Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 08

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Summer of 82 - week 4.
11.6k words

Part 8 of the 42 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the eighth episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode can be read individually but it helps to have read the previous episodes starting from the beginning. To get the most out of this episode in particular I'd recommend first reading 'Episode 07' at least.

I hope you enjoy the stories.



I spent Monday morning with Daniel at the offices of Durolitum Investments, which were located on the second floor of a sixties looking building just off Regent Street. Daniel spent a couple of hours with me, showing me around the offices and explaining about the company. He told me about his plans for the future and where he thought I might fit in. It was hard not to be seduced by the fancy offices, the smart suits and the pretty secretaries.

At 11.00 a.m. Daniel had a meeting to go to. Promising he'd be back for lunch he handed me over to his HR manager to explain what the package would be if I took up his offer. The HR manager was very well prepared considering that Daniel had only made me the offer the day before but I decided to stay quiet on that point. He explained that they would provide me with a bursary while I finished studying and, provided I gained a satisfactory degree, I would be given a job at an associate level within the company. In return I had to commit to working for them for a year, or pay back the bursary.

At no point had he or Daniel talked about how much the bursary would be or what sort of salary I'd be offered when I started. I felt a bit cheeky asking but it had to be done. The HR manager handed me a large envelope explaining that everything was in their contract offer. He told me to read through it and if I was happy with it then to fill out the required details and sign the acceptance letter. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to open the letter there and then and so I thanked him for his time and promised to get back to him quickly.

Fortunately Daniel appeared soon after and told me it was time for lunch. We walked a couple of blocks down the street and he led me to a restaurant where he'd agreed with Kate to meet. We were first to arrive and Daniel ordered a bottle of wine while we waited. As the waiter poured us a glass the girls walked in, each carrying two store bags, one massive, one tiny.

"What on earth have you girls been buying?" said Daniel.

"I took Lesley to that leather shop you were talking about," said Kate, "and we bought some leathers to wear on your bikes."

"Both of you?" said Daniel. "Does this mean that you've changed your mind about the bike?"

"Yes it does. Lesley convinced me to give it a go."

"I bet they were expensive."

"Believe me Daniel, you are going to want to see me in these leathers. When I saw myself in them, even I wanted to fuck me." Kate said giggling.

"And the small bags?"

"Just some lingerie," said Kate.

"We'll wear it for you next time we meet," said Lesley.

"There is going to be a next time?" asked Daniel.

"If you want there to be," Lesley replied teasingly.

Daniel had to get back to work after lunch and so we said our goodbyes. Lesley gave him a big hug in the middle of the restaurant and I shook his hand and thanked him for everything.

"It's been a real pleasure. To be honest I don't know the last time that Kate and I had so much fun," Daniel said looking at Kate. "I hope we'll see you again soon."

"You will," said Lesley.

Kate, Lesley and I caught a taxi back to the house. The taxi waited outside while we got our bags. I could see that this goodbye was going to be a bit harder than the one with Daniel.

"Thank you for everything Kate," I said and kissed her. I held her by the waist and she put her arms around my neck as her tongue darted into my mouth seeking mine. When we'd finished I knew the girls would want some time alone and so I went and put the bags in the taxi. I took my time but when I got back to them they were still kissing.

"I'll see you soon..." said Kate to Lesley, "even if it's just to go shopping."

"I'll call you tomorrow night," said Lesley.

Kate hugged Lesley one more time then said, "Bye sis, I love you."

"Bye sis, love you back," Lesley replied.

The journey back to Nottingham was pretty good. The train was more modern and more comfortable than the one we'd caught down. Lesley couldn't stop talking for the first hour then fell asleep exhausted.

It felt strange getting back to Lesley's apartment. After our weekend away it was a bit odd to be alone, just the two of us. But it also felt different now that we were engaged. Somehow, we were more of a couple than we had been before. Lesley sensed it too and after we'd had a cup of tea she said, "Come to bed. I think that we need to talk about a few things." I undressed her and then undressed myself and we made out for a while before Lesley got serious.

"I've never really thanked you properly for this weekend. Being engaged to you means the world to me..." she said.

"I sense there's a 'but' coming along."

"In a way, yes," she said. "I just need you to understand something about what this commitment means to me." She stopped for a moment then said, "You're going to think me silly but when I was a teenager all that I had growing up was this fantasy world I'd created from the books that I read. It was a world where some men are warriors and some women, the lucky ones, were bound to them. When I met David this fantasy became even more real for me. It was like I'd found a whole new world in his books and he was the creator of it. In a way, he became my master and I became his slave. For a while I thought that maybe he could be my warrior but I soon realised that he was already Ruth's."

"That's in the past now," I said.

"It is and it isn't," Lesley replied. "When you came along I hoped that you would choose me and you did. You've asked me to marry you, and I will, but I need you to understand what that means to me first."

"Ok," I said.

"Ok, here goes," she said. "I know it's not a very modern view but basically it means you own me, it means that I become your property. From now on I'm yours. It's my job to care for you, support you and do whatever you tell me to do without question." She stopped for a few seconds waiting for a reaction but when one didn't come she continued. "I'm not sure why you've chosen me. I think it's because you like me being a bit ditsy, you think I'm attractive and you know that I've an appetite for sex, but I can and I will be so much more than that for you. I've chosen you because you're a strong, intelligent, honest, caring man. I know that you'll respect me, look after me and that you'll fulfil my sexual needs. We both know that I need someone like you to bring out the best in me. Just look what's happened to me since we met. I've blossomed." She stopped again then asked, "So, will you be my warrior, knowing now what it means to me?"

"Of course I will," I said.

"There's one more thing," Lesley added. "In David's books when a woman marries, she takes her man's mark. I want us both to get a tattoo. Yours will be of your mark and mine will say that I am your property. Don't worry, I'll do the design and it will all be in symbols so nobody will know what it means except us, and a few of David's more avid fans. I don't know how you feel about tattoos but I really need this to feel that I belong to you."

"Where do you want the tattoo?" I asked.

"Just below our left breasts, close to our hearts."

"That'll be fine," I said. "I've always fancied a tattoo."

"The next thing I need to ask is what do you want to do about David?" she asked. "Do you want me to keep seeing him?"

"Do you want to keep seeing him?"

"Yes, I do. But he needs to understand that I belong to you now."

"I think he does. I think that both Ruth and David wanted this to happen. Don't you?"

"I guess so," she said, as if she had never really given it much thought before.

"You know, I never really understood what you saw in David," I said.

"I guess he was right for me at the time. With David it always was more cerebral than physical. He was the master and I enjoyed being his slave. Of course there was sex but for David it was more about the bit leading up to the sex than the sex itself. For me... well I was just happy if I pleased him. I enjoy being submissive, which is something I think that you don't fully understand."

"And Daniel. Did you enjoy being with him?"

"I had a fantastic time with Daniel. He was such a good lover and fun too. He's a very physical guy. He likes to fuck but he made sure that I was satisfied and that I enjoyed it too. He's a lot like an older version of you Steven. He doesn't have your body or your stamina but he still has a few tricks up his sleeve."

"Would you like to see him again?"

"Oh yes, definitely," said Lesley. "What about you and Kate. It's a silly question, but would you want to sleep with her again?"

"She looks stunning and it's a pleasure to fuck her. She's definitely keen but in many ways she's quite inexperienced though. I like being with her, she's a nice girl. I think that all she sees in me is youth however, but fair enough."

"It's more than that," said Lesley. "She sees a lot of the qualities in you that attracted her to Daniel, just like I see some of the same things in Daniel that attracted me to you. Plus she loves your muscles."

"You've spoken to her about this?"

"Oh yes, we've already compared notes on the two of you," she said.

"And what about you and Kate? You gave Daniel and I quite a surprise on Saturday night."

"Kate's got such a perfect body I just wanted to touch her. When we went upstairs I was helping her put on a necklace and I found myself kissing the back of her neck."

"What did she do?"

"At the start she was so sensitive. Every time I touched her it made her jump. I asked her if she wanted me to carry on and she told me not to stop, so I lay her down on the bed, straddled her, and we kissed for ages. She kept pushing her tongue into my mouth, inviting my tongue into hers. I've kissed Ruth before and enjoyed it but I never felt the way I did when I kissed Kate. And that was why we never got dressed up for you because we'd spent so long kissing."

"I like watching you with other women."

"I'm glad. I'd like to do more with Kate, as well as with Daniel. Perhaps even spend the night with her, just the two of us, if the opportunity came up."

"You should, perhaps she could come up to Nottingham during the week, then the two of you can be alone and undisturbed," I said.

"Thank you, I'll suggest it to her" she replied. "Now, tell me how your interview went with Daniel this morning."

"It wasn't really an interview," I said. "He showed me around, told me about the company and then I had a chat with the personnel manager."

"Are you going to accept the offer?"

"I'd like to but the job would be in London."

"That would be good, wouldn't it?"

"I'm not one for long engagements Lesley. When I graduate, then I want to marry you and I don't want to start our married life at different ends of the country."

"I'll get a job in London then. There are plenty of hospitals that need what I do."

"What about your life in Nottingham, the apartment?"

"I belong to you now Steven. I go where you go. Besides it's still a year away. We'd have to start paying for our own flat I guess but we'll make it work, I'm sure. I've got savings. Do you know how much you'll be earning?"

"No, but I have an offer letter. It should say in that." I fetched the offer from my kitbag and we lay in bed leafing through it. The first page was an introductory letter then there was an acceptance letter that I would need to fill in, a bank details letter, then a contract document. I was beginning to think that the salary part wasn't there but on the last page were the benefits details.

Lesley and I read through the details in silence then Lesley said, "Fucking hell Steven, that's a lot of money. Your bursary next year is more than my salary now. And look at your starting salary, plus you'd get a car, plus you could get a bonus that's as much as your salary again. And they'd pay for an apartment for us for 6 months when you start."

"I know," I said, a bit stunned at the figures.

"I knew there was a reason I agreed to marry you," said Lesley jokingly. "Did you know I have expensive tastes?"


I drove back to Ruth and David's on Tuesday morning. If just the two of us at Lesley's apartment had felt unusual then being alone felt even more so.

Before starting work I thought I should ring Daniel to thank him for his offer and accept it. When I rang he was in a meeting and so I left a message with his secretary and spoke with the personnel manager I'd met the day before.

The next job to do at Ruth and David's was to repair a decaying wall. It was about three feet high and marked the edge of their property with a public bye way running along the other side of it. It looked like David had planned to do this job himself some time ago. A load of limestone rocks had been delivered to replace the decaying ones where the wall had given way, along with a pile of builder's sand. I surveyed the wall but soon realised that I had no idea how to go about making the repairs, so I thought that a trip to the hardware store might be appropriate.

I drove the mini to the store in case I needed to carry anything back. It was a good job I did as the guy at the store sold me some hammers and chisels of different sizes to split the stones with as well as some cement to seal the top of the wall and finally a thick pair of leather gloves. He was as helpful as he had been the last time I visited and told me how to prep the wall and how to arrange the stones when repairing it. I took the opportunity to post my acceptance letter back to Daniel via recorded delivery at the post office then headed back to the house.

I spent the rest of the day stripping back the damaged parts of the wall and separating the stones that could be re-used from those that were too broken. Every hour or so someone would come past me on the bye way, the ramblers were usually men, the horse riders usually women. Those who were from the village tended to stop and chat, the rest just said hello and carried on their way. It was hard work in the afternoon sun and I kept humming the Clash's song to myself;

'Breakin' rocks in the hot sun,

I fought the law and the law won,

I fought the law and the law won.'

By the time I knocked off at six I didn't feel the need to do any more exercise. Clearing away the rocks had been strenuous work plus it had been a hot afternoon and I felt as if I had drunk my own body weight in water to stay hydrated. I had a shower then went for a pint down the pub to rehydrate further.

Tuesday night at the pub was quiet and so I sat out in the garden and contemplated life. As I was sitting there a girl came out into the garden, she said hello and sat at one of the other benches. We both sat there in silence sipping on our pints. A while later the landlord came out with a plate of bangers and mash for the girl, followed by the pub dog who sat there salivating in front of her while she ate it.

"Is she always like this?" said the girl, nodding towards the dog.

"To be honest I don't know. I'm not local, but she looks typical of most pub dogs." I said. "I think she's hoping for a bit of your sausage."

The girl cut off a slice of the sausage and fed it to the dog then said, "There you go girl." As the dog chewed on it she added cheekily, "Us girls need a bit of sausage, don't we."

When the dog was satisfied that the girl had cleared her plate and there was nothing left to beg for it trotted back inside.

"Do you mind if I join you," the girl said.

"No be my guest, I'm Steve by the way."

"Hi, I'm Skye. It's good to talk to someone. I'm on my own all day,"

"Me too. How come?"

"I'm working for the council, surveying the footpaths and bye ways. I check what sort of a state they are in, whether the signs are still there, whether farmers have blocked the access, that sort of thing. It's just a summer job while I'm at Uni. I spend a few days in each area then I catch the bus back to Lincoln, report my findings and move on to the next area. There are three of us doing this in different regions. The council puts me up in a pub or a hostel each time. This one looks nice, some are pretty grubby," she said. "What do you do?"

I told her that I was a student too and that I was working as a groundsman for one of the big houses in return for food and lodging and some spending money. We chatted about courses and Uni. and when she told me that she had just finished the first year of a psychology degree at Sheffield I wasn't surprised. She looked like a bit of a hippy, with pink streaks in her hair, a long flowing wrap-around skirt and no bra under her tank top. When she leant forward I could see both breasts but she didn't seem at all concerned. She was pretty, fresh faced, carrying a little bit of puppy fat, but not over weight.

"Do you like it here?" she asked.

"I do," I said. "Life's a bit slow but I could get used to it I think. How are you finding it?"

"Its fine, the weather's been great but it's a lonely job. Plus I haven't had sex in a month."

I laughed and said, "I'm lucky, my girlfriend's in Nottingham so we get to see each other at weekends."

"My boyfriend's living in a caravan in Cornwall teaching people to windsurf. He's probably having the time of his life, shagging his way through the holiday makers, the lucky bastard. I don't blame him though, it's not like we're exclusive."

"How much longer until you see him?"

"Another three or four weeks I think. We're meeting up at the Monsters of Rock festival then going to the Reading festival after that. At this rate I'll probably explode the first time he shags me."

I was fairly sure that I was being propositioned but you can never be sure, however I decided to chance it.

"Well if ever you fancy a threesome with me and my girlfriend you'd be welcome to join us," I said.

"I thought you only saw her at the weekend?"

"I drive over to hers once a week and stay over. I'm going tomorrow."

"And she would be ok with me staying the night?"

"I'd have to check but I'm pretty sure it would be fine."

Skye thought about the offer then said, "Ok, what time do you want to pick me up?"

"How about 6.00 p.m. I'd need to be discreet and pick you up at the bus stop though. They know me at the pub and well, you know what villages are like."

I bought her another pint and we chatted some more then, after confirming that I'd pick her up at 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday, I walked back to the house. In order to phone Lesley I had to go into the main house and so I found the key and alarm code and opened it up. When I tried to call the phone was engaged so I made myself a coffee. When I tried again the phone was still engaged.

Having hopefully set up a threesome for tomorrow I was feeling horny so I thought I'd have a look at David's video collection while I waited. I picked one at random and put it into the machine. When I started to play it I could see that it was a cine film that had been converted to video. The picture quality was ok but the sound was poor. It looked as though it had been filmed in a garage or a basement.

The video started with a woman in a rubber mask tied up with rope. She was on her knees and her arms and ankles were tied. Although you couldn't see her face it was clearly Ruth but a younger version of her. She was joined by David who was clothed but also wearing a mask and holding a riding crop. David began by roughly grabbing one of Ruth's breasts at the base and squeezing it. Taking the crop he brought it down hard across her nipple and she winced when the crop hit her, then winced again as he did the same to the other breast. David then let go of her breast and moved the crop down to Ruth's pussy rubbing the tip of the crop against her clit. He patted her clit with it for a while and you could see she was beginning to enjoy this then, when she wasn't expecting it, he thwacked her pussy hard several times with the crop. Ruth let out a series of yelps in pain and surprise.