Mike & Karen Ch. 16


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*she begins scanning through the available material* "Alllllllrighty, lessee here ... and I promise to not dox anyone by giving out real names, but if you recognize your review, holla!"

"Okey-dokey-lokey," she said finally, finding one that seemed to suit. "Dear Mister Hammer ..."

She stopped to giggle, her hand over her mouth. "That's so cute, I love it!"

"Dear Mister Hammer," she started again, reading away. "Big fan of the series, first-time reviewer. I must say I love all your characters, but I'm really falling for Jeanie."

*she turns and looks at the reader smiling warmly* "Well thank you. I know someone who gettin' a beej tonight ..."

"She may be a dimtwit... oh, true dat, I am so very not the sharpest bulb in the drawer... but I find her so pure-hearted and endearing, that I can't help but decide she's one of my three favourite characters in the series!"

*Jeanie spins in the chair for several moments, squealing giddily*

"Ahem... I really hope you have a happy ending planned for her and Freja, because they deserve it, even if they're both insane. Jeanie, the airhead with a heart of gold, and Freja, the crazy foreigner who can't say no. They're a great power couple, even if they aren't on the same level yet as Mike and Karen, or even Alex and Alexa."

Jeanie looked up at the reader. "Hey, it's good to have goals, right? Perfection is a road, not a destination. I think Jesus said that? Or was it Napoleon?"

Making a mental note to ask Alex or Mike later, she pressed on with her narration. "My only criticism is that your early stuff has a lot of typos and grammatical errors, no doubt due to not thoroughly checking your work before submitting."

"Hah," she scoffed. "Y'got that right, Jack. Before he got his editor-slash-proofreader, the only person who knew wtf he was saying was me. Howzat for sad? Really, he's just kinda lazy, I guess. He works in TV and movies on his off-hours, so he hasn't got a lot of energy left for when he's done writing our stuff, y'know?"

"Back to reading," she said, resting her chin on her hand as she scanned the review. "But your editing has gotten a lot better recently, so you're either paying more attention, or got someone working for you to make sure you pass mustard."

Jeanie paused and seemed lost in thought. "I never understood what mustard had to do with anything. I'm kinda a ketchup girl myself. And we all know Fre loves pickles."

"Yeah, she relishes these reviews!" called Alex from off-screen.

"DeBourne, y'know I'm not gonna get your dry little puns, so just mind your own dicky beeswax," Jeanie sighed, shaking her head. "Where was I? Oh yeah! This is a fantastic series, and you weave an excellent tale, good sir. I hope you find the time to make sure it never ends!"

"Oh, that was so nice," she said cheerfully, closing down the review on her screen. "Plenty of valid praise, but also constitutive criticism. That's what authors need, not troll flames. Some of my gf's in other authors' stories tell me about what they put up with, and I feel bad for 'em, y'know? We have great readers ..."

"Okies, lessee if we can find a negative one," she mused, scrolling. "Here we go! I only have one major complaint. I love this series, and I love how you write, but Alexa is a slut, and I hate her!"

"Hey, now," Jeanie protested, looking at the reader and making a wry face. "Firsties, Lexi isn't necessarily a slut, tyvm! And even if she is, so what? You're not complaining if Alex or Mike fuck every girl in sight, but a girl has a past and you think it's okay to slut-shame her? Not cool, my dude."

She went back to reading. "If she really loved Alex, she never would've done those things she did when she was growing up. Alex deserves a faithful wife who give her love only to him."

Jeanie looked at the screen again. "Kenny? Is that you? Are you reviewing our stories from prison? This sounds like more of your incel bullshit to me. Say hi to your cellmate Beefy Steve for us, you buttery little cornhole bitch."

She resumed scanning the review. "Wow, he's been reading for a while; this is from early in Alex And Alexa. Kinda creepy to wonder if this really is Kenny. And least he's hatin' on Lexi and not me for a change. Not that Lexi deserves it. Uhhhh, yaddaa yaddda yadda ... sluts don't deserve good men ..."

*she closes the review and just shakes her head* "Let's have some real fun and check in with some PMs that Daddy has received, okay?"

"Here's one from someone whose Lit name includes the word 'kitten'. I'm gonna assume it's a woman, so let's see what she has to say, hm? Hi. I love your stories, and not just this one. I'm a big fan of My Naughty Neighbour as well."

Jeanie smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I love that one too, because Lynn's like me and Fre, she's got a bit of a pee fetish. It'd be really hot if her, Fre and me got together, scissored all our legs together and peed on each other's cunts, wouldn't it?"

She resumed reading, but one of her hands had conspicuously slipped beneath the desk. "As a matter of fact, the girls in Sapphic Serenity like to pee together as well ... thinking about all these girls pissing on each other ... it makes me so hot ..."

Jeanie looked at the reader again, her eyes heavily lidded and her face getting flushed. Her arm was still moving behind the desk. "You'n me both, kitten. You'n me both ..."

Back to reading. "I really loved it when you had that first four-way between Alexa Freja Jeanie and Alex. I thought it was so hot ... I wish I'd seen Jeanie and Frejas wedding night, because I'll bet they fucked their cunts together all night long and then-"

"Gnnnnnnn!" Jeanie moaned loudly, leaning back in her chair and working her pussy furiously, arching her spine and finally cumming very loudly.

"Woo! Ten for shamelessness!" Alexa called from the sidelines.

"Oh, get bent, you slut," Jeanie said breathlessly, looking at the ceiling. "This kitten person really knows how to push my buttons. Hooooo ..."

She sat up and sucked her fingers and hand clean before resuming reading. "Alrighty ... uh ... here we are! You write such sensual scenes with women, and I can't wait to read more about the ladies getting their freak on. Well, I guess it's what we do best, right? It's a pity you can't all find out about what Fre and Lexi got up to in Europe together, because they weren't eighteen yet. Or me, for that matter. I was a naughty li'l girl."

She shuffled through some more PMs, until she found one that she thought would suit. "Okay, this one is titled 'The problem with your characters'. That looks promising for a negative response. Let's take a boo ..."

Jeanie made a wry face. "I ... already told you Alexa was a whore and that she doesn't deserve Alex ..."

"Kenny?" she wondered aloud. "Did you do this?"

She went back to reading. "All your women are sluts, but Alexa's the worst. Any woman who admits she took two cocks in her cunt at once is a degenerate whore. She doesn't deserve any decent man, and nothing good should happen to her! If I could I would tie her down in a chair and fling acid in-"

*Jeanie pauses and puts her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide*

"Dude, how're you gonna do that to her if you've just melted her face off with acid?!" the brunette exclaimed in horror and outrage. "I love my Lexi's face, don't you dare! You need a hug from your mommy, and to get a little more vitamin D. Get some sun and fresh air or something!"

"I think we've had enough of Kenny Redux," she said finally, pushing her laptop away. "And that's enough of reviews for now, because that last one kinda killed the mood. Lemme just say a few quick things about this chapter you just read."

She drew a deep breath, as if trying to remember everything she had to say.

"Yeah, a lot happened, but this was a big transition chapter, both in the present, and those flashbacky thingies. And maybe it felt a little bit ... oh, what's the word?"

"Disjointed, Jeanie," Karen called from off-screen.

"Uh, okay. Maybe it all felt a little 'disjointed,' to quote Lady Prof. But every single thing that happened is setting up something in a chapter coming soon. I kinda know some of what's comin' 'round the bend, and I'm looking forward to it. Also, 2020 is pretty much dedicated to catching up our story here in the Alexaverse, so all the other big stories are on hiatus for now, except Time Rider, with the quick arc about poor Becky trying to teach Nanu how to live like someone from our time."

She giggled. "I love Nanu, she's so silly! Anyhoo, the author now has plenty of time to write, since the entire movie industry is shutting down to deal with the covidium-19 crisis, and he's hoping to get a lot of catching up done. I guess I'll wrap up here, and I wish you all a very safe 2020. Be careful, and wash your damn hands, people!"

Jeanie blew a kiss for the camera and then sighed, hanging her head and shaking it, brown curls spilling everywhere.

"Whoa ... that was tougher'n I thought it would be."

"You did fine, yndling," Freja said as she walked out onto the screen and stood beside the desk, smiling down at her wife. "I ams the proud of you. It was your idea, and you did so very well."

"Thanks," Jeane replied as she took Freja's hand and stood up, revealing that she was once again naked down below. If she was aware of the readers seeing her pussy again, she simply didn't care. "Glad it'll be someone else's turn next time we try to do this."

"And I wish them the best, Jeanette," Freja said softly. "You have set the bar so very high for them."

"So," Jeanie mused as they walked off the screen and the lights dimmed. "Wanna take that kitten person's advice and go pee all over one another's cunts in the bathroom?"

"I was thinking you might never ask," Freja answered, making her wife giggle.


"Hello?" called out a young male voice, echoing through the scene. "Anyone here?"

The head of a young Asian man, probably in his early twenties, poked around the corner of the screen, looking to see who was left. "Hello? I ... I'm a new addition to the cast and I was told there was a meeting?"

He walked out into the darkened scene, looking around uncertainly. "I mean, not yet-yet, but with all the additional measures happening at airports now, the author thought it might be prudent for me to- WAAAAAKKKKKKKK!!!!"

His legs flew out from under him as he stepped on and rolled off Jeanie's neglected Bad Dragon dildo, still lying on the ground. He came down with a thunderous crash behind the desk, and an eerie silence followed, interrupted only by the sound of the alien-looking monster dildo rolling across the floor. All that was visible of the visitor was a pair of feet in smart black shoes, twitching occasionally.

"This ... isn't going to be a good story for me ..." he rasped in the darkness.



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Rapier875Rapier875about 2 years ago

At first it didn't bother me, but the constant back and forth over time is really getting to me.

Just as you get used to one time period we're suddenly in another one.

And the shortening of Karen to Kar is really annoying.

I appreciate it's your story, but from the readers perspective some things just grate after a while.

Nevertheless, I love the main storyline !


josenussbaumjosenussbaumover 2 years ago

Why I don't like Alexa/Karen sex:

I don't mind they are sisters, or the age difference. I hate that alexa is cheating on alex. The real true love between them would forbid that, Especially since Karen is Alex's mother, and he never apparently developed a oedipus complex.

Also Alex agrees to their sex apparently because his father didnt mind.

Seeing alexa being more lesbian than hetero and fucking every girl/woman available I think she's a slut, and also manipulating alexwho becomes really submissive at times.

I prefer karen and mike, although karen manipulates mike (c'mon, until 8pm in a cloth shop, that was ridiculous...she always gets what she wants) It makes mike seem submissive (almost as much as alex)

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

Good chapter, 5 stars. Nicely done with that authors note at the end xD.

I’ve finally managed to properly put into words the reasons I’m against the Karen and Alexa relationship.

I have nothing against two sisters having sex/being in love. What makes it weird for me is when the one sister is deeply and irrevocably in love with the other sisters son but is still having sex with her sister. The second part that’s weird is that the two sisters are if such a big age gap. Karen has held Alexa in her arms when Alexa was just a baby and Karen was already grown up. Imagine if Karen had had sex with Alexa then, it would be considered pedophilic. Now Karen is like around 40/50 or so and she is having sex with her 19 year old sister. Her 19 year old sister who just happens to be in love and married in a way to her 18 year old son.

So yeah that’s the issue I have lol. It’s nothing against two sisters being in love or having sex etc. Its due mostly(like 75%) to the fact that she is having sex with her sister who’s married already and not to anyone but her own son. The other (25%) squeamishness or whatever is because of such a massive and drastic age gap between them.

Anyway yeah just thought I’d share my reasonings behind my distaste towards Karen and Alexa being sexually involved with another.

Anyway wanted to say I’m happy to see an Indian character. Being Indian myself it was cool to have some representation! However I’m hoping Tanuja if I’m remembering her name correctly doesn’t become involved sexually with Alex and Alexa. It’s what makes me dread the addition of new female characters to be honest. Since they all seem to end up fucking Alexa or Alex or both of them at some point.

Jordan is one of my favorite additions along with Grace and Alastair…

Onto the next chapter I go.

SAV12SAV12about 4 years ago


rnebularrnebularabout 4 years ago
Love it but...

I have and still do love all of the AlexaVerse, but I have to say I am dying to hear more about how Mike and Karen finally bridge the gap between each other. I understand that it's building, it just seems like we get more about the family now, and only tidbits of their history, those chapter showing that Karen still has an fwb with Lisa and Mike is still impaling Janet. This chapter there was no flashback that included them together, so naturally I have to hope the next one will have more of their earlier interactions, pre-Alex. I guess I just need to be more patient??

I really loved the creative Jeanie ending, and continue to love this cast of characters. I will anxiously aware the next installment.


FoggyKernelFoggyKernelabout 4 years ago

Now I am wondering how the story is going to go from here. Karen and Alexa back in their ancestral seat (I wonder if Karen will show Alexa all the secret places she's got her groove on there). I am really, really looking forward to seeing where Karen and Mike finally get a clue about each other.

One of the funniest parts was when Mike had a epiphany after face painting (Lisa?). I have had relatable experiences where a problem's solution suddenly crystalizes while in the act of coitus, hard problems (pun intended) are usually more solvable that way.

I am sorry, we didn't get more details from the girls night (or even a little sister-sister action the next morning) but I feel confident you will make it up to us. I have no complaints to date.

Keep safe and wash your hands....

MunsonManMunsonManabout 4 years ago
Don't spare the details!

Didn't realize that you had posted another chapter. Good show! I was a little miffed at the comment that you spend too much time on details and not enough on the story. That makes no sense to me. All of that splendid detail and sub-plot just adds to the mythology of the Alexaverse. Speaking of which-- Mike was in the military? That's gotta be good for at least two chapters! Also looking forward to see how Jerry gets his comeuppance. Have Alexa, Fre and Jeannie do it. I want to see him whine like a little bitch.

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94about 4 years ago
Still love this series

It's been awhile since there was an update. I know I can't ask for too much considering what you have given so far. But I hope we see alot more of this story going forward. Especially more about Mike & Karen's college years, love the updates about Alex and Alexa, was nice to see the face a little backlash. Everything seemed to be going to perfectly for them and the negatives were being fielded by his parents. Keep up the great work, looking forward to more.

TopazThornTopazThornabout 4 years ago
Great as always

As always I love your story, I believe it progressed nicely . The authors not at the end I think was particularly clever and made for an nice change. Thank you looking forward to the next chapter.

MkalfredmcMkalfredmcabout 4 years ago

As always, I really enjoyed the story, and I thought that the author’s note was particularly clever. Jeanie is always a hoot.

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