Maxine's New Life Ch. 13


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"I didn't catch your father's name? Just so I will know who I'm talking to if he calls back."

"Johnathan Hunter," she said simply. It was all she needed to say. Johnathan Hunter was the son of the mill owner who had in effect started Aster's first growth spurt. When his dad built the textile mill, people began to actually build houses near the mill, so the town double in population almost over night. As the Aster furniture factory and the textile mill grew it doubled a few more times, before the nationwide decline in industrial jobs began. The story was that Johnathan Hunter had lost most of his family money, and then he gave away the rest of it as some kind of penitence. I would have to give him some serious thought, if he ever called back.

The second apartment actually rented Saturday just after noon. It went to a woman again, even thought I would have preferred a man. Her name was Lois. Yes she had a family name, but I couldn't pronounce it, let alone spell it. Some Italian monstrosity which a true southerner wouldn't be able to say correctly with a hundred years of practice.

Lois was an early retiree of the county government. She had just given her house to her Son and his family. The apartment was exactly what she wanted at the present stage of her life. She didn't like the idea of yard work, or having to find someone to replace the shingles, when they blew off the house during the spring storms. The size would have been a problem for some people, but not Lois.

"I won't have to do much work at all. I plan to sit on my ass, watch my big screen TV, and get fat," she informed me. "I have been keeping myself in reasonable shape just in case some man came along. I felt like I needed a man to take care of me. Then one day I finally got it. I didn't need anyone. Over all those years of taking shit at the county, I had made my own future. They offered me a chance to retire early and I took it."

So Lois made arrangements to move in on Monday morning. She decided to take the unit beside mine. Sarah was on one side of me and Lois would be on he other. I had three more and I really wanted men to move into them. Maybe not all of them, but at least some of them.

"Good for you," I said. "I'm retired as well. Military twenty odd years," I admitted.

"From what I have heard about you, I bet they were odd." Lois said.

"Do not believe all you hear about me. Your honor is safe here, if not your reputation." I took the chance that she could take a joke.

"I might wish those were reversed, before I'm ready for the bone yard," she said smiling. "Now I need to go tell my son and his wife that they can finally screw as loud as they want." She giggled and I smiled.

Sunday morning I dressed like the Pillsbury dough boy again and took off on the bike. I rode it to the Hardee's, which I much prefer for breakfast. I took my coffee cup along even though I bought their coffee. I just don't like drinking from cups that I can crush accidentally. I am not, nor do I want to be, the incredible hulk.

Since I had watched the crowd the last time I ate breakfast out, I observed them Sunday morning as well. It seemed to be the same people with different hair cuts and clothes. I mean there were old couples talking, in loud voices, to other old couples who answered in equally loud voices. On Sunday there were a few families dressed for church, even though it was early. My guess was Sunday School for the kids.

Even though it was a fast food restaurant, there were couples where the man was in jeans, and the chick was in much more formal attire. Sleep overs was my guess. It was all, in all further introduction to the life going on around me which I had been missing.

My backpack pocketbook began to play the Mag7 again. "Hello," I said.

"Maxine this is Lois, I'm going to be moving in tomorrow," she said to catch me up I suppose.

"Yes of course, have you changed your mind?" I asked.

"No, not at all. I wanted to bring some things over this afternoon if that was okay. My friend Ester would like to come over and look at the apartment as well."

"Sure, I'm out having breakfast now, but I should be home in less than an hour. So anytime after lunch would be fine."

When I left the restaurant on the bike, a family stood on the sidewalk with the kids waving as I rode by. I waved back and enjoyed the sensation of being stared at by kids, instead of dirty old men for a change.

The gate opened and closed several times before Lois arrived. Sarah had several people stop in to look at her apartment. It was like an open house around the place, with all the people wandering in and out. I got a couple of calls from the gate. People who didn't know Sarah's phone number mostly. I had her go meet them, to be sure they were who they said they were.

"Ms Stone, It's Johnathan Hunter, I was wondering, if I could show the apartment to a friend to get her opinion."

"That would be fine come on over, call me from the gate and I'll buzz you in." I agreed.

"Actually, I'm at the gate now. I decided to take a chance and just stop by." he said.

"That's not a problem, " I said as I buzzed him through. "This is the key to unit 1 on the corner," I stated clearly as I handed him the key.

"We shouldn't be too long," Hunter said.

"I wouldn't think so, there is no furniture." I said smiling at the much younger woman. The class blond lade was a few years younger than me. She was definitely an adult, but far into middle-age

I left them alone, as I returned to my apartment. I had my tiny TV going while I waited for Hunter to return my keys. I was watching some real estate show on one of the cable channels when Hunter knocked. "Yes," I asked standing in the doorway.

"I have decided to take one of your units," Hunter advised me.

"Very well you can have your pick," I suggested.

We looked at unit one and Cheryl liked the carpet, so I guess we will take that one." Hunter said.

"So whose name will be on the least?' I asked.

"My name will be on the least, but Cheryl will be living in the apartment."

"If she stays in the apartment more than 72 hours, her name must be added to the lease, but we can start with just your name., if you will be the primary resident." I said unemotionally.

"You better put it in her name then," he suggested.

"Then rent payments must come from her bank account, or whoever's name is on the account must also be on the lease. It's all in the lease agreement that my lawyer drew up. It's to keep everyone out of trouble, should the police need to do an investigation." I tried not to show my pleasure in his displeasure. "I'm sorry for any inconvenience that's just the way it is," I said it innocently.

carniegirlcarniegirlover 12 years agoAuthor
hold off on 14

I left some of chapter 14 in the cooker, so hold off till they approve 13a. It might take a few days.

I submitted it just as soon as I found out I have left some of it behind. I take the full responsibility for the screw up.

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