MCU - Guy with a Gauntlet Ch. 01

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Black Widow is back and has some fun with a powered up hunk.
10.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 05/31/2022
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the comic book or movie characters, places, storylines etc or their actors etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Marvel, the Marvel Cinematic Universe or any associated character, or any actor etc who depicted any characters therein.

Starring: Black Widow (Natalia 'Natasha' Romanoff)

Guy With a Gauntlet -- Chapter One

An erotic fan-fiction story.

by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.

* * *

The following is set in a canon-divergent, alternative universe. Variations from original source material will occur as a result.

* * *

"Well I don't give a crap! You were late for work, so you go finish up cleaning that dump!" The Commander scoffed from the doorway into the absolutely messy, piled high storage room that had been part of the discovered and secured Hydra base.

"I was a minute late! The traffic was held up gawking at Spider-Man stopping an armed robbery!" Daniel Marcus, a lowly SHIELD Field Agent whined back.

"And I'm sick of your excuses as well! If I can get in on time, everyone else can!" The commander rudely snapped. "Now get these boxes scanned, itemized and sorted out. The boys in the lab need some work to do and seeing if there's anything worthwhile in this pile of junk will do the job." The man added before he turned away from the door, bringing up a communicator. "Commander Hill? Yes, the base is secure. No, doesn't look like anything of value. They fried the servers just before we arrived..." The man slamming the door shut before walking away.

"Fucking ass-hat..." Daniel grumbled as he sighed. The young man, fresh faced and newly minted as an Agent of SHIELD being left with the grunt work that was the far more unappealing, but certainly more safe, part of the job. Clad in a standard black uniform of the organisation, nicely fitting to a toned body, with the SHIELD logo on the shoulder. "Might as well get this over with." He said to himself as he pulled out a tablet, loading up a spread sheet to begin cataloguing the boxes along with a marker pen to write on the sides.

Or at least, that was the plan. Picking up the first cardboard box and moving it, he blinked. Seeing a far more mysterious, black and metal studded case of a container underneath. "The fuck is that?" He curiously said. "Hell, how did I not see that sticking out before?" He frowned, eyeing with suspicious as he knelt down. "Thing gives me the fucking creeps." He stated the obvious as he ran a hand over the top of it. Jolting back when just from that simple touch bolts snapped open and the lid of the box slowly tilted back under its own power.

Against all logic and probability of the world, Daniel stared and watched as a golden, mysterious Gauntlet was contained within the case. Set around it in separate holes like a display case were six shining, powerful Stones. Each of them alone giving off an aura of power but all together, the set-up sent a shiver down his spine just from gazing at them.

"N-No fucking way... This can't be..." He blinked again, not believing the sight in front of him. The full set of Infinity Stones along with the Infinity Gauntlet, which had only months (give or take some time travel) back caused so much destruction and half the universe to be snapped out of existence before resurrection. "Nah, maybe I'm just, like, fucking dreaming or something." Marcus told himself. And despite knowing the dangers of what he was looking at, the rookie still felt the need to reach down. Brushing fingers across the golden, otherworldly material. "What even is this case anyway? How can all this not have been detected when...?"

He tried to reason. Finding his eyes going wide when the Stones all at once began to glow and, once more against any sort of logic, the Gauntlet began to slowly levitate out of its mysterious case. The Stones still following as Daniel backed up into the closed door. Staring in awe and fear as the powerful glove floated in the air. One by one, the Stones clipping into their holes to set in to make a fresh glow shine over the whole Gauntlet. Daniel tilting his head to try and comprehend it as once the last stone was in place, the glove just continued to levitate. The Agent ending up hitting his head off the door as the Gauntlet floated right in front of his face.

"I, uh... H-Hey there?" He sheepishly offered as his hands slowly came up. Putting it off as long as he could but yelping when the Gauntlet, very much like it was acting under its own power and thoughts, just dropped into his hands. "...Huh? Well, I'm not fucking dead. Yet, I guess." He thought aloud as he looked over all the Stones. "...You, uh, want me to put you on? I guess?" He said, like he was speaking to the Gauntlet as if it was a person or very least some sort of creature or being. "...Fuck it. If I'm gonna go out? Might as well go out in style."

Caution to the wind again as he slowly slipped the Gauntlet onto his hand. A slight tilt of the head again from not instantly being killed before he flexed the wrist and turned to look over his new piece of extremely dangerous and powerful hand wear. "So, uh? I just what? Snap the fingers and?" He frowned, out of his league here. But looking to the pile of boxes he shrugged. "Uh, I guess? Let's get sorting?" He said, pointing with a finger to the task he'd been given to actually do. "I mean, please sort." He politely, like he was afraid of offending the apparently sentient to a degree Gauntlet before he snapped his fingers.

The history of the Stones and the Gauntlet should have indicated that any mere human trying to use it at full power would be killed. Let alone using them for such a mundane task rather than conquering the world. This was no ordinary situation of course. And for countless reasons unknown? Daniel not only did not die in that instant, but watched as his body began to glow with an unnatural light. Gasping from a rush of energy flowing through like he was forming a connection with the Gauntlet he was now wearing (or perhaps being allowed to wear).

Barely any time to register that as he looked across the room and saw that the various cardboard boxes were now in mass starting to float off the floor. Like a huge moving puzzle as the containers brushed past one another to move from one side to the other. Forming into neat, professional piles without the contents actually being revealed. The Stones doing the job for him as he saw the pen being plucked up too with a soft glow of light. Moving to write on the side of each box an appropriate description along with a designation for the itinerary list. He didn't even question how the pen was able to scrawl in what appeared to be similar to his handwriting.

Approaching, he looked down to his tablet but it too now floated off the ground. Able to see that without him touching it, the device was self typing like a programme was running. Filling out the spread sheet to list out all the boxes. A task that would have taken hours if not the entire day and into the evening completed in mere minutes. And best of all, as the table floated into his regular hand, he still wasn't dead despite having tapped into the power of the Infinity Stones.

"Well fuck me sideways..." Daniel said, glancing over the saved document on the screen. "Huh. Thanks, Gauntlet." He finally smiled, looking at the glove which, again curiously, appeared to briefly glow in appreciation. "And for not killing me either." He added again before looking over the room. "Hmmmm... This? This could be... Really, really fucking fun." He said. Blinking again however as curiously (as if any of this has been making sense) that initial first strange box was now nowhere to be seen. Like it had never existed in the first place despite the Gauntlet clearly still being here. "...You know what? I'm not gonna try and make sense of this all. But..." He looked at his hand. "I think I'm gonna hand in my notice to that ass-hat Commander..." He told himself with a grin.

* * *

Over a month later...

Daniel sighed with a smile, relaxing back on a luxury couch as he sat in his new, spacious, paid up sky high penthouse apartment with a view across the city. Lounging in what was basically a tacky vacation shirt with shorts. "This is the fucking life! Early vacation here I fucking come!" He said to himself as he smiled. The Infinity Gauntlet still adorning one hand while the other swirled a drink in a highball glass.

With the power to destroy and control the universe in his hand? Rather than thoughts of world domination on his mind? The now former SHIELD Agent instead decided to focus on more material desires. Summoning up stacks of cash to fill a bank account, settling boring debts and snapping up a luxury new home to enjoy a new over the top, millionaire lifestyle. Best of all, his sudden resignation from SHIELD hadn't even raised too many eyebrows. Seen as just another kid who didn't want to pay their dues and work their way up the ladder the hard and earned way, so him 'dropping out' was rather easily brushed off.

"First day of the rest of my life as I think they say." Daniel chuckled. "And with my new best friend 'Infinnie' here..." He said, still talking out loud like he was speaking to the Gauntlet. "The world is our Oyster! Whatever that means!" He smiled, sitting up. "And we can do anything! We can make money! We can teleport to any place! We can even summon people here!" He bragged as he stood up. "Like, bam! There's a celebrity!" He said, snapping the fingers of his normal hand. Wham! There's the pizza guy! Blam! There's like, I dunno! Someone raised back from the dead!" He rambled as he made the mistake of snapping with his Gauntlet.

Taking that just bragging monologue as a command, Daniel groaned as he held his head. Narrowing his eyes as he fell back onto the couch as the room spun around him. "I w-wasn't serious!" He whined as his vision was blurry for a moment. Eventually focusing as he saw an outline of a body on the floor of his new apartment. "Oh fuck me! You actually brought someone back?!" He stared as he looked over the person. And when he saw the attire and the shade of hair colour, he near fell back right over the couch.

The infamous secret Agent and founding member of The Avengers, and one who is supposed to be deceased after giving her life to secure one of the Stones, in the Black Widow herself, Natalia Romanoff. Also known as Natasha, she'd been summoned in looking like there wasn't a scratch on her gorgeous, curvy body let alone the version of her with short, above the shoulder length red hair. The Russian clad in a full length bodysuit with knee-high boots. The feared Widow's Bite on her wrists and even a utility belt but with the usual weapons holstered. Even having the SHIELD logo on the shoulder of her shut and a Black Widow logo on a belt across her stomach.

"Please tell me you didn't just bring in a fucking dead body." Daniel said with concern as he stood up and slowly approached. "Well, she looks to be breathing at least." He mused as he took a moment to look her over. His eyes lingering over that juicy ass of the redhead, even as laying down it was sticking right out. "Hey, uh? Miss Romanoff? Black Widow, ma'am?" He offered, reaching down to nudge her shoulder.

If he'd remembered his SHIELD history Marcus would have known what a mistake that was. Quick as a flash Natasha was spinning off the floor with a defensive kick. Daniel yelped but the Gauntlet, showing its connection to him, helped the wearer by slowing down time for him. Allowing him to barely dodge as he scrambled away. Turning just to see Widow staring darkly as she was firing off Taser Disks from her Widow's Bites in a defensive stance as her target. Te disks hit the floor and started to shock him which should have given her time to follow up. But Daniel just stared down, the Gauntlet glowing like it was blocking the pain and with a snap of the fingers a shock wave was sent from the glove as a counter, snapping the disks in two.

Thinking quickly, Natasha pulled out the Stun Batons and lunged as the weapons sparked up, making her suit glow as well. This time, the weapons went right into his Gauntlet as he grabbed them. Letting out a snort as his power, with strength far more than his modest, toned frame would indicate, allowed him to grab her and hold her in place as she struggled. Shoving her back with the free hand as he tossed the Batons back behind him from the Gauntlet. The moment of battle ruined when the weapons slammed into vases in the background to smash them as Daniel looked back. "Oh damn. I liked those two." He frowned.

Natasha let out a curse in her native tongue as she stormed back forward. Slamming both fists into his chest and discharging with the Widow's Bites. A shock that would have knocked any normal man out in seconds. So it left Black Widow staring in horror when her target just blinked and looked down. "You gonna stop that?" Daniel demanded, grabbing one of her wrists with the Gauntlet and pulling it up from him.

"Who the Hell are you??" Natasha finally spoke in her more American style accent. "Where the Hell am I? What year is this?? A-And how are you wearing that??" She said, staring at the Gauntlet. Fully aware of what it is and the dangers of it.

"Do you promise not to try and attack me if I let you go?" He countered with a completely different question as her other hand was still pressed into him.

"I promise nothing." She narrowed her eyes.

"Guess I should have expected that." He said, letting go of one hand to push the other off from him before he stepped back.

"OK, so I uh... Where to fucking start??" He scratched the back of his head with the Gauntlet, just leaving Widow staring again at this casual nature. "So... Right! So I used to work for SHIELD... I found Infinnie here in a weird box... The box vanished, I can wear and use the Gauntlet and the Stones... And I'm not dead yet!" He said, not exactly explaining anything either. "And, uh, I guess I brought you back too now. Despite the fact that you, well, you, you know..."

"I'm aware. I should be dead." Her eyes stayed narrowed as she looked him over. "And I didn't sacrifice my life for one of those Stones just for some... Random, normal man to somehow get the Gauntlet." She says with a tone like she can't believe what she's saying, never mind seeing it herself. "I don't believe this! What happened? Where is Thanos? How did..." She demanded.

"Yo, Gauntlet? Can you, like, just tell her the history?" Daniel glanced to the Gauntlet, glancing again before performing a snap. Natasha left staring as her eyes widened and a soft glow of light shined across her head. A rapid influx of information to cover events and stories of the new world since her sacrifice and the details that have followed since. "There! All clued in now? We cool?"

"I... Y-Yes, I understand now." Natasha gulped not just from the rush of information, but seeing clearly now that he is perfectly able to use the Gauntlet for otherworldly purposes. Even those that didn't seem possible with the Gauntlet previously. "It s-seems my sacrifice wasn't all in vain after all. That's... That's at least some comfort."

"Right! And for what it's worth I didn't exactly plan on bringing you back." Daniel added. "It uh, just happened? But hey, I guess you could go back to work maybe? I'm sure that..."

"Impossible." Natasha cut him off. "The risks are too great. Me being here even now poses a major risk to the timeline. The mental trauma my friends would suffer seeing me? Let alone the fact that if I live while so many others are still dead?"

"Oh, shit... I guess so... People would want me snapping back whole fucking graveyards." Daniel frowned. "Well, uh, shit... Guess uh... Well..." He scratched his head again, having been lumped into quite the predicament with the world famous agent now alive when she should be dead.

"Guess I can show you around?" He offered with a sheepish smile. "There's plenty of rooms in here! You can easily have one of the spare ones I'm not in."

"That's your plan for me? You bring me back and just offer me a room?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Well what? I'm not just gonna snap you back into not existing!" He countered with his hands on his waist. "I mean, look around! You've got a nice place here to share with me! Big old kitchen, big bed rooms, great damn view... I could make up a gym space or something too." He offered as he motioned around with his hand. "One snap of the old fingers and bam! You want it, you got it!"

"I'm sure you mean well, but I don't appreciate trying to be bribed." She folded her arms over her nicely sized and rounded chest. "All that power in one hand and you use it for just having a luxury lifestyle? That's almost admirable I guess... In a creepy, idiotic, pathetic man of a way." She mocked.

"Oh, and you're telling me you wouldn't live it up? I went from moving boxes to being a millionaire!" He bragged as she shook her head. "Besides! Lay off the pathetic remark. I'll have you know..."

"Let me guess." Romanoff cut him off. "You're a big, tough, real man?" She boldly mocked, considering she's well aware of how powerful the man she's insulting is. "Explains why you summoned in a woman instead of bringing back Tony Stark."

"I said it wasn't my fault!" He reminded her. "Besides! I'm ex-SHIELD so you know that I'm not just some regular Joe." He said with hint of defence in his tone.

"And that's supposed to impress me? I was the best SHIELD had." Natasha reminded him as she stepped forward. "Hell, they were the ones who wanted me and gave me a home... I ate rookies like you up for breakfast in basic training."

"I've, uh, heard the stories." Even with the Gauntlet, Daniel showed he was just a mere man after all as he tried to back off as Natasha closed the gap. Her hands grabbing his shirt to pull him back as his chest met her rounded bust.

"Sure... Hey! The eyes are up here!" She snapped when he looked down at her exposed cleavage from the pulled down zipper of her suit.

"Nah, I think I'll look..." He dared to say, before having to use the Gauntlet's help to block a slap headed for his face as she glared again.

"Asshole!" She snapped as he held her. "Fine... Let's... Cut a deal... Since you clearly don't think with your brain." She claimed as he finally looked up from her body.

"Deal?" He questioned.

"You get, say... One shot to impress me." She said, swallowing her pride since she was limited on options against his powers. "You can't last? I get that Gauntlet." She boldly offered.

"Wait, what? For real?" He blinked, glancing to his Gauntlet and then to her. "O-OK... And if I can last? I mean, impress you?" He made sure to question.

"What do you think?" She challenged, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, shit... OK, sure! I'm fucking down!" Daniel grinned, letting go of her wrist.

"Typical American man..." She rolled her eyes. "Let's get this over with." She said, reaching for her zipper. "Then I can..."

This time, he cut her off. "Oh no. I'm the one impressing you." He said to stop her. "So come over here." He declared, walking over to the couch in his penthouse. Taking a seat and leaning far back. "I want you sitting on my face."

"Excuse me??" Natasha was thrown, staring across at him. "How does that even... W-Whatever. I just came back from the dead. I can handle things getting strange." She mocked again as she stepped forward and eyed up the Gauntlet. "No funny business now." She warned, even as out of her element as this was. Staring down at his grin as he tiled his head back to rest on the back of the seating as she moved up. Straddling him with spread legs and a boot on either side of him as she lowered down with a squat. "Now how is this supposed to..."