Medical Mix-up

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He wanted a bigger dick, but there was some miscommunication.
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Author's Note: I recently read Misunderstood by Storiecap and thought it was pretty good. I enjoyed it enough that I wanted to give my own take on the concept. Hope you enjoy and check out their original story!

Clinics were something Rory did not like, especially when they were sketchy ones his wife found online. She claimed this clinic would help him with his "size problem" so to speak. And in a world where it was becoming more normal for women to have bigger dicks than men, Rory couldn't help but want to keep up with them.

His wife sat beside him as they waited for him to be called back. A shorter woman with long brown hair and smaller breasts. Which was fitting considering his own size below the belt. She'd been happy with it since they got married a couple of months before, but now she wanted to try something a little bigger.

"Rory?" A nurse called nearby.

"That's us." Rory waved his hand and got up with his wife following close behind.

The nurse led them through several doors and hallways until they entered an examination room. Inside was a red-haired woman with glasses sitting at a computer. She was almost his height and had breasts that seemed to pull his attention towards them. Normally he wouldn't have noticed, but she had left too few buttons undone.

As they entered, she looked up at them and removed her glasses. "Hello, I'm Dr. Linn, but you can call me Anna. Are you Rory?"

"Yep, and this is my wife, Maia."

"Oh, good." The doctor said with a smile. "It's always important to have your partner with you when you're making such a big change to your sex life."

"It was mostly her idea," Rory laughed nervously, "Though I'd be lying if I didn't say part of me wanted to give it a try."

Anna looked at them with a slight look of concern. "I just want to make sure you know. This isn't just a 'give it a try' kind of thing. Once you complete the procedure, it isn't easily reversible."

"I see," Rory said, "Well, we both put a lot of thought into this and believe it's for the best."

"Just wanted to make sure. Now, should we begin with the examination?" Anna asked, to which Rory and Maia nodded. "All right then, I'll need you to strip and take a seat on the bed."

Rory did as ordered, taking off his pants and shirt. Though he hesitated with his underwear off.

"Don't worry, I've seen plenty of dicks on this job." Anna grabbed his waistband and pulled them off for him. "Now, sit down and relax for me."

Next was even more awkward for Rory. He'd had doctors touch down there before to check for things, but none of them had done what Anna was doing. Anna grabbed his dick with a warm hand and started stroking it.

"Feels like someone's a bit shy, but I need you to be hard for me to start the exam." Anna laughed. Then, she leaned over enough to give him the perfect view down her shirt. "There we go, good boy."

Rory's dick twitched in her hand at the comment. He was fully erect now, but Anna gave it a few more strokes to make sure.

"Wow, you actually have a decent size dick for a guy."

"He does?" Maria asked.

Anna nodded and held up a ruler. "About six inches. If this was a few years ago, he'd be perfectly average. But with all the regulations the government's placed on men, the average is closer to five inches."

"So, he's above average," Maia said surprised.

"Oh, yes." Anna nodded. "Most men nowadays would be happy to have a dick this size. I'm actually surprised you two want to change it."

Maia shrugged. "I've been content with it, but I like to try new things."

"I know the feeling," Anna chuckled, "my wife went through a similar procedure, and we couldn't be happier."


"Take a look." Anna let go of Rory's dick and pulled her phone out. She flipped through a few pictures and then held it up to them. It was a picture of Anna, taken from above. In it, she was completely naked with cum all over her face and breasts. And a massive cock was plopped across her face.

"Fuck me," Maia breathed, "how big is she?"

Anna grabbed Rory's dick and gave it a few strokes, then stroked the air above it as if there was an invisible dick. "About... twice as big as Rory's? Maybe an inch or two more. But she's also a lot thicker."

Rory looked between the two of them. Their faces were blushing as Anna started flipping through different angles of her wife's cock. Rory cleared his throat.

"Oh right, this little guy." Anna motioned to Rory's dick. "At this size, you'll be taking a pill for six to eight weeks. After the sixth, I need you to come back so I can make sure the pill fully took effect. Any other questions?"

Rory and Maia looked at each other. "No, I think we're good."

"All right, then I'll just... Oh wait, one last thing." Anna got up and grabbed something from a cabinet. The doctor held up a pink cage in the shape of a small dick. "You'll need to wear this until then."

One of her arms wrapped around his back to settle on his waist. She stood close enough that Rory's arm nestled between her breasts, feeling their soft warmth against him. Then, she put the cage down and grabbed his dick. Anna started furiously stroking it until he blew a rope of cum a foot into the air that splattered across the floor, followed by a second rope.

"There we go, good boy." The doctor cooed and wiped his dick clean. After cumming, Rory's dick was small enough that Anna could fit the cage around it. "One big orgasm before I lock it up."

Maia's cheeks were flushed, though she didn't seem mad. If anything, she looked a bit turned on.

"For this procedure, he's only allowed to cum once a day," Anna said and handed the key to his dick to Maia. "Once he's finished, make sure to lock him back up. The pill can make him incredibly aroused, so you don't want to give him any chances to rub an extra one out."

"Will do." Maia nodded, still a bit flustered.

"Good." Anna stood up to leave. "Now, get dressed and a nurse will let you out shortly."


Three weeks into taking the pill, things weren't going as expected. Every night, Maia would give him a quick handjob. She didn't want to risk jerking him off too much, so she tried to make him cum as fast as possible. But on top of that, his dick was getting smaller.

When he first took the pill, Maia would need two hands to wrap around his dick. But after three weeks, it could easily fit in just one of her hands. More than half his size was gone. And he was cumming much sooner with a smaller amount of cum each day.

While Maia was talking to the doctor about his problem, Rory was putting away their laundry. He was somewhat of a stay-at-home husband. Maia made enough money that she had him stay home to keep the place clean and tidy. But since he'd started the treatment, he'd been having trouble with that too. Even on his tiptoes, he had a hard time reaching the top shelf now.

"Yes, yes." The doctor said over the phone. "That's completely normal. It sounds like Rory's responding very well to it. At this rate, I'll need you to come in on the fifth week of the treatment instead."

"Okay," Maia sighed, "That's a relief."

"If you notice anything else, don't hesitate to give me a call."

Maia hung up and fell back against the bed with her eyes closed. Rory sat on the bed next to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. He was going to say something but noticed her hand was creeping toward the front of her panties. It slipped inside and started rubbing between her legs while her other hand groped at a breast.


"Mmm," Maia hummed, "I'm just thinking about Anna's wife and how big that cock was. Just imagine something like that pounding between my legs. I can't wait for you to be that big."

Rory nodded. For some reason, the thought had made him a bit aroused. And watching her masturbate made his dick ache. It struggled to get hard in its cage and every throb for release hurt. But it'd all be worth it once he had that new dick.

His wife looked at him with hungry eyes. She bit her lower lip and the hand that groped at her breast moved to fiddle with the key that hung from her necklace. Snug between her breasts. She seemed to consider letting him free but then looked away. Her attention moved back to her clit.

"S-sorry," She moaned, "I've already let you cum today."

She wasn't wrong. His cage was off for almost two minutes before he came. Then, she slipped it back on. The doctor wasn't kidding when she said it would make him a lot more aroused. It was getting to the point where he couldn't sleep because he needed to cum so badly.

"But you also came earlier. After getting me off."

"I know, I know." Maia's fingers started thrusting into herself. "But now I'm thinking about that cock and the doctor didn't say I had to limit my orgasms. She actually recommended I stay active."

"She did?"

"Y-yeah. She called soon after y-your treatment started.... And...." Maia's hips started to thrust into the air as she came in her panties. She rolled over to face him with red cheeks and her chest heaving. A tired smile on her lips. "She said... the clinic offers assistance... for the spouses with this procedure."

"Did she say what the assistance was?"

Maia shook her head. "Anna just said to call them if I become too sexually frustrated while you're locked up."

"And are you?" Rory asked hesitantly.

His wife thought about it. Longer than Rory felt comfortable with. "To be honest, I'm a bit frustrated with all of it. But it's just two more weeks until I get to feel your big new cock in me. I can wait a little longer for that."

Maia crawled off the bed and put on a new pair of panties since she had just soiled the last pair. When Rory stood up next to her, he swore she was taller. He thought he used to be a head taller, but now they were nearly the same height.

Sometimes he wondered if he'd just been remembering wrong, but how could he misremember something like that? Rory shook his head as Maia walked away. It was so hard to think when he was this aroused. If he could only jerk off a couple of times to clear his head.


The rest of the two weeks was a blur to Rory. His struggle to reach anything too high up got to the point where he needed to ask Maia to get it for him. Although her being around had become more rare as well. This time of year, the office had them all work a ton of overtime.

Maia would come home so exhausted that she'd just eat, masturbate a couple times, and pass out before having to do it all again the next day. A couple times she was too tired to unlock him, so he'd have to spend the night desperate for release. But today was the day. Maia was able to take a day off and the two of them would finally get their answers.

The nurse called them back and led them to the examination room like before. Dr. Linn stood up to greet Rory with a smile and towered over him by nearly a foot. Now he knew he wasn't imagining things. When they first met, they were of similar height, but now her large breasts hung right in front of his face.

"Welcome back, Rory," Anna said as if nothing was different. "And you too, Maia."

Rory struggled for a second to hop onto the examination table while Maia sat in the chair next to it. At Anna's command, Rory completely stripped again for examination. The two of them waited quietly for Anna to finish looking over her paperwork.

"Hmm, it says here that you're not satisfied with the treatment. Did go something wrong or was the size not to your liking?"

"The second one," Maia said. "I mean, just look at it."

Anna got on her knees and pinched Rory's dick between two fingers. From the way she positioned herself, Rory could see right down her uniform. Two perfect breasts, almost as big as his head, were held snuggly against her with only her tight uniform. No sign of a bra.

All it took was that view and a couple slow strokes, and Rory couldn't hold it anymore. His eyes closed, his body shook, and his hips bucked between her fingers as he blew what felt like the biggest load of his life all over Anna's face.

Rory opened his eyes to find a couple drops of cum that Anna had caught with a tissue. Despite how close she was to him, it turned out his orgasm wasn't strong enough to get anywhere near her. Anna wadded it up and tossed it in the trashcan.

"Well," Anna said as she stood up and sat at her desk, "The treatment seems to have worked perfectly. On top of the side effect with his height, his dick is a one-incher, and there's no way he'd ever be able to knock someone up with that amount of cum. Even if he was lucky for it to shoot that far."

"But... Aren't I supposed to be bigger?"

"Like your wife?" Maia added with a blush.

Anna looked between them confused. "I think there's been some sort of miscommunication here. This procedure was to make you smaller, not bigger."

"Why would I want that?" Rory asked surprised. "You said it made your wife's dick huge."

"No, I said she had a similar procedure. You both opted for a resizement plan." Anna sighed. "We aren't allowed to make men bigger, only women. It's part of those regulations I mentioned."

"Is there anything we can do about it?" Maia asked, frustrated.

Anna thought for a minute. "Well, there is a plan that might be able to help undo some of the damage, though it's not guaranteed-"

"We'll do it," Maia said immediately. She clearly had her heart set on his new dick, but his old one was at least big enough to get the job done.

"All right then," Anna said relieved. "This will take about nine to twelve weeks and Rory isn't allowed out of his cage until this treatment is over."

Anna clicked something on her computer and the nurse from earlier came into the room.

"I also recommend that Maia sets up an assistance plan." Anna continued. "This nurse will take you there and answer any questions on the way. Typically, it's only for the spouse, but since this treatment could put some stress on your marriage, we recommend the couple do it together. Studies have shown that doing the same activity helps to strengthen relationships."

Rory nodded and the nurse took Maia away. Anna needed him to fill out some paperwork first before they would join her. It was hard to focus on exactly what he was signing with the effects of the pill still making him aroused. He decided to just sign without reading it.

"You have a nice wife," Anna said. "I just hope Valerie is able to help her out until we get you back to normal."


"Oh, that's my wife," Anna said happily. "She works here too."

Rory felt himself blushing. "She does?"

"As a nurse in a different department, but yes, she does," Anna smirked. "We're actually going to meet her. She'll be helping your wife while I administer your new treatment... Oh, I see you selected the fun method."

"Uh... the fun method?"

"It's not actually called that, it's just a nickname some of us gave it because it's more fun than the usual way."

Rory just nodded as if he understood and let Anna lead him down the hall. As they approached the room they took Maia, he heard something strange through the door. Almost like... gagging?

"Not again..." Anna shook her head and opened the door.

Inside was an incredibly tall woman in a nurse's uniform, but the front of her pants was undone to let a massive cock hang out. Which he might've recognized if he wasn't already focused on the person on her knees sucking it. The woman stood there with hands on hips as a naked Maia gagged herself on the cock.

"Valerie..." Anna sighed, "What did I say about gagging the patients?"

"Okay, this time it wasn't my fault," Valerie said. "I was just following procedure, but this cutie couldn't help herself. She tried gagging herself the moment her lips wrapped around me."

"And your condom?"

Valerie looked away. For a moment, the only sound in the room was Maia gagging. "I... couldn't find any for my size, but she said she didn't mind."

While Anna rummaged through the cabinets for the stuff for his treatment, Rory watched his wife. One hand on the base of the cock and her head bobbing up and down its length. She struggled to reach even halfway. A mix of shock and betrayal sat in the pit of his stomach. Yet...Rory could feel his dick throbbing in its cage.

"I know you like sucking my cock," Valerie placed a hand on Maia's cheek and gently stroked it, "but I need you on the bed for the next part."

Maia slowly bobbed her head a couple more times before she realized what Valerie meant. Rory continued to watch as his wife eagerly climbed onto the bed. She planted her face against the mattress and thrust her ass in the air. Her hips swayed side to side as fluids ran down her thighs.

"Looks like someone's excited." Valerie laughed.

"Because I haven't gotten laid in over a month." Maia groaned.

"Mmm, you poor thing." Valerie kissed her on the ass and joined her on the bed. She gently slid her cock between Maia's thighs, coating it in her fluids for lube. "I'll try my best to make up for the lost time. Just need to wait a bit longer until your little husband is ready."

"Wait for me?" Rory asked, still not sure how to feel. "For what?"

"To get on the bed, of course," Anna said from behind. "I said you two were doing this together as a way of bonding."

Rory finally tore his eyes away from his wife to see Anna looking down at him with a big grin. Strapped between her legs was a large dildo. She picked him up with surprising ease and tossed him on the bed next to Maia.

"I tried to find one close to your original size, but since they're all modeled after women, eight inches was the smallest I could find."

Rory tried to get up, but Anna shoved his face down next to Maia's.

"Don't struggle," Anna said and slipped a glove on. "Otherwise, I'll have to restrain you."

Anna hummed happily as she pumped a thick fluid onto the palm of her hand and slathered it all over her strap-on. Then she pumped some more onto two fingers, which she applied to his virgin ass. He whimpered when one of her fingers pressed against him and forced itself inside.

A small, surprised moan slipped out.

"I think the little guy like that." Valerie laughed.

The finger slid in and out as she continued humming. As if her lone finger wasn't making him feel things he'd never felt before. When he thought the amount of pleasure couldn't get any more intense, Anna nonchalantly slipped a second finger in. Rory's ass clenched around them, but that only made her spread them inside.

"I'll let you in on a secret." Anna was practically straddling him as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "Men also have a g-spot, and it makes their brains turn to mush if you press right here."

Rory's legs trembled and his ass lifted higher in the air as he let out a long guttural moan. Anna prodded and flicked and stroked his prostate until a long trail of clear fluids dribbled into a small puddle under him. He barely noticed Maia's surprised face as she watched him.

"Good boy," Anna cooed and pulled her fingers out. "I think he's ready for his medicine."

Rory felt something large and wet press against his little hole. Pressure built as it tried to push into him, making his ass hole quiver in fear. But before it went any further, Rory watched as Valerie rubbed her tip up and down Maia's opening and slipped it inside. She clawed at the sheets and her back bent inwards like a cat stretching. Her eyes went cross with pleasure. Then, Rory's ass submitted to Anna.

"Gods, Anna." Valerie breathed as she slid deeper. "This one is tight. Are you sure these two have fucked?"

"What did you expect?" Anna laughed as her silicon tip pushed past Rory's prostate. "He was big for a guy, but still smaller than most women. Especially you."

Anna crawled on top of Rory and entwined their fingers as she sunk the whole thing inside - locking their hips together. Her heavy breasts rubbed against the back of his head through her tight uniform. From where he was pinned, all Rory could see was Maia's drooling face bouncing against the sheets as Valarie pounded her from behind.