Melanie's Chinese Take Out Dinner

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It turned out to be too much to eat.
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It was a fluke, an accident, just the merest set of circumstances and yet it happened, and it has changed my life.

If the battery on my cell phone wasn't dead.

If my wife had been home so that I could have used hers.

If I hadn't used the land line phone.

If the number wasn't on speed dial

If a bug hadn't flown in my face.

I never would have found out.

It was on a Saturday afternoon and Melanie, my wife of three years, was out shopping when I decided to call my brother. I picked up my cell phone and when I turned it on I got the disturbing notice, 'Battery low, recharge at once'. The land line we have is for local use only and since my brother lives on the West Coast I hate to use that phone for long distance calls. But Mel keeps her cell in her purse so I used the landline phone instead. It was a nice day and I went out on our terrace and started to punch in my brother's number. I got the first two digits in when a bug flew in my face and I fumbled the phone as I tried to wave it away. I must have pushed the talk button because when I got it under control I could hear it beeping away and then a male voice on an answering machine pick up the call.

"Hi, I'm either not at home or (a long pause) I'm doing what you think I might be doing. Leave a message after the beep and I'll come for you as soon as I can."

What the hell was that and was that a double entendre that I heard. I had only punched in two numbers. Was that number on speed dial on our phone? I tried it again and sure enough, it was on speed dial and the number showed on the little window on the phone. Mel must have put it there. I wonder what she has on her cell phone?

When she came home from her almost all day shopping spree she greeted me with a kiss on the lips and went straight into the shower. I noticed that she had no purchases with her.

Should I have been happy she didn't spend any money?

Why did she go straight into the shower since she had already taken one when she got up this morning?

I went to her purse and searched for her cell. I finally found it tucked away in a little pocket on the side next to another pocket that held three condoms.

Why the hell was she carrying condoms around, we only make love at home and she is supposed to be on the pill?

I opened her phone and went to message history and sure enough there it was, the same number showing up day after day, incoming and outgoing. They must have been in touch several times a day and now I had a name and a face to go with the number. She even had a picture of him in her cell! To say that I was upset was putting it mildly but I was not about to go charging into the shower to confront her. I wanted to know more.

It took a couple of weeks and more than a few bucks but I practically knew what color underwear he had on each day.

He was listed in her cell as Keith Richards with his email address, home address and work, house and cell numbers. So I googled him and his address. Didn't find out much about him there except that he was 30 years old and single but I did find out that he lived in an apartment house. It is amazing how much information is available out there online about any one of us. Through methods that were not always strictly legal I found out what he drove, where he worked, how much he made and where he spent it.

Now I had to figure out what I was going to do with the information. I also wanted to know just what the relationship was between Mel and him and how long it had been going on. First step was to put a recorder on the landline phone. That was easy and was a goldmine of information. The second was to secret a mini sound activated recorder in the lining of the satchel she called a purse, I don't know how she carried it around, the thing weighed a ton. That told me more than I wanted to know.

Mel works in the men's wear department of a chain department store in our up scale suburban mall. She is a cashier/sales clerk and fills in wherever and whenever they may need her. As such, she works irregular hours, often evening and weekends. I almost never know when she will be working. It plays havoc with our social life and makes our sex life catch-as-catch-can and very spontaneous when we are home at the same time. It also makes it very easy for her to be on the house phone when she is home alone and just as difficult for her to be on her cell phone when at work.

The first day I checked the phone recorder, she had called him. She greeted him with,

"Hi, it's me."

"Hello gorgeous, how's my sexy girl."

"You forgot."

"What did I forget?"

"Today is our anniversary."


"Yes, it's a year since you came into the store and we met."

'Mmmmm, yes it is, but I was waiting to celebrate until next week."

"Next week?"

"Yes, then it will be the anniversary of the first time we made love."

"Oooooooooh you did remember."

"Of course I did. In fact I have one of your gifts in my hand now."

"You do? What is it?"

"If I tell you it won't be surprise, but you can guess.'

"Can the whole thing fit in my hand?"

"It could before but not now."

"Can I have it tomorrow night? I get off work at 4 and I'll tell Carl I'm working late. We will have until 9 o'clock."

"OK, I'll be sure to be home early and have it gift wrapped with a big red bow."

"I can't wait to unwrap it and try it on for size. Love you. Bye."

Short and sweet and so very informative. That bitch, a year, I never knew. I was pissed and when she walked into his apartment house the next afternoon, I was outside. I waited fifteen or twenty minutes, found his name and apartment number on the buzzer and pushed. His voice came through the speaker,

"Who's there?"


"Does it have to be signed for?"


"Bring it up and leave it by the door."

He's too damn busy fucking my wife to even answer the door. He buzzed me in and I went upstairs and knocked on his neighbor's door. A little old guy answered, I said.

"Is Keith home?"

"No dummy, he lives next door."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Tell him he will be sorry to if he doesn't keep that bitch from screaming anymore. He's turning this building into a whorehouse."

He slammed the door in my face. I put my ear to Keith's door and heard voices but couldn't make out what they were saying until I heard Mel scream out,

"Yes, yes. Oh my god. Please, yes, right there. Yes, do it again. AAAAggghhhh."

Then I heard slapping and some grunts and then silence. I left, I had enough, I went home. I heard it all when I fished out the purse recorder that night. She had come home after 10 o'clock looking a bit bedraggled. I said,

"You look like you had a hard day."

"Yeah, it was and on top of it all my register didn't balance out and it took me forever to find the error. I thought the day would never end. I just want to soak in the tub and fall into bed."

"Give me a call when you get there and I will rub your back and maybe make you forget about your tough day."

"I'd like to do that honey but I am bushed, how about a rain check."

"OK babe, catch you in the morning, Good night."

She gave me a kiss and disappeared into the bathroom and when I heard the bedroom door close I made a beeline for her purse and retrieved the mini recorder. It turned out I was right getting one with an eight gig memory card because after the garbage in the beginning I got the whole 4 ½ hour session. I was almost sorry I got it all. It started with,

"Come on in Mel, you look better every time I see you. Put your bag down and let me kiss you."

Silence and some humming sounds and then she said,

"When I am in your arms Keith, I am in heaven. I don't why, but you do something to me. I just melt inside."

"Melting inside? You must be wet; you must want your present?"

"You know I do, please, may I unwrap it?"

"Sure you can, on your knees and take it out."

"Oh my, you did gift wrap it, I love the red bow.

More silence, then a humming sound and then a sucking sound. Then after a bit I heard him groan and say.

"You're the best, no wonder I love you so."

"I love you too and I love your present the best."

"I have another one for you."

"You do? What is it? Where is it?"

"Right there. Say hello to Harry." She was angry when she started to complain,

"I told you I didn't want to do another guy again. Oh god, look at the size of him. Don't touch me like that. Please don't Keith. Oh yes. Oh Harry. Please. OK, but not bareback. Put a condom on. OOOH my god.

"I don't have any condoms here."

"In my purse. You bastard, you know I can't resist a cock that big. Give it to me; I'll put it on him. Yes, fuck me with that monster, give it to me."

That mini recorder had a place for an 8 gig sd card and I got almost 5 hours of fucking and sucking including single and multi penetrations of my wife. No wonder she came home looking like a washed out dishrag. I couldn't believe what a whore she was and how I never suspected her. I knew I had to get rid of her but I wanted iron clad evidence of her infidelity and duplicity. I didn't want to pay the bitch alimony or give up any of my assets.

I got my chance later in the week when I listened to her phone conversation with Keith.

She called him, "Hi it's me."

"Hi gorgeous, you were incredible yesterday."

"Incredible? Don't you ever do anything like that to me again. Springing Harry on me like that and then not having condoms in your place. When we ran out of the ones I had he was doing me bareback. I can't take chances like that. I trust you but not the guys you keep surprising me with."

"I'm sorry babe, It won't happen again but you liked that big cock didn't you?"

"I loved it and that's the trouble, I couldn't control myself. Between the two of you I went nuts. I'm still sore."

"I can't enough of you, when can I see you again?"

"I'm working extra hours all weekend but next week Carl will be out of town from Monday morning until Tuesday night. I'll have those two days off so why don't you come over at ten o'clock on Monday, by yourself, and we can have a good time. By then my pussy should be back in good shape again and since it is at my place you won't be able to give me any more surprises."

There it was, my chance to get a video of her fucking Keith. Just what I needed to get rid of her without paying her a dime. I set up a web cam concealed in a book on the bookshelf facing our bed and connected it to my desktop computer. I had a one terra bite external hard drive attached and it could hold hours of video. I got more than I hoped for.

I set the computer to turn on for two hours and then turn off for two before repeating the cycle continuously so I ended up with eighteen hours of video over the two days and one night. About half of which was sleeping or non-sexual activity but the rest was enough to extract my revenge on both of them.

When they walked into the bedroom Monday morning she was wearing only her high heels and that was the most she wore for the whole time he was there. The first two segments, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 they fucked and sucked each other almost non stop. I guessed they stopped for lunch between 12 and 2. They must have called for Chinese take out because in the 6 to 8 segment Harry showed up with a bag full.

Mel was pissed off that Keith had called Harry to deliver it.

"Dammit Keith, I told you I didn't want any surprises. Why the hell is Harry here?"

"Mel you're insatiable I can't keep up with you. Besides, you love that big cock of his. Look at it, it likes you too."

She did look and she saw Harry covering his growing cock with duck sauce. I could see her resolve weaken and then she knelt down to lick it off. They took turns coating her tits, nipples and cunt and any other place they could think of with duck sauce, soy sauce, plum sauce and every other exotic dish he had brought. Then they fucked her with the egg rolls, spring rolls and barbequed spare ribs, then fed them to her. They used her body as a serving platter for the panko shrimp and crispy chicken. After feeding the food to her mouth with the chop sticks they used the same instruments to pluck at her nipples and clittie. I thought she was going to go crazy, she came so many times. After taking turns alternately feeding or fucking her, the rest of the segment ended up with her eating pieces of Mongolian Beef off the end of Harry's dick while she was sitting on Keith's lap with his cock in her ass.

The 10pm to 12 period was very calm. Mostly they lay side by side with Mel in the middle. They were pretty well played out. One would have his finger in her pussy and the other had a finger up her ass and both were sucking a tit. After some desultory conversation, they all fell asleep before eleven o'clock. After all, two of them had been going at it since ten in the morning!

When the video came on again at 8am she was on all fours sucking on Harry's cock. She just couldn't get enough of that pole. The movement on the bed must have wakened Keith because he never even went to piss before he stuck his morning woody into her from behind. After they both came in her, every one adjourned to the shower and all I got was some muffled voices and giggling. The only video I got was an unmade bed. I heard Harry say he had to get to work and he left. All I heard after that was some indistinct conversation from the kitchen before Keith and Mel came back in for a farewell fuck and he left to go to work at about eleven. She had fucked two guys, one for almost 24 hours and the bitch was sorry to see him go.

When I came home on Tuesday evening she was happy to see me and gave me a big kiss hello. At bed time, she turned me down when I came on to her with the excuse,

"I'm sorry honey, I think I have a yeast infection or something, I'm sore down there."

When I saw the recording I knew why she was sore. Another thing I knew was that she had to go and now I had the means to make it happen at no cost to me. The key was her parents; they were Evangelicals, ridged in their beliefs about sin and fornication. Mel grew up believing as her parents did and when I was courting her the most I ever got from her was a feel of her bra covered tit. How she turned into slut I saw on the video was way beyond what I could comprehend, but it gave me my edge.

Before I could put my plan for Mel into action, the vehicle for my revenge on Keith fell into my lap and it came from Mel. A week after I had made the video I recorded the following phone conversation with Keith. She had called him, she was furious.

"You son of a bitch, how could you do this to me?"

"Do what Mel?"

"Get engaged to that rich bitch. I saw the announcement in today's paper."

"Whoa, wait a minute, I told you about her."

"You told me you were dating her, you never told me you were going to marry her."

"It never entered my mind until she asked me. Look, she is no beauty but her father is a billionaire and the head of the hedge fund I work for. She has her own fortune and with what I make, I'll have all the money I need to take care of you. Then you can get rid of the wimp you are married to and I will set you up in your own apartment. Believe me, it's a win-win situation,"

"Do you mean it Keith, really mean it?

"Of course I do."

"Oh honey, that is so great but I won't dump him for a while. Let him take care of me until you get some of her money and you can set me up in luxury."

They went on to set up their plans to meet for the week and I rubbed my hands together in glee as my plans for them came together. First I went to a lawyer and told him my terms for the divorce.

Irreconcilable differences, no alimony, no split of assets; she leaves only with her clothes and personal property. He told me,

"No judge would agree to those terms unless your wife accepted them and why should she?"

"Have no fear, leave that to me."

She came home that night at 9:30 telling me what a bitch of a day she had on the sales floor; she never had a chance to sit down. I knew she never sat down unless it was on Keith's dick. She was probably was on her back while Keith was fucking her. I pushed her into a chair and said,

"Sit down, my dear wife, and listen carefully. I am divorcing you; you will be served with the papers tomorrow at work. Tonight you are going to pack what you can carry and move into a hotel or in with Keith, you no longer live here. Once you get settled I will send the rest of your clothes and personal possessions to you. That's more than you came into this marriage with and that's all you are taking out. You never contributed a penny of your earnings to our mutual expenses and you spent every dollar you made on yourself and your clothes while you lived very well off of what I made."

"You're crazy Carl, if you think you can dump me like that. I am entitled alimony and half of everything we have accumulated since we have been married."

"A judge might see it that way but if you contest this divorce I am changing the grounds to adultery and your parents get a copy of this."

I turned on the DVD player and showed her the recording of the Chinese dinner. She turned green when she saw herself attacking Harry's duck sauce coated cock and gave in to my demands.

It took three months for our divorce to become final and by that time Keith's wedding was approaching. He had set Mel up in an apartment of her own and that's when I sent Keith's fiancé and her father copies of the entire orgy and the audio recordings leading up to it. I included Mel's current address and phone number.

I had promised not to send the DVD to her parents but I never said anything about Keith's intended. Needless to say the wedding was called off and Keith lost his job.

I never found out why she took up with Keith or why she became infatuated with Harry's big cock. Or even why a woman with her religious upbringing became the slut she is.

And to top it all off, Mel never once said she was sorry..... but I didn't care, I was home free.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A Great story I give you 5 stars I hate cheating women and she got everything she deserved (jaybee186)

Just_WordsJust_Words7 months ago

I liked it, but no way could most people go weeks without confronting the cheater.

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

Boy that was a ridiculous and pointless story.

I plan to sue for the time I spent reading this. Rest assured if a pack of fucking morons can still say an election was stolen, and laughed out of court, me suing for a story REALLY wasting my lifes precious time can win in court.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"The key was her parents; they were Evangelicals, ridged in their beliefs about sin and fornication...valleyed in their concept of hell, and torred in their passion for justice."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Reading your stories.. one gets the inkling that deep inside of you lies a frightened gay faggot .. who needs to come out but is too wimpy to do so! So he lives through his stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another closet gay writer !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Boring . As a story it really has nothing going for it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

No actual ending, so 1 star.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Weak revenge, but revenge just the same.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great story

5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

More like a side account for Mat Moreau. Weak fucking shit

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I would say this is a side account for JPB

But he can spell better than you. Terra bite. Ridged. Yikes

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
serial cheating wife TRUE STORY

Details on Facebook profile of

She was college instructor in Helena Montana until college administrator was given the Facebook profile info and more.

More being a sex photo, a detailed chronological history of her sexual harassment and coercion of younger married male student of hers and excerpt of IM where she orders him that they were going to ''fuck on Friday''

She is grandmother, married to 3rd husband who knows she cheats. In 2000 for 50th birthday she got black widow tattoo above left shoulderblade to go with purple rose one on lower right abs. She has significant scar above right breast where skin cancer was removed

Last profile knew she was working for Montana's Secretary of State she may still be working part time as real estate agent

Before anyone gets panties in a bunch, she is one that likes talking about her numerous affairs

She knows her husband knows she cheats and while screwing student she left cum-filled panties on floor for her panty-sniffing husband to find.

She laughed about that in IM to student. After emailing student how she got chills feeling his seed oozing into panties on hour commute home later in IM she wrote how husband came into bathroom and watched her bathe while pressing panties to his face getting aroused for Friday night bj

Her 36C breast implants had hardened and her student lover told how feeling those lumps repulsed him

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