Mike & Karen Ch. 21


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Finally the blonde giggled.

"We are not very good at this whole 'getting clean' thing, are we?" she quipped, wiggling against Karen.

Karen smiled at her and shrugged. "How many times did we go to class not actually clean because we got in the shower and ended up fucking instead of getting the night's excesses off our skin?"

"Not enough," Jenny purred, kissing her again, their tongues wrestling in their mouths. She shuffled and squirmed around until they were sitting into one another, legs wrapped each other's waist. Their ample breasts squashed together and their pussies slithered into an erotic union while they kissed and fondled.

And then the water began to cool, indicating that it might be time for them to actually shower. Giggling, they shimmied up the walls together, trying not to slip and break their cute bottoms in a tumble. They somehow conjured the willpower to clean themselves (and each other) before exiting the stall, laughing and giggling as they wrapped towels around their gloriously wet and naked bodies. A mad dash down the hall to Karen's room followed, and Karen leaned against the door, closing it behind them after they tumbled in.

"Kat, we are so bad!" Jenny breathed, her hand against her chest, elated with their misbehaviour.

"Odd, I don't recall this being a problem for you before," Karen mused, smirking at her friend before standing and shedding her towel. They could have used her plush robes, of course, but coming back to her room wearing only towels was much more naughty. It almost constituted streaking, or at least felt that way. Jenny made everything feel naughty. "You haven't gone soft on me, have you?"

"Do these feel soft to you?" Jenny purred, coming up to her and rubbing her tits against Karen's before turning around and undulating her ass against her lover's hips and pussy. "How about this?"

"That's cheating and you know it, you royal harlot," Karen quipped, making Jenny giggle again. "But, now that I have you back here, I should warn you that we are doubtless going to be interrupted if we try to misbehave. The girls have by no means had enough of your charming self, and that means they'll be prowling."

Jenny considered. "So do we crawl into bed and fuck for however long it takes until they catch us?"

Karen snickered, causing Jenny to squeal in delight, since it happened so rarely, and she loved being the cause of it. Karen shook her head. "I have been caught by them on more than a few occasions."

"That does put a damper on any plans I have for letting you fuck me stupid constantly, if it were to traumatize them," Jenny admitted. "Should we just read the Bible until their inevitable arrival?"

Karen smirked. "I don't know which would burst into flames quicker, my Bible from you opening it, or you from touching it. Either way, I do not care for the mess I'd be left to clean up. What does one use to cancel out the odour of crispy patrician harlot? Is it patchouli?"

"Gods, I hope not, I hate that smell," the blonde replied, wrinkling her nose. "Let's let the girls find us going at it and then see who can tell more embarrassing stories about the other, you or myself."

Karen considered. "I suppose Mona would forgive us for traumatizing her, if we agree to pose for her later."

Jenny smirked and stood now, standing close to Karen, their nipples gently kissing. "So you're saying we have time for have time for a quick shag, my love?"

The bronze-haired girl rolled her eyes. Jenny knew that Karen despised that term. "Do I ever say no to you, you incorrigible wench?" she replied as they tumbled onto the bed, giggling, kissing, and fondling.

It was like they'd never been apart.


The present: the Hotel Arquero, First Street, downtown Napa...

Karen sighed as she relaxed in the hot tub, sitting next to her young sister. Alexa seemed similarly soothed after a very busy day that had begun with last-minute preparations for an impromptu trip to California on a private family jet she hadn't known about. And the day had only been made longer by gaining three hours in heading west.

"Mmmm, and to think that the house back in Kleinburg only had one hot tub," the blonde girl murmured, her head resting against a cushioned headrest while she stared through the steam at the ceiling. Her large breasts just broke the surface of the water, like her sister's did. "And before that, I never had one at all."

Karen turned her head slightly, looking at Alexa curiously. "Mom never had a Jacuzzi in any of the places you lived? Anywhere? That does not sound like her in the least. She was as big a whore for Jacuzzis as the two of us, easily."

Alexa shrugged her shoulders, but only barely. "Meh, we had access to them, we just never owned one. Mom usually knew someone who owned one, which guaranteed us access. You know mom and her charms."

Karen smiled. "I only saw mom's bohemian side rarely, and usually when dad wasn't around. I bet she would seem like almost a completely different person to me when she was living over there with you."

The blonde nodded. "Her patrician side came through in some ways, sure, but I think she needed to be someone else, y'know? The Miranda Gordon she might've been if she hadn't married dad and had all those obligations."

"Must have been a sight to behold."

Now Alexa smiled. "I think her libertine side came out, the one you get to express when we're not around our Blackwell family, and the way I was allowed to grow up. She always loved dad, to her dying day, Kar. But she knew that those days were over, and she had to fill in that part of her life with something new, something... fulfilling. She had all sorts of lovers, sometimes more than a few at once."

Karen nodded. "I can see that. I got that trait from her, as did you."

"Weird, though, she never expressed any interest in women," the blonde mused. "But you and I are so very, very bi. Hell, I'm probably a little more lez than straight, y'know?"

"I'm the same way," Karen agreed. "I had always preferred women for relationships, until I realized I was in love with Michael. After that, there was no question who had my heart. But I still prefer women outside of that paradigm."

"Same with Alex and me," Alexa said. "I could've been happy with Fre, but it isn't on the same scale as what I feel for Alex, at all. It's stunning to me what a difference there is."

"Did mom ever tell you about Jenny?" queried the older sister. "I don't think I've ever brought her up to you. I try not to think on her too much, but Michael always knows when I am and then talks with me about it."

Alexa smiled. "Mom told me about her. Not much, but that you had a very dear friend, a countess named Jenny, who was English, and she was pretty sure you were in love."

"We were," Karen said, nodding. "Goodness, we were so in love."

"I'm glad things worked out the way they did, Kar," Alexa said softly, sitting up and turning to smile warmly at her sister. "I mean, maybe I'd've still been born, but if you hadn't married Mike, there'd be no Alex, and I wouldn't have the man I'm so desperately in love with."

"I'm glad things worked out the way they did as well, Alli," Karen replied, reaching up and caressing her sister's lovely face. "I wouldn't change a thing if I could have things the way they are now."

They leaned in and kissed lovingly, breasts pressing together as their tongues met. Their eyes were closed as they just expressed their love for one another.

The door opened and someone walked through the suite toward them before there was a squeak of surprise.

Karen and Alexa both opened one eye to look, seeing Valentina looking at them, going somewhat red in the face.

"Mistress, I..." she faltered, trying to gather her thoughts and averting her gaze. "Oh, I..."

"Miss Prospero," Karen said cheerfully. "You're back earlier than expected."

"I..." the brunette said, still blushing and looking away. "We finished the itinerary, and your husband decided that... that..."

Alexa giggled. "Oh, Kar, she's gonna die. Haven't you told her?"

Karen sighed. "Miss Prospero."

Val stood up straight, her hands folded in front of herself, although she was still going progressively redder.

Karen's golden-amber eyes held hers. "Undress, please."

Val swallowed but complied, without question. She removed her clothing, soon standing naked in front of the sisters. She almost put her hands in front of herself again, but she was determined to never cover herself when her Mistress had said she was to be naked. She put her hands behind her back, holding them there. The only thing she was still wearing was her black lace choker with the pretty, glittering crystal on the front.

"Join us," Karen said, gesturing to the other side of the tub.

Valentina came forward, acutely aware of both the inhumanly beautiful sisters looking at her as she approached. She gingerly got into the steaming water, trying not to squeak as she did so. Once she had settled in, she remembered that she was considerably shorter than either woman, and she could see their breasts above the surface of the bubbling water, while they could barely see her shoulders. Despite her embarrassment, it felt unfair. She considered finding a way to sit on her knees, but then decided against it, since Mrs. DeBourne had probably not asked her to come into the hot tub to look at her breasts.

"Do you trust me?" Karen asked.

Val nodded. "Yes, Mistress. Implicitly."

"Very well," said her Mistress. "Yes, Alli and I are casual lovers. We have been since late last fall. Yes, both the boys know, and no, they don't care. They don't care about my physical intimacy with my little sister any more than Michael cares about my trysts with you."

"I believe you, Mistress," Valentina breathed, relaxing visibly. "Grazie Dio, I am so relieved. And for the record, I am not at all bothered by you and your sister."

"You cannot seem to be bothered by anything I do," Karen mused, smirking and making Val blush again.

"But..." Val said, looking at the water and considering something. "For the record, you and your son don't-"

Karen shook her head. "No, darling. Never and ever."

Val looked at Alexa, who also smiled and shook her head. "Mike scares me to death, Val."

Val's eyes widened for a moment as something occurred to her. "And the guys, they... they don't..."

The sisters burst out laughing. "Omigod, gross, Val! No!" Alexa cackled. "Nonononono! I'm pretty sure Kar'd be having sex with Alex and I'd be boffing Mike before that ever happened."

"I'm pretty sure I'd rather have sex with Alex than see that happen," Karen managed to say before the sisters began laughing again. Val looked back and forth between them like they'd gone crazy. There were some champagne glasses near them, yes, but they couldn't have been that drunk yet.

Karen finally composed herself and smiled at the girl who called herself her servant. "So seeing Alli and I kissing caught you off-guard, yes?"

Val considered. "I think it was more the suddenness of it than the act itself, Mistress. When we were all posing together for pictures the other week and you and Mistress Blackwell seemed-"

"Oh, jeez, no," Alexa interrupted, shaking her head. "Val, I'm sorry, but that 'Mistress' stuff's gotta go. Maybe calling my big sissy that gives you a tingle, and that's fine. But it'll drive me bonkers. Just call me Alexa when we're not around people outside our little family, okay? And if you must, call me Ms. Blackwell in public."

"Yes, ma'am," Val said, nodding obediently before looking at Karen again. "To be honest, Mistress, when I saw you and your sister together during the photo shoots, you were surprisingly comfortable physically with one another, pressing your breasts together without any hesitation, whispering to one another, and so on. The thought had occurred to me back then, I admit, but our own understanding became a thing, and I... forgot."

"Fair enough," Karen said easily. "I am glad you're fine with it."

"More than, Mistress," Val said, blushing as she nodded.

"Good Lord, she'll be spying on you and I next," Karen sighed, smiling. "Yes, Miss Prospero, Michael and I know, and we don't care."

"Oh, uh... good," Val said uncertainly. "Guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought."

"I wasn't either," Alexa said, shrugging. "I watched my sissy getting boned by her hubby all the time when I got back, and I thought they didn't know. Guess we were both wrong, eh?"

"What if I had been carrying on an illicit affair with my little sister behind my husband's back?" Karen queried, looking curious. "There is no wrong answer, I just expect an honest one."

Valentina thought about that, drawing a deep breath. "Mistress, I am very devoted to you, and I am to your husband as well. If I thought you were cheating on him, with anyone, I would tell him. Not just because I think he deserves to know, but... well... I expect better of you. I hope you understand what I mean."

Karen smiled warmly. "There might not be a wrong answer, but clearly there is a perfect answer, Miss Prospero, and you gave it. Always tattle on me to Michael if I'm misbehaving. He is the great moral force in my life, and I live every day trying to not disappoint him. Now then, my dear... relax and enjoy the tub."

Val nodded and settled in, sighing as the hot, churning water helped bleed away her tensions. She had to appreciate the addiction this family had to jacuzzis. "Yessssss, Mistress..."

"Am I right in assuming the boys dropped you off and are still out finding nerd things to do?" Karen asked while she caressed her fingers through her younger sister's wet, golden hair.

"Uh-huh..." Val murmured, looking at the ceiling. "They found an arcade'r something..."

Karen pondered the information. While she didn't doubt that she'd get laid tonight, her husband was probably letting loose now, in case the rest of the trip proved work-intensive. It made sense. Karen and Alexa had already seen Freja and Jeanie off to bed in their suite. The girls were emotionally overwrought and exhausted. Karen had given them their own room and space, so that they could lie down as a married couple, crying and sharing their hurt. They weren't alone down here anymore, they just needed a quiet night of sleep.

Karen looked over at Alexa and winked before rising slowly, water cascading off her glorious body. She held up a staying hand as Val noticed and made to stand up, indicating she was to stay put. The brunette slowly settled back into the soothing water.

"I think I'll go for a stroll," Karen mused, slipping on a plush robe. "I want to see if Napa air smells the way I remember it. You two enjoy yourselves."

"Can do, Kar," Alexa said lazily, watching her sister wiggle out of the room, twirling the ends of the tie for her robe. She'd been gone for a little while before Alexa looked at the tub's other occupant. "So, Val..."

Valentina's eyes flicked up and she sat up slightly. "Yes, ma'am?"

The blonde giggled. "We're alone, Val. Call me Alexa."

Val cleared her throat and nodded. "Yes, ma- Alexa."

"And relax."

Val took a deep breath and relaxed.

"I'm glad you're enjoying working for us," Alexa mentioned, smiling and using a palm to cascade some water over her delightfully visible breasts. "What, if anything, could improve it?"

Val had been staring at Alexa's tits, but blinked as she heard the question and shook herself out of her reverie. "Oh... I... goodness, Alexa, I don't rightly know. I get paid well, I have all the food and fun I need... my job is easy, as long as I'm attentive to it..."

"Not to mention other benefits," Alexa said, winking.

"Yes, I rather enjoy those," the brunette admitted, blushing. "Good thing I don't have to declare those on my taxes."

"True," Alexa giggled. "But in case I need to spell it out, Kar left so that we could find out if you wanted to expand your benefits package."

Valentina thought about what the blonde goddess was saying and her eyes widened slightly. "Y- y'mean... like... you and me..."

"And Alex, if you're interested."

"Ow, wow..." Val said in a tiny voice. "Is... is Alex..."

"His father's son?" Alexa suggested, completing the question. "In all ways that count, yes. You saw him in the media cabin on the jet."

"And it... it wouldn't be weird if the four of you were all, y'know... intimate with me?" the girl asked.

Alexa shrugged. "We already share Fre and Jeanie, but I think you probably knew that, or at least suspected. Question is, are you interested?"

Val thought hard. "It's not cheating on my bosses?"

Alexa smiled dazzlingly, and Valentina could feel herself getting wet, even though she was already submerged in churning water. "She left us alone so that we could find out, silly. And besides, I suppose technically, Alex and I are your employers too. We're just... junior partners."

"Oh, well that doesn't sound so bad, then," reasoned Val, pursing her lips and shrugging slightly. "I'm just... looking after my employers, right?"

"That's the spirit," Alexa agreed. She held out her arms. "Come take a seat, we'll talk."

Slowly, Valentina stood and moved across the small tub to the gorgeous blonde, her heart pounding. She opened her legs enough to sidle forward and settle down onto Alexa's lap, facing into her. Alexa's hands found her back and pulled her in closer gently, their slippery breasts pressing together. Val shivered, remembering the feel of those amazing breasts pressed to hers the week before when they were taking pictures before the paintball game.

"So," Alexa lilted, smiling at her. "Are you interested in this new position?"

"I'm really thinking so..." Val breathed, squirming her breasts against Alexa's and kissing her.


A certain dorm room, decades earlier...

"Might've known," Janet sighed, shutting the door to the room behind herself while Lisa just stared dumbly at the bed on the other side of the space. Lying on said bed, Karen and Jenny were in a very sweaty, naked tangle, arms and legs wrapped around each other, making out. "But I guess it's my fault for not knockin', right?"

The lovers had paused in their Sapphic activity and were staring at the intruders. Jenny looked at Karen. "This happens a lot, doesn't it?"

"More often than you can possibly imagine," Karen muttered, her eyes narrowing at her two friends. "Remington, how many times have you walked in on Red and I flagranting the delicto? And with that in mind, what makes you think things would be any different with Jenny?"

"I've never seen a naked countess before," Lisa murmured, still staring at the pair.

"Well, then," Jenny said, smiling and disentangling herself from her beloved before turning and sliding her legs off the bed. She then stood, her hands on her hips and one knee crooked slightly in front of the other. "Now's your chance, my dear. What say you?"

Lisa swallowed, her eyes wide, and her mouth suddenly dry. Even Janet was gaping.

"Granted, I'm not quite as stacked as Kat, but I think I've been gifted in the right areas," Jenny purred, raising her arms and running her hands through her blonde hair while slowly swaying her breasts side to side.

"No, complaints from me," Lisa managed to say, her throat rasping. "No wonder Kar's crazy about you."

"So articulate of you, Heyman," Karen said dryly, now standing next to Jenny and letting the girls drink in the sight of the two of them completely naked. Lisa looked like she might faint.

"Damn," Janet breathed. "That is so much not fair, all in one image. Y'know who's gonna say not fair, though? M, because she's not here to sketch this moment because she's not back just yet from the Art Gallery, catching up on an assignment."
