Mel's Wedding: More Extended Family Ch. 06


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Apparently Carl and Sarah had finished about the same time we had. I had been totally oblivious to their climaxes I was so focused on Holly. In an impetuous move I leaned over and kissed Sarah. She smiled back at me afterwards and gave me a sexy wink. Carl grinned at me.

Holly and I scooted up the bed to be next to Chris. We remained coupled together, a point that didn't seem to bother Chris. She was the most content I think I'd ever seen her. She smiled at me and said, "Thank you. Thank you so much. I've made a decision I'll tell you about tomorrow. A good decision." She leaned forward and kissed me, then kissed Holly. "I love you both so much. My heart aches with all the love I feel for everyone." We held each other tightly.

Carl eventually had to go. Rachel and he had a baby sitter so they couldn't stay all night. He bid us goodnight and slipped away. A few minutes later Rachel came in and kissed us all goodnight too. She looked content and well fucked. I asked, "Jeremy?"

She said, "Very happy -- with Lynn. Ray's with Alex and Karen. I think everyone's nodding off. I'll call you tomorrow." She slipped into the rest of the house and a few minutes later I heard the front door open and close as they left.

Sarah nestled in beside Holly who was tight against me. Chris was snuggled into my other side. I leaned across and flicked the last of the lights off and we drifted off to sleep.


In my meditation at the beach the next morning I was touched with a sense of expansion, of growth, of sharing love more broadly in many different ways. When I stopped meditating I felt very much at peace with myself and with the world -- a great harmony and happiness. I walked the beach just to think and enjoy the morning.

When I got home Karen and Lynn were getting ready to go to work. I went and kissed and hugged both women, telling them I loved them and wished them a happy and loving day at work. They both had good jobs and I was so grateful they thought of my abode and arms as home and their primary relationship.

After they left I sat on the patio looking out across the bay and nursing a lukewarm cup of coffee. Alex came out in her naked splendor. I stood and embraced her as she wrapped her arms around me in a glorious hug. I could feel her full breasts against my naked chest and enjoyed the trust and love that came with that act.

I pulled her into the overstuffed chair with me; she sat on my lap. I asked her, "You OK? It's probably been a bit unusual compared to your usual routine."

She answered with a kiss to my cheek, "Well, I think I'm still a bit jet lagged for one. For another, I've had the most enjoyable sex and loving relationships with everyone. Lastly, I've had more orgasms in the past two days that the prior year -- so has Jeremy. I think you've broken us out of our rut. I'll never be the same again and I shall be eternally grateful." She took my hand and placed it on one of her breasts. I started to gently massage her.

Next I knew I was sucking on her breasts as she watched in fascination. I pulled her off the patio and into the vacant living room. She sucked on my penis until I reached requisite hardness and then she spread her legs and I sank my cock into her moist box. We made love with a sense of abandon, often looking into each other's eyes.

We had modest orgasms compared to some of the mind blowers of the night before. That said, I doubted there had ever been a 'bad' orgasm. I shared that thought with Alex and she gave a delightful laugh.

I dropped to the floor in front of her and sucked her pussy, enjoying the mix of our juices once more. She had a delightful musky scent and nectar that I just loved to savor. I brought her to yet another orgasm.

After even the afterglow had passed, I pulled her back outside, checking for any boats or fishermen near the seawall. We slipped into the pool, allowing the water cooled by the night air to wash over us. She stayed in contact with me for a while and I continued to enjoy our skin on skin union.

Sarah came out of the house rubbing her eyes. She looked like a woodland nymph as she slipped into the pool water and swam over to us. I stood and we hugged and kissed. She kissed Alex in a sexy way too, their naked breasts pressing together in their embrace.

Alex ventured, "I never realized I had the latent potential to be bisexual. The idea of a Sapphic relationship turned me off, in fact; somehow that all changed here. I don't understand it."

Sarah answered her, "I felt the same way and I've thought about it a lot since my first experiences. I think it has to do with feeling loved and then wanting to return that love to the person that gives it. You feel comfortable with all of us, I guess. You become more open to possibilities, more willing to explore and experiment. You are willing to stress the paradigm you live in even to the extent of finding a new one."

Sarah and Alex kissed again, this time a little more passionately.

Holly came out and surveyed the scene in the pool. Chris was right behind her. The two of them slipped into the pool as well. Everyone exchanged kisses and hugs. Chris was especially affectionate to me and clung to me after the others had done their morning welcomes.

I looked at her and asked, "So you decided something? Can you tell us now or is it for sometime later?"

"I can tell you now," she said as she slid in front of me and kissed me.

"I'm all ears," I said.

"When I arrived two weeks ago I wasn't sure I could handle this life style, share you, share myself, and lots of other questions you might expect when you think about a polyamorous life style. Some I couldn't even articulate; I just had a fuzzy questioning feeling deep inside."

She paused and looked up at me with her big green eyes, "Now I know I can commit to you -- and to Lynn, and to Karen, and to your extended family, and to this life style." She broke into a big grin. "Oh, dear man, you've turned me into a sex maniac and a love muffin." She kissed me passionately.

"I never doubted," I said. "And a correction, if I may. It's not 'my' extended family -- it's just 'the' extended family. It's as much yours as it is mine. I'm the old fart of the family, but everyone owns this. We all create this family, contribute to it, and make it what it is. It's our ultimate responsibility."

Chris really kissed me hard after that. I kissed back and felt my temperature rise.

I added, "Let me say one more thing, for all of us, I'm sure. I am ecstatic that you are here, now, and that you think you'll stay here for a while. You're welcome forever. Know that this is your home as much as mine or anyone else's. This is where you are loved and where you will always find support, caring, and devotion. Thank you for being here." I pecked at her lips.

"One more thing," she added with a sly grin, "I have a job down here. It's really close to home. I may not even have to commute very much."

"Huh?" I asked, puzzled by her cryptic remark.

"I am your new editor!" she beamed at me.

"How'd you swing that?" I asked surprised and pleased with the turn of events.

"Well, remember that about ten months ago we had dinner with your editor, Paul Davies, at his home. You were up there doing the final edits and print proofs for your books on polyamorous relationships and surviving in tough times. I was taken with the idea of editing. I mean what do you do with a master's degree in political science? So about four months ago I called Paul and re-introduced myself. He remembered me and so we had lunch together. I described what I was thinking about and asked if there might be a home for me doing long-distance editing, not only of your work but other books as well. He liked the idea and over the next couple of months we kicked it around. He understood I had to finish my masters and that I wanted a little time off before I started. Anyway, he made me a job offer and I accepted. I'm to start working with you on the relationship book that your working on now; I start whenever you're ready -- all I have to do is call Paul and let him know." She broke into a big grin and kissed me again. She added, "Somehow, I have to remain objective through all this, particularly working together with you."

I grabbed her to me and swung her around in the water. "That's super wonderful!" I told her. "Come and let's celebrate!" I got out of the pool, dried off briefly, and fetched a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator. The others had been listening to most of the conversation. We gathered around on the patio, with plastic cups, and toasted to Chris' decision to be with us and about her new job. There was a lot of kissing and hugging going on. I'm sorry, nearly naked women hugging and kissing still turns me "on". I lit up like a Christmas tree I was so "on".


Jeremy and Alex had moved out of the motel and into our abode for the rest of their week in Florida. We had a lot of fun and a lot of sexual times together too -- morning, noon and night. On the following Sunday I drove them up to Tampa so they could catch a flight from TPA to LAX. Jeremy had a Beverly Hills gallery opening with some of his work the next day and evening.

During Alex's and his week with us Jeremy had often sequestered himself away to work on the wedding photographs as well as the group session we'd had on Monday evening. He said he wasn't through but would give us what he had so far. He wanted to be sure to have something worthwhile for Mel and Robbie. I offered to pay him but he turned me down cold. He said he couldn't begin to repay the positive, life-changing week he and Alex had experienced.

I had talked to him at length one day about our philosophy of living together and sharing one another -- putting the others' happiness ahead of our own and making the concept of unconditional love a daily event we practiced. Alex had joined us and the two of them soaked up every word. The two of us had made love to Alex after that talk.

On the drive to the airport we talked about our relationships from a spiritual perspective as well, particularly dwelling on the idea that we co-create our own lives with the God force within each of us and all of us. Jeremy properly noted that this meant that you had to take responsibility for your own life -- you were no longer able to play the "blame game." I pointed out some verses in the New Testament that buttressed this perspective on life.

At the airport, Alex got all teary and even Jeremy was a little stoic. I invited them back -- anytime -- to be part of the extended family or just to come and know they had a home in Florida. We hugged and I kissed Alex -- a lot. Jeremy looked pleased we said such a thorough goodbye. People on the sidewalk at the departures terminal watched with interest at our PDA.

Jeremy handed me two CD albums. Each he said had three or four CDs in them. "The blue one is for Mel. The red one is for you and whoever you want to share it with -- everyone I hope." He laughed and added, "I still have work to do on both albums. It'll take me at least a month but I'll send replacements with more Photoshop versions and edits to what's there. Some of the light levels in the group event didn't come out as well as I'd hoped but I can adjust it at home."

I gave him another hug and launched him towards the terminal. Alex kissed me one more time. I patted her lovely ass and aimed her to follow Jeremy. The two of them looked over their shoulders one more time as I got in the car and drove away.

Remarkably on the way home my cell phone rang -- it was Mel. She was calling from Nick's Grumman Gulfstream V. They had opted to clear customs in Fort Meyers and were now inbound for Sarasota. She asked if we could pick them up at Dolphin Aviation -- one of the general aviation fixed base operators at the airport. She said the pilot had told her they'd be there in about thirty minutes.

I explained that I would be there waiting for them and headed for that exit off the Interstate. Mel snickered and told me they'd joined the Mile High Club several times. I could tell she was as horny as ever. I looked forward to seeing her and Robbie soon.

I was waiting at Dolphin as the beautiful corporate jet taxied in from runway 32. A lineman directed them to a parking stand and the engines spooled down. When they were just about silent the stairway at the front of the plane unfolded. Mel was standing there waving at me; Robbie was behind her. The first thing I noticed was that both of them had deep brown tans. Apparently they hadn't spent the entire honeymoon in their bedroom.

Mel came down the stairway and ran into my arms; "I've missed you so much but we've had a ball. It's a good thing we had our own airplane. We're loaded with souvenirs!" She was bouncing around in her happiness. Robbie came and we hugged too.

The pilots, Mel, Robbie and I all unloaded the airplane and filled my car. There was barely room for the three of us. Both of them talked at me -- simultaneously, of course -- during the entire ride home. I'd phoned Chris, Karen and Lynn on the way to Dolphin to alert them to the arrival of the honeymooners. Everyone was home from work when we pulled into the driveway. There were more hugs, highly animated simultaneous conversations, and lots of jumping up and down with glee. Everyone was having gales of laughter over some of their stories, particularly their recounting of their "mile high" adventures on the way down to St. Croix.

Nick and Bev came by the house that afternoon and we did a cookout. Mel sat on Nick's lap for a long time and thanked him for use of his jet. She told him some of their adventures. Later she told me he confessed that he and Bev has christened the airplane and joined the Mile High Club about a year earlier on a flight from Moscow to Milan.

Robbie and Mel passed out souvenir gifts for everyone including a lot of sex toys they'd found in some Caribbean sex shop. We had to explain several of them to Nick. All of us were rolling on the floor with laughter over each other's reactions to their gifts. Mel made us promise to try each "toy" at least once.

I loaded Jeremy's wedding pictures on my laptop and we spent some time admiring his fine photographic work and laughing as how he captured the fun and joyous spirit of the event.

Late in the evening Nick and Bev bid us goodbye. They were leaving for Europe early the next day. There was a lot more hugging and kissing. Bev whispered in my ear that she still wasn't wearing underwear and loved the "airy sensation" it gave her; she told me she was ready whenever I was. We grinned lecherously at each other, I patted her tight ass and they were off.

I drove Mel and Robbie home with the remainder of their luggage and parcels. We kissed and made plans for a more extensive get together the following evening. Mel ground her hips into me to remind me that she liked me -- lots. She said, "I've missed my friend. Can't wait until tomorrow." With that I kissed her goodnight and drove home.

When I got home Chris and I talked. We agreed that she'd officially start as my editor the following morning, so we were both looking forward to working on the manuscript about relationships that I had almost finished. We talked about a dozen other books she envisioned me writing too, so I could see I was going to have a lot of work to do under her editorial guidance.

I loaded some of Jeremy's pictures from our group orgy. We only got through one CD then we were all so horny we had to postpone seeing the rest of them. We enthusiastically headed towards the bedroom. The four of us made love-- Chris, Karen, Lynn and me. Everyone was content and satisfied when we finished and started drifting off to sleep. I felt so loved and loving as we cuddled together and kissed each other goodnight.

The next morning I went up to the beach alone to do my meditation. It was a time of contentment and peace. The Law of Attraction was working overtime in my favor. I silently thanked the Universe for my gifts and the things yet to come. Thank you Universe.


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Mercury125Mercury125over 2 years ago

No matter which name he write under or where he posts his stories; this author always delivers fantastic stories that have the "Goldilocks" combination of plot, characters, and sex. I'm working my way through Romantic1's story list enjoying the journey rather than racing to a quick conclusion.

goducks1goducks1about 5 years ago
great read.

i echo the comments below - i enjoy reading all your stories - although "Road Trip" remains my fav. 5 stars. well written, good characters, fun, sexy - what else matters!

Now i have to decide what of yours to read next!

Thanks for all the writing!

rapperbsrapperbsabout 5 years ago
Another great series!

Another great story! Never ceases to amaze me your ability to tell your stories and and draw your readers in. Im glad you told us of the stories you wrote as SteveWallace, Romantic1, and TLCgiver. I have read all the SteveWallace and TLCgiver stories. I am looking forward to finishing the multiple stories I have left to read for Romantic1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wish there was more...

I know it had to end someplace, but still would have enjoyed for it to go on!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Great story I hopew you come back and add to it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Any chance of continuing this family???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

In Stienbeck's East of Eden (a great book) he writes of a conversation of sin.

The translation of timshel is "thou mayest" and in response it also means "thou mayset not".

It is within us to as Shakespere wrote "to be or not to be that is the QUESTION". Is it noble to suffer the slings and arrows of misfortune? Only if we are to at fault not blame.

You work is amazing how it teaches us to look inward to our selves to see if we mayest or not.

"look not to the stars dear ones but only into our selves".

looking forward to more of extended family and especially for more of "Road trip into UTAH"! and then on to Nevada Arizona and on into his sisters arms.

Thank you!


Jeremy1Jeremy1almost 13 years ago
Love it!

Great series - and to quote Lynn - "I've never been so horny in all my life. I need to be fucked!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
keep them comming

You are a magnificent writer and I look forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
What a story and group

Wow...and I'm sure it will only get better. Would love to know hen you do additional installments

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