feeling the effects. A worried look came over Harry's face before he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Thank you so much for everything tonight Mary. The food was out of this world. But thank you most of all, for putting your life on hold, just for me. It means more to me than you know. You've always been a beautiful person inside. It's one of the reasons why you've also always been the most important person in my life."

Looking down briefly before coming back to my eyes, he continued, "I can see now that you are who you should be. I have to add that I love your inner and new outer beauty. You are beautiful beyond belief." He paused as if struggling internally. Sensing it, not saying anything, I put my hand on his upper arm and gently squeezed his hidden bicep to reassure him. I needed to support him, but not rush him.

He looked at my hand, then looking me in the eye, said with some confidence, clearly his mind made up, "Could I see you again Mary? Soon?"

I was awash with emotion. The use of more formal male to female language, filled me with hope and happiness. I perked up a fair bit and squeezing his arm a little tighter, I smiled broadly, through my pearly whites, saying, "I'd really like that Harry. I've had such a good time tonight. You've been an absolute gentleman and you couldn't have been any more supportive. It really means the world to me, as does our friendship."

He looked down at me with a huge smile, any semblance of doubt gone. "Brilliant!" he said, a real chirp in his voice. "I'll text you in the morning then." He bent down and before I knew it, he had planted a soft, warm kiss on my cheek. Next thing I knew, he was bounding down the stairs, like he needed to get beyond earshot, lest I rescind my agreement to see him again.

I was left standing on the porch, my hand on the cheek he had kissed, as he drove away.

"Did that just happen?" I asked myself out loud. I stood there for I don't know how long, before the chill in the night air brought me back to this reality. I could still feel the warmth of his lips on my cheek as I walked back inside, smiling all the way.

Instead of going to bed, I stayed up and cleaned up. My head had started to swim with the way Harry had been throughout the night. He had said some things that led me to think, perhaps he might be attracted to me. I warned myself to not get ahead too far ahead, instead to just take it as it comes.

I questioned myself repeatedly about my feelings of potential sexual tension. I was convinced that it was there and that it had been reciprocated.

By the time I had finished and had prepared for bed, it was ten o'clock. When I got into bed with a satin PJ top and boxer style brief set on, my head had sufficiently processed what had happened, to the degree that I was asleep, as my left ear touched the pillow. I slept like the dead, physically and emotionally drained to empty.

Chapter 8 - Confirmation

I woke up on Saturday morning, at about seven thirty, to a ringing phone. Rolling over, I answered it. It was Sally. She excitedly said, "I'm just at the coffee shop, picking up a coffee and croissant for both of us. I'll be there in about fifteen minutes. I want to hear everything!" With that she hung up, causing me to smile my happiest smile.

Sally and I sat on the back patio and went through the whole day. She wanted every detail and asked a heap of questions. After about an hour, I was at the point of telling her about the main course, when I stopped, overcome with love for her. Putting my hand on hers I said, "You know, you are my very best female friend. My confidante. And someone that I trust absolutely. You've been like a mother to me Sally, supporting me every step of the way. Thank you for that. You mean the world to me and I love you." Then we were both crying.

After we stopped blubbering, Sally said, "You. Mary my lovely girl, are the daughter I never had. I will always love you." Smiling broadly she continued, "Now. Did he kiss you over the table." We laughed and laughed. I finished recounting the events of the previous night and when I described him asking if he could see me again, kissing my cheek and then running away like he did, Sally had both hands over her heart.

"Oh My God!" she said, "Harry is smitten with you. That is so adorable. 'Can I see you again.' Oh you have to reel this one in Mary. And he's so handsome isn't he? Oh and tall. Oh you really like that don't you?" Blushing, I nodded.

"That's alright love, so do I. I like it when they're as tall as your Dad." She giggled at that.

With a shocked look on my face, I scolded her, saying, "Oh you hussy Sally!"

Just then my mobile rang. Looking at it, we both saw that it was Harry. Panicking like a couple of twelve year olds, we were almost jumping through the roof. I stopped and answered the phone.

In a short and confident way, Harry asked if I'd like to head out to the National Park. "We could head up to Wilsons lookout and pick up one of those kebab's from Ahmed's on the way back." We had done that several times as Harry and Michael.

Sally had been listening in, and she was furiously nodding her head, when I replied with, "That sounds lovely Harry. What time would you like to pick me up?"

Harry said, "Well its nine now, so would ten o'clock be too soon?"

"That's fine with me.....handsome. I'll see you then." I hung up before Harry had a chance to say anything else. Sally looked like she'd just been electrocuted and we both screamed and then laughed and then screamed and then laughed.

Sally hit my arms, saying, "And you think I'm a hussy. Well you're a right tart you are."

All of a sudden, I panicked, asking, "That wasn't too much was it? Oh My God, what have I done. I've ruined everything."

Sally laughed and confidently said, "That was so gorgeous Mary. And definitely not too much. Without thinking, he's told you he's interested, as he called so early the day after and wants to go somewhere romantic. All you did, was confirm to him that you are interested too." Pausing for effect, Sally continued, "Oh I bet you're all over each other, before the day is done."

I blushed at the thought and Mr Mary almost made an appearance on the spot.

"Oh shit!" I said, "He'll be here in an hour. What am I going to wear? What do I do with my hair?"

Sally stopped me and told me to have a shower. While I was in there, washing my hair, she went through and picked out an outfit for me. When I came out of my bathroom, I looked at the clothes on the bed and in shock, turned to Sally, saying, "Oh no. I'm not wearing that. That's not enough Sally." Sally smiled confidently.

Sally had laid out my rough terrain sneakers and a pair of white ankle socks with pink edging. A pair of spandex three quarter length leggings in a hatched black and white pattern. They were the precursor to the Amazon ones that created the huge Tic Tok sensation.