Michelle's Continuing Affair Ch. 02


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Seven o'clock came around and no Michelle, eight, nine, ten and still nothing from her. I was starting to get a little frightened and finally called her, no answer. Now, I was definitely starting to get worried. Even after all this time, I didn't have Mike's phone number. I swore then that I wanted his number before she went to see him again. Every minute was dragging, had she been in an accident? I hadn't heard from her all weekend, did she decide not to come home at all? As much as I trusted her, that thought still petrified me this late. I tried to call her a couple more times, both times it went straight to her answering machine. It was eleven fourteen when I saw headlights coming down our street and held my breath, please turn in our driveway, please turn in.

When the headlights did turn into our driveway, I breathed again and realized I had been shaking with fear. I loved this girl who had just come home to me. I realized then the difference between the lust I felt for Jacqui and the love I had for my wife.

When she walked in the door, I took her in my arms, kissed her and told her how scared I had been. She apologized and said her cell phone was dead and she had left the charger in Mike's car. I asked her how her weekend was and she told me it had been absolutely wonderful, but she was too tired to tell me the details and would tomorrow.

We went to bed and when Michelle saw the teddy on the bed she asked me about it. I asked her to smell it and maybe it'd give her a hint. She did so, looking a little surprised, "I know that's my perfume, but I haven't used it for a long time."

"I know. Jacqui spent Friday night with me and I asked her to wear it. She borrowed some of your perfume and I think a little of your make-up too."

Michelle took another smell and smiled, "And did you and Jacqui have a good time Friday night?"

Now was the time of truth that I had decided to be honest with her. "Honey, do you remember me telling and showing you how wonderful it had been with Jacqui when I slept with her the night Mike was here?"

"Yes, as I recall, we had a pretty good night when you pretended I was Jacqui."

"Well, I wasn't exactly just pretending. I was really imagining you were her. But what I wanted to tell you about last Friday is that that first night with Jacqui didn't even hold a candle to last Friday. She wore your nightgown, put on perfume, make-up and a pair of your high heels." I paused a little bit, summoning my courage. "When we went to bed, it was so good I was afraid to tell you. It felt like something I didn't think I could ever give up."

Michelle whispered, "Are you in love with her?"

"No, I realized since that I loved the sex, I'm infatuated with her, I lust for her, but love? No."

"Remember when you asked me about the emotional waterfall? How close I was to going over the falls with Mike? That you wanted me as close to the edge as possible. Are you there with Jacqui, right at the very edge."

"I've thought about it a lot since Friday, and no, I'm not at the edge of the waterfall, probably not even very close to it, but definitely drifting that way."

"Then, sweetheart, I think you should keep seeing her, just don't go over the waterfall. Since Jacqui came into our lives, I've discovered something about myself too. Now I understand why you want to see me with Mike and I'm the same way with you and Jacqui. It thrills me so much thinking of you and her together, making the sweetest love possible. And as far as Jacqui wearing my things Friday, I absolutely love it! That makes it almost like I was there with you emotionally, helping you, coaxing you on making love with her."

I looked at my wife, wondering how it would be possible to love anyone more than I did with her. "I love you honey, thank you. What about you and Mike, I know you're tired, but can you give me a hint?"

"All I really want to say before we go to sleep is that it was probably every bit as good as you described with Jacqui. Now, can we go to sleep?"

"Wait, wait, one more thing. " I jumped up and ran to my office, bringing back the package from Victoria's Secret. "I have something for you," and handed her the package.

She looked at it, then at me and her hands shook as she started to unwrap it. When she had the nightgown out, she held it out away from her and told me, "It's beautiful, I love it! Thank you!" She got up, pulled it over head and felt down the sides of it, "It's so soft and comfy. I love it." She climbed back into bed, with me right behind her, spooning her, my head alongside hers in an all night snuggle.

Michelle cooked a pot roast dinner for Monday night. After the dishes were done, we sat on the couch and talked, I had told Michelle most everything significant about my weekend, so I asked about hers.

"Honey, it was everything I imagined it could be. We made the sweetest love that I think is possible, we went out all day Saturday and Sunday, just spending time together and doing fun things, exactly what I wanted to be able to do. We went to the Mt St Helens National Monument Saturday, made love Saturday night, then went to Pike Street Market and the Seattle underground Sunday. It was a little after seven when we got back to his house and I started home."

"And how close are you getting to the edge of the waterfall?"

"I admit I'm definitely drifting closer like you are."

"I love it. We both have to make an agreement, when either of us gets a quarter inch from the edge, we need to let the other know. That's when we'll need to back off."

She kind of looked down a little bit. I was wondering just how close she already was...and if she'd be able to back off then...or would I? But she said, "OK."

"Did he say anything about the job in Prosser, are they going to get it."

She brightened up at that question. "They did get it. He's going to start meeting them a week from Tuesday, the 29th."

"So, do you plan on spending some Tuesday nights in Prosser?"

"I think so, he said he'd let me know. He won't be there every Tuesday night, but quite a few of them."

Michelle and I resumed our routine of lovemaking nightly. It seemed that every one of our 'dalliances' made our lovemaking sweeter, so that neither of us wanted the other to quit seeing our 'friend'.

I talked to Jacqui Tuesday morning before work and we decided to go out to dinner again Wednesday. I knew that I wasn't going to want to go to bed with her again yet after the intensity of last Friday. I want to preserve that for every time we do sleep with each other. Plus, I thought we needed to discuss our relationship without the complication of more sex for a while.

I picked her up and we went back to the Black Angus where it's quiet enough to have a discussion without yelling to each other. I asked her what she was thinking about 'us'.

"Robert, I remember what you told me about you and Michelle. I know I'm falling for you and if I ever lose you it'll hurt bad. And the longer we go together, the more it will hurt. But I'm not ready to quit, I want to keep seeing you, even if in some time in the future that hurt comes. I know I'll eventually get over it and remember our wonderful time together."

"Thank you, Jacqui. That's exactly how I feel. Right now, I feel like I need to have you in my life. Our sex the other day was the best I've ever had. But if it's OK with you, for a while, I'd like to spend time with you without the sex. Can we just date each other for a while?"

"I think that's sweet. I'll miss it, but I'd love to be your girlfriend. And, I've been wondering, did your friend's girlfriend like the nightgown we picked out?"

"That was fun, wasn't it? But no, he hasn't given it to her yet. I think he's waiting for an extra special time to give it to his extra special girl."

"Mmm, I can't wait to hear how she likes it. Are we still on for square dancing Friday night? I've got Tina lined up to cover for me and I love it, so much fun!"

"Sure are, I'll pick you up at the store at six."

After dinner, I took her home, walked her to the door again and kissed her. "This is going to be hard, to say good night at the door for a while isn't it?"

"Uhunh, I'd a lot rather say good night after some time in the bedroom."

Friday, Michelle, Jacqui and I went to the square dance lesson again. Afterward, I dropped Michelle off at home and went to dinner with Jacqui, then took her home and kissed her goodnight again. I didn't know how long I'd be able to do this.

We had the same routine the following week, dinner with Jacqui on Wednesday, square dancing and dinner Friday. Every time I saw her, the closer we became. Michelle talked on the phone with Mike quite a bit, anticipating seeing him Tuesday.

When Tuesday morning finally did arrive, Michelle packed a small bag again with clothes for the next day at work, no nightgown again. She rarely wore anything with me, sometimes the new one I bought her if she knew we weren't going to make love, which didn't happen too often...we still made love nearly every night. She certainly knew she wasn't going to wear anything to bed when she was with Mike.

Wednesday evening, when I got home after taking Jacqui home, Michelle was there. I had missed her when she was gone Tuesday night and knew that would be recurring, probably nearly every Tuesday for the foreseeable future. She didn't talk about their lovemaking or what they did. I had told her she could leave it to my imagination. She told me I didn't have nearly good enough an imagination for that.

Anyway, she told me that Mike wanted to take her on a little vacation Memorial Day to Reno. Once again, she told him she would without having discussed it with me, that they were flying out of Pasco Friday afternoon, then staying in the Silver Legacy and would be home Monday night. I really wish she had talked to me about it first before agreeing. Especially with the fact that Michelle was going to be sleeping with Mike one night every week now, it made me really nervous about her going on vacation with him too. She and I had always done something special Memorial Day weekend.

I knew that women are a lot more emotional about lovemaking than men. And Michelle has been spending a LOT of time making love with Mike...and I haven't been hearing any details about her Tuesday nights, just that my imagination doesn't go far enough. It's more than a little unsettling.

I had backed off of having sex with Jacqui because it scared me how intense our love making was the last time. Michelle told me her and Mike were just as intense, but they've only deepened their time together. It's what I had told her in the beginning, so I felt like I couldn't complain. Especially since our sex together was so fantastic.

After Michelle told me about her and Mike going to Reno, she suggested I ask Jacqui about taking her somewhere over that weekend. It was already late when Michelle and I had this little conversation, so I waited until the next morning and called Jacqui. She said she'd have to check the schedule, but would love to if she could work it out. They don't close over the weekend or Memorial Day like mine and Michelle's offices. Mike's was much more flexible, so he could arrange time off about anytime.

Thursday evening about nine thirty, I got a call back from Jacqui saying she had reserved those three days off. "Where are we going?"

I hadn't decided yet, but was thinking about the Oregon coast. I thought whatever I did decide, I'd surprise her. "I don't know yet, and I don't think I'll tell you until we get there."

"Ooo, exciting. Sounds like it'll be fun."

"I hope so. I'll try to make some reservations. See you tomorrow night?"

"I'll be ready."

It took me about thirty seven seconds after I got off the phone to decide where I wanted to take Jacqui. I called the Shilo Inn in Seaside, Oregon to see if they had any rooms still available. They had a couple, one that I wanted on the 2nd story overlooking the ocean. Kind of expensive, but for three days of bliss with my beautiful girlfriend? Well worth whatever it cost! When I hung up, I told Michelle of my plans and how much I would be looking forward to three days of sex with Jacqui.


I'd like to say the time flew by for the next three weeks, but it would be a fib. Jacqui and I continued our two nights a week. We made out in the car, in the park and on her front steps, but I never went inside her house. I knew if I did, we would both be lost in lovemaking. Now that I had a definite plan, I wanted to make it extra special. Michelle and I were still making love, but by now I knew that wasn't going to make lovemaking with Jacqui any less intense. Jacqui and I left each other feeling more and more frustrated after every one of our dates. I wasn't sure how much closer to loving her I could get without losing myself completely to her, but it never occurred to me what three days of lovemaking would do to us, only how much I was looking forward to it.

When Michelle came home Wednesdays after spending Tuesday night with Mike, it seemed like she was getting more and more dreamy, but maybe it was only my imagination. She did miss one Tuesday with him because of her monthly and was pretty grumbly about it. I put it down to the fact that she was often grumbly during her monthly, but this definitely seemed different. I think she has been growing to depend on fairly regular lovemaking with him. If it hadn't been for my anticipation of my weekend with Jacqui, I probably would have noticed it a lot more and been more worried than I was. Still though, whenever I thought about Michelle and Mike making love together I got that same thrill. Tuesday nights when she was with him, I was hard most of the night trying to imagine what they were doing together.

Jacqui had asked me several times where we were going and I kept telling her it was my secret. "But, what kind of clothes do I take, will it be cold, warm or what?"

"There will be a pool, so you'll want a bathing suit, it won't be either hot or cold, probably sixties or seventies if we're lucky. Nothing particularly formal."

"OK, I'll figure out something."

Finally, FINALLY! May 23rd rolled around. That morning, Michelle and I packed separate bags for different destinations the first time since we were married. I think both of us were too wrapped up in our own world to even realize that was happening to us.

Jacqui got off just a few minutes before six that night and took her car home. I picked her up about a quarter after. We had about a five hour drive in front of us, but it was a drive to look forward to, with my girlfriend beside me and anticipating the nights and days ahead. We still hadn't made love together since that Friday over a month ago, but had been out on dates two days a week ever since and developed a pretty strong emotional bond between us.

Jacqui slept and I held her hand much of the way. It was relatively late, so not much traffic, especially through Portland and on down to Seaside. Jacqui still didn't know where we were going, except west on I-84. When we go to Seaside, she was sleeping right up until I pulled into the Shilo check-in lane. I reached over and shook her to wake her up, "Sweetheart, we're there, wake up."

She batted her eyes open, trying to wake up and asked me, "OK, where's there?"

"Hear those waves, that's the ocean, right behind out hotel. We're in Seaside with an ocean view room."

I let Jacqui wait in the car to get herself awake a little more while I checked us in as "Mr and Mrs Robert Robinson." I had to admit it sounded good referring to Jacqui as my wife. Not sure how well Michelle will like it when she reads this though...although I suspect she's already checked in in Reno as Mike's wife, and in bed with him, since it's after midnight there.

We carried our bags up to our room. We had a nice king size bed (I didn't really think we'd need one much bigger than a twin size). We opened the patio door to our 2nd story patio overlooking the ocean and smelled that fresh sea air. The Shilo is right on the beach. Michelle and I had been on that beach several times at their 4th of July celebrations. Never in a million years would I have suspected I'd be in a room with a girl other than Michelle, while Michelle is vacationing with another guy!

As soon as we were settled in our room, I found the package Jacqui wrapped for me in Victoria's Secret and handed it to her, "I guess my friend decided his girlfriend didn't need it, so he let me keep it and give it to my special girl. I've been saving it for a special time with you."

Jacqui got a tear in her eye, told me thank you and sat on the bed to unwrap it. She held it out and caressed it like she hadn't ever seen it before and gave me a very nice kiss on the lips. I told her, "The sales girl was really helpful. She was nice and extremely pretty, you should meet her sometime."

"I understand that all their sales girls are pretty."

"They are, but this one is especially pretty, much more so than the others."

Michelle, smiled at that gave me another kiss, "I'm jealous, I thought I was your favorite sales girl.

"What really made you come in the store that day? I'm pretty sure you hadn't intended to buy nightgowns."

I told her what I had thought about my car and my shoes dragging me there, which rewarded me with a cute giggle. Then I told her, "I needed to see you. I missed you."

She found her overnight bag with her make-up in it, went to the dressing room and told me she'd be out in a few minutes. I knew from experience that her 'few minutes' would seem like forever. And also that it would be worth every second of the wait. While she was getting ready, I undressed and climbed into bed.

Twenty two minutes and fourteen seconds later, Jacqui opened the dressing room door and walked out into the room. Oh My God, she could transform herself into splendor! She walked in wearing the little gown, so beautiful. She climbed in bed with me and asked, "Do you think we can do better than the last time."

"I don't see how, but we can try." We wrapped arms around each other and kissed, the first time we've kissed like this in over a month. It's been so long without her! We ran our hands up each other's bodies, I kissed her breasts, down her stomach and between her legs with my tongue exploring inside her while she writhed under me, then kissed back to her lips and let her taste herself on my lips. I wanted so bad to take her, but wanted this excruciating heaven like experience to last all night if I could. We both simply backed off and held each other and Jacqui whispered in my ear, "I love you."

I couldn't help but smile and whisper back to her, "I love you too." The significance of what we had both said wasn't lost on me. I knew the problems that would be upcoming and didn't know what we were going to do, but this weekend I wasn't going to worry about it. I did love this girl and we had this weekend to enjoy with nothing to distract us. The emotional waterfall Michelle and I had talked about? I knew I was over the edge and madly in love!

Our kisses became even more passionate and frantic if that was possible, Jacqui whispered to me over and over again, "I love you, I love you!" Finally, neither one of us could stand it any longer. I slipped the little panties down off of her and she pulled me over on top of her to make love with her. I think from her expression she was surprised at how big and hard I was when I entered her. She groaned and blurted out, "Oh Robert, I love you." She rose her hips up off the bed and wrapped her legs around me as I thrust in and out of her. I wanted this to last as long as possible, each time I thrust into her, I paused while her pussy throbbed around me, then I'd pull out and thrust into her and pause again. I knew I was coming close to my end, Jacqui tensed and moaned out, telling me to not stop, so I thrust in and out while she violently climaxed around me. I don't know how, but I hadn't yet, so I pulled out and back in several more times, bringing both of us to more and more euphoria and I couldn't hold any longer and thrust into her, holding there spasming my hot cum into her while she contracted around me.