Ministering the New Widow

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Brother Jones get's assigned a new widow to minister to.
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Hello, my name is Steve Jones, I am the second counselor in our wards Elders Quorum presidency. I am divorced and the father of two kids. My oldest daughter is 25 and married. My Youngest daughter just turned 20 and moved away to college. I live alone. I get along great with my ex-wife. We just could not live together.

For those who are not LDS (Mormon), each congregation has a group of Elders, (basically adult age men) who are responsible to visit and look after other members of the congregation. One of our focuses are to assist those without men in their homes, with anything they may need. With the Pandemic going on, ministering, or visiting these members has become a challenge. We cannot go in their homes, and so we have to call or use Zoom or FaceTime to try and build connections and see how everyone is doing. This is not so bad in general, but it is much harder when somebody new moves into the neighborhood and you have zero connection with them.

So my story begins when we saw somebody moving into the old Anderson home. The old widow who lived there died last year, and it took the family a long time to clean the house up and sell it. I saw movers moving things in, but with COVID, I did not feel I could offer to help. I had no idea who moved in.

Later the week, Bishop Smedley, our Congregational leader, called and told me that we had a new Widow move into the ward, and he asked if I could be their Ministering visitor and check in on her. He gave me a phone number, and a name. I knew nothing else about her. I admit, I was not very thrilled, I am very busy, I had just gone back to online university to finish my degree, and I was worried that this Widow would be very needy and take a lot of time. Not a very Christian attitude, so I adjusted my attitude and I proceeded to call us Sister Franklin and introduce myself.

Well the first call was kind of awkward, as you would expect. A total stranger calling a couple of days after moving in and saying I am here to make sure she has what she needs. I called and she did not answer, which I totally understand, since if nobody is in my contacts, I seldom answer as well. So I left a message saying hello and who I was, and then I also texted her:

"Welcome to the ward Sister Franklin, I am Steve Jones, your new Minister, and I live around the Block, I would love to make contact with you and see what I can do to help."

I got no response for a couple of days, and kind of forgot about her at the moment.

Then later that second night, I got a text, that was kind of late, and woke me up. It said:

"Hello Brother Jones, thank you for reaching out. I am new to this ward and this city, and I appreciate your offer. There is one thing you could do for me, I need to find an Electrician to fix some issues with the lights in my house."

Well this made me happy, it was a simple task that I could help with. I happened to know a good one and I shared the contact information with Sister Franklin. A couple of days later, on my morning run, I saw that the electrician was parked in front of her house, and that brought a smile to my face. So later that afternoon I texted Sister Franklin and said:

"Hello Sister Franklin, I saw the electrician there, was he able to help you? - Brother Jones"

This time I got a quick response saying:

"Yes, thank you so much Brother Jones, is it ok if I call you Steve? My name is Kristin and you can call me that."

This brought a smile to my face, I had never actually met Sister Kristin Franklin, but I felt good knowing I did a simple thing that helped her out. This was a simple break through, but it led to me texting her every few days, checking on her and her slowly opening up more and more to me. I found out she had been a widow for three years now, and that she had one daughter, who had just turned 18 and moved out to BYU a few months before, and she had moved to downsize from her bigger house, to a much smaller one, since she was now alone.

As the weeks progressed I started sending her jokes and humorous stories, since I know how hard it is to live alone. Kristin seemed to like them and would start sending me jokes and stories as well. We were developing a good friendship. The odd part of this friendship is that I had never actually met Kristin.

Well the ward decided to start doing Adult Sunday School using Zoom, since we have not been able to meet in person since March. This was the first time a lot of people had used Zoom and I was kind of amused watching a lot of the people struggling to figure it out. Most seemed to not understand how the mute button works. It also amused me seeing that a lot of people seemed unaware of what was behind them as they turned on their cameras. I could see their messy bedrooms and kitchens them. I find this a form of entertainment.

So as I was scrolling through the screens looking at all of the people, seeing who had grown pandemic beards, who had dyed their hair, I froze when I saw this stunning women I did not recognize. I looked at her user name and it said KFranklin. I was stunned, could this be the same widow Kristin I had been being friends with?

I had assumed she was an older middle aged Mom, it never occurred to me she was a stunning knockout of a women. She was a striking brunette, with bright hazel eyes. She had winning smile, and from what I could tell she had perfect makeup and was dressed very nicely. For some reason this totally changed how I viewed her. I was a bit mad at myself for making assumptions about her.

This was the first time I started to have naughty thoughts towards Sister Franklin.

Needless to say, I was pretty distracted all during Sunday School, I keep just looking at her in her tiny little window on Zoom and I was totally mesmerized. I wanted to acknowledge her beauty, but I was not sure how to do it without coming across as a creeper.

I spent a lot of time before I got up the courage to text her. I think I wrote it 10 times before I hit send.

"Kristin - I saw you on Zoom in Sunday School today, glad you were able to join and participate. I hope this does not sound awkward, but I must say, you are the prettiest Sister in our ward."

I sat there staring at my phone, wanting to find a way to delete it after I hit send. I was worried I had ruined our friendship.

There was not a response for a long time. Then finally I would see the little dots saying she was typing. Then they stopped. Then they started again, then they stopped. I figured she was trying to find a nice way of saying go to hell you creeper.

Finally I got a response.

"Steve, thank you for the nice compliment. It has been a long time since I have gotten one, and I am a bit flustered. I have not blushed in a long time."

I was so relieved she did not tell me where to shove it, or that she did not block me and call the Bishop. I felt emboldened by her response.

I responded with:

"Now I realize that this Pandemic has made me miss out on a lot, but not seeing you face to face. You truly are a stunning women. I look forward to when I can see you face to face in the same room. Sorry if that sounds to bold."

The same cycle started again of me wanting to take the message back, then seeing her type, stop and start again. Finally:

"You are not too bold. And I have not blushed this much in years. You are very kind, I look forward to when we can meet face to face as well."

My heart was beating so fast at this point. I decided I better stop for now before I scared her away. I was worried I would escalate too quickly.

I was thinking of ways that I could see her more, and then I thought of a simple, and kind of silly way. So after a week I sent her the following text:

"Sister Franklin, I would like to do a formal home (virtual) visit and give you a spiritual message. Can I FaceTime you Sunday Evening at 7:00 to give you a message?"

After a few minutes I got the reply:

"I look forward to it, I will see you on Sunday!"

I have to admit, this felt like a bit of a date to me. I had butterflies in my stomach, and I was looking forward to it.

That Sunday came around, it was was Sunday School time again. And yes, I spent the entire time watching her little window on zoom, and admiring her sexy face and not paying attention at all to the lesson.

I admit, when 7:00 rolled around, I was shaved, and wearing my best suit, even though it was just for FaceTime, hoping that would impress her.

Finally 7:00 finally came and I promptly put through the FaceTime call. Kristin answered right away! And when she answered, I was not disappointed! She was dressed up, her hair was done up nice, perfect makeup, and she clearly had on a nice dress. Being the idiot I am I said

"Oh wow! You look incredible!" as I stuttered it out, sounding like a teenage boy.

Kristin immediately blushed and said "Stop. You are embarrassing me.!

I just looked at her for a long time and smiled a big goofy grin.

Kristin said "Will you please stop gawking. You are making me uncomfortable."

"I am sorry, your beauty caught me off guard, I will be good now."

Kristin smiled again and seemed to relax.

I then went ahead and gave her a little message I had prepared from this weeks reading of 'Come Follow Me'. And I was so happy when she got into it and we had a nice discussion about the message.

She clearly had done her studying and was well versed, very intelligent, and very prepared. I was surprised when I noticed that 45 minutes had passed.

As things where winding done I said, "Kristin, I want to apologize for how this call started, I truly was just blown away with you very attractive you are. And I want to compliment you without you thinking I am just a creeper."

Kristin said "Steve, I will admit you caught me off guard, and it has been so long since anyone looked at me the way you did. It looked like you wanted to devour me, and well, I liked that feeling if I am honest. This has been very good for my confidence."

"Would it be too bold of me if I asked you to stand up and show me your wonderful dress? I can see that you took some time to dress up for this meeting, and I do not want this to go to waste."

Kristin smiled and blushed again, but then she stood up stepped back, so I could see all over her and did a slow pirouette for me.

I was soooo impressed. She has a stunning figure, and this dress did little to hide it. She has nice, I would guess C cup breasts, a slim waist, and the way the dress hugged her hips and behind, I was very happy with what I saw.

I accidentally slipped out a quiet "Damn....You look amazing!!"

Kristin responded with "What did you say?!?!"

"I said you look amazing, I have not see such a pretty women in a long time. Thank you so much for showing me."

She smiled big and sat back down "Ok Steve, now it is your turn, I see you put on a suit."

So I stood up as straight as I could and did a slow turn for her.

"You look very handsome my friend. I really appreciate the effort you put into dressing up for this meeting."

I must have had a big dopey grin on my face because she laughed at that point.

"Thanks for the compliment, it has been a while since any women has complimented me. It feels nice."

I knew I had better end the call before I embarrassed myself and so I said

"Kristin, thank you so much for letting me meet with you, I was very impressed by your preparedness and the wonderful conversation. I would like to do this again, if you are ok with that?"

Kristin had a sly smile on her face and said

"Steve, I enjoyed it as well, I would love to do this again!"

I could not resist my next comment.

"And Kristin, if you ever need your confidence boosted again, I am a big fan and would be happy to help in that area any way I can."

Kristin blushed again, smiled, and only said

"Thanks for the call, and I will talk to you later." and disconnected the call.

I have to admit, as soon as the call was over I took off my clothes and touched myself thinking about how sexy Kristin is, and how she looked in that dress. I fantasied about taking it off over her head and doing very naughty things to her. I came hard as I did that. I was surprised at how much she really turns me on.

After I had calmed down I texted her:

"I loved our discussion, and I especially loved how amazing you look, thanks again for sharing."

She replied quickly this time with:

"You are very kind, and I enjoyed myself as well. You look good in a suit."

I felt a bit bolder and sent:

I bet you have a whole closet full of outfits that you look amazing in, you should do a fashion show :)"

I thought I had gone too far, and I waited a while for her response. Finally she texted back.

"I think you are just trying to see more of me."

I responded with:

"Guilty as charged, I do want to see more of you!"

She responded, with:

"Let me think about it..."

I was so happy that she did not just tell me to go to hell. And that she is going to think about it. I went to bed that night dreaming of Kristin.

After that we settled back into our old texting routine of checking in, having chats, nothing to flirty.

I did set an appointment for next week to have another FaceTime gospel discussion and was happy Kristin agreed to doing it every Sunday evening.

The night before I could not resist and texted her:

"I am really excited about seeing you in a new fun dress tomorrow!"

She responded with:

"So much pressure.... I admit, I have been trying on some, I want you to be happy."

"I will not be disappointed! talk to you tomorrow."

Well it took forever for 7:00PM on Sunday to come, but it finally did and when we connected I was incredibly happy. She was in a dress that showed some nice cleavage and was very tight. It was red and looked amazing.

"You look so sexy!" I blurted out. "You have to stand up and show me all of it!"

Kristin blushed and smiled big, and promptly stood up and did a slow turn for me. I swear she was swaying her hips. The dress was knee length, but the left side had a slit that almost went to her hip.

"Do you like what you see Steve?"

"OMG Kristin, you look like a model!!". She smiled big upon hearing that.

"Based on your expression, you look like you want to eat me, I would say I did a good job."

"I have to say I did not expect such a revealing dress, and I am VERY happy that you are wearing this."

"Well this is not something I would wear to church, I bought it for a Cruise I went on several years ago, and luckily it still fits."

"Every man on that cruise was checking you out, I have no doubt." I said with a knowing smile.

She blushed again, and said "Well, I do remember getting a lot of stares."

"I cannot take my eyes off of you Kristin, you look like a goddess!"

She just grinned as I said that and did another slow turn for me.

At this point I had a raging hard on. And to my horror, she said

"Steve, you have to stand up and show me your suit too, this goes both ways."

I stood up and did my best to hide my erection, but I should see her looked shocked, then a big smile spread across her face.

"Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?"

I laughed hard.

"Well I guess you can really tell what I think of you in that dress."

Kristin stared for a while then said

"It has been so long since I have seen that reaction. I am very flattered."

I was feeling very emboldened and said "I am very happy to show you more, if you are as well..."

Kristin looked stunned for a moment, looked embarrassed, and then looked stern and said.

"Brother Jones, that is a very inappropriate comment. You would suggest that you want to expose yourself to a widow in the ward?"

I was horrified, I turned bright read and started to apologize, but before I could say anything she started to laughed and said

"Steve, I am teasing you. But in all seriousness, if you can be trusted to never tell anybody and be discreet, I will take you up on your offer."

I was dumbfounded and then slowly a big grin spread across my face.

Kristin smiled too.

"Kristin, you can totally trust me, and nobody would believe me if I said anything anyways."

Kristin responded by reaching back and sliding down the zipper on her dress and said

"You need to take off your suit big guy, I want to see all of you!"

Part II?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Amusing but an unlikely fantasy given our present conflicted society!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too good to read.Emjoyed.Keep writing more.Looking forward to.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So fun, please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

We like to see a part II. This is really good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

That was really good. Got me super turned on and wanting to go ministering. Part 2 please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A bit of fun...and thanks for not talking into the anti-LDS trope.

Please write more...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Yes part 2 please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Needs a part 2. This was awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Needs a part 2

Utah801Utah801over 3 years ago
Perfect story

You nailed it. Perfectly written. It makes me want to get out and get ministering. And yes, we do need a part 2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Yes - part II please! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Holy hell there better be a part II I’m horny as hell now. Damn

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Fun idea and a good read. Can I suggest you work on reducing how stilted the dialogue sounds? Read it out loud and you’ll see. One thing is that in normal dialogue, names are rarely used, and certainly not in every intervention. Looking forward to Ch2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great job so far yes part 2

clackormanclackormanover 3 years ago

You put on a slow tease and then ask if there should be a part 2? There damn well better be! Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great start

Being a member, I can totally relate to the taboo nature of the story. Please write more. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I hope so

Please more

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The New Widow

Definitely a Part II

DunkirkDunkirkover 3 years ago

They have to meet despite the pandemic and get to share each other

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story

Looking forward to more of this story

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