Miami Heat Ch. 03


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"Who the feck do ye think ye are?!" I yelled at him, my Irish brogue thick with anger. I couldn't believe that he had done that! I could understand a hand brushing against my breast but actually sticking a finger inside me?! I told him so and walked up nose to nose with him and before he could blink, I bunched up the muscles in my arm I clocked up upside the face, knocking him on his ass. I had a good right hook and he had just found out how good. In Ireland, a girl fights just as hard as the men, and in North Ireland, we fought even harder. I sent a bloke to the hospital once after he tried to force himself on or should I say in me. This was no fecking different. I swung my leg back to kick him but then I felt arms wrap around my stomach and lift me up and away from the guy on the ground. I screamed and fought but they quickly set me down and pushed me behind them. It was Sean!

The guy on the ground scrambled back up to his feet and scowled at me, wiping blood from the split lip I had given him. I was pissed; I should have knocked some teeth out instead! Sean's hands were clenched at his sides and he walked up to the guy until he was practically on top of him. Sean drew his lips back into a snarl as he spoke.

"I can understand a little touch football," Sean snarled at the guy who groped me, "But you went a step too far."

"I would have had to if the slut wasn't so badly asking for it." The guy winked at me and blew a kiss. I let out a cry of outrage and stormed forward but Sean grabbed me and held me back. I growled, my foot itching to reset his internal computer. I didn't understand why Sean wasn't letting me; in Ireland if there was a dispute, fists always settled it, or feet, depending on gender.

"Look, numb-nuts, not every girl on this beach is a slut wanting to get boned." Sean was attempting to be diplomatic but I could see in his bunched muscles that he just wanted to slam a fist into this guy's face. "My girl certainly isn't, so watch your fucking mouth."

He turned around and started to pull me away when the guy stopped us.

"Well maybe if you fucked that dirty slut's Irish cunt, she wouldn't be panting like a dog over me and my...fingers." He called out with a snigger. I froze, my muscles bunched up in anger. He just took it another step in the wrong fecking direction. Sean looked down at me and saw the fire in my eyes and released my hand with a dangerous grin. I spun back around and stalked towards the asshole that now stood with a smirk on his face as he licked his fingers.

"Come here baby..." He thrust his hips toward me and I just smiled up at him and drew back my foot and kicked him violently in the nuts with all the force that I used to score a goal in football. He let out a high pitched groan and sunk to the ground, his eyes glazed over in pain. His friends took a step back, swearing and holding up their hands, not wanting trouble.

I smiled sweetly, bending over to whisper in the guy's ear, "That's a wee bit o' Irish football saying feck you."

I walked away and wrapped my fingers into Sean's hand and he pulled me back to the towels. Once I was sitting, I couldn't help but pull my legs into my chest, feeling violated in the basest way. Sean sat behind me and gently pulled me into his lap, brushing my copper hair back from my freckled face.

"Are you alright?" He asked with worry in his tone. I just shrugged, watching with fury burning inside me as the asshole who groped me struggle to get to his feet only to fall back down as his friends grabbed under his armpits and dragged him down the beach, well away from me and Sean. Sean followed my gaze and chuckled a little, "You really set his clock, Áine. He doesn't even know what year it is."

"Good." I growled thickly and crossed my arms over my chest. The guy was such a fecking bastard. I guess some American stereotypes were true.

"You know, I really don't want to be on your bad side, Áine." Sean chuckled, sliding a hand up and down my arm comfortingly. I smiled a little and let out a frustrated sigh. Sean wrapped his arms around me and the anger left me as he pressed me against his warm, muscular chest. I thought back to when Sean grabbed me before I could pummel the guy who groped me. I grinned as I remembered what Sean said.

"Did you really mean that, back there?" I asked quietly as Sean rested his chin on the top of my head. It felt good to be in his arms like this. Sean removed his chin and looked down at me as I looked up at him.

"What? About you being my girl?" He grinned. I smiled and wrapped an arm around his, holding it against me.

I fiddled with the Claddagh ring on my finger, wondering what way I would have to twist it, if at all as I waited for his answer. The green marble stone gleamed in the sunlight with veins of white running through it that seemed to almost glow. "Aye, that."

Sean looked down at me with a small smile. "Only it it's okay with you, Áine."

My stomach jumped and I twisted the ring on my finger to match with my answer. Sean seemed to know what it meant and hugged me tighter and kissed me on the top of my copper head. My heart did a wee happy dance inside my chest and Sean held me like that for a few more minutes before sighing happily, "You wanted to go into the water?"

I grinned and slid out of his arms and held out my hands. He took them and stood, not even pulling on my ready arms. He then laughed and scooped me up in his arms and ran towards the water with me. I screamed and giggled in delight as he splashed into the water. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped as the cold water splashed onto my skin. I buried my face in his strong chest and gasped when my butt entered the water.

"Ohhh!! It's cold, it's cold!" I squealed and Sean laughed.

"I could dunk you!" He threatened playfully.

I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and whispered in his ear, "I'll take you down with me."

Sean's eyes blazed with heat and I shuddered a little against him. I wondered what he was thinking. Then, he laughed and shook his head with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I'm going under."

"No, no, no!" I squealed as he started to dunk me. The water really was cold but I had to admit that it felt rather good. Then, Sean suddenly went under expertly depositing me on my feet to I didn't completely submerge but it was still really cold. I gasped and laughed as he came up sputtering a few yards away from me. I had flashbacks of him in the pool and a groaned a little, knowing that he was mine now. God this was bloody brilliant!

"Come on out!" He called over the waves as they washed me farther away from him. I started towards him until the sand gave way under my feet and I was suddenly swimming. I loved the water but I had never swam anywhere but Spain and Italy, but even there, Sharks were pretty common. However, I heard that they were even more common in the US, especially Florida. I suddenly wasn't so sure about being in the water. Sean saw my hesitation but I kept pushing towards him. Something soft touched my foot and I let out a screech, drawing my legs up to my chest.

"What?!" Sean yelled, worried. I turned panic filled eyes on him.

"Something touched my foot!" I cried and shuddered, using my arms to keep me up. Sean suddenly laughed, only a few feet away from me and he stood up. I frowned. How in Christ's name was he standing up?!

"Áine, it's a sand bar!" He chuckled and walked over to me with a grin on his face. I shook my head until he neared me, the water only up to his armpits. He grabbed me and pulled me to him where I wrapped my arms around his warm body.

"That was not a sand bar..." I was a little embarrassed, thinking that I was stupid until Sean jumped a little and laughed, pointing into the water.

"Hey! You were right, look, it's a fish!" Sean pointed and I looked. It was a big fish. I moved a little behind him, putting him between me and the fish. I shuddered against his side and he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me against him and kissing the top of my head. He was pretty tall, I only came up just to his nose and I was pretty tall myself. I was about 5'10" so he had to be about 6'2" if not 6'3" which I loved. His skin was nice and warm and he moved us away from the fish and higher up on the sand bar. I nibbled on my lower lip and looked up at him as he looked out over the ocean. I loved the angles of his face and the light glinting down on his skin made him look menacing and powerful. I shivered again him, my body betraying my thoughts. I was such a sucker for power. It was why I drove a powerful car.

Sean looked down at me and cupped my face in his right palm as his other hand rested on my hip, pulling me against him. I let my lower lip slide from between my teeth and Sean suddenly groaned and kissed me, angling my face up to meet his lips using his thumb and knuckle to move my chin. His hand on my hip slid behind my back as his tongue pushed against my lips. I allowed him to deepen the kiss; having kissed boys back in Northern Ireland and knowing what to do to make them happy before, but was always but Sean. He was a category just in himself. I never had pleasure in kissing before now. Sean's kiss was gentle but passionate, rough but giving and I loved every mind blowing second of it. Time seemed to unravel as we clutched each other. My left arm was holding me against him by wrapping under his arm to his back and my right hand was between our bodies, hanging on his trapezoid of his left arm. Sean's hips moved ever so slightly against me and I hungrily kissed him back. It was first time that I had taken the reigns a little. Sean groaned and used his left hand to reach down and pull me up using my inner thigh as a handhold. I wrapped my legs around his hips without even thinking about it and Sean grinned against my lips. I moaned a little as Sean wrapped his arms around me to hold me up against him.

Suddenly cat calls came from not far away and Sean slid me back down into the water as I unhooked my legs from around his thighs. I looked out and saw some kids on small foam boards and laughed, shaking my head. Sean grinned and waved and some braver kids waved back. I was blushing furiously. That had been getting somewhat intense. Sean looked at the watch on his wrist and then back at me.

"We've still got a couple of hours yet, why don't we swim for a while and then head in for dinner?" He suggested with a shrug. I nodded, a little breathless. Sean kissed my lips briefly before walking back in the water, away from him. I cocked my head to the side and watched him curiously as he sank back into the water and floated on his back. I came up and nibbled on my lip nervously.

"What are you thinking, Áine?" Sean asked.

I looked down at him. "I'm wondering if I want to float around and get pushed out to sea."

Sean laughed and shook his head, "I won't let you wash out to sea." He promised. "Come on, trust me."

I lowered myself into the water and floated on my back. Sean grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him, wrapping his arm around my side and we floated like that, rocking gently with the waves. I closed my eyes after a few minutes and smiled. It wasn't all that bad.


"Áine...?" Sean's voice gently woke me up. I blinked a little, shocked that I had fallen asleep. That was dangerous. I looked over to him and saw that he wasn't on his back anymore but he was watching me and he was treading water. A little spike of uneasiness tickled through me. I looked and saw that the shore wasn't all that far, but it was farther than we had been. At least it wasn't out to sea. Sean had promised after all.

"How deep is it?" I groaned and flipped onto my stomach, still floating. Sean held onto my hand and dipped under and my hand sunk deep into the water before he let go and I looked down, surprised I could see in the water but it was crystal clear. Sean looked a little small and I swallowed uneasily. That was deep. I could see fish down there and Och Christ, was that a shark?! Sean started swimming back up and when he breached the surface he was laughing.

"There's a shark down there!" He seemed overly pleased about that. I wasn't as pleased as he was. I made a face and he shook his head. "Don't worry; it's just a little sand shark. It won't hurt you."

"Sean, it's a shark." I said slowly.

"Yeah?" He grinned. "I love sharks."

"Och Christ, you would." I laughed shakily.

Sean just smiled at me before nodding towards shore, "Let's swim in, it's almost dinner time."

I nodded and started swimming, my football legs pumping powerfully. Sean ducked his head into the water and started swimming like he was an Olympic swimmer. God, this man was so full of surprises. I followed suit, a little messier than he was, but I was still pretty quick. We turned it into a race which he won but I jumped him once we were in the shallows and dunked him and ran up onto the beach as he came back up, sputtering. I was already to the towels before he got up out of the water. I wrapped my towel around me as he came up and shook out the water in his hair like a dog. I laughed and covered my face but Sean grabbed me around the waist, and spun me around in the air, putting his forehead against mine. He set me down and grabbed his towel, shaking the sand off of it before grabbing all of our stuff (his T-shirt, my clothes, purse and sun block) and wrapped his free arm around me and escorting me back to the Lamborghini. We took turns under the shower, washing the sand off our feet and legs before drying off and pulling our clothes on.

Sean opened the door to his gorgeous car and I slipped inside as he closed the door and ran around to the driver's side. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him; for reasons I didn't quite understand, he made me happy. I knew that it wasn't from watching his more intimate activities, but it was was just Sean. I had never met a guy quite like him before. The Lamborghini drew more than a few eyes as he roared to life, purring intimately in the parking lot. Sean didn't seem to notice the attention. Maybe he was used to it.

"What's your pleasure?" He asked with a small grin. I so badly wanted to say you but I knew he was talking about food.

I thought about it a moment and remembering that I wouldn't be allowed into any sort of pub, I immediately thought of something exotic. I told him so.

"What kind of exotic?" Sean grinned.

"Something I've never had before." I laughed, "Which might be difficult...I've been all over Europe."

"I've got one." Sean chuckled, "How do you feel about spicy food?"

"Love it." I grinned.

"Alright." He put the Lamborghini into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive down the street, staying parallel to the beach. I smiled and ran my hand through my quickly drying hair. It was curling like mad but I couldn't help it; it always did after it got wet. Straight hair didn't exist for pure blooded Irish women. But I never did like straight hair anyway and Sean didn't seem to mind. We pulled into a small place that I knew had to be good just because of how hidden it was. Cars were parked up and down the street and we parked about one kilometer away from the place and walked down the sidewalk, holding hands and simply enjoying each other's presence.

He opened the door for me and we stepped inside. Spices bombarded my senses and I smiled. Och, it smelled good. Sean smiled down at me and a waitress walked us to a small table by a beachside window. She handed us menus and I was looking down at mine with a confused expression. Sean laughed gently and I looked up, completely baffled.

"Alright, I'm befuddled." I lilted softly. "Help me."

"Always." Sean murmured with a grin and slid my menu sideways so he could read it as well. We mulled over it together and finally settled on something that sounded delicious. It was a spicy shrimp and chicken gumbo that seemed to have the entire food pyramid in one dish. Sean explained that it was the Cajun way of cooking. Apparently Cajun was a mix to French and Spanish. It made sense thinking about it that way. We ordered two of the spicy shrimp and chicken gumbo dishes and when they came out my mouth was watering because it smelled so good.

Dinner was amazing, the food was almost sinful. Sean suggested we go and get dessert but I was getting really full by the time that we walked out of the ice cream parlor. I had nearly refused the tasty cold treat until Sean said we could share one instead. Once we got it I wondered if he was going to get a cup or something but apparently we were really going to share it together. I grinned as I licked it and Sean did the same. There was something sexy about it. We ate a bit of it, leaning against the hood of his Lamborghini, looking out over the ocean. He raised it to his mouth after I had licked again and a wicked grin lit up my face as I popped his hand holding the cone from beneath so it bumped into his face and smeared across his lips. He laughed with me and started to lick it away but I stopped him, crooking a finger at him to lean down. I took the ice cream from his grasp and he put his hands on either side of me, against the cherry red hood of his car. I licked the ice cream off of his lips and as he started to kiss me I pulled back and ate the ice cream instead. Sean's eyes blazed with enough heat that I half expected the ice cream to turn into a puddle. The ice cream was melting down my hand and Sean spotted it and took my hand, licking it sensually from my pale skin. I licked my lips, no longer interested in the cone, letting him take it and toss it away behind him. Neither of us really wanted the ice cream anyway.

Sean kissed my lips clean of any lingering ice cream, pulling on my lower lip with his teeth. He used his right arm to wrap around my waist, holding me against him and I let him support me with one hand against the hood of his car. The sky was getting darker around us and as his hips ground against me, I moaned hungrily, nearly pushing my hands down his black swimming trunks right then and there. Sean growled against my mouth, arching my back backwards towards the hood of his car as his sensual kiss grew hotter. It felt oddly sensual being almost suspended beneath him with nothing but his arm holding me against him.

Sean broke away and with his eyes closed, he made a sound of deep satisfaction and want. He opened his eyes and looked down at me with glittering ice blue eyes. "To be honest Áine, I thought of doing just that since I first saw you climb out of that lime green Audi."

His words made me shiver in delight but he wasn't done yet, "I can't tell you how many times I thought about holding you in my arms."

I wondered, with a delighted shiver that ran up my spine, if he had thought about me while I watched him masturbating on his lanai. I was curious to know what he would think if he knew that I had been watching him all those times. His eyes burned with a fire and he leaned back, letting me stand up straight again. I placed a hand on the side of his face and smiled happily.

"I'm glad I moved here." I whispered. Sean's eyes lit up and he placed a hand on my back turning me around to face the west. The sky was a myriad of fiery oranges and reds and bright yellows casting palm trees into silhouettes. I gasped in delight at the scene. It was beautiful. Sean's hands were on my hips and he was pressed up against my backside when I felt his cock stir against my leg. The thought made my heart race and my blood pump faster through my body making me dizzy. He didn't move away but rather pressed harder against me and I shuddered, rocking back against him.

Sean whispered in my ear, "I want you."

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