MILF 04 Pt. 1 - Twincest


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"Alice?" said Sarah, "did you get around to showing the boys the videos we made?"

"Not yet. Now?"

"Videos, Mom," said David, obviously curious.

I winked at him. "Just some fun Sarah and I had playing with our toys, we thought you two and Ben would probably enjoy watching them."

"Ben certainly did, that's for sure," said Sarah, laughing. "He was raring to go when they'd finished."

I know, I was there, remember? But I didn't say that out loud. Instead, I turned to the boys. "Well, do you want to see them?"

"I do," said Alan, "might give us some ideas."

"Yeah," said David. He grinned. "I'm open to ideas about sex."

"Down, boy. Look, Sarah and I need to dry our hair. Give us ten minutes and then we'll have a video session. Okay?"

"Okay," said David, and Alan nodded assent.

"Go sit in the sitting room. Might be an idea to close the drapes, too."

"Will do, Mom. See you in ten."

It was nearer fifteen, but neither of them complained. I set my laptop on the side table beside the couch, and plugged in the cable. David held out his hand.

"Other end to the TV, Mom?"

"Please." I sat on the couch and brought up the first video. David settled beside me, and Sarah sat herself at the other end of the couch with Alan.

"Ready, guys?" They both nodded, and I pressed 'play'. It was the video Sarah and I had made playing with the dildos, and there was a gasp from both boys as they saw the way our pussies spread as the dildos went in. Sarah had adjusted the webcam to show the maximum, and there was no doubt that our two pussies were wet. Beside me, David wriggled a little and I took his arm and pulled it around my shoulders, drawing his hand down to cup my breast. Bless him, he took the hint and began playing with me. He looked across at me and I blew him a kiss, then dropped my hand to his cock, already hard and ready for me. He hissed in a breath.

"Oh, yeah, Mom, that feels wonderful!" he said, his voice almost a groan. Almost.

I leaned across and kissed his ear. "Much better when someone else jacks you off, isn't it?"

I murmured.

"Fuck, yes!" A pause. "But I'd rather fuck you."

"Soon, baby, soon, because that's what I want, too."

He didn't say anything else for a moment, his eyes fixed on the screen where Sarah and I were enjoying ourselves, the dildos moving easily in our obviously free-flowing juices. I glanced along the couch to see Alan's cock in Sarah's light grasp. She must have sensed the movement as she glanced along at me and grinned, blowing me a kiss.

"Mom?" David's voice was a hoarse travesty of its usual easy tone.

"Yes, honey?"

"Sometime, sometime soon, maybe, can I use the dildo on you?"

"Of course you can, sweetheart. Maybe this evening, after we get back from Warren Cove, before Sarah goes home?"

"That would be great! Oh, the video's finished. Looked like a great climax, Mom."

"It was, honey, believe me, it was. Another video, and then we'll have some fun, with your cock in my pussy. Then some lunch, and Warren Cove. Suits?"

"Yeah!" He paused. "What's the next video, Mom?"

"This one shows what two frustrated females resort to if they don't want to drive their own dildo. In other words, it's Sarah and me playing with a strap-on."

"Oh, yes, please! Sheesh, all my fantasies coming true. Fucking my Mom -- and her friend," he added, blowing a kiss to Sarah, who grinned and blew one back, "and seeing two women making out together, even if it is only on video."

"Now, son, play your cards right, and we might just let you watch us together later." I grinned. "Live!"

David groaned. "Heck, Mom, will I live?"

"I think so, son, I certainly hope so, because Sarah and I need you. Now, ready?"

"Ready, Mom."

"Okay, watch and learn," I said, and pressed 'play'. The boys watched avidly, obviously fascinated, and I wondered if they'd ever seen a strap-on used. Probably on a porn site, if they had. David and I had agreed to let them have access to adult sites when they were seventeen. We'd said nothing to the boys, just went to their PCs when they were out to remove the lock, only to find out it was already gone! We said nothing, just let them get on with it. I was curious, though, and I was just going to ask David when he turned to me.

"Mom? Did you enjoy having Sarah fuck you with the strap-on?"

I was still holding his cock, and gave it a little squeeze. "Yes, I did, but not as much as I enjoyed Ben's cock while you were away, or Alan's, earlier, or as much as I plan to enjoy yours, soon, But yes, the strap-on was fun, either as the fucked, or later, the fucker!" I laughed. "I can't believe I'm using language like this to my sons, but the words are apt."

"So you fucked Sarah with the strap-on as well?"

"Yes, she did," said Sarah, "and did a damned good job of it, too." she grinned. "And yes, we made a video of that as well."

"That's my Mom," said David, laughing, "always wants to be good at what she does."

"Sarah?" said Alan. "How were these videos made? I mean, was there someone there with you? Ben, maybe?"

Sarah shook her head. "Nope, just your Mom and me. I have a remote-controlled webcam, with zoom, plus a remote keyboard, so I can make with the sexy play and either record it, as we did for these videos, or else send it to a chat site, using a private room, so that I, and whoever I'm chatting to, can have fun. " She smiled in recollection. "That's how I saw Ben's erection for the first time, and he saw his Mom naked, playing with the dildo he had custom made for her."

"Wow," said David, "that must have been awesome."

"It was," said Sarah, laughing. David turned to me, and was just about to open his mouth when I forestalled him.

"Yes," I said, "when I was with Ben and Sarah we arranged that Ben would get the same kind of camera and remote control that Sarah has, for me. While you're away at college, we can still play, and I -- maybe with Sarah's help -- can make some videos for you.""

"Oh, wow," said David, but he was watching my image on the screen. The video had reached the moment when I climaxed and the expression on my face was a mixture of agony and ecstasy. He turned to me. "Mom, that was awesome."

I laughed. "It certainly felt that way to me." The video was finished, and I switched the laptop off. "There are more videos, but we'll save them for later, and thanks to Sarah's sister Carol, I also have some photos to show you. But now, now I want this," and I squeezed David's cock, "here," and I ran my other middle finger up my slit. "So, son, how do you want your totally immoral mother? Your choice, sweetheart, anything except anal." There was a brief pause, and I could hear Sarah asking Alan much the same question.

"Can I take you the way Sarah did with the strap-on?"

"Doggy-style?" Yes!

"Please, Mom."

"Yes, sweetheart, of course you can. I can either kneel on the floor, and you can kneel behind me, or I can kneel on the couch and you can stand and fuck me that way. The couch is easier on my knees, but you may need to bend your legs, slightly. So, which is it to be, honey?"

"Kneel on the couch, please, Mom."

"Sure thing, honey," I said, suiting my actions to my words, leaning forward slightly to brace my self on the back of the couch. To my left, Sarah was adopting much the same position, and it was clear that Alan had had much the same idea as David. Sarah glanced across at me, grinning.

"Great minds think alike," she said.


"Alice? On Sunday, why don't you and the boys come over for dinner?" She laughed. "And to play, of course!"

"Sounds like a plan. What do you say, boys? Dinner and some fun at Sarah's house on Sunday?" I arched my brows in query, but I needn't have worried, as they both agreed enthusiastically.

"Does that mean you'll be fucking Ben?" said David.

"I certainly hope so," I said, smiling at him. He grinned.

"Don't worry," said Sarah, "if my son is fucking your Mom, it means I have to take care of you guys, don't I?"

"Both of us?" said Alan, laughing.

"Of course," said Sarah, laughing in her turn, "you doubt me?"

"We'd never dream of doubting the word of a sexy lady," said Alan.

"Yeah," said David,"bring it on!"

"You can see the webcam set up, too, might give you some ideas for your own set up."

"I've been thinking about that," I said. "I think it might be best if we set it up in the basement, in the room where you guys do your gaming. After all, I have not only my PC but my laptop and my tablet as well. I'll be quite happy to let my PC be the webcam computer. Plenty of room in the basement for a layout like yours, Sarah. No windows, of course, but who looks out of the window when they're making sexy videos, anyway?"

"Great idea, Mom," said Alan. He turned to Sarah. "Sarah, you mentioned a custom dildo?"

"I did, Ben II, I call it. Ben had it made to conform as closely as possible to the size and shape of his own cock, erect of course. He had it sent to me before he finished college, which meant that I had a damned good idea of how good he was going to feel inside me before we actually fucked in reality." She gave Alan a friendly leer. "I have it in the car if you want to service me with it later. When we get back from Warren Cove, maybe?"

"Yes, please!" he said, then turned to me. I spoke before he could.

"Yes, Alan. Have a word with Ben on Sunday, get details from him, because if you guys want to present me with an Alan II and a David II to keep me entertained while you're away at college, I'd be delighted to have them. I'll even contribute to the cost. But now, I'm ready, Sarah's ready and I can see you guys are ready, so let's fuck!" I looked back over my shoulder at David. "Ready, son?"

He grinned. "You know I am!"

"Have at it, then." I blew him a kiss, and spread my legs a little more. I felt his hands warm on my hips, then the hot, blunt head of his cock as he pressed it to my nether lips, spreading them for his entry.

"Oh, wow, Mom, the way your pussy lips spread for my cock! It's fucking awesome!"

"That's the way it feels to me as well, son, awesome, so fuck me, son, and take your Mom to paradise."

"Take both of us, you mean," he said, and began gently to thrust into me. At the other end of the couch I was aware of Alan fucking Sarah, but my focus was on David, and the lovely, hard cock that was filling me so pleasurably. David's hands were warm on my hips, resting lightly, and I half-turned and spoke over my shoulder.

"David, honey, do you think you can reach under and play with my tits?"

"Of course, Mom," he said, and moments later my breasts were cupped in his warm, slightly rough hands. I abandoned myself to the pleasure of the moment, and let myself begin the slow climb towards climax. It didn't take long, for I was ready, David was ready, willing and eager to fuck his Mom, and the anticipation I'd been feeling about fucking the boys had me ready. The enjoyable fuck I'd already had from Alan had only fueled my son-lust, not quenched it.

"I'm getting close, Mom," said David.

"So am I, son, so am I." I took one hand away from the back of the couch and moved it to my clit, feeling David's super-hard cock moving between my fingers, slippery from my copious juices, as I stroked and teased myself.

My orgasm, when it came, was quick, violent, and extremely satisfying, my pussy clenching down on David's cock, my belly rippling and a strangled moan-cum-scream escaping between my clenched teeth. I guess it triggered David's climax, too, as he gasped, gasped again, then his hips were driving his cock into me in urgent thrusts, as my pussy pulsed around it.

Slowly, very slowly, we stilled, both of us breathing heavily as we tried to extract oxygen from the air, barely aware that beside us Alan and Sarah were also in the throes of climax. At last, his breathing steadier now, David pulled back and out of me, and I stifled a cry of loss as I felt his lovely cock leave me. I eased myself back, and managed to turn myself enough to collapse alongside David, leaning across to kiss him, a sweet, gentle kiss that held love.

"Thank you, David," I murmured, "that was everything I dared to hope it would be."

"And thank you, Mom, for letting me live my fantasy."

"I think it was more our fantasy, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess it was, Mom, I guess it was. Or should that be 'is' rather than 'was', because we're going to do this again, aren't we?"

"We most certainly are, son." I glanced across at Sarah, and she smiled, her hand in Alan's as they, too, recovered their post-climactic breath. "Good?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

"More like fucking marvelous," she said. "These boys of yours might not have a lot of experience, but they have lovely, hard cocks and loads of enthusiasm, even for oldies like us."

"Hey, don't do yourself down," said Alan. "I don't know about you, David, but I got a heck of a lot more satisfaction out of fucking Mom and Sarah than I did fucking Kelly Alvarez or Teresa Holt."

"You're right, Alan, the older woman is definitely more satisfying. Don't get me wrong, it was great fucking someone my own age, Billie Knight in my case, but neither of us really knew what we were doing. You, Mom, and you, Sarah, are so much better."

"Well, we do have a little more experience," said Sarah, "and if you'd kept on fucking those girls you've mentioned, the sex would have gotten better as you both gained experience."

"I guess so," said David, "but for the present, if you both agree, we'd like to gain more experience with you ladies, before we even think about girls our own age. It would be nice to start college with some experience behind us."

"Well, your Mom is certainly agreeable," I said.

"And so am I," said Sarah.

"Great! But for now, Mom, how about some food?"

I glanced at my watch. Almost one twenty-five. "I have some cold chicken. How about chicken salad sandwiches, then we'll set off for Warren Cove. Should get there in plenty of time for you to keep your rendezvous with your high school sweeties at three. So, how about it?"

"It's a plan, Mom, so let's do it! But first, a shower?" said David

I nodded. "A shower, yes. Come on, my shower is big enough for all four of us." I grinned. "As you already know, and some groping is encouraged!"

It was fun! And like before, the boys' cocks and balls were super clean, and my and Sarah's tits and pussies were also all but sparkling. Dried, we all repaired to the kitchen and made a team effort out of assembling the chicken salad sandwiches. We just chatted generally, a normal mother, friend, sons kind of conversation, about everything and nothing. Perfectly normal, except that we were all naked. The pattern continued as we ate the sandwiches, and some ice-cream for afters.

"Okay, folks, get dressed and we'll hit the road. Should get there in plenty of time for you to meet the girls. I suggest we take two cars, that way if you make any plans with the girls Sarah and I can take off, knowing you have your own transport. Okay?"

"Sure, Mom. Makes sense," said David.

"Definitely," said Alan, "but I suspect that any plans involving the girls will be for tomorrow or later. After all, as gentlemen we can't abandon you ladies."

"And you'll want to come back with us and do naughty things together anyway, won't you?" said Sarah, grinning.

"Of course," said Alan, grinning back at her.

"Okay," I said, "rendezvous back here in ten minutes, dressed. Go!"

It took Sarah and me about a minute and a half to get dressed, each of us donning only our dresses and shoes. By agreement, no panties, because we planned to give the boys a treat before we went to the cars. The boys only took a minute or two longer, both wearing t-shirts, shorts, sneakers.

"Ready, guys?" I said.

"Sure thing, Mom," said Alan.

"Okay, then, but before we go, there's something you need to know. When you see me or Sarah wearing a summer dress like we're wearing now, well, that's all we're wearing. No bra, no panties. Okay?" And Sarah and I lifted the hems of our dresses, to reveal our shaved mons.

"You two are going like that?" said David, grinning.

"Absolutely," said Sarah.

"Awesome," said Alan. "I thought we knew you, Mom, but you're a total sex goddess. You too, Sarah. We must be the luckiest guys around."

"Don't do anything to spoil it, and it will continue. Okay?"

"Very okay, Mom. Are we ready?"

"We are." I brandished the bag I was holding. "Towels and sunblock. I don't think we need anything else, so let's go."

To be continued in MILF 4 Part 2 -- but don't hold your breath!

My apologies again for the time it's taken to get this opus submitted, but a stroke and the fitting of a cardiac pacemaker with defibrillator rather subdued the urge to write for a year or three. That said, I'm writing again. Not every day by any means, and not for long periods, so don't hold your breath for part 2. Feedback, particularly constructive feedback, is very welcome, but don't forget to supply a return address if you ask any questions.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It was just too busy for me. I gave it a 3. It seems to just go on and on and on and on.

I don't wish to fuck a dozen different women to for fill any fantasy. My true love is all the fantasy that I need. Someone who loves me unconditionally and will not Denie me her sex. If I want to tongue fuck her butt, I want my lover to allow me to pleasure her on my terms. If we cum together and I slide down her and lick her pussy dry of every drop of our fuck juices I want her to enjoy that and not be offended.

I had a partner that I spoke nasty to while we made love. I love to talk to my love when we make love. It her pussy soppy wet I want to express that to her verbally.

"Fuck baby, your pussy is so fucking wet."

I had a lover put her hand over my mouth when I was verbalizing my feeling when I made lover to her. She didn't want me to talk nasty to her while we made love. What, just fuck and don't communicate? That is not my style. I stop seeing her soon afterward.

I don't need six or more lovers to be a man.

wwaldripwwaldrip9 months ago

Enjoyed the story, and the twins birthday treats with the MILF’s.

Sorry, to hear about your stroke and cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator. I wish you good luck with your recovery and rehabilitation.

I had an aortic aneurysm at the aortic heart root, had surgery, new aortic manmade aortic valve, they sleeved the aortic aneurysm, installed pacemaker/defibrillator in 2013.

I try to walk 30 minutes every day, do what I can until I get tired, take a break and rest, then continue. I moved out to wife’s family farm and trying my hand at farming in southern Alabama, from Texas early 2023.

I go in September 12, 2023 for pacemaker/defibrillator replacement due to battery having three month’s life left.

BwincflBwincflover 4 years ago

I am assuming that repeating the story was an editorial mistake. Recommend the story be edited to remove the second repeat part. The story line was not as intense as the previous chapters, but still enjoyable. I look forward to your continuation of the MILF saga.

DomJ69DomJ69over 4 years ago
I Like Your Writing Style

But this story was TOO casual. There was no sexual tension and very little excitement. I write this in hope it aids your future output.

IMO you should have had Alice lead her sons into temptation. Having the sons suggest nude day took all the excitement of taboo out of the story. All anticipation of the shock surprise was gone.

When Alice did appear naked before her sons there was no nervousness. No thoughts of what she was doing was wrong. No thoughts of where it might lead. No thoughts at all. The mind is where a story gets truly erotic.

The first sex scene should have been electrically charged, but it was too casual and easy. Then it was over. No excitement.

When writing dialogue it is a good idea to read it out loud to see if it sounds natural. Some of the lines were far too long and unrealistic.

Sorry for the downer, but I hope you take this as constructive criticism. Thank you for taking the time to share your imagination and I do like your writing style - short, well written paragraphs.

BigHornyMeBigHornyMeover 4 years ago
Seeing double

Great story, very enticing and highly erotic. Just can't see the point in having to read it twice...

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