Midnight's Daughter


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I picked the contraption up, and fumbled at it, and managed to answer on the second attempt.

"Hey, babe," I said.

"Hey, you. I was walking down the Via Clavature - you know there's a bookshop there, right?"

"Mhmm?" I said, turning so that I could stare out over over the snow-crusted rooftops of Bologna. I twirled my ankles, pointed my toes, enjoying the feeling of my muscles unclenching. "Libreria Nanni; I know it..."

"I thought you might. So... I saw a book in the window - a new one, and it made me think of you. I sent you a picture, you really should be better at reading your messages, my love."

I snorted. "I'm busy," I said. "I'm writing. You know, so I have a job, so I have money to pay for my upkeep..."

She laughed. "Are you still going on about that?"

I smiled. "Of course. It is a convenient stick to poke you with, my silly donkey."

She laughed more loudly.

"Donkey, is it? Ass. Read your messages, you wilful and disobedient girl," she said.

"Oh in Selene's name... all right, all right. Hang on..."

I poked and prodded at the still-sometimes-confusing device, and opened my chat with her.

And stared.

"Oh. Oh... it's finally there. Finally!"

"Congratulations, my love! I've bought us some wine, tonight we're celebrating."

"Okay," I laughed. "If you insist. I hope it's..."

"Villa Elisa. Yes. Of course it is. Anyway... there's nothing else, I just wanted to phone you and hear your voice and show you this. I'm so proud of you. I love you forever, my goddess. Class finishes in in an hour and then I'll head home."

"I will be waiting. I will always be waiting. I love you."

"I love you too."

And she hung up.

I leaned back into my chair and stared at the photo - my grinning lover's bright, wide-eyed smile, dramatic thumbs up, and next to her in the bookshop's window - my book.

The Queen and the River's Daughter... by Isea di Lago.

Fictional, of course.

Well... mostly.

I honestly would never have thought that the store of history locked up in my memories would be of any interest to anyone.

But Daniella... and Bettina, and Maria, and Marco, and their families had all been fascinated by the things I could tell them of their home.

And they'd all nagged and badgered me, my lover most of all, and made me write - sometimes bullying, sometimes bribing, but always with love in their hearts.

And - so strangely, but just as my partner had told me - people seemed to want to read my stories. First they'd merely been "online" on the strange ghostly space Daniella called the Internet - posted up for all to see and for some to donate towards.

But then I'd been contacted by an agent in Turin who'd seen something in what I was writing, and who had linked me to the publisher who went on to commission my first complete tale.

And now - as Daniella had so laughingly predicted all those months ago - I was working on a second.

I glanced around - at our small, cramped but cosy apartment that we'd somehow manage to scrounge together.

A photo of the waxing moon over Lake Iseo hung in my writing corner.

Pebbles from the lake shores acted as book-ends on my bookshelf.

The shards of my heart stone stood in a little carved box that Daniella had found for me at some strange alley market...

And my pomegranate tree stood in a carefully-insulated corner; the sparse remaining winter leaves dark and waxy as the life within hibernated in hope of the warmth of spring.

I sighed, content.

I'd never needed much; I just needed a bit more these days than I had used to.

But with my lover, I had all I wanted. She held me at night, and kept me warm, and between her tutoring and my writing we fed ourselves and had enough to put a little away as well.

She would be home soon.

The heat was already building within me.

I would take her in my arms, and kiss her, and strip her and make love to her.

And then, only then, would I permit her to feed me.

I smiled.

Outside, the sun was setting somewhere behind the blanket of clouds.

Soon, my mother would rise and cast her gaze over the foaming sea high above us.

I would stand by the window and stare up at her hidden face, then raise my arms in praise as I always did. She would not answer, but I did not care, I would never stop singing my song of praise.

And then, finally, I would return to the embrace of my lover's arms.

It was bittersweet, this human life - full of small victories and great setbacks.

But for all that I would not change my choice.

I had succeeded where my poor, tragic sister had not.

I had Daniella, and her love.

I had my freedom, and the years that were left to me.

And they would be blessed.

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AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

I really enjoyed this story. It's deeply interesting to me to read stories that are based in or contain the old stories of the ancient gods and all of their history. Fascinating subject. And I really loved Isea. And of course the fiery Dani.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Oh my. What a delightful story that I deeply resonated with. Though old now, I am forever a child of the Green Man as Orpheus/Dionysus who reigned before the Greek philosophers, before the Empires of Alexander and Rome, and before the emergence of Christianity into the river of Time. That was the “elder time” when people’s temples were sacred groves and rings of standing stones beneath the skies of the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Your descriptions were exquisite of how Naiade Isea literally lived inside of and palpably felt her native realm of water, connected to its movement above and below the surface and to all living things fed by that water. The outer world came and went, but her inner world was a constant filled with aliveness. She was lonely but content until she encountered lovely Daniella who was thoroughly innocent and authentic to the extent she captured Isea’s long dormant heart. The Sapphic passion was palpable on both sides as each slowly allowed their souls to merge with the other which resulted in the ultimate tragic dilemma: a “true love” where one is quasi-immortal and the other is mortal. But love found a way with the blessing of Isea’s “mother” Selene.

The solution was similar to the ending of the Lord of the Rings trilogy when Elven Princess Arwen, against the wishes of her father Elven Lord Elrond, forsook her elven immortality to wed her true love, the newly crowned but human King Aragorn. A poignant but lovely resolution.

sapphicsentimentssapphicsentiments26 days ago

And now I’m crying 🥹

FrenchTomcatFrenchTomcat3 months ago

Lovely story. I liked how you slowly instilled the supernatural aspects.

And you always manage to tie up your tales with a satisfying ending. Thanks!

turbo_geoduckturbo_geoduck3 months ago

My new favorite story, right along side with The Tennis Star. Actually, this one nudges past it.

This is a true masterpiece! Not just for this site, but in general. You have a true and special gift!

My only question is, whatever happened to her Roman coins and such?

lexstrokerlexstroker3 months ago

Incredible. One of the most creative stories I’ve read on here. One of the sites all time greatest!

FriendRonFriendRon3 months ago

So wonderful. I think you are my favorite author and I thank you for your gift.

CaughtthedragonCaughtthedragon4 months ago

I wish I could forget all your stories so I could read them again for the first time

Ben_Jack5120Ben_Jack51204 months ago

this is so beautiful and heartwarming to read!! I loved every second of it!! thank you!!

jwsomrvljwsomrvl4 months ago

Thank you! This is an amazing storey. You are a very brilliant writer! I think I'm going to read all of your stories - but I need to rake some time off to live.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


Also my second story of Wanda's...and I share your feelings exactly.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Oh, who is kidding themself?

This isn't Erotica.

This is Exotica.

This is Great Writing.

My only wish is that instead of Isea breaking her heartstone...Daniella could have found one for herself and joined her in renewing her Vitality, going on together.

We need all the Naiads we can get.

LiberalMindsLiberalMinds5 months ago

I’m relly not into stories with supernatural elements. But how the story evolves, Wanda, really hit me as beautiful and utterly romantic. Isea’s ultimate sacrifice, becoming mortal, must be the ultimate expression of love.

Delta411Delta4115 months ago

If i could i would give 10 Stars for this…. I loved it

LrtikagraphLrtikagraph5 months ago

Magnificent. Brilliantly imagined. Totally creative. Beautiful. Thank you.

Christie_AnnChristie_Ann5 months ago

This is the second of your works that I have read and once again I cried and smiled and cried some more. A beautiful story that held me until the last words......thank you

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


UncertainTUncertainT5 months ago

Such a strong story, I was totally engaged.

Runner4069Runner40695 months ago

It's a beautiful tale, not a genre I would normally ever read(fantasy/sci-fi) but it's so well written I'm glad I did. Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

How lovely! I stopped reading on page 2 when I realised the nature of Isea but returned once I had read the rest of your stories. I love your work, though it does tend to make me cry. Thank you

nogravynogravy5 months ago

Very whimsical and beautiful. Excellent!

BladdddddddBladddddddd5 months ago

You keep making me cry. Thank you

Cor007Cor0075 months ago

Wow, touching story. Thank you!

pope32767pope327675 months ago

Iron that pierces, fire that burns: mortal love that ends in death. So beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A wonderful story, there was so much emotion for the reader to deal with. I even had misty eyes a few times. Beautiful.

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