Middle Age Sugar Baby Ch. 02


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I enjoyed the firmness of John's hands as be massaged my feet and calves. He was talented and the relaxation was putting me to sleep. Somewhere, I dozed off.

In the morning I woke to the sunlight glimmering through my window. I was naked in my bed, which was not unusual. I always slept in the nude. However I didn't remember getting undressed the night before. The last thing I remember was dozing off on the couch last night. But there was no time to ponder this mystery; I had to get up to pee. Quickly I got out of bed, grabbed my bathrobe and proceeded to my private bath. I didn't hear John up yet, so I decided to go ahead and jump in the shower.

By the time I showered and dried my hair, John was up in the kitchen making breakfast. I put on my bathrobe and joined him. John was a good cook and enjoyed making breakfast. If we ate at home, I generally made lunch or dinner. As I came out to the kitchen John handed me a cup of coffee. It was a luxury to have a cup of coffee waiting for me when I got up. Shirtless, John was wearing just a pair of sweats and slippers. He was a well-chiseled young man, with just a hint of a six-pack. His hair was wet, and he smelled a bit of Irish Spring, so I assumed he just got out of the shower.

Breaking the silence, John asked, "How did you sleep mom?"

"Oh... great John...I don't even remember going to bed last night."

"Well, you fell asleep pretty early while I was giving you a foot massage. Anyway, sit down for breakfast. Then we will get on our way shopping. I already called Brian and caught him up on your visit. I told him we will be gone all day shopping. He said everything was fine at home."

"You called your step dad?" I asked, rather surprised.

"Yes, I let him know you fell asleep early before you could call him, so I wanted to check in before we hit the road. We talked a little bit. He said he went out to Delaney's with Frank last night. I told him you were doing fine. Anyway, sit down and eat, and I will go lay out your clothes."

He was out of the kitchen before I could protest.

Forty minutes later we were on the road. John explained that we would be spending some time at Great Mall in Milpitas near San Jose. That sounded fine with me- I loved shopping malls. I decided against asking John about how I got to bed, or how I got undressed. Maybe I got ready for bed by myself and don't remember. Or perhaps John took me to bed and undressed me. Either way the topic would be embarrassing.

My son and I spent a lovely Monday shopping. He selected several dresses skirts, tops, and shoes. I was not used to someone selecting my clothes. I never even let hubby pick my clothes, preferring instead to do my own shopping- even for birthdays or holidays. John insisted though and fortunately he had good taste. He selected some conservative outfits I could wear to church as well as some tastefully suggestive outfits I could wear at nightclubs. I am sure we got some strange looks from others as I modeled them for his approval, but I didn't really care.

It was early evening when we got home and I was quite tired from shopping all day.

John carried the bags in the condo and let us in. John bought more than I realized. I gave him a great big hug and thanked him for all my presents. He just smiled and said, "I bet you could use a nice bath. Why don't you go relax in the tub a bit and I will make us something to drink."?

A bath sounded great. I went to my bathroom and started running the water. I loved this bathroom and been admiring the big tub since the first time I saw it. It was standing one level from the floor with a big bay window along the back wall. The other three sides were open to the rest of the bathroom. I found some bubble bath, poured it in and went back to the bedroom to undress. Taking off my jewelry, I placed each item carefully on the dresser. I admired them a bit before removing my clothing and placing them on the bed.

I walked naked back to the bathroom and glanced over at the full-length mirror before approaching the tub. 'I wish I could lose a couple pounds around my hips and tummy', I thought. My boobs had dropped a bit with age, but still looked darn good for 52. Satisfied, I grabbed my book, walked over to the tub, tested the water and lowered my self in.

Moments later I heard John enter my bedroom. There was no door between the bedroom and the bath area, just an open doorway. So John appeared in bathroom without further warning. He was wearing his usual sweatpants, no shirt, and no shoes. "I thought you would like your drink in here mom", he offered.

"Uhmm, thank-you?" Without thinking, I raised my arms to cover my exposed breasts. I was not really sure how to respond to him seeing me naked, but I was genuinely surprised to have him walk in on me.

He came over and sat on the side of the tub.

Glancing down I realized my partially inclined position was not the most flattering. I felt as thought my boobs lay low against the top of my belly and was a little self-conscious for a moment. I tried to sit up a little straighter. John didn't give any indication that he noticed.

"How is your bath mom?" He asked, handing me my glass.

"Just wonderful....umm, Thank-you." I took the wine and gave up the modest attempt at covering my nudity.

John must have noticed, as he offered, "Mom, it's OK, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before."

"No?" I questioned.

"Just last night I undressed you for bed, you didn't act modest then... Why don't you just slide back down a bit and let me wash you," he responded. Then, without waiting for a reply, he grabbed the bath sponge and ran it along my shoulders."

"John, are you sure you should be doing that", I asked, not really sure what to say.

"Why not, just sit back and relax"

'Well, there was one mystery solved', I thought. John had apparently taken me to bed and undressed me last night. I must have been really out of it. The thought was unsettling.

As I sat there thinking about it, I was only vaguely aware of John running the sponge up and down my back. I have to admit I was enjoying it. When he returned to my shoulders I just lay back against the end of the tub and enjoyed the gentle massage my body was experiencing. He ran the sponge down my chest, over and around each of my boobs- lifting each one slightly to reach underneath. Then he drew circles around my belly before dropping down between my legs. I spread them slightly to provide better access. As he washed my laser smooth pussy he just stared expressionless into my eyes. He grabbed one hand at a time to lift each arm, then ran the sponge up and down by arm and around each armpit. Similarly he cleaned one leg at a time, stroking my pussy just momentarily after each leg. I closed my eyes as he passed over the most sensitive areas, not wanting to betray my excitement.

Despite spending several nights with John between this visit and the last one, this was the first erotic moment I had with him. At least it was erotic for me. If John was equally excited, he didn't show it. I just let my body relax as he made his way over every inch of it. I was laying back and soaking it all in when I heard him turn the drain to release the water. I looked up to see him holding a towel with one had and reaching for my arm with the other. He helped me to my feet and I stood naked before him. He helped me out of the tub and began to dry me off.

"Let's get some lotion on you" he announced, breaking the silence. John then began applying the body lotion, first on my arms and back, then over my shoulders, before working his way around front to my chest. I enjoyed his soft bare hands gently rubbing the lotion over my breasts, one at a time. Too soon he moved on and continued down, my belly and then down one leg at a time. He walked me to the bed and motioned for me to lie on my belly. Here I got the most amazing back, leg and foot massage. When he was done, he bent over and kissed me on the cheek and said good night before leaving the room.

I lay on the bed relaxing for a moment before rolling over. Now on my back I caressed both breasts simultaneously with my hands. Closing my eyes I encircled each areola with my index finger. I had large pink areola that blended gently to my light skin. I loved to have fingers run very lightly over them. My nipples were very large and protruding. I loved to have then sucked, but would have to settle for pinching them with my finger and thumb, rubbing back and forth for greater stimulation. I reach my left hand between my thighs, raising and spreading my knees to provide better access to my pussy. I played with my labia using my index and middle finger for a few moments before moving to my clit. My juices were already flowing when I began pressing on my clit with my middle finger.

My first orgasm was beginning to develop as I continued circling my clit with my finger. I arched my head back, trying to enjoy myself without being too loud. My thoughts were of John and I imagined him pleasuring me as I began to orgasm. I needed to be filled, but I would have to settle for being teased. John was good at teasing me, but I needed more than that. I played more vigorously, arching my back in response to the rushing feeling pulsing through me. It was over too soon, but I settled down, lying there with my fingers in my wet pussy for several minutes. I looked over at the open door and noticed a light in the distance- but there was no indication that John was still up.

I had only one day remaining before I had to return to Georgia and I remained very conflicted. I liked John, he seemed like a nice young man. He was also great eye candy, and the thought of a sexual adventure with him was stimulating. But he seemed to tease a lot around the edges, leaving my sexually frustrated. I had to remind myself that he was in control and this was his fantasy, not mine.

John again had my clothes laid out for me. Though it was a little cool this time of year in the bay, John selected a black sleeveless silk dress with a high-low hem. The selection coupled with my high heels highlighted my long legs and looked rather elegant. He laid out a bra, but no panties. I assumed it was not an oversight and went along without. John was dressed in business casual.

This was my first day of seeing the city. I always wanted to ride the cable cars and thoroughly enjoyed our ride down to Fisherman's Wharf.

I am not one for seafood, so we made our way around the bakeries instead; sampling some of my favorites and a few items I had never tried before. But the highlight of my day was our visit to the Aquarium of the Bay. There will be many things for me to see and do in future visits, but I thoroughly enjoyed the hours we spent in the aquarium and John was a doll to be so patient with me.

Throughout the day, much like yesterday, we walked arm in arm. John always made a point of referring to me as mom, so as to leave no doubt in anyone's mind that he was out with his mother. It was a great day overall, but I was still anxious to make it back to the condo and spend some alone time with John. In two visits with John, we had spent six nights together. However, with the exception of some painful teasing last night, he did not make any sexual advances on me. I knew I wanted him to.

We returned to the condo just before 7pm. It was hard to believe that my visit was near its end. As anxious as I was to see hubby again, I also wanted desperately to see where John was taking our relationship.

"John, are straight?" I asked, hoping to steer the conversation in the right direction.

John chuckled a bit, "Yes mom, why do you ask such a thing?"

"Well, it is OK if you are", I asked, pausing to see what reaction I would get. He moved over to the couch where I was sitting and sat down beside me. Seeing no intention on his part to respond, I continued: "I guess because you don't seem to have had any relationships since you have been here in San Francisco...at least you haven't talked about any."

"Oh, I guess I have had a few, nothing long-term really. Most of my friendships are those associated with either the firm, or with the church," he offered.

"But nothing romantic really", I countered.

"Mom, where are you going with this? What are you concerned about?"

God, he was being terribly evasive. I was becoming very confused as to what he really wanted with our relationship...or agreement. Determined to stay in the 'role' and still find out where he was going, I probed some more. "John, do think I am attractive", I inquired.

"Yes, mom, you are a very beautiful lady. That is one of the reasons I enjoy buying nice things for you to wear...that, and because you appreciate them".

"Yes, John, I really do appreciate those things...it's just that...well... You have undressed me...and last night, you bathed me and massaged me- very erotically. But you have shown no erotic interest in me."

"John stood up quickly, looking genuinely surprised. Of course not mom, you're my mother after all, why would I...I mean why would you want me to."

Wow, I did not expect this. Thinking out of character, I considered for a moment how I could possibly have misread his intention. In the Sugar Daddy agreement, he specifically indicated that I should be prepared for a sexual component to our relationship. Perhaps this was part of the role-play. Did he want to stretch this out even further, claiming some sort of righteous indignation, only to be slowly drawn into some sort of incestuous relationship later? I was truly confused...and frustrated- sexually frustrated actually. But instead of speaking, I sat there staring at him waiting for him to continue.

"Mom, I actually understand what is going on here. You are a wonderful person, and I love you. You have taken care of me and I truly appreciate that. But you have an obsession with sex."

He paused to see my reaction, but getting none he continued. "Look, I know more than you think I know about your lifestyle. Brian and I have talked about this. You are a very sexual person and so is he. Mom, there is really nothing wrong with that. But it is important to channel that sexuality in the right direction."

"What exactly have you and Brian talked about?" I inquired, truly curious now.

Ignoring my question, he continued. Mom, the people that you met at church are not unlike you and Brian...or at least they were at one time. Sandy would have indiscriminate sex with complete strangers all the time. However her erotic needs are now met within the context of healthy loving relationships. You will find out about these things in future visits. Perhaps Brian will join us at some point as well, he expressed a willingness to do so.

"Is that what this 'church' is all about?" I interrupted. I actually had dozens of questions, but I was trying to process what I was hearing.

"It is more complicated than that mom," he continued. "But yes, the parents you saw there have similar sex drives as you and Brian do. The children...my generation...have a much more balanced outlook. But more to the point, we help our parents channel their desires in a more suitable way. You will come to understand more as you spend more time here. Listen, we have had a wonderful time together, and I know you have enjoyed your visit. This is a lot to take in, but I promise you, you have some amazing, safe experiences in front of you. You have to trust me and let me direct you on this journey."

I looked at John, rather surprised by this turn of events. 'God, what a body that boy has', I thought. Truthfully, I just wanted him to fuck me. That did not seem likely, certainly not on this trip, and perhaps never. Now I was not really sure where this adventure was going, but two things I realized. First, Brian and I were going to fuck like crazy when I got back home. And Second, I was going to come back and see where this crazy adventure was going to take me (and perhaps Brian as well).

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26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

The whore doubles down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I was having a very erotic dream about John fucking me hard!

As I woke up, and came to my senses, I quickly realized it was not a dream at all, John was fucking me! I didn't know what to do, if I should say something, or pretend to still be sleeping? John's cock felt amazing thrusting into my pussy, and before I could make a decision, I started to moan out loud. John picked up the tempo, and before I knew it, I was coming. My son continued pounding my pussy, pounding into me even harder than before. I wanted to speak, but all I could do was continue moaning as John kept on fucking me. He was breathing hard, but seemed like he wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. I came for a second time, and my son began pounding into my pussy with urgent speed. As he emptied his balls into me, the hard streams of his cum against the bottom of my pussy caused yet another climax!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
why have you not completed this story?

you need to finish this its so good!

Reindeer58Reindeer58over 10 years ago

They both weird me out. Her for putting up with it and him for just plain weirdness. Hubby needs to break the agreement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Your style,the pace,the storyline. Got me hooked....where to next ?

Thanks Don

northlandernorthlanderover 10 years ago
Wierder and wierder

Run like hell, John is a walking time bomb.

njlaurennjlaurenover 10 years ago
One niggling point

The story says she and hubby been married 35 years..but she is 52.I realize some people,marry pretty young but usually someone who marries at 17 would not end up educated and sophisticated as the story says.Prob would work better at 25 yrs.

Wicketklown001Wicketklown001over 10 years ago

I'm beginning to question John's sanity, he and this church are giving off serious cult like vibes in my opinion. I wonder if he's "in character" or if he's mentally unstable and believes she's his mother. If he's just "in character" then it's likely he needed a mother figure to advance his position in this church and is planning a more permanent role for his "mom" in the long run. All in all he's exceptionally creepy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A curious tale

Here is a strange setup. Cross the country first class to pretend to be mother? He does not want a sexual relationship but she does. Please tell us more.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 10 years ago
Slow in developing but . . .

. . . a most interesting reading adventure. If it continues this path it will be the greatest tease of all time. I do have the thought, expectation, hope maybe, that the future holds some flames to go along with the developing embers. I will keep reading for a while to see where we are going.

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