MindOps Ch. 04


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"Aye aye sir. Barnes, come with me."

Jimmy and the 1st Sargent went to the medical hooch, where the Corpsman was finishing up his exam of Sirah.

"How's our guest doc"?

"Battered and bruised 1st Sargent, but it could have been a lot worse. Sargent Barnes and Corporal Jackson probably saved her life. Her voice is going to be hoarse for a day or two.... because of what happened, but that's the extent of the physical injuries. What she really needs 1st Sargent, is a head shrinker. This must have fucked her up a bit."

"Sargent Barnes, Could you please do a quick assessment of the young ladies mental state?"

Using his gifts, Jimmy was able to look into the structure of Sirah's thoughts. His training taught him to expect her thoughts to be jumping around like mad. People who have recently suffered abuse tend to be constantly looking for danger behind every turn. Sirah's thoughts were unexpectedly calm. She was tired and worried about what she was going to do next, but seeing Jimmy made her feel safe.

"She's actually in pretty good shape 1st Sargent. She seems more tired than anything."

"Then take her to the VIP hooch. I'll talk to the Sargent of the Guard and make sure a sentry is posted to keep unwanted visitors from paying her too much attention. You young fucks all think with your dicks.... As we have all just witnessed."

The 1st Sargent turned on his heel and walked out of the medical hooch leaving Jimmy to try and take charge of Sirah. Luckily, she felt very safe with Jimmy. Him being her rescuer and all. She took his extended hand and wrapping his poncho around herself again, he led her outside into the afternoon heat. Feeling rather like a fool, Jimmy still took her arm in his and escorted her to the VIP Hooch. A young PFC was standing outside, evidently the guard that the 1st Sargent had insisted on having posted. Jimmy could feel the emotion coming from Sirah's mind. She didn't want him to leave her.

In very thickly accented English, Sirah said "Thank you".

"You speak English!" Jimmy was excited to say the least.

"A little. My English not good. I thank you. You save me. I owe my life."

"You don't owe me anything. I just did what anyone would have done."

"No. Many men came. Many men touched me. Many men had no honor. You only man to help"

"Well..... That was the right thing to do. Now you need to get some rest. I'm going to make sure you are safe."

Sirah Nodded to Jimmy and went inside the tent, never taking her eyes off of him.

"Don't say a fucking word Morrison....."

"A word about what Sargent? I didn't see nothin" replied the sentry.


In the last six weeks, Jimmy spent every free moment with Sirah. He learned all he could about her. He helped her with her English, and she started to teach him some Arabic. With his gifts, Jimmy was able to pick up the language rather quickly, now that he had some motivation.

Sirah learned more English, again assisted by Jimmy's gift. They spent every free hour together. They talked about everything and nothing. They developed a bond that began to worry Jimmy's 1st Sgt and Commanding Officer.

One day, while walking to lunch at the outdoor chow hall, the 1st Sgt and Captain saw Jimmy and Sirah sitting together eating and holding hands.

"Skipper, what are we going to do about this? He's holding hands with a local in the chow hall! Why is she even still on the base? We didn't get anywhere with division about getting her re-located or helped with some program. She's over eighteen, and has no need to be here on the base".

"Relax 1st Sgt. Imagine that's your little girl. After what's happened to her, the least we can do is help her a bit. I don't believe Sgt Barnes has any ill intentions towards her. If anything, he looks rather smitten!"

"That's the problem sir. She cant come back to the states with us, and Barnes is going to have issues with leaving her here. We have to stop this now, before it gets out of hand skipper".

"I see your point, 1st Sgt. Talk to Sgt Barnes and make it absolutely clear that she has to stay. Maybe we can get her a job in the mess tent cleaning or something? They hire plenty of locals and she sure is a might bit prettier than any of the old nags working the line now".

"Aye aye sir. I'll make it happen".

With those words, the love that was growing between Jimmy and Sirah was destined to be tested. The 1st Sgt i to Jimmy the issues and ordered him to stay away from Sirah. The 1st Sgt didn't have to remind Jimmy that his gifts were infective on the other members of the unit and there was no point in trying to use them to get the order reversed. Jimmy asked permission to tell Sirah of the order and the 1st Sgt gave his grudging aproval.


Walking into the visitors tent, Jimmy was visibly jumpy and nervous about what he had to tell Sirah.

"Sirah. I need to talk to you"

"What is it my Jimmy? You look angry? What have I done to Anger you my Jimmy? I'm so very sorry..."

"Sirah, you have done nothing to anger me. You have done nothing wrong! It's me. It's my fault. The 1st Sgt is angry that we spend so much time together! He's afraid I've....."

"Afraid of what, my Jimmy"?

"He's afraid I've fallen in love with you Sirah.... And I think he's right"

"You.... Love.... Me.... My Jimmy! Allah has answered my prayer! I have loved you since you saved me my Jimmy! I have wanted nothing more than to hear those words come from your lips, my Jimmy!"

"But that's the problem Sirah. This love cant be. The Corps wont let it be."

"Do you love someone else, my Jimmy? Am I not beautiful enough for you, my Jimmy"?

"Sirah, you are the only woman I have ever loved. There is no one else. I love you Sirah! You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! You are the kindest soul..... I love you...."

"Oh my Jimmy"!

Sirah and Jimmy fell together, kissing for the first time. Their lips met softly, yet hungrily. Sirah for having no experience with love, was a wonderful kisser. Jimmy picked Sirah up, and quickly carried her to the bed, without his lips leaving hers.

"We have to be quiet" Jimmy said in a whipser. "We are NOT supposed to do this"!

Sirah only kissed Jimmy harder and began to unbutton his camouflage blouse. Her hands, working the buttons at a fevered pace. While Sirah was busy with Jimmy's blouse, he stood her up at the edge of the bed and became busy with her simple robe like garments. He untied the sash holding them closed and

she shrugged them off, allowing them to fall away. She was wearing underwear donated by some of the female Marines on the base, and it was anything but sexy. Jimmy did not care in the least. He reached behind Sirah and began to work the clasp of the bra. This instrument of torture has defied men for generations, and with Jimmy it was no different. With a Giggle, Sirah reached behind her and simply flicked the fixture with her long fingers and the clasp popped free.

Sirah again shrugged her shoulders and allowed the undergarment to fall to the floor. Jimmy Stood back and ripped off his blouse and T-shirt. Before him stood the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Sirah was tall for an Iraqi woman, almost five foot eight inches. She was thin, too thin really, but that had come from being held by her slaver. Her bountiful breasts were spectacular, A large C-Cup at least. The skin a soft brown color, the areaolas and nipples very dark, almost black in hue. The breasts stood proudly from her chest, with out any sag. Sirah's nipples were beginning to harden from the excitement of what was happening. The skin there began to crinkle and pucker. Erect, her nipples were almost half an inch in length. Jimmy just stood and stared for a moment. Sirah began to worry, her hands moving infront of her body. Did her Jimmy not want her.


"My Jimmy.... do I displease you?"

My God, no! Sirah.... You're.... you're.... Beautiful"!

With those words, Jimmy took Sirah in his arms and placed her on the bed. He kissed her with all the passion that had been building for the last weeks. Their tongues danced and fought, darting in and out of each others mouths. Jimmy, while not a virgin, was hardly a Lothario. Yet somehow, he knew exactly what to do with Sirah. She too, had an innate sense of what would please her lover.

Jimmy moved from kissing Sirah's lips, to her jaw line, and down her neck. He felt Sirah shiver with the excitement and expectation that comes with one's first time making love. He gently used his teeth to nibble down her neck, along her jugular vein. Showing his power and his gentleness. Sirah arched her neck, totally exposing herself to his mouth. Her hands began to roam over his powerful back. She could feel the muscles rippling under his skin. Her nails began to trace patterns on his flesh, seemingly on their own.

Jimmy continued on his quest, moving from Sirah's neck, down to the valley that lay between her breasts. He kissed up the slope of her left mound and began to nibble gently around the nipple. He did not take it in his mouth, simply teasing the flesh around the little nub. Jimmy could feel the skin contract and tighten even more. As he was teasing her breast, Sirah grabbed the back of his head and Gasped. She could not have imagined the pleasures that Jimmy was giving her! Her mother had only told her of pain and degradation that came from sex. She never spoke of this!

While he had been making love to Sirah's breast, Jimmy had unbuckled the rigging belt and the buttons of his trousers and had pushed them down his legs. His erection was standing straight out from his body, harder than it had ever been before. Sirah's free hand, the other caressing Jimmy's head, began to roam down his stomach and over his tight abdominal muscles. Lower and lower her hand went, her fingers gliding through the curly hair at the base of his cock. The tips of her fingers touched the base of Jimmy's cock, and without hesitation, they began to travel up the length of the rigid shaft. Sirah's hand began exploring the most intimate part of her lover, a part of the male anatomy that she had never seen in this state. Her eyes became wide as she realized just what she was caressing. The phallus in her hand was at least seven inches long and almost too thick for her to get her hand around. She could feel the pulse of Jimmy's heart bounding and throbbing through his organ. The tip of the cock became slippery, unbeknownst to Sirah, Jimmy's cock was leaking precum at a prodigious rate.

While Sirah was busy manipulating his Cock, Jimmy's hands were equally busy. Seemingly on their own, they searched out the plain white cotton panties that Sirah had been given. He began to roll them down her thigh's, and could feel the dampness that had collected in them. After throwing the saturated material away, his left hand approached the source of Sirah's womanhood. He could feel heat radiating from her mound, so intense was her excitement. Gently, Jimmy ran his fingers through the thick, curly hair that was in such abundance. As his fingers moved down, through the soft forest and soon found the mound that held Sirah's most precious gift, her legs began to spread. His fingers were soon coated and slick from Sirah's juices.

Jimmy had only gotten to this place with a woman a couple of times, yet he knew instinctively what to do. His middle finger began to delve between the lips of her womanhood, and curl upward. His rough and caloused finger began a slow, rythmic motion. It was prevented from fully entering the tunnel that aroused his passions by her maiden head. That thin membrane of skin that pronounced to the world that Sirah had known no man.

"Oh my Jimmy! Take me! Please, make me yours! Please.... "

"Sirah.... I love you.... so much"

With that pronouncement, Jimmy removed his hand from her mound, and quickly pulled Sirah to the edge of the bed. Sirah's ass was barely on the edge, her legs straddling Jimmy's strong form. Her hands holding onto the metal frame of the bed, trying to keep her balance. Jimmy's cock was at the entrance to her waiting sex, seemingly waiting for permission to proceed with its intended mission.

"Jimmy..... Please.... Be careful"

"Sirah, I would never hurt you"

Jimmy lubricated the head of his cock in the fluids that were running out of Sirah's sex. He placed the head at the entrance to her pussy and very slowly began to push. Taking very slow, and succeeding deeper strokes, Jimmy quickly reached the gate that was baring him full entrance to Sirah's delights. Looking Sirah deep in her eyes, he backed his cock out to the very entrance to her pussy.

"I love you Sirah"

"I love you my Jimmy"

With those words, Jimmy drove his member home, breaking down the barrier that was so prized in this part of the world. Sirah was so wet, and his stroke was so strong, that Jimmy's entire cock was buried to the base in Sirah's velvety tunnel. Sirah, feeling her hymen tear and the searing pain that comes with that assault, bit down on Jimmy's shoulder to keep herself from screaming in pain. Jimmy stayed perfectly still, his cock throbbing inside of his lover. The pain from her bite was nothing, compared to the pleasure of becoming one with the woman he loved. After several seconds, the pain Sirah was feeling began to subside, and she released her hold on Jimmy's shoulder. She could taste blood in her mouth, and began to cry.

"My Jimmy, I am sorry! I did not mean to hurt you!"

"Sirah, shhh. It is ok. My only concern is for you. How are you?"

"Jimmy.... Please.... Make love to me"

With that request, Jimmy began a slow and steady rhythm. His hips moving in long, slow strokes, driving his cock in and out of Sirah's pussy. The feeling was exquisite. He had never known pleasure like this before.

Sirah was also lost in pleasure. The feeling of her lovers cock moving in and out of her tunnel was indescribable. His cock was so hard and firm, yet so soft. The pain of the initial intrusion was gone, replaced by the glorious friction that was making love. Sirah lowered herself back on the bed, her head lolling to the side, lost in the sensations that were coming from her pussy. Jimmy, not one to be monotonous, took Sirah's legs and pulled them together in front of him. His strong hands caressed her long and slender legs, as his cock plowed through the fields of pleasure that was his Sirah's pussy.

The rotation of her hips, brought Sirah's G-spot into alignment with Jimmy's cockhead. The first thrust caused his member to carom off of the cluster of nerves and Sirah's eyes became wide with shock. What was this pleasure! Allah, be praised! This was the most intense.... And then the second stroke of Jimmy's cock came into contact with with her spot. All was lost to Sirah at that point. The pleasure, the excitement was all too much. Her hands instinctively flew out to find Jimmy, grabbing at his forearms as they were wrapped around her thighs. Sirah's nails dug into Jimmy's arms, her eye's rolled back into her head and the very first orgasm of her life swept through her. The muscles of her pussy that were already giving Jimmy intense pleasure began to spasm and contract uncontrollably. It was too much for Jimmy to bear. He could not control himself any longer. With a final thrust, he held his cock buried to the hilt inside his one true love. His seed flowed out into her, as he also had the most astounding orgasm of his life.

After several moments, the contractions and spurting subsided. Sirah relaxed her grip on Jimmy's arms and he relaxed his hold on her legs, allowing them to fall to either side of his body. Slowly, so as to not disentangle themselves, Jimmy leaned down and softly kissed Sirah.

"I Love you Sirah"

"I love you my Jimmy"


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story with 4 good chapters, but overall the series is incomplete. It deserves several more chapters. Also his time in high school was skipped. It would have been good to include more of that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

definitely need more of this story a very good read

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Finish this soon, Sergeant!

When, if ever, do you intend on finishing this story? I am reading this on 10/7/2015. Hopefully you are alive and healthy. Please let us know what happened to your protagonists.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This author's an idiot......

Finish your story you fool!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

It has been over two years and there is still not an ending? W T F O ! !

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