Meeting of the Minds


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I pressed into her just a little at first, just the tip. I made sure she felt the texture of latex against her opening. I made myself feel smaller inside her, like squeezed by a casing. I felt bad about that--I got to feel the full extent of our contact, flesh against flesh, fluid against fluid--while giving her only a diminished experience of what was actually happening between us.

Pausing there, I searched her face for any recognition that anything was amiss, and I found none. She was lost in this moment, not even knowing that it could change our lives forever. In the contest of our wills, she was left bereft of her power, as oblivious as Amy had been. The victory didn't bring me joy exactly, but I wasn't about to turn back now.

I pressed all the way into her, and Kelly's body reacted more strongly than it had in weeks. Maybe she didn't consciously know what was happening, but it seemed like some part of her recognized me raw inside her, felt me pressing places in her that I couldn't reach while sheathed. To me, it was everything I'd been missing for weeks by then, and the symphony of sensation was overwhelming. I almost couldn't focus enough to keep the illusion in place for her.

Inside her, I felt her strong vaginal walls gripping, squeezing me in constant, rhythmic movement. She was so primed for this, whether she knew it or not.

"I'm going to knock you up," I growled. "I'm going to plant my seed in you and make you mine forever."

I felt her shiver with excitement at the words.

"I want that. I want your baby growing inside me," she said. "I can't wait to bear you a child."

For her, it was make believe, but for me it was all too real. And even if she was saying these things as part of a fantasy, it confirmed my suspicion that on some level, she really did want this.

"Fuck, your body's so eager to reproduce. I don't know how long I can hold back."

Inside her I was rock hard, as hard as I think I'd ever felt. Every nerve ending was sparking in anticipation. I knew we were on the cusp of something significant, and I could feel it throughout my body. As my cock swelled up, ever so wider and longer, it became harder to hide the truth of it from her.

"Don't hold back. I'm ready. I need to feel you fill me up," she begged.

I could feel that it was true. It had been a while, but I still remembered what it felt like when Kelly was close to orgasm, just needing something to tip her over the edge, and feeling me cum inside her always did the trick. Her breaths were shallow and short on air, her fingers digging into my waist as she held me tight, her vaginal muscles spasming tight around me in an irregular rhythm.

"What if I told you I think the condom broke?" I asked, trying to gauge how she'd react to what was about to happen.

"Don't worry, I'd know if it did," she said, and I knew that my illusion was too convincing to sell her on that story.

"Oh my god! Here it comes," I warned her, and I pressed myself deep into her, as far as I could reach, until we were tightly conjoined. I felt myself pressing against something firm inside her. Even as I stopped thrusting, as the intensity became overwhelming, I could feel her clenching and roiling around me.

My vision went red and hazy, on the edge of blacking out, but I clung to her and clung to that moment. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

At the last second, I had second thoughts. If this was to be the moment we conceived, the moment our lives changed forever, she deserved to feel it actually happening. So when my orgasm became too much to hold back any longer, and my grasp on the illusion slipped, I let it go, right as the first jet of my semen erupted into her.

"Oh!" she said, surprised, as the reality of the situation clicked into place for her. Without me interfering, now she'd suddenly be able to feel our skin-to-skin contact. She'd feel how engorged I was inside of her, how deep I was pressed into her nether regions, how un-encased I was, and what that meant for her in this moment. In that one "Oh" I could hear her complicated war of reactions.

And then, "Oh. Shit." The semen splashed out of me and deep into her, the pleasure searing my mind.

"Oof. Right in the cervix," she said, blame in her voice conflicting with the orgasm rippling through her body. She hadn't wanted my load inside her, but her pussy was getting what it wanted now, and she was struggling to hang on. Not that she wasn't enjoying the ride.

My penis swelled up, against her vaginal walls already squeezing down on me again, and I poured more into her, setting off another chain reaction, visceral elation cascading into existential dread and betrayal and fantasies fulfilled, all in one.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," she moaned with every ejaculation, and every reaction in her very core. "Your sperm, I can feel them inside me, they're...ungh!..."

Then she lost the capacity for thought or words, her mouth gasping for breath, her back arching for more, ever more, the muscles of her arms and legs tightening around me until she collapsed into a shaking, quivering mess.

When I caught my breath, I knew we needed to talk. I began, "Kelly, I'm--"

"Leave," she said, not meeting my eye. "Just go."

I sighed heavily, climbing off the bed, and hurrying to get dressed before she decided to take her wrath out on me in some other way. If I left quickly enough, maybe we wouldn't break up right then. The intoxicating arousal that had led me to it was entirely dissipated; I'd spent it all inside her. Now I couldn't believe what I'd done.


I spent the night alone in my apartment that night, and I worried that I had a lot more of that to look forward to now. I had violated her, I had broken her trust, and she had every reason to be mad at me, and to be done with me.

Of course she wouldn't immediately see the upside of what had happened. Of course she wouldn't immediately accept that she'd been wrong about what she wanted for herself. It had been delusional for me to imagine that would happen.

The next day, she asked me to meet her at a local coffeeshop. A public place. It told me we certainly weren't getting back together right away (wishful thinking again), and this could be a break-up.

She looked shaken and upset, but a little more put-together. I sat down across from her, and didn't touch my coffee at first. I was already jittery enough.

Before I could say anything, she said, "I think you should explain what happened last night."

I glanced around. We weren't alone at the cafe. I didn't exactly want to be talking about this in public, but I owed Kelly an explanation, and there certainly wasn't going to be any future for us if I refused to give her one now.

I took a deep breath, and started in a low voice. "My power is that I can shape another person's perceptions. I know I should have told you earlier, but I was worried you wouldn't trust me." Her look said it all. She would've been right not to trust me. "Anyway, last night I made it look...and I was wearing a condom, when in reality, I wasn't."

"Yeah, I noticed that, at the end," she said. "Have you been using your power on me this whole time?"

"Not like that," I said, wanting to be clear that I really had used condoms with her before. But then I realized I had to come clean to her completely. "Your pills, I swapped them with placebos."

She crossed her arms, clearly irritated, but it wasn't a surprise to her. She must have noticed that this morning. "So this was about trying to get me pregnant."

"Kelly, I just think you'd make an incredible mother, if you'd just seriously consider it. Whether I'm part of that or not," I said. "And I know you fantasize about it..."

"That's not your decision to make," she said. "I can have fantasies that are only ever just fantasies. I have a life. I have a career--"

"Your career's stalling out," I said, but I didn't want to argue with her about this. It would only entrench her side of the argument. "But you're right. What I did was wrong, and I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself."

"Thank you for that, at least," she said. "You have no idea what it's like to be a woman. All of society wants a say in what you do with your body. I thought you were different."

With that, she got up and walked out. It stung, but it deserved to.


I was still feeling awful about it the next day. I wasn't sure there was anything more I could do for Kelly, to undo the damage I'd done to us. I was starting to question everything that had led me to that point, everything I'd thought and assumed. Somewhere I'd gone off the rails.

In the evening, there was a knock on the door. Kelly, in frumpy sweats, looking unkempt and tired, and wild-eyed.

"Bedroom. Now," she ordered.

I didn't need to be told twice. She stripped quickly and brusquely, throwing her clothes loudly to the floor, before attacking mine. Then she pushed me back onto the bed, and climbed over me, straddling my crotch.

I still wasn't sure what this was. A hate fuck? Some kind of revenge? A last hurrah before we broke up?

My solitary thoughts had been all about her, and replaying that moment when I'd ruined it all, by flooding her interior with my seed. Now with her here, and naked and evidently horny out of her own mind, I stiffened up quickly.

She was already lining me up with her sopping wet cunt when I asked, because I had to ask, "Should I put on a condom?"

"No. We won't be needing those anymore," she said, as she started to press herself down on me, working me into her a little at a time.

"Ever since the other night...I've been losing my mind," she said. "I keep thinking about how you got to have raw, unprotected sex for once, and I didn't."

It was another wrong to add to my tally. I knew there was nothing I could say that would be adequate. Besides, I was having trouble concentrating, with her rolling her hips back and forth, desperately mashing her clit against me. I didn't deserve this, but she made it clear that she was doing this for herself, not for me.

"Ever since you ejaculated inside me, I could feel your sperm swimming around, seeking out my fertile egg," she said. "Feeling that inside has been driving me crazy."

I was stiff and sensitive inside her now. After what we'd done, impregnation wasn't just a role to play anymore.

"And then today I felt it happen. Your sperm met my egg, and now a tiny little clump of cells is attached to the inside of my uterus," she said. I could feel how worked up she was getting at telling me this.

"Oh my god, Kelly," I moaned.

"I can already feel my hormone balance changing," she went on. "It won't be long until these breasts start to grow even bigger." Her hands caressed herself.

"Kelly, I--" I began.

"Go ahead and cum inside me. I'm already pregnant with your child," she said, and as her words rattled around in my head, it pushed me over the edge.

I fountained up into her, and she pushed herself down on me, her vagina squeezing it up out of me into her over and over. I gave her everything I had, and the motions of her body in reaction made sure I couldn't hold anything back. By the end, she collapsed on top of me, as her own orgasm continued to wash over her.

When she recovered, I asked, "Are you really pregnant?"

"I am," she said with certainty, glowing and sticky with our combined fluids, her leg still draped over mine.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Well...that depends," she began. "I could terminate it. It wouldn't be hard to do, thanks to my power. I've done it plenty of times before. Heck, this isn't even the first time you've gotten me pregnant."

"What?" I asked, surprised. I propped myself up on my elbow.

"Yeah. That first time did it. I wasn't on the pill at first, because I didn't want to bother with it when I wasn't with anyone. I didn't mention it, because it that point, I didn't know if there was going to be anything more between us," she said. "But it did make all the impregnation talk more real. I knew if we weren't careful, it was very likely going to happen again."

I was dumbfounded. Then she went on. "On the other hand, once I got over the shock of what happened the other night, I started thinking about the things you pointed out. The timing is about right, to put my career on hold for a little while. I have been fantasizing about it. And I sure am fertile right now. All the things you've told me in the heat of the moment all rang true. But..."

"But what?" She had me hanging off every word. And even after what we'd just done together, I could feel the blood rushing back to my crotch.

"I need to know if you're going to follow through," she said. "I don't care about marriage, you know that. But I didn't sign up to raise a child on my own."

The reality of the situation was almost enough to bowl me over. I'd gotten women pregnant before--more than I realized, in fact--but this was the first time where I'd gotten to this point. Of possibly being a dad, and raising a child, and so much more that would come along with it. It was going to be a big change for Kelly, but if I went through with it, it'd be a big change for me too. It was no longer just a question of Kelly's destiny of being a mother, by one man or another.

And yet, I considered that radical change, and I found myself wanting it. Especially if I'd get to share it with her.

"Kelly, I'm all in. I want to raise a child together if you do, and I want to be with you for as long as you want me around," I said.

Then she leaned over and kissed me. Her hand reached down and stroked my hardening cock.

"I see all of this is turning you on again too," she murmured.


Ultimately, we did get married at the courthouse, just to simplify things like insurance and hospital visitation rights. My parents disapproved. They thought Kelly wasn't a powerful enough mutant for me to be mating with, and they offered us no support. Her parents couldn't stop bickering with each other for long enough to be any help either.

Kelly was fascinated by observing the process of pregnancy inside herself, in the way only she could. Although when some of the aches and pains became too much for her, she'd turn to me, and I'd use my power to make her oblivious to them.

Nine months later, she gave birth to our beautiful little girl Eva. For the first six months, it was like we were on round-the-clock life support for the baby. I know this is typical, but it was predictably exhausting and challenging. But between the two of us, we got through it. And things got better after that. Eventually Kelly went back to work, but on a reduced schedule because childcare was too expensive for us to both work full-time.

I remembered those days when I got turned on at imagining Kelly as a future mother. Seeing her be a mother wasn't any less hot. Eva would always be a reminder of how I'd knocked Kelly up. Seeing Kelly balance our baby girl on her wide hips, seeing Eva suckle at Kelly's tits, I knew it could happen again. We started talking dirty again in bed, and when things got out of hand, this time it was Kelly who decided to break the rules.

After giving birth to our second child, she took time off work again and never went back. We both know it'll be a matter of time before we have a third, and we're not sure where we'll ever stop. Both of the kids are registered with the government as mutants, but we don't know yet what their abilities are going to be. I look forward to finding that out. It adds a daunting extra element to parenting, but at least they aren't likely to be more powerful than we are.

It wasn't like we ever set out to form this traditional atomic family, but here we are in a big mass-produced house, out where land is cheap and schools are good. It was hard to move past that betrayal when I got her pregnant the first time, but I've promised Kelly to never use my power on her without her consent, and to just tell her when I have an opinion about what she should do with her life. And so far, that's worked out for us.

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SyleusSnowSyleusSnow12 months ago

Very hot and fun. Interesting premise. Really appreciate the line "All of society wants a say in what you do with your body. I thought you were different" and how he was all in on staying with her.

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