Master! Master! Pt. 15


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"Well, everyone else ate beef tonight, it wouldn't be fair if you didn't get to."

Taking the hint, I crouched down and started licking her pussy, savoring the taste of her delicious arousal. Such gentle flicks of my tongue, yet they left her trembling, her voice now like the chirping of a bird. She put her hand on the back of my head and tried to push me deeper into her clam so that I may feast upon her with all the ferocity she and I desired. I penetrated her with my tongue as deep as I could, with her labia against my cheeks and her titanic brown thighs pressing on my ears.

"Master! Master!" she exclaimed, now running her fingers through my hair as her body once again submitted itself to me.

I had regained my original rigidity, so while she tried to recover from her climax, I pushed her onto her back, readied myself, and barreled into her. She moaned from the sensation of being pierced, her calls repeating as I started slamming into her. She laid back, her breasts jiggling and rolling with each impact against her cervix. She was sucking me in, massaging my dick with her interior like she was trying to shape modeling clay. I grabbed her hips and pulled her farther down the hood of the car so her rear was hanging off the edge. Much to her enjoyment, I started reaching down and slapping her fat ass, punishing her for being so sexy. I spanked her again and again, able to feel the vibrations moving through her with my cock. I grabbed her ass and squeezed her cheeks, using them like handles as I fucked her.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum!" she moaned.

I increased the strength of my thrusts, hammering her again and again until she released a deep moo that echoed through the night. I didn't give her any rest, I pulled my cock out of her pussy and buried it deep in her anus. She moaned from the new feeling, her asshole once again being trained for my personal use.

She sat up, flushed, her eyes swimming. "Master, please, my breasts are so full."

I leaned down and my lips met one of her nipples. I drank greedily, drawing forth more moans. I switched between her breasts, sucking her dry as I sodomized her. Betty's milk gave me all the strength I needed to continue going while her own strength waned. She laid back, unable to remain upright as I brutalized her. I grabbed her breasts, massaging them and coaxing more milk to squirt free.

"I'm going to blow," I said.

"Pour it deep inside me, Master," she begged.

I erupted, pouring everything I had deep into her anal cavity. I finally came to a stop, my body still charged with energy but my penis waving a white flag. If I had Leah here for support, I probably could have kept up this pace all night. Betty was near comatose, but a gentle kiss on the lips revived her.

"That was a wonderful date," she said.


The day of the sleepover had arrived, though technically, there would be two sleepovers happening. Both groups of hybrids were excited, eager to finally understand what playing meant. Both Lorraine and I were prepping ourselves so that we could properly entertain all of our guests for the evening. We both slept in to get all the rest we could, so having missed breakfast, we decided to just make our own.

We were sitting on opposite sides of the dinner table, scarfing down lots of meat, bread, and vegetables. We needed all the complex carbohydrates, fiber, and protein we could get. This would be the only kind of food we'd eat for the rest of the day. In between mouthfuls, we'd try to psyche each other up, even though the main event wouldn't happen until after dinner.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked.

"I'm ready for this. Are you ready for this?"

"I think I'm ready for this."

She reached across the table and slapped me. "Don't think you're ready, know you're ready! You're the Master of all of those girls and you're the only one capable of satisfying all of them!"

"You're right, I can do this!"

"Good, now slap me too!" I leaned over and smacked her the same way she had smacked me. "Now spit in my mouth!"


"Forget about it, just focus your mission!"

It would be another eight hours until I and all the girls retired to my bedroom, but the anxiety and anticipation were driving me insane. I'd probably need to see Dr. Lawrence before I ended up having a heart attack.


It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, perfect for lying in the sun. The huge mansion patio would often get taken over in the afternoon, many of the more lethargic hybrids coming out to get a nap and charge their batteries. Elise, whose tail was like a giant solar panel, was one of them. She hated herself for it, hated how lazy she had become. Before coming to the mansion, she had done her best to keep herself busy, taking care of the farm from inside her house. However, days and weeks of this new lush lifestyle were feeding certain reptilian instincts. Now, all she wanted to do was soak up the warmth and conserve energy. But after a lifetime of hard work, some stagnation was just what she needed. A silver lining of her snake tail, it forced her to learn the joys of laziness.

Elise was lying out on a lawn chair, wearing nothing but a pair of sunglasses. Since that badminton day, everyone in the mansion had seen her nude, both the doctors and the hybrids, so she no longer cared about wearing clothes. Maybe that was a side effect of becoming a hybrid, having an animal's lack of shame.

The patio doors opened and out stepped Neija, eyes scanning for a good spot. Many of the lawn chairs were taken, several hybrids simply lying on the grass, but she spotted an empty seat next to Elise. She strode over and stripped down, remaining the queen of not giving a fuck. She didn't say a word to Elise, just took her place in the adjacent seat. A low purr began to sound in her throat, joy from the warmth of her bronze body being washed in sunlight.

"I was the reason," Elise said after a few minutes of silence.

"Hmm?" Neija mumbled, not sure if Elise was talking to her.

"I was the reason he turned you."

Neija growled in frustration. "I already know he did it to protect his pets. That doesn't make it right. I'm not some tool for him to use."

"And I'm not a pet."

"Get over yourself, we're still just animals to them. That's all we'll ever be."

"No, because I was never an animal. I was originally a human."

Neija stared at her in shock. "How is that possible?"

Around the patio, several hybrids raised their heads, equally shocked. Until now, they had just assumed that Elise was a serpent that had transformed, just like Levi. They had no idea it was possible for humans to undergo the change.

"No one has told you that I'm Lorraine's older sister. Maybe this transformation was due to my own ability, but I think the two of them caused it. I used to be a farmer, I raised cows. I lost so much when I gained this tail; my freedom, my future, my independence, and my livelihood."

"So you should hate him even more than I do. He ruined your life."

"It was an accident. He didn't mean to turn me into this, neither of them did. I guess you also don't know that Momo, Sonja, and Chloe happened the same way, even Betty. He probably told you he went to that zoo to help keep them safe, but you just assumed that he created them by choice. It wasn't until Leah that he could actually do it on command, and even then, we don't know whether or not it will continue to happen on its own.

If you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at me. He did all this to try and give me my life back."

"I don't have to listen to this," Neija said as she got up to leave.

"Yes, you do."

Fast as lightning, Elise's tail wrapped around Neija, pulling her back. Neija snarled and hissed, trying to pull herself free. "Let me go!" she shrieked. She no longer had her lioness claws, so she tried biting into Elise's tail instead, but the thick black scales withstood her teeth.

"You should also know that he wasn't the one to come up with the idea of making all of you. Tobi, Lorraine's fox, came up with the idea. He suggested that the two of them create countless hybrids in a public place so that the world would finally know what was happening and they could get help. Tobi, a hybrid, just like you, was the one to decide you should be created."

CRASH! "Let go of my sister!"

One of the glass patio doors shattered as Fred burst outside. He grabbed the end of Elise's tail and unwound it from around Neija. He then pulled her back out of Elise's reach, but she pushed him away and turned to Elise with angry tears in her eyes.

"You really think this will make me forgive him? You think that this makes up for what he did to me? I don't know what I am! You all keep saying that he loves me, like I should count myself lucky! I don't owe him anything! I don't need him! He used me! Why should I believe anything he says when he made me and left me behind?"

Elise's expression was like stone. "Because he loved Penelope." Neija looked at her in confusion, wondering if she was supposed to know that name. "That was the name of the first hybrid to die. She was a deer who transformed in the wild, miles from his home. She froze to death before the two of them could even meet. Momo, Sonja, and Chloe found her in the snow and he gave her a proper burial. He told me how much it hurt to realize he had caused her death, how he loved her even though she died before he knew of her. The grief nearly killed him.

He created you to take responsibility for what he did to me, now let him take responsibility for you. If you still want to hold your grudge, fine, you're under no obligation to love him, but he does love you, and no amount of arguing will change that."

"No!" Neija screamed.

Her face wet with bitter tears, she turned and ran away, off towards the woods behind the yard. Fred was going to go after her, but Elise stopped him. No one saw her for the rest of the afternoon.


Dinner was full of excitement, with everyone chatting about the imminent sleepover. As soon as we were done eating, all the girls would grab their mattresses and bring them to my room, and all the guys would bring their mattresses to Lorraine's. We had stocked our room with games and other various means of entertainment to keep the hybrids from getting bored. I had all night to pleasure over fifty girls, so each one would have to do a lot of waiting. They might as well play Wii Sports until their turn to get boinked. We also had plenty of food so that no one got hungry and soda and energy drinks so that everyone stayed awake.

"Are you sure you don't want to join in?" I asked Elise, who was sitting next to me.

"I'm not part of your mega harem, I want nothing to do with it. You have fun, I'm going to enjoy having the rest of the house to myself."

"Come on, you got to admit you're curious."

"Look, I'll check in before I go to bed to make sure you're still alive, but I don't want to get roped into this."

"Can I see you two for a minute?"

I turned around, finding Dr. Lawrence. With how loud it was in here, he could have worn tap-dancing shoes and still snuck up on us.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I need to talk to the both of you." He was looking at me and Elise, not glancing at Lorraine even once.

"Sure," said Elise.

We got up and followed him through the mansion, heading towards the dormitories of the doctors surveilling us. Only when we were far from the dining room did he start talking.

"Neija is missing."

"Wait, WHAT?" I asked.

"Well, not technically missing. She's absent but we know where she is. She probably doesn't know that."

"She and I got into an argument about you and she ran off into the woods. I didn't think she'd still be out there," said Elise.

"Yes, I heard about that. Anyway, we have the woods filled with cameras so that we can track everyone's movements. The two of you should probably get Fred and pick her up."

"No, I'll get her myself. I've done this before."

Dr. Lawrence led us into a room behind the mansion's clinic, with the walls lined with computer monitors. Every room of the house was put up on these screens, as well as several camera shots from outside the mansion.

"Ugh, it stinks in here," Elise said.

"That's the smell of dedication."

"It's the smell of people not bathing enough."

Dr. Lawrence sat in a chair before the largest monitor and brought up an outdoor view. It was from a camera deep in the woods, showing a large boulder with Neija sitting on top of it, her knees hugged to her chest.

"I know that spot, I'll go find her."

The sun had yet to fully set, but the light would surely abandon me by the time I reached her, so I brought a flashlight along. I marched across the open pastures surrounding the mansion and entered the forest, grimacing from the ravenous mosquitoes. I had spent more than a month living in the mansion and had memorized the forest after plenty of walks with the girls. I knew exactly where I needed to go. My guess had been right, as the moment I reached the boulder, the sun fully sank below the horizon, leaving only the faint light of dusk.

Neija heard me coming, she had to, but she didn't react to me climbing up and sitting down behind her, back to back.

"You cats are all exactly the same. Momo did the same thing a while ago, running away when she saw me and Sonja playing together. She did it because she thought Sonja had replaced her, that I loved Sonja more than her. I'm guessing it's something similar with you." Neija didn't respond. "If I told you I loved you, would you believe me?"

"Would it matter?"

"Of course."

"But it wouldn't matter to me. I'm just one of an army you created. I do believe you love me, but don't lie to me and say you love us all equally. Could you ever feel the same way about me that you do about Momo? All of us from the zoo, we're expendable, you can just make more whenever you want. What are we to you? Tools to protect the ones you really care about? Slaves to obey your every will? Objects to use for pleasure?"

"None of them. You are all whatever you choose to be. If any of you girls from the zoo want to stay with me forever, then I'll do whatever I can to make it happen, but if you have other dreams or ambitions, then I'll help you every step of the way. Momo, Sonja, Chloe, I took care of them because they were my responsibility, same for Betty, Leah, Jenny, and all of you. I kept them hidden so that they would stay safe in a world that wouldn't understand them.

But the world is changing. Neija, the world knows about you, knows about your kind. Go out and explore it if you want to. You've spent your life in a pen at the zoo, well now you can do whatever you want. You can now walk farther on two feet than you ever could on four. I got you mixed up in my mess, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, but you no longer have to spend your life in a cage.

If you want to, you don't even have to come back to the mansion. Just walk away, disappear into those woods, I won't try and stop you. Go forge your own path. Or you can come back to the mansion, maybe join all of us in my room to have some fun, and then tomorrow, I'll help you figure out how you want to spend the rest of your life, whether it's with me or without me. I'll help you find a home, even if it's on the other side of the world. I loved you, Neija, from the moment I saw you, from the moment I made you, and I'll love you no matter what you do."

We would silent for several moments, watching the light vanish from the woods.

"You should know, I've mated before, back at the zoo. If you really do want to mate with me, know what it won't be my first time."

I finally pulled away from her. She tensed up, waiting to hear me walk away, but instead, she shivered when I rested my hand on the top of her head, and even began to purr as I rubbed her ears. "But it will be your first time with me. Besides, we're just playing, all that matters is having fun and enjoying ourselves." I stood up and held my hand out to her. "Come on, let's go home. Everyone is waiting for us."

With tears a joy streaming down her cheeks and a beautiful smile on her face, Neija sprung up and embraced me, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and her lips pressed to mine.

"Yes, Master!"

Only one chapter left! Please comment!

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

good stuff

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


I love the comparison of Betty's butt to the boulder in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

RivenousRivenousover 1 year ago

Love this seriously

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 1 year ago


True, Sonja was having a hard time resisting catching the shuttlecock in her mouth (heyooooo!), but she had spent countless hours chasing after balls...

Pure comedy gold!

Plus, I love the Belaggio (Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nev) reference as a resident of 'Sin City' for a little over 30 years.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

When Betty angrily reacts to Fred's complaint about not having any red meat, and your narrator tells us she'd watched Pulp Fiction, the scene she quoted from has characters eating cheeseburgers. She didn't stop watching as soon as the burgers were shown, if her aversion to seeing her kind eaten is that strong?

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 5 years ago
A zinger in every chapter

In every chapter of this story there has been something that has made me laugh out loud for a disturbingly long time, something which I berate others for doing, as laughing out loud when you are reading is a stupid thing to do.

Ah well, every one of them has been worth it.

Thank you for that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
The feels

My heart was destoryed when she brought up the deer girl u can feel the guilt and pain he was in and reading it just destroys u when ever she is brought up, master piece

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

What do you mean only one chapter left? This must continue!

Tyson001Tyson001about 6 years ago

Simply super I can't express my gratitude to you

I love this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Another job well done.

I will be sad to see this story end. But all good things must. Truly love the way you have done everything. So lets see how things end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
what only one left?!?

still loving this story, and Lorraine cracks me up everytime. also that's the 2nd futurama ref i caught so far and i like the way you used them both, oh shit betty wants snu snu made lose my shit btw. you do a good job with the dialog about past events its not just a cop out like.. and then i told her what happened, or a full blown one piece flashback either its right in the Goldilocks zone, not to much not to little.

i hope you do another story after this one, pref with hot, loyal, (impressionable) animal girls.

thanks for the chapter i enjoyed it


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