Michelle's Education Pt. 02

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Extra-curricular credits for Nella's R & O.
7.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/26/2015
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Michelle sat in her dorm, thinking about her experience with Ms. Takiyama. She was still feeling the soreness of her spanking and the wonderment of her first orgasm. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this and she sat contemplating what other experiences awaited her at the hands of her teacher. She was rubbing at her crotch, thinking of how the talents of Komiko's fingers and tongue had opened new vistas to her and wanted to be with her again for an entire night.

The door flew open and her friend, Marianella, bounced into the room, carrying a six pack of wine coolers.

"Hey girlfriend, where were you? I've been waiting to get into these and have some fun. You're never going to believe what I found out. Get this. You know those jocks that have been after us for, like ever? I was talking to Cal and his buddy Wes, and they're having a bash at their frat house tomorrow and they want you and me and Deb to come. I already said yes that we'd be there, I mean, this is where we get to show all those lame bitches who's who. So, what are you going to wear? I'm wearing that new top my mom bought for me, you know, the one you can practically see through. That and my white mini that I love to tease with. I can't believe she let me buy it, but shit, I'd have bought it anyway, so she didn't argue. Hey, are you listening to me? Hello, earth calling Mick?"

Marianella finally stopped her mouth long enough to look at her friend and wonder what was occupying her thoughts.

"Sorry Nella, I was thinking about my meeting with Ms. Takiyama earlier."

Michelle answered, not showing any real interest in Marianella's ramblings about whatever fun she was going on about. Marianella could see the change in Michelle and knew something had happened between them..

"What did that slanty eyed bitch want anyway?"

Marianella was as spoiled as Michelle was, coming from a family that catered to her wishes and whims like she was the sun, moon and stars. Her parents had given her everything she desired and along with paying her tuition, they deposited twenty-five hundred dollars a month for her to live on. They had originally started at fifteen hundred, but the little princess whined and complained that she wouldn't be able to live properly on such a small amount. When her father had suggested she try to get a part time job to pay for her spending and learn the value of a dollar, her mother had stepped in to her defense and said it wouldn't look good for her to be serving others, and it would interfere with her studies. Marianella was and still is, a spoiled brat supreme.

"She told me that if I didn't pick up my grades, I was in serious trouble of failing her class."

"Hey, were you crying? Don't let that bitch talk to you like that. You should have told her where to get off and shut the fuck up. It's our parents who donate money to places like this and pay for them to teach us. I figure as long as I show up and hand some shit in, they should be happy and pass me. You're so much better than she is."

Marianella told her as if it was fact, trying to convince her that she shouldn't worry about it, but Michelle wasn't buying it, she now knew differently,

"I told Ms. Takiyama I'd improve my grades and come in for extra help to get caught up. I'm going tomorrow after classes and she's going to tutor me."

Michelle began the set up to her plan that she had been thinking of, so she could get to spend that night with Komiko. The truth of her words were causing Marianella's face to take a look of shock.

"Are you fucking serious? The party is Thursday. Girl, you got to get your priorities straight. What good is an education when you know we're going to get the hottest guys and marry them. I mean, we've talked about it, like forever. You even said you were here just to land the right guy and let him serve you like a queen. We could have gone to almost any college, but we chose this one because it has more cute guys than anywhere else."

Marianella stressed to her to stay focused on what was, doing her best to get her friend out of her funky attitude.

"I know what I said, Nella. It's just Ms. Takiyama made me realize that I need to get an education, even if I did marry some rich guy. It's important for me to be self sufficient and respect myself and others if I want to succeed in life."

"Hello? Are you fucking serious? Where the fuck did that come from. You never thought like

before. I'll have to go and talk to that bitch and put it to her straight myself, if you're going to act like this. No way I'm going to waste four years in this place, studying shit I couldn't give a flying fuck about, and I'm not going to let you either. Deb will be here in a minute, as soon as she finishes changing. I'm telling her what I just heard and she'll tell you the same thing."

Marianella was incensed at the thought of actually doing school work and having her party schedule ruined. It went without saying the three princesses had the attitude that unless you were from their side of the street, you were trash. Michelle was beginning to see that they were wrong and a need to change was due.

"Maybe you should talk to Ms. Takiyama. I bet after an hour being with her, your attitude will change too. I'm understanding what she's been telling me and I have to agree with her."

Moments later the door opened and Deborah flounced in and plopped down beside Michelle.

"Hey Baby, why the long face? And why haven't we got those coolers on ice yet? Nella, open one for me, will you, I'm dying of thirst and I need a buzz to wipe the bullshit of today away."

Deborah said, flopping back on Michelle's bed with a pillow behind her.

"Deb, you are not going to believe what Mick just said to me. You want to tell her, or should I? Awww fuck it, I'll tell her. Mick here wants to actually get an education and that fucking bitch, Madame Slant Eye has her convinced she needs one. Can you believe it?"

Marianella told her while passing an open cooler to her and then taking one for herself. Deb sat up and looked at her friend after taking a large swallow.

"No way. You want an education? What happened to partying 24/7 and getting the cutest guys? You're joking right?"

Deborah was in disbelief too at what she was hearing from her friend.


"It's true. I realize I'm wasting my life just partying and waiting for Mr. Right to come along. Have you two ever thought about the possibility that we might just not get guys? What are you going to do then? I'm not going to live with mommy and daddy forever and I want to know I can make it on my own, without them."

Michelle stated with defiance to them and hoped they understood. She was grasping what Komiko was trying to get across to her and it was making more and more sense to her to change her ways.

"Like that would ever happen. We're the best looking and hottest girls here. Any guy would give his left nut to be with either of us. I mean, we're invited to every bash and have every guy, who's even worth talking about, dying to get in our pants. When I know the right one is interested, I'll let him have a taste and hook his sorry ass for life."

Deborah told Michelle plainly as a matter of fact, making her point known that she was sure of it.

"I told her I'm going to see that fucking gook cunt and put her straight. I'm not letting her ruin my best friend's life. I'm going after classes tomorrow and give it to her proper."

Marianella told Deborah and then looked at Michelle to confirm she was serious. Michelle thought about the outcome.

"Maybe you should go see her Nella. You might come away with a different attitude like I did."

Michelle told her without giving away her thoughts, but knew in her mind she wanted Nella to have a taste of what she had earlier.

"Let's go to my room Deb, and leave Miss Learn-it-all to study. I need to get a glow on and hate the idea of listening to Mick go on about learning and shit."

Marianella and Deborah left with the coolers and Michelle watched them go, knowing better things awaited her tomorrow than teasing more guys with her body. She was going to learn more about pleasure and more importantly, the thrill of having more orgasms. Michelle sat and thought about Marianella going to Komiko's office and saying what she had just said to her. She pictured Komiko using some of the same moves and then getting Nella to submit to her punishment and taking the wind out of her sails. She figured Deborah needed a lesson in that department too, even though she wasn't as stuck up as Marianella was, she needed to know respect. In her reverie of it all, the picture of Nella and Deb, bare-assed and getting spanked, then being subjected to the pleasures of Komiko's tongue and fingers, brought a surge of lust to her loins. She felt herself getting turned on and wetter than she was already.

The sensations she had experienced only two hours ago, were barely fading from her body, but were still strongly sensed in her mind. A smile crept across her face as she continued to think of Nella being spanked for the first time and having her first orgasm like she had. Her fingers slid under the waistband of her rack pants, closing her eyes to the fantasy playing in her mind, as her fingers found new ways to touch herself.

Thursday saw a big difference in the way Michelle attended to her studies. She hung on every word Ms. Takiyama spoke and took notes as well. She felt she was getting a better idea of what the course was about and actually started to get into it. By the end of class, two full pages of notes, as well as her assignment was written down and an outline was prepared. She smiled at herself and waited for the others to leave. Ms. Takiyama smiled as she approached her desk.

"I see our lesson has taught you something Michelle. I'm glad to see you're taking an interest in my class. I hope you're doing as well in your other ones?"

Komiko said it as she rested one of her ass cheeks on the desk beside her. Michelle smiled at her, looking into her dark, brown eyes. She allowed her gaze to trail off and down her teacher's body, taking in how she was dressed. Her eyes fixed on the smooth, muscular tone of her legs and wanted to see her naked again. It wasn't a sexual feeling this time, it was more the admiration of a woman who took excellent care of her body and her mind as well. She was starting to really understand the concept of respect her teacher was trying to get her to believe in.

"I am. I never knew how much I was wasting my life, partying and thinking Mr. Right would come and take care of me. I'm finding I'm really interested in your class and learning about how people have interacted since the beginning."

Michelle was looking in her eyes again, an admiration for Komiko in them. Komiko noticed the admiring looks Michelle was giving her and reached out to caress the side of her face and then gently hold her chin.

"Good for you, Michelle. It does my heart well to see I have helped another lost soul to find her way. I have a meeting right after last class today, but I'd like to see you waiting for me outside my office when I'm done."

"Oh, Ms. Takiyama, I have to tell you something. I was telling my friend Nella about getting an education and well, ah, she's really pissed off at you. She said she was coming to see you and set you straight. I just wanted to let you know so you were prepared."

"Thank you Michelle, for your information. My meeting later today is with Miss Gianncarlo as it turns out. It seems she feels she has some pull with the Dean, because her parents donate money. I guess she has a lesson to learn like you did, and I'm more than happy to teach her. Perhaps you can assist me if I require it."

Komiko gave her a smile and a wink and saw how happy it made Michelle to hear that. Looking around for signs of anyone and finding none, Komiko leaned forward and kissed Michelle tenderly and briefly. Michelle felt herself getting excited at the sensation and reached out to touch her teacher's leg. Komiko placed her hand on top of hers and then gave a gentle squeeze and removed it.

"I'll see you later at my office. And Michelle, don't wear any panties. I feel they might be in the way."

Komiko smiled and winked again, making Michelle giggle.

"Now make sure you have your assignment prepared for next class and if you need any help, let me know. My door is always open."

Michelle got up and collected her books and started to walk away. Komiko gave her ass a playful spank and Michelle turned to look at her with a lust sparkling in her eyes. She wiggled her ass playfully as she left and headed off to study hall.

At four twenty seven, Michelle was dutifully waiting in the outer office as instructed, feeling the cool vinyl of the chair interesting on her bare ass. She had enjoyed the feeling of the fresh air wafting up her short skirt and washing her pussy and ass in a bath of sensuous naughtiness, that she was feeling tempted to go without panties from now on. She was sitting for only a moment, when she heard loud voices coming from within the main office. There was no doubt in her mind as to who she was hearing. It was Marianella using every four letter expletive and curse she knew. Michelle was shocked at first and then knew Ms. Takiyama was letting her vent and waiting for the right moment to strike.

It was only a few minutes more and then there was a sudden break in Nella's tirade. A moment's silence was broken by a renewed screaming at an even higher level and then once more, silence.

"Michelle, please come in here."

Komiko called out loudly, knowing Michelle would be out in the waiting room as ordered.

Michelle opened the door and saw Marianella crying fitfully and struggling, as Komiko held her hands firmly by the wrists.

"Put your books down and come over to me. I need your help in making it clear to Miss Gianncarlo, the importance of getting an education and of course the importance of respect and obedience."

Michelle closed the door and locked it, then went and put her books on a chair across from the desk and stood beside her teacher.

"What would you like me to do, Mistress Komiko?"

Marianella struggled to free her hands, but was held firmly in the teacher's grasp. Michelle knew how strong Komiko was and knew she couldn't escape.

"Seems she is another one who needs to understand respect like you did. Please prepare her the way I did to you."

Michelle went behind her friend and reached around to undo the button on her expensive designer jeans. Marianella stopped struggling for a moment, as she felt it undo, shocked that her best friend was obeying the command.

"What are you doing Mick? You're not going to listen to her are you? I thought you were my friend."

Marianella protested and started to struggle again, but Michelle paid no attention to her friend's protests and continued. She unzipped the fly and then grasped the waistband and pulled it down over her ass. Marianella tried to kick at her, but Michelle blocked her and slid the jeans down to her ankles, trapping her legs, Marianella stopped struggling with her feet and tried her hands again. To no avail were they being released and in a moment of panic, she started to scream out for help, but there was no one to hear, as the office was far enough away from the rest and everyone had cleared out for the day.

"Silly little girl. You think you can dictate to everyone what you want and they will do it. You are going to learn you are no different than the rest of us. Michelle has learned her lesson in respect, haven't you dear?"

"Yes, Mistress Komiko, I have."

"See. It took one lesson for her to understand what I was talking about. If you're as smart, it'll take the same. Michelle remove her panties the way I did to yours."

Michelle remembered how hers had been ripped from her body and grasped the waistband of the tiny thong Marianella wore. In a quick pull, the elastic tore and Michelle held the remnants in her hand.

"Very good dear. Now stuff them into this foul mouthed bitch and silence the garbage she's spewing."

Michelle obeyed without hesitation. She had fantasized about this and now the reality of the event was transpiring. She felt her own lustful urges rising and a dampness growing between her legs. She was eager to see Komiko spank her friends ass and turn it red, then take her friend's pussy and submit her to her first orgasm as well. All this time the three of them had never thought of sexual pleasure, concentrating on the monetary value of life instead and what it brought. Now a new life of sexual joy had been awakened in her and now her friend would be enjoying it as well.

She came forward and as much as Marianella struggled to keep her mouth shut, Michelle pressed her fingers into the jaw joints and Marianella's mouth popped open. In a quick move, the remains of the panties were stuffed into her mouth and muffled silence ensued.

"Now. Michelle, please show Miss Gianncarlo how we learn respect for someone."

Michelle was stunned her teacher wanted her to spank her friend herself. She wasn't sure how to hit or how hard, but didn't want to disappoint her. She stood to one side and brought her hand back and slapped the plump cheek. Marianella winced, but Komiko knew it wasn't hard enough.

"Harder dear. Don't worry about the strength of the hit. Miss Gianncarlo has enough cushion back there."

Michelle brought her hand back again and slapped her friend's ass harder. She watched the waves ripple out and her hand print appear in a dark pink.

"That's it. Now keep going until I tell you to stop."

Marianella sobbed as she felt another slap to her reddening ass. Again and again her ass was defiled by her friend and she sobbed uncontrollably, feeling the heat build in her tender flesh. Michelle smiled, unknown to herself, but was noticed by Komiko, who took delight in knowing her pupil was learning well and enjoying her lessons. Marianella's ass and thighs were darkening in color after each slap and Michelle stayed the course and continued until she was instructed to stop. Komiko released her captive's hands and told her not to move, lest she wanted a further lesson in obedience. She heeded the warning and remained bent over the desk, even though the sharp edge dug into her hips. She didn't try to spit her panties out and lay sobbing on the desktop. Komiko came around and hugged Michelle and looked at the results.

"Is your hand stinging?"

"Yes, it's really warm too."

"Then I suggest you use it to soothe your friend's backside and make it feel better."

Michelle rubbed her hand gently over the areas she punished and saw the wetness in her friend's pussy. She marveled at it and wondered if she had looked the same after her spanking.

"She's very wet back here, Mistress. I think she's like me and enjoyed it."

Michelle relayed her observations, while Marianella stayed motionless as her ass was caressed and soothed, enjoying the relief from the pain.

"Is that true, Marianella?"

Marianella shook her head in refusal to them, even though she could feel the heightened awareness between her legs. She too was unaware of the joys of sexual pleasure and refused to admit to them she was turned on.

"Perhaps you should give her the pleasure I bestowed on you. I think she will change her mind and agree she is enjoying this."

Marianella had no idea what was coming, but her eyes flew open wide in shock as she felt Michelle's finger penetrate her pussy and slowly slide in deep.

"She's soaking wet Ms. Takiyama. I think as wet as I was."

"Good, Use one more finger and make sure they go in deep in her pussy. I want to hear it coming from her and hear how wet she is. I'm sure she will be giving us quite the show shortly."

She pulled the panties out of Marianella's mouth and instead of screams and foulmouthed insults, moans of pleasure erupted and she found herself spreading her legs wider for her friend to have more access to her intimate area. Nothing had prepared her either for the joys of this stimulation and she felt herself succumbing to Michelle's fingers. Komiko was delighted to hear the sucking, wet sounds issue out, as Marianella's pussy reacted very favorably to how Michelle stroked her.