Mavis and the Featherlight Ch. 04


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"R-Rose," Mavis said, beginning to blush. "Are you serious? How many locks is that now? 23? How many more are there...?!"

"There are fifty locking points on the whole belt, dear. Fifty unique keys in all. And every one of them needs to be removed to get it off."

"W-What?! So without even one key, it's impossible to remove it?!"

"Quite, impossible..." Rose purred in her ear, softly enough to make her shiver -- punctuating each word by loudly, firmly locking two more of the locks above the elf's behind. "If not, obscenely difficult. They're all quite state of the art. And they're all different, too; I had to show all of my skills to pass the grading..." The angel sighed. "Most girls make every lock individually, or make multiple belts. I stuck to what I wanted to do, and made one, single belt. The others thought I was being a bit silly, but... The chartered master they had grading, the short one, she was enamoured with it. She told me I had such a fantastic vision. She gave me a perfect score." She smiled, adding -- "Oh, there are eight locks like the Featherlight's lock on here, by the way. Those are the ones on the second layer. The sixteen on this one are from the Maiden's guard, as will these last two be, with some more combination lock parts mixed in. It was really hard, before you ask. I basically didn't sleep the last couple of days. I was... So, so happy to do it, though. Knowing that all of this, if I passed, would be securing you so, so beautifully..."

Mavis smiled at her as Rose leaned back, touching her forehead to the elf's. "Beauty in security," Mavis said softly.

"Indeed." Rose beamed back. "And what a lovely company motto that was. It's not even all on, but, already... Ah, let me just put the last layer on..."

The final layer was stunning. It was a glittering, bronzed metal, with eleven locks that Mavis recognised as of an elven inspired design -- six large insertable ones that slotted and locked into the front and back of the belt, passing bolts through every other layer, and, over the top of those, two folding leaves of metal on the left and right. Once the locks were all closed, the leaves were folded up over Mavis's hips, covering those final six keyholes entirely with thick, well shined bronze. At the end of each leaf, thick hasps slotted into the waistband, again passing through all the layers to align two large holes that passed over the top of the Elf's hip on each side. Through these, then, Rose proceeded to thread two of the meatiest padlocks Mavis had ever seen, made from the same material. Blushing, she realised that these two locks would lie at her sides, touching and bumping against the soft skin of her thighs at all times. She only blushed more when Rose added two more slightly smaller ones, lying them over the first two. Smiling, Rose turned the main lock one final click to the right, before hinging the cover for it -- added only by the final layer -- shut, and locking it with a one final, terrifyingly complicated looking key that had been hanging from the same ring as the combination key. Now, visibly, the belt only had five locks: the two sets of two padlocks hanging over Mavis's hips, their shackles impossible to see for the thick heavenly bronze that they threaded through, and the tiny, integrated one on the main lock cover. There was no longer a visible dome over her sex, the metal upon metal of the belt's stacked layers having grown so thick that it rose above the peak of the alcove holding her trembling genitals.

As the angel smiled at her, the elf giggled, realising how many locks had now been devoted to securing her sex away. She trembled as Rose released her, running her fingers up and down the curving top of the combined waistband, feeling the layers move together as she realised just how thick it was. Gently, she tugged and tugged at it, trying to get it to budge, and finding that it would move very little. The four padlocks at her sides clicked gently as her attention moved to tugging at them, rattling and pulling. "R-Rose," She stammered. "It's... It's really pretty. B-But...!"

Rose smiled. "It's heavenly steel, and heavenly bronze in the top layers. Extremely expensive. Oh, Mavis, you look so beautiful."

Mavis reddened even more. "I m-might, but, Rose... How am I going to hide these under clothes?" She tugged at the padlocks again, her hands shaking with nervous exertion now as she tested their security; soon moving to the waistband, and finding that she could neither manage to push it down, nor tilt it.

"I've got some clothes picked out for you that should work just fine," Rose purred. "You've seen how well my dresses hide my own belt. Look." She said, pointing down at her body. "They're bulky things. But would you ever think I was wearing anything under here?"

The elf looked up at her, her lip wobbling.

Rose sighed. "Do you already need me to take it all off?" She pouted. "It takes a while, you know. A fair bit longer than it took to put on. That said... I don't want to make you accept anything that-"

"It's fine right now. B-But..." Mavis stammered. "Rose, who the hell is this meant to keep out...?"

The angel moved close to her, then, poking her gently in the chest. "You," She beamed. "And only you. Other people, too, would be nice, but including them in the threat model... I hope you won't get too smug when I tell you it wouldn't have changed the design."

"But, Rose, I couldn't even get one of these open!" The elf cried. "I couldn't get past one single featherlight lock! Haven't you wasted a bunch of effort and church money building this?! What if you get in trouble-"

The angel cut her off with a tut, wagging her finger. "My money, Mavis, sweetie." She chided. "My money. You must know beltmaker families like mine are well off. And, no. I wanted to build a belt that would indulge us both..." She grinned, her eyes drinking in the sight of the elf as she strode around her, hungrily inspecting her from every angle. Her fingers slid possessively along the edges, then, ticking the elf's soft skin enough to make her shudder again as she leaned in close, talking softly into her pointed little ear. "That means there are no anti-picking enchantments, save for the difficulty of the locks themselves..." She purred. "No cheap tricks. No difficult magic that can get faulty and break. Just, pure," -- Her fingertips skated along the elf's neck -- "Mechanics... Our church's specialty. Like in that broken Featherlight you had, I guess. A working one would have burned your fingers right off, you see... Though, I think magic absorption was still functional, even if it was waning quite badly."

"It slowly drained me as I cast an ice spell," Mavis remembered.

"Yes." Rose said, leaning back. "And it should have swallowed your entire mana pool immediately as soon as you touched magic to it. That's similar to what this one will do, by the way," -- Her fingers tapped at the belt -- "So be a bit careful moving forms around yourself. The old belt only reacted slowly because, and like I said, it was old and broken. Real Featherlights are..." Her eyes took a cold, fearful look. "There's just nothing you can do at all, Mavis. You can trust me on that, too. But... Enough about that old thing, it'd run the course of its life anyway. Seven hundred or so years of wear will do that, even if it is a shame. It'll be melted down, after I've, um, cleaned it... Don't worry, though. I'm sure the owners were happy to be rid of it. They still make them, you know. Improved, modern ones. They use little to no magic, which means far less faults. And they have new... Routines."

Mavis shuddered. "Mmm." She said quietly.

Rose smiled down at her, folding her arms expectantly. "Do you like your chastity belt, Mavis?" She finally asked.

"Y-Yes!" Mavis said quickly. "It's very pretty. It's cute. Um... C-Can I, um, have the keys, t-too-? Woah!"

The angel had picked her up, putting her into a bridal carry as the elf grabbed her neck again, holding on tight. Quickly, she was brought up the stairs, past the angel's room, to the third floor -- Mavis's abode.

"I, u-um. I still would like that second orgasm, by the way." Mavis said quietly.

"Oh, sweetie." The angel said suddenly. "Before we get this done... I've just realised, I didn't give you a chance to show me what gift you got for me..."

"T-That's a work in progress!" The elf said, very quickly. "I was g-going to, build you a watch. But the Featherlight..."

The angel nodded. "I understand," She said softly, depositing the elf onto her own bed. "We can do it together, tomorrow. You can help me clean the furniture down, too, by the way. Particularly my bed. But for now... There's some things we need to sign to make it... Official." She took out a silvery envelope. "I hope you don't mind doing this on such short notice, Mavis, I was going to get some rest before I, um, proposed. But, in case anyone gets sent to our door before that to, um, check -- that I resolved things appropriately -- I think we should get it done and dusted as quickly as we can. If that's okay?" She added, offering the elf a pen.

Silently, Mavis took it, watching as the angel slid out some papers and set them down on the elf's makeup table.

"It's just some administrative stuff. Minor, really. In the church, relationships have a few... Protocols. I think you should read it. Make sure that, engagement, and then marriage, of this kind, is what you truly want."

Mavis was already signing and dating every page. "Of course it is, Rose!" She said. "I told you."

"You're... One hundred percent sure, Mavis?" She asked, shakily. "There are things in here that, really, you should be aware of. I really think you should read it."

"I can't marry you without signing these, can I?" Mavis replied.

"No." Rose said softly. "Of course not. The scriptures require that all wed couples, of all denominations and sexualities, in belonging entirely to one another..." She caught herself, blushing at the sudden connotations of the words that had been drilled into her so many times before. She leaned forward, taking the elf's wrist. "Mavis," She said, "I insist that you read these first."

"Why?" The elf said, pausing.

"Well," The angel floundered, wondering where to begin. "It's just that..."

"Hmm?" Mavis had started writing again.

"T-The moment you sign that, I have obligations!" The angel pleaded. "Your belt, it, i-it's, I'm... Will you slow down, please?"

"Nothing in here is optional, is it?" Mavis interrupted softly, scribbling away at the last page. "Nor is this thing I'm wearing, I suspect. If there's no choice but to sign it, I can read it later. We'll have all the keys, then, right? For both of us?"

"Yes, of course." The angel said. "For good, and very soon, too. I'll still have all of yours, and you'll have all 3 of mine. But, only after-"

"That's fine, then!" Mavis interrupted, offering her the stack of papers. "Here."

Rose sighed. "As long as we have them signed," She said, sliding the papers back into the envelope. She moved towards the door a bit, still flicking through the pages, before sheepishly turning around.

Mavis smiled at her, patting at the bed impatiently. "Come on, now. I want you here with me. You're always so anxious."

The angel smiled at her. "Okay." She said. "Here's your copy, by the way." She separated out half of the papers, handing them to the elf -- who immediately put them aside. "Just a moment."

Mavis watched, her stomach fluttering as the angel headed out of the room and down the stairs. She moved to the door, then, watching her go into the workshop. Quietly, after a moment, she heard the safe shut. Not wanting Rose to see her watching, she quickly moved back to the bed, somewhat glad to be free of the Featherlight's unwanted touches at her loins. In the moments that followed, however, her hands began to wonder; gently bumping, then sliding over the polished metal of the new belt. Irritably, the elf opened her legs, trying to crane around it like she had tried to with the featherlight. Immediately, though, she noticed a novelty of her new belt that made such a strategy even more impossible -- that as she opened her legs, a telescoping metal wall followed them from the edges of the front shield, ensuring that the gap between steel and flesh became no wider in any resting position. She tried for several seconds after that, but her attempts only confirmed that she couldn't give herself the slightest bit of stimulation. Somewhat frustrated, she sat back down.

A moment later, Rose was back, quickly pulling her into a hug. "I'm so happy. But I'm so tired, Mavis," The angel sighed. "Aren't you?"

"Mmm." Mavis said softly. "B-But. Rose?" She asked.


"Can..." She said softly. "I know it's a-annoying, and, maybe a lot to ask, r-right now, but..." She blushed. "Can you please make me cum again. I just need... Just one more time, okay?" She leaned closer, smiling at the angel cutely.

Rose gave her a knowing look, her fingers suddenly stroking at the elf's thighs. "Poor thing," She purred, teasingly. "And yet I have you all locked away... Are you still a bit desperate?"

Mavis couldn't meet her eyes. "M-Maybe." She said, her hands caressing at the metal distractedly. "This thing, it's doing things to me..."

"That's not in the spec," Rose said, softly. "So I think that might be you."

"Well, t-then, can you unlock it, please?" The elf pleaded, turning to her. "And, um, make me cum-"

The angel shook her head. "No."

Mavis's eyes went a little wide, but she didn't know how to respond to that. Rose had sometimes been too busy or tired for her, but the angel hadn't ever outright said no before. "...Please?" She begged.

Rose tilted her head. "Nope." She purred, quite smugly. Slowly, as she looked down at the elf in her lap, her smile wavered. "I m-mean..." She said, shakily. "Sorry, if it looks like I take too much pleasure in that. Unless, you're into that...?"

Mavis stared up at her, her eyes big and round.

"Oh, what am I saying?" The angel muttered, suddenly blushing -- "Look, I don't want to make you feel too frustrated, and I promise I'll be nice to you later, but... I really can't, now."

"T-That's okay!" The elf stammered. "But, a-are you sure you want to wait until tomorrow?" She implored, as the angel lay down. "I'm just a bit, um, wound up, still-"

"Tomorrow?" The angel repeated. "You adorable little thing, Mavis... I'd take you right here, if I could, but..." She shook her head. "You really should have read that contract, you know. Come here, though." She wrapped her arms around the elf, sighing to herself again as Mavis began to snuggle closer -- clearly confused, but content enough. If, still, just a bit frustrated. "I'm still going to read it to you tomorrow before I take it, and you, in with me." She declared, quite firmly. "You'll sit and listen, because I want to make sure you understand our new obligations to one another fully." Her voice softened, then, reaching forward to play with the elf's hair as she began to whisper into her ear -- "It'll be a tricky year, while we wait for the wedding, you know..." She mused. "I'll look after you, though. I promise. Right from now, until the day that I get to truly belong to you, and you to me. I can already tell you'll find it harder than me, and there'll definitely be some tricky times, too, buuuut... I think I've got everything planned out, now."

"Oh?" The elf said softly.

"Mhmm." She pulled the elf closer. "I'm still so happy, Mavis. I think we'll work so well together. But I'm so tired right now, that I think I'm about to pass out." Her eyes closed, then, as she spoke very softly. "Good night."

"Um. Well, h-hold on, what do you mean, by-?" Mavis started to ask, but before she could even finish, the angel began to gently snore in her arms. Quietly, the elf sighed to herself, realising how exhausted her betrothed must be -- the angel hadn't even remembered to secure the elf in her wings, after all. That didn't matter, though. Mavis was still getting her cuddle -- a tight, warm one, too, that made her heart throb softly as she felt the beating of the angel's two hearts against her neck. After all the trouble she'd caused, that was more than she'd been expecting.

She snuggled closer, burying her head in the softly sleeping angel's chest. It felt so wonderful. And the sound of Rose's gentle breathing next to her was making her, too, realise how much the last few days had taken out of her.

Gently, then, she pulled the covers up over the two of them, rotating her hips a little so that the padlocks wouldn't bother her too much as she slept. "Tomorrow, then." She quietly told herself, trying to ignore the silent tightness of the heavy chastity belt, the quiet little clicks of the padlocks nestling against her skin and the mattress as she moved. And the gentle twinging of her pent up little loins behind its already moist front shield, nestled several inches deep; quite utterly unreachable, yet still her hand caressed up and down the metal. "Tomorrow, she'll let me cum."

She wouldn't.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Found this off of reddit and glad I did, this was such a great read. Loved the lore and world, would love to know what the contract involves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed reading to whole series so much, the wold and religion are so captivating, wonderful job! I’d love to know more of what the contract entails if you’d ever care to grace us with those details and more about the angel’s religion

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I really like this series. I hope that this is not the end.

jimbofootboyjimbofootboyover 2 years ago

This was amazing, really enjoyed every element of it and like so many others here hope this is explored even more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My best guess is that the belt stays on until wedding night

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