Meeting Her Pt. 05: Nancy's Mink Date


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Then, when I sped up a little more she found another nice surprise. She wiggled with glee beneath me and encouraged my action.

"Oh wow! I thought I would feel bad this way, disconnected and used, with all the animal references like doggie and monkey. But it is NOTHING like that. This is all a turn-on for me, a purely natural turn-on. The 'womanly to make baby' thing." She moved her legs to shift her hips a little, it was easy to get things just right and I could tell that she enjoyed it. "I feel focused on our joining, there is no distraction from the part of us that is joined... well, except for the tits, but that works too." Unconsciously I started to pick up the pace, the hammering. "Plus... Oh! What is that... I can feel... is that your balls hitting my clit?" she asked.

"Why yes, I do believe that it is... my hands are occupied elsewhere... it kind of happens naturally. Is it okay?"

"Okay? Fuck no. It feels GREAT. Fuck that feels good. They line up so well, like they were designed for just this purpose... to bang my fucking gong. Good old Mama Nature. Oh YESSSSS... Bang me like a drum... FUCK, this is a GREAT way to have sex."

As long as she was enjoying it I shifted some of my weight, getting off my legs by resting more of my weight on her butt, pinning her down so I could work her harder, tripping her mind a bit with a hint of confinement. That brought an emotional shift to both of us. I felt more masterful. She picked up on it too, catching the reverse, and slowly immersing herself into the sense of domination.

"Fuck me... now I feel like I am YOUR woman. I like to be your woman-to-fuck like this. I remember a National Geographic show of lions mating... his balls were banging against her like this as he put it too her. I feel so much like that proud lioness, catlike and svelte while I'm fucked by my male master and it is fucking GOOD."

I stretched myself out, putting more of my weight on her. She liked it more. She even gave me a throaty savage-meow-growl I had never heard her make, but it grabbed me. It was very out of character for her, but it was good for me, and it connected us.

One of Nancy's "talk-about-it-during-sex" fantasies is multiple guys and a girl who is either blindfolded or at a glory hole. Her fantasies are often orally oriented. But the reality is that she has never had more than one cock at a time in her body, although in some special cases she had two guys one-after-the-other. Plus, she always has this face-to-face thing going. One problem is that blindfolds either cover too much of the face, or they fall off, so she never got it to work. I decided to introduce another variation.

"Have you ever thought of this as a way to do several guys? Strangers? You talked about focus, if a bunch of guys could take turns doing you like this..." I felt her pussy tighten as she filled in the mental picture I drew of her giving herself as a party whore, maybe with her head in a bag or something, and getting ganged in public for pleasure and male bonding. "Maybe they get stiff by introducing themselves to your sweet slutty mouth at the same time as another guy is having his party in your pussy... that way they would not be strangers when they took their turn and filled your pussy with their male juice. Imagine if you were the prize in a tennis tournament... you would be led to the men's shower room where a padded fuck-bench was waiting... made available to all the guys on the winning team because of your teammates were losers on the court. The winning guys voted and picked you in a landslide, they wanted you, your mouth, your pussy... they heard of your out-of-control cums. Betty Bigger Boobs didn't have a chance."

Damn, every muscle clenched, she really reacted to that, maybe it was something too close to what Isabel told me about her sex games with tennis. To hear them talk of it tennis teams have a lot of XXX-fiction involving winner, losers, showers, and crowds cheering.

It is interesting that in team tennis, the entire court is focused on one of two players from each side, so unlike the other team sports.

Nancy told me later something close to that had happened once in college, an off-the-books, closed court indoor contest of nude tennis between two teams. She was involved.

The thought didn't have staying power. After a short detour she was back in the moment, in the savannah, a monkey lioness. I recalled a book I read once, combine a monkey and a lioness and you get a baboon, they are fierce fuckers.

"Oh! A fucking mind fuck. Fuck me, fuck your sex kitten lioness like... oh yes... like that, YESS... BANG THEM BALLS... OH FUCK I'M CUMMING!" Nancy normally felt real good on my cock as she rocked through her climax underneath me. Today she was spectacular!

I was stretched out on her, I could feel every ripple of her well-developed skinny body fire and flex as she got off. I felt the need to bite the back of her neck, like a great cat, but that was not going to work so I dug through her hair and started nipping her tiny ear. I knew just what worked for her, biting just right, giving enough bite to feel, to fear, but not hurt. Holding her focus and intensity with a little bit of breath in the ear. When she was almost done I gave it up to her, filling her with my cum as I kissed and nipped and blew in her ear, and told her she was wonderful, the best.

She screamed with her climax at being treated that way, with extras, a primitive animal sound that started in the belly or lower, it was pretty inarticulate but very satisfying to us both.

When I was done I pulled off, I knew she needed to be free. She rolled sideways in a controlled drop to land tits-up on the seat of the couch, with her legs up over one arm and her arms up over the other arm of the couch, so she was open and vulnerable, deliberately so. She looked like a very well-fucked kitty and had a very contented smile. It felt a little like she was waiting for a belly rub. She was drooling at both ends, it looked sexy as hell. I would have climbed on top of her, to feed her my cock as I dove into the creampie, but I knew she would not like that after the glow was gone.

Instead I got on the floor in front of the couch and rested my head low on her belly, resting a hand on her breasts. It was perfect for her, contact without any requirement of a response. We both liked being in contact when catching our breath after sex.


Chapter 7. Tales Of Tails

It was not long before she wanted to talk, it was as essential as breathing. What I got was another confession, sort off. It was about the XXX-tennis match she mentioned earlier, where she made a special friend. It actually happened, an off-the-books, closed court indoor contest of nude tennis between two teams: Hillside and the arch-rival, Golden Valley.

Normally such things would not be allowed, but the Presidents of both schools had watched the regular match that took place Friday. The presidents had both played - low level - when they were attending their respective colleges. (Curtis played, but never in a match.) Maybe there was a bet or something, because afterwards Curtis was in a very good mood and he gave the team captains permission for "something special." They did not think they would get it, but Curtis allowed them carte blanche to take over and seal the athletic building where the indoor courts and showers were. Nude tennis was on.

The prize was less than fucking, there was no required penetration, but fingers and lips were used in the shower room and the pool, with the winning team male members commanding the the losing team's females who had to play along. Nancy was on the winning team, in fact she was in the last match, after all the regular matches ended the two teams were tied. She was in a special match and after her shower she got a special treatment.

Nancy was a Freshman who was brought to the match as a substitute, she and the other teams sub, a senior who was quite good, would play to determine the winning team. Nancy started poorly and it looked like she was going down in defeat. But Nancy battled back to win, breaking the tie and winning for the whole team. So she watched while her school's men played with the other school's women. They felt them up good, front, top and back, then had the girls jerk them off. Some girls did the jerking and a few girls with larger breasts were used as targets. After her team's guys were done Nancy's female teammates took a turn playing with the losing guys. A number of the losing guys said they wanted her, but losers don't choose.

Unlike some of her teammates Nancy got special treatment, Curtis (!) and the other president shared her pleasure. It was all one-on-one with of them taking turns while the other watched. Nancy was posed on a massage table, and she was penetrated, to her delight. For this they were in a office/training room and nobody else was involved. They made Nancy feel very worthy.

Both teams, winners and losers, had a good time and decided to carry things overnight. Nancy was not up for that, her trust issues got in the way. Still, it was a good time and a powerful memory. I had just opened that memory and ratcheted up the heat that it brought.


Before we were ready to get up Nancy felt she had to share a story about why sex was always face-to-face, what gave her the butt-phobia. "Once, during Spring Break my senior year in high school, I was at a three-day tennis camp for 18-year olds in another city. I was taking a shower with a friend from another city, we had played mixed doubles with a couple of guy - we traded partners a few times and nobody played at full speed, we were just having fun, working on accuracy of our shots - now we were going out to nibble zero-calorie body parts instead of eating questionable cheap hamburgers. My friend and I were talking about sex while we showered. She said I should never do sex from behind, because it showed my asshole to the guy. 'Every guy is fascinated by the butt, they just are. They want to put a finger in, but that is just a test. If you say no, it is a rejection of all they offer sexually and that changes everything in a moment, it locks your status. But if you let them in, the next thing they will want to do is stick their cock in. There is no pleasure for you that way, and suddenly you are a dirty conquest to be put aside. The secret is, if they never see you from behind, the problem never comes up.' I followed that advice ever since. Now I think it was not good advice."

I replied. "Well, before they get any sex, little boys are curious about anal, and curious children are unreasonable. For myself, anal sex is more an occasional variation but no big deal. One or two girls including a Muslim made it a habit during their period. Another girl, a Catholic school girl with a tough hymen, used her ass 100% of the time as a birth control, she was very good at it. Some, like her, did anal from the front, sort of 'kinky combined with loving' if they can make it work. I'm not curious any more, I like making you happy more than anything, and in fact most girls get off best with vaginal sex... or having oral on their pussy. I have never accepted a cock the way our climate prof got Tuliped, so I can't speak to that."


Chapter 8. Turn The Page

Later Saturday night we were in bed, we fell asleep naked in the spoons position. She became aware of my erection against her butt. I had been aware for about 20 minutes after a very nice dream got me to the state, and the feel on her warm flesh against my cock seemed better than the dream. When we were both somewhere between sleep and awake, she wiggled and moved her body, trying to get me inside, inviting me to enter her pussy as we spooned. I was not shy. She was very warm and moist inside. At first I settled with my chest and torso pressing against her back, both of us on our sides, loving slow and easy.

As I started to move with more enthusiasm I straightened my body away from her, until we were only in contact where we were joined. That aided movement and penetration but we both missed the shared contact. So when I got close to cumming I carefully rotated us, so she was on her belly with me on top while keeping my cock inside. Once we had our legs and arms in the right places I started to move in her. I was not pounding, in fact my movement was less than usual, I just kept a nice rhythm. My balls were kissing her clit with each stroke.

She wiggled with pure joy underneath me, hugged my cock with her pussy muscles, and made happy noises, encouraging me in what I was doing to her. She liked having the body contact to go with that the feeling of being my "mounted lioness," my dominated woman.

I whispered in her ear how good she felt, how she was wonderful and sexy and smart. She really deserved a better full time lover than I could ever be.

She told me later that, for the first time, she took me at my word. She filed it away for the moment, but later she started to ask herself what her choices were. If she tied herself to me, she would need no more education as she followed me around the country. If she stayed and tried to find somebody that suited her, another faculty member or somebody who would stay in town, then she would be faced with giving up her career (which she loved) or somehow getting that terminal degree.

It was one of the few times when I got off before Nancy was ready. I had a head start from the dream while she was never going to be ready for me that night, she was too tired and too orgasmed out. In the pitch-black darkness she whispered, "Give it to me, I want to feel you... all of you as a man, a male, implanting me."

That was all she said, but her tone said that she wanted me to be selfish and take my pleasure from her pussy without concern for what she was feeling, because she felt so good in every way, at least partially because of the date. She felt loved, domestic and very womanly in just the way I was enjoying her body. Plus she wanted to feel my climax completely, every little bit of it, as it rolled through my body.

I did as she asked, working my cock for my own enjoyment, building my climax at an easy pace, then holding it back until I could not hold it any more. I gave her a countdown, with a loud purely animal grunt I pressed as deep as I could and fired my sperm into her. As I came she spread herself even more and relaxed, taking what I gave out of the pure pleasure of us being alone, and so completely together.

No other words passed between us, this was about feeling.

It is interesting, I don't believe in coincidence, but that was probably when something very significant happened, miles away.

The first surge was amazing, it felt so strong in my balls that I was sure I was damaging myself. Such a rare and overwhelming feeling of release. I tried to hold back my second surge for a half cycle longer, letting it build up, but her moan, a wordless sound of her complete satisfaction under me, was too strong and too needy for me to resist; her "needy animal" sound triggered me to fire again, so I gave some more release to my balls. Her intake of breath came as she felt my balls jump a second time. Her body shook and shivered under my weight and she shared in my climax in every way.

After that I sort of lost track as I let the overwhelming waves of my pleasured release drive all other thoughts and feelings from my mind.

Nancy is not a women who has run into the bathroom to clean things up right away, she doesn't mind being still after, feeling my creme flow out of her body, and my sweat roll down her shoulders, stretching the moment and the feelings, for up to a half hour or longer with our messy parts cooling together.

Tonight she was in a mood to try sleeping exactly as we were. Well, my cock did it's turtle act, pulling back and making itself small, allowing fluids to seep out of her body. She settled under my weight resting on her. She said later that it made her feel special; she liked feeling marked and possessed by me, even if it was just for the night.

I can't say things stayed that was all night. Flesh has to rest. Eventually my weight slipped off of her back. But even when that happened my arms pulled her tight to me and our legs stayed intertwined. She kissed my upper arms and I tickled her tiny ear with my tongue. We stayed that way until sunrise, when we both stirred and shared a sleepy, but happy, good morning.

I planned to take Nancy to lunch at Mayz Saturday and to a hotel buffet for breakfast Sunday, treating her like we were a regular couple on a romantic weekend. We did not do either of those, she preferred staying naked while eating leftovers with me. She appreciated Friday night so much, it was a big thing for her, but that was all she needed, the other plans would have been a bother. So we stayed mostly in bed, mostly naked, with a lot of the time spent nibbling the zero-calorie good parts for the second weekend in a row, until it was time for me to take her home Sunday morning.

We did take a short walk for a breakfast of croissants at our favorite bakery, which was just at the corner.

In between the fun and games that weekend, part of our conversation was her sharing what she learned about the Tulip and what the nicely hung and severely beautiful did sexually with people when she was paid to act like a general purpose sex toy. I made a flash drive with the pictures; she would see Isabel Monday or Tuesday and would share with her. I felt that it was better if Isabel heard in from Nancy than from me.

I also did not want Nancy to know how much I saw Isabel. Because of our joint work, everybody knew I saw Nancy as a co-author, so our being together was expected. Isabel, for example, assumed we were celebrating the completion of our paper.

When I drove her home the feelings had been so strong the last two weekends that we had a short serious talk to reiterate what we both knew. She had made a firm decision, she was not going to marry Getty, after two weekends in my bed she knew better, she just needed to pick a date before Christmas to break it off. That was a tactical issue, the guy was disorganized and could not make a plan a week in advance, so it would be a surprise when it happened. The lump of coal she had was already gift wrapped.

I knew Nancy was also doing a female friend from high school, scheduled when the woman's lust fit Nancy's schedule. It was tied to classes somehow, there was only one week of classes left, then it would change more than she knew. She again agreed with me that we were fun together, but for now she agreed that she and I were not going beyond the "weekend naked" stage yet, even if that stage was very nice.

I had a four year contract, she could see us lasting that long just doing weekends like this. Or maybe things would change. I had never suggested anything longer or shorter, but we both knew my future plans while she was in a state of freedom she had never considered before. She knew I had other distractors, but she got the most of my time, and that was likely to remain as it was. She was comfortable with that.

Against my self-interest I was trying to push her to get back into grad school ASAP. I pointed out that she might never get a PhD, but she might marry one. For that, with each passing year her age was working against her. She promised to consider that option before she decided about teaching next Fall.

She had some more surprises coming her way when the revised Spring schedule came out the first week of January. I was sure of her appropriate thanks when it happened.


I did share a kiss on the lips with Nancy before year end. A real, full kiss. But it was on Christmas, and it involved mistletoe plus Isabel and others. But that is another story.


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