Masks That We Wear Ch. 04

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A hot MILF turns to prostitution to cover her husband's debt.
27.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/03/2017
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"Masks That We Wear" Ch. 04

By: AlexClayton


Author Notes: Takes place sometime after the events of Chapter 03.

Model Inspiration: Nita Marie, AKA MamaMilf. 38DDD

Christian MILF has a husband with a gambling/cheating problem. When told that they're going to both have to work more to make ends meet, she resorts to getting a second job as a bartender and then takes a promotion at Peregrine Towers to be a prostitute.

Brent Hill: Owner of Peregrine Industries.



The words that Marie's husband told her right before she left for her second job still rang in her head. "We both have to do what we have to to make ends meet," Michael had said. "We're barely scraping by!" She didn't know why they were always broke. They both were working two jobs to make sure that their mortgage was paid and that there was food on the table. Yeah, the kids were now off to college, but they had their own finances covered with student loans, grants, and scholarships. The bills should be covered but for some odd reason they kept on coming up short every month. It was to the point that they were a couple of months behind on the house payments.

Michael, of course, blamed "those damned Democrats" for ruining the economy. His constant rant while he worked at the plant during the day and as a security guard at night. She was working during the day in real estate and as a bartender at night. When she asked him what more she could do he snapped at her. "I don't know, ask for a promotion, something, anything!" it hurt her feelings when he said that as she'd already taken on the second job bartending.

That was probably why she was now standing in front of the executive elevators of Peregrine Towers, waiting to speak with the big boss himself. The elevator dinged and the fiery redhead at the desk nearby smiled at her. "Mister Hill will see you now, Marie."

"Thanks, Ashley," Marie smiled. She couldn't help but doing a double take as she walked into the elevator as she saw that Ashley's 'business' attire certainly had a professional grey blazer but it included a REALLY short skirt that was slit on one side, showing off Ashley's shapely thighs. She arched an eyebrow at Ashley's dress and Ashley merely winked in response as the elevator doors closed.

A few moments later, Marie was in the executive office of Mister Brent Hill himself, owner of Peregrine Industries and arguably the most powerful man in Dallas... if not all of Texas. He was a businessman who catered to all the vices known to man and he was someone who did it completely legally. There were even rumors that he'd taken on the Russian Mob a year or two back and won. He rose from his seat from behind his desk as Marie entered, ever the Texas gentleman. "Marie, hi, come in, please," he said, greeting her warmly with a firm handshake before helping her into a seat. He crossed back over to his seat and gave her all of his attention. "You said that you were needing help somehow?" he asked, addressing the reason she'd asked to see him tonight the moment she was on shift.

"Yes, sir, Mister Hill," she said with a nod, nervously tucking a strand of her straight blonde hair with dark brown roots behind her ear and glasses. She swallowed hard as it was hard for her to even come here and ask for help. It was much harder asking it from someone who was only in his thirties while she was forty five. She should be helping the younger generation, not the other way around. Marie took a deep breath. "Sir, I need a raise."

Mister Hill arched a dubious eyebrow. He paused as he tapped something out on his keyboard, probably pulling up her employee file. "Kinda early to ask for one, don't you think?" he asked. "You just started with us a few months ago. Don't get me wrong, your reviews have been stellar so far, but you're not even out of your probationary status as a bartender." He folded his hands and looked at her with concern. "Is everything okay at home with you? Or is there something else going on?"

"I..." her voice faltered, and she tried to will the tears away. "I just don't know what else to do, sir."

"Well, we do have other services here that pay more even at the starting rate," he pointed out.

Marie cringed. She knew what he was alluding to, stripper or prostitute. "I can't," she shook her head while looking down at her lap where she was wringing her hands nervously. "I'm married!"

"Big deal, so are my wives," Mister Hill shrugged. She snapped her head up, looking at him in shock. So the rumors about him being married to two women were true. He smirked at her. "Yeah, I consider myself married to two lovely ladies, I have children with both of them, and they both work here as prostitutes. Relax, it's okay."

"But..." her mind reeled with that. "But isn't that a sin?"

"Depends on who you ask," he conceded. "Keep in mind that I do promote my church and sponsor Mary Magdalene Ministries here."

"But it's in the commandments that thou shalt not commit adultery!"

"Mosaic law also says that we can't eat pork and yet a majority of the bible belt eats ham and bacon on a regular basis," Mister Hill chuckled. He then glanced at his monitor. "Look; you're making about five hundred a week, take home pay after benefits, here with us as an entry level bartender... roughly twenty and change an hour right now. Moving over to dancer or courtesan and you can make that here in a single night, easily."

"Well, my husband did tell me to do what I had to to bring in more money..." She said carefully. "Sooo... how much would I make if I were to start being a hooker?"

"The house take is fifty percent of whatever you book, and the starting rates are a thousand dollars, minimum, across the board," Mr. Hill told her.

"Hm... well... I guess that five hundred for a night isn't too bad..." Marie said. "That's certainly more than I'm making in a week."

"Per customer."

"I'm sorry, what?" Marie blinked in surprise.

"It's a thousand dollars, minimum, per customer, for an hour of your time," Mr. Hill clarified. "You can take on as many clients as you want each night. So if you only do one a night at the bare minimum rate, your take home salary for the week would be no less than twenty five hundred. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from negotiating a higher rate with clients or taking on more clients each night, Marie," he explained further. Mr. Hill then gestured to her tablet. "The clients will find you through our database and if they're interested in your services, they'll tell you what they want and how much they're willing to pay for it based on your published rates. You can then tell them if you're willing to do more or less than what they want and adjust the rates accordingly. Once you both accept, they pay the cashier first before coming up to your room. That way if they back out, or break the rules, you still get paid for it."

Marie was mulling it over in her head. "So if I were to take on a second customer, I'd just say so?"

"More or less," Mr. Hill said. "You'd just signal your availability on the tablet or the computer in your room and you'd show back up in the database downstairs for clients to find and on the board of active people for the night."

She arched her eyebrow. "Active people, not just ladies?"

"We have guys here too who do this." Mr. Hill smiled. "We're equal opportunity employment here." He then looked at her. "So what do you want to do? Right now this is the only option that I have available. If you don't want to dance or escort, the only recourse for a promotion in your current position would be three months from now at your six month review."

Marie withered a bit, her shoulders slumping. "There's nothing else to do that's more... legal... or moral?"

Mr. Hill gave her a look that just said 'Really?' He stood up, straightening his blazer as he walked to the balcony window. "What we do here, my dear, is neither immoral or illegal," he said in a hard voice, letting her know that she'd crossed a line with him. "My predecessor, who jumped from this very window out of shame and to evade justice, was involved in illegal practices which included human trafficking. What I have done here was legalize sex work, provide a safe environment for such workers, and eliminate the need for human trafficking." He turned back to her and gave her a hard glare. "I actively fight against slavery in all forms and ensure that every single worker in this building are being paid at or above standard value."

He walked back over to his desk and sat down, hands folded on the desk before him. "As far as morality goes, and I'm assuming that you're a Christian, yes?" he asked. She nodded. "If prostitution was such a bad thing, then why does the bible feature a couple of prominent ones in the scriptures as being good people? Furthermore, why aren't there any scriptural laws forbidding it?"

"The Ten Commandments, sir." Marie pointed out respectfully.

He nodded at that. "Ah yes. Again, Mosaic Law. If we were going strictly by the Ten Commandments and every other law that Moses set down, neither of us would be wearing these clothes as they're made of two different fibers. Your husband, or any other man for that matter, wouldn't be able to sit anywhere that you sat while you were on your period, and we would all have to give up bacon and ham sandwiches. You see; you're already cherry picking the bible so then why focus in on prostitution as being immoral as Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's biggest supporters and assets, Rahab was the one who helped Joshua and his armies at Jericho, and Tamar was a woman accused of adultery that Christ personally saved from stoning saying that he did not condemn her for what she'd done. So there's three examples from the bible itself that, in a way, condone prostitution. So, no, I do not do anything that is immoral here in this building."

Marie was nodding at his biblical interpretation as he certainly knew more than she did when it came to scripture to be able to cite those examples off the top of his head. Then again, he'd probably had this argument many times before with people wanting to close this place down. She couldn't really fault his logic and she really needed the money. After mulling it over for a moment, and with a heavy heart, she looked up at him. "When could I start, sir?"



The next day she'd tried to tell Michael about her 'promotion' and what it would entail, but he merely blew her off as he rushed out the door for his first job in the morning. "That's great, huh, I knew that you could do it. Don't wait for me for dinner. I'm working extra hours at security tonight. Love ya hun!" he'd barely given her a peck on the cheek after wolfing down breakfast, leaving Marie dejected and alone in the house. She let out a huff of irritation. Ever since the kids had moved out he'd been increasingly distant with her and she couldn't help but wonder why. Sure, they were both working their asses off to keep a roof over their heads but dammit, why couldn't he make time for her?

The rest of the day was a blur as she was constantly thinking about what was waiting for her that night when she went back to Peregrine Towers. Once she finally arrived at her night job, her heart was thudding in her chest. Ashley was escorting her to a room on the fifth floor, smiling. "Relax; you'll be just fine," she said as they exited the elevator in the middle of the floor in a lobby and took one of the halls to their left. Marie noticed that there was a security station of sorts here with two rough looking bouncers sitting behind the desks checking monitors and noting visitors and whores alike who came and went. Ashley smiled and greeted the men, who nodded cordially back to her. "The boys here will be in your room in seconds if there's any trouble and all of our clients are thoroughly screened before they're even allowed admittance up here."

"Well that's a relief," Marie said, even though it did little to calm her nerves. The orientation itself downstairs along with the medical screening and paperwork she had to fill out was a nightmare in her opinion.

"Safety is our utmost concern here. If a client gets too physical with you, or goes outside their boundaries, report it at once. Use the universal safe words to get the bouncers in your room so that you can then tell them what was going on. The days of shaming and punishing the sex worker are at an end. You have nothing to fear here."

"I'm just hoping I can get through this without throwing up," Marie admitted to the younger woman.

Ashley led Marie to the room and showed her the tablet that was hanging next to the door. "This tablet will be your all access pass and interface to whatever you need. Room service, cleaning supplies, toiletries, condoms, toys, whatever. It will also interface with the building's computers and the displays downstairs." She took it off of its wall mount and brought up the photo app. "Smile!" she said, pointing it her way. Marie managed a weak smile and Ashley gave her a contrite look. "Come on, you can do better than that," she said. Once Marie forced herself to give a real smile, Ashley snapped the pics. "Good, that'll do well for a profile picture. Now take off your clothes so I can get some pictures of you in your lingerie."

"I'm sorry?" Marie gasped in shock.

"Come on, we have to give the guys and gals downstairs something to look at to decide whether they want to sleep with you or not," Ashley pointed out. "You can put a robe on in the closet after we're done."

Tentatively, Marie stripped down to her bra and panties. Then she managed a couple of poses for Ashley, both standing and on the bed. Ashley frowned a bit but plugged the pics into Marie's profile. "That'll do for now, I guess, now let's get some details about you. MILF, most definitely. Curvy, absolutely." Ashley looked up and down Marie's scantily clad body. "Forty Double D?" she asked.

"Thirty Eight, Triple." Marie admitted.

"Great!" Ashley tapped in a few more things and smiled. "And you're all set. It'll chime when you have a prospective client. In the meantime, sit down, relax, watch some TV, play some games on the tablet here, or whatever. And, of course, have fun with your client. The more you're able to enjoy them as much as they enjoy you, the more they're likely to tip afterwards and all of that money is all yours as the house take comes out of the negotiated rate only."

"Well that's good to know." Marie said, taking it all in.

Once Ashley left, Marie went around the small apartment. It was a studio with the bed backed up against the far wall that was nothing but windows, giving her a beautiful view of downtown Dallas at night. To her right was a closet and against that inner wall was a massive flatscreen TV. It looked like she could swivel it so that it could face either the bed or the couch that was in the center of the room. Behind the couch was a small bar/kitchenette and she could see a door to the right of that which led to the bathroom. The bathroom was large and luxurious with a full whirlpool bathtub and a standup glass shower.

If she wasn't married and had a house of her own, she'd be half tempted to move in here.

Marie fetched a robe from the closet to put on before trying out the TV. She wasn't a few channel flips into her surfing when her tablet let out a loud chime by the door. She turned off the TV and got the tablet, shocked to see that she already had a prospective client. Now curious, she pressed the button that was flashing. It brought up the profile of a businessman named Ronald that was about her age with slightly greying hair and a goatee. He was offering to pay $5000 for the honor of being her first client, interested in just purely vanilla sex in the missionary position. She was shocked at how forthright the information was but then figured that someone like him needed to get right to the point since, literally, time was money.

I can do this... I can do this... Marie told herself as she pressed the 'ACCEPT' button. The tablet chimed again, telling her that $2500 had been paid to the house and $2500 had been paid to her. The client was now on his way up to her.

Her heart started thudding again. This was it and there was no turning back now. Quickly, she used the tablet to lower the lighting down to a more sensual mood level and then waited at the foot of her bed. A few moments later there was a knock at her door. She got up and greeted Ronald at the door. "Hello," she said, putting on her best smile for him. "It's nice to meet you Ronald," she added as she let him in.

"Please, just Ron," he said in a smooth voice, taking her hand into his and kissing the back of her knuckles in a very southern fashion. The gesture made Marie genuinely smile and blush. She couldn't even remember the last time someone did that to her.

She led Ron inside and stopped at the foot of the bed, turning to face him. "So, uhm, what would you like tonight?" she tentatively asked.

That got a broad smile from Ron as he removed his blazer top. "You really are new here, aren't you?" he asked.

Marie gave him a pained look. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, it is, but it's also a breath of fresh air with your innocence in this regard." Ron said, hanging his blazer in the closet by the door as if he were coming home from work. He kicked his shoes off and started loosening his tie. "Some of the ladies here would've already been over here to help me out of my clothes."

"Oh... uhm... sorry..." she apologized at once and started to move towards him.

"No, no, please stay there... right where you are," he said with a smile. "I kinda like this look; the dutiful wife standing by to please her man as he disrobes in front of her." He shucked his dress shirt and under shirt off, tossing them into the closet as well. "How about you be a dear and let that robe down so I can get a look at you?"

"O-okay," Marie nodded, and shakily undid the belt of the robe. She shouldered out of it, holding it to her breasts. He gave her a pointed look as he was getting out of his slacks and socks. Marie let out a deep breath and let it fall to the floor, exposing her bra and panty clad body to him. He then motioned for her to continue and Marie then reached behind her to unsnap the bra, letting it fall loose. She bent over just a bit to slide her panties off and let both garments fall to the floor while she kept herself covered with her arms strategically placed across her breasts with one hand down covering her mound.

He was now naked and Marie couldn't help but to fixate her eyes down onto his manhood. Even limp, he was well hung. Ron smiled as he crossed over to her, reaching up to take her glasses off and set them aside. "Come now, please put your hands down, I would like to see all of your beauty," he said with a gentle tone. Marie let out another long breath, lowered her head, and dropped her hands to her side, standing before him completely naked and exposed to a man who was not her husband. "So beautiful," Ron breathed as he reached out to touch her.

Marie jerked and shivered as Ron reached out and brushed her right breast with the back of his hand. She then gave him a tight smile and put her hand on her forehead, embarrassed. "Sorry," she quickly apologized. "I'm... new to this. It's been a while since someone other than my husband has touched me like that."

"It's okay," Ron said, matching her smile. "I know that you're new. It's why I wanted you for tonight. Here, turn around," he suggested. Marie shuffled until her back was to him as he crawled onto the bed to kneel behind her. She shivered again when she felt his hands on her bare shoulders. Ron started to knead and massage her upper back and neck, loosening the tension that she had built up there. "Just close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and relax. It's not like I'm here to take you away from your man or anything like that. It's just sex."
