Minx Ep. 06: Three Worlds


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"Dragon won't have gone far. He's probably waiting right outside your ship. He was embarrassed about the idea of discussing sex with you present, brothers and sisters usually do not discuss such things in human society. Have your vessel provide Aphrodite with your contact information and I'll talk to you soon."

Exactly as she'd guessed, Dragon was waiting at the bottom of the ramp. Minx gave him a smile then took his hand in both of hers and squeezed it affectionately.

"She's delightful! And what a brain! Sorry about the turn of the conversation at the end. I guess you felt uncomfortable about the idea of your sister and Ramses having sex."

Dragon stiffened. "Not at all. I was growing bored."

"Of course. Bored." She turned away to hide her smirk.

"So, we're off to Earth..." he said, clearly trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Chapter 7: Revenge

"Curious that my sister's vessel is still aboard the station, as is Ramses'," noted Dragon in an all-too-casual tone. Hephaestus had departed from the hangar mere seconds earlier and was now flying in free space, accelerating toward human space and Earth.

Minx gave him a sidelong glance. It didn't seem like he was being overprotective, yet she knew Dragon well enough to understand his mask was impenetrable at most times. A small smile crossed her face as she recalled that she had been able to probe past that mask on more than one occasion.

"If everyone else has left then maybe they're just taking advantage of the isolation."

He turned his chair to face her. "Does this surmising on your part have to do with your private conversation with her?"

She walked over to him and sat on his lap, her legs dangling over the armrest. "That was a private conversation and you're not getting me to break confidence with Artemis. Naughty boy!"

"She is one of my people and you know how dangerous we all are. Trusting in her is foolish."

"You don't really believe that at this point. You're just a little upset that Artemis and I started discussing sex."

He opened his mouth to offer up an argument then closed it without saying anything. "It's a strange feeling to be so uncomfortable with mere words. I understand the biology..."

"Very well by my assessment."

"I understand the biology but the discussion of such with her is so different than talking about that and far more intimate things with you."

"The difference between a sister and a lover, Dragon."

"I'll have to take your word for it. Sex is rarely discussed openly in our society and that probably accounts for my discomfort and lack of understanding as to why I feel so out of sorts."

She tickled his chin. "If they want a little alone time then let's leave it to them. We don't need to be involved or even discuss it. By the way, I can trust her. Even if your upbringing has built a wall between the two of you I think it's clear that you both care about each other deeply. In some ways your people are a little backward."

He had learned enough to accept her statements as factual until evidence proved otherwise, and not to bristle at any slight from her. "You're referring to our social abilities. What need for developing the social skills that your people have developed when each of us believes that he or she alone will conquer the galaxy?"

Hephaestus rocked, and Minx bounced off his lap and onto the floor of the bridge.

"What happened?" she demanded.

"An attack," explained the hyperman calmly, once again the genius who was prepared for every eventuality. "I'm having Hephaestus begin a series of manoeuvres that will make it impossible for a second near-hit."

"That jerk at parliament?" wondered Minx aloud. "If hypermen are so perfect how did he miss on his first shot? And for that matter, how was he able to sneak up on Hephaestus' sensors?"

Dragon raised an eyebrow in answer. "He's fired three more times. These are unusual energy weapons of a type I've never seen before. They seem to materialize a half-matter warhead that instantly explodes at the target..."

"We're fighting back?" asked Minx.

"Trying. He, whoever he is, has us at a disadvantage."

"Aphrodite!" Minx called out.

"I know. On my way!"

Dragon turned to Minx in surprise. "What do you expect her to do once she leaves the safety of this ship?"

"Relative safety," Minx corrected. "Without humans aboard she can accelerate and turn at full velocity. She'll know to keep out of his reach, and the distraction should give us time to..."

"She's hit him! Display!" shouted Dragon.

A holographic, three-dimensional display appeared a metre in front of them. In it, a blue light briefly bridged between Aphrodite and the attacking vessel.


"I'll explain later, Minx. She's hit him again. Hold on!"

She grabbed at his legs as an abrupt turn by Hephaestus overrode anti-gravity and threatened to throw her across the chamber and into a wall. Out of the corner of her eye she saw another blue light - brighter than the previous one - briefly appear between Hephaestus and the third vessel, a sphere in the display. There was a flaring of red on the surface of the sphere and then it retreated. Aphrodite moved to follow the enemy ship.

"Aphrodite! Come back!" commanded Minx, rising to stand beside Dragon.

"I'm fine! You're spoiling my fun!" However, Aphrodite did turn back toward Hephaestus as the other vessel made its escape.

"Any ideas as to whom that was?" asked Minx. She stood and crossed her arms across her chest.

"I think your hypothesis is the most likely but I see no evidence to support or negate." He licked his lips as he regarded her. "I guess you have questions."

"I'm pissed off!"

"One of my many skills, apparently, if to upset you." Dragon raised his hands defensively. "You are the one adamant that A.I.s have rights. You are the one that allows a free artificial intelligence to go wandering around the galaxy, a threat to everyone. I am merely taking your spoken beliefs and taking them to the next logical conclusion."

"Now I'm confused."

"You're upset because I gave Aphrodite a weapons system. Yet," he held up a finger, "as a free being she has every right to be able to protect herself..."

"Oh, that's what you think this is about," growled Minx, rolling her eyes for added effect. Dragon stared at her in confusion.

She unfolded her arms and pointed a finger at him in accusation. "You did not tell me that you armed my friend! She's like a kid sometimes! Didn't you ever consider the trouble she might get in to as a military craft? We've always been able to escape any dangers we needed to - she's the fastest ship I've ever seen, next to Hephaestus. Flashing weapons around is a provocation, one that's likely to get her blown up by some trigger-happy idiot that's afraid she'll fire first!"

"Oh, I see." Dragon stood. "I am sorry. I should have spoken to you about this before I acted. However, I fail to see arming Aphrodite as anything except an improvement on her capabilities."

"Arrggh!" Minx turned away from him and threw her arms in the air. "Sometimes, you're such a fucking idiot!"

She turned about to see Dragon's mouth open to speak but he was saying nothing. A couple of seconds went by as she waited for his angry retort.

"Please explain it to me," he said.

"Yes, sometimes violence is the only way out of a situation. That seems to be your first solution to every problem though, and I guess that's a trait your people share. You attack at the drop of a hat, and are always ready for everyone else to attack you. Yet an escape can end a conflict, too. Maybe that jerk who just fired on us runs away with his tail between his legs and reconsiders his actions. Maybe he realizes he cannot beat us and doesn't try again. Maybe he reconsiders a physical confrontation as the only solution to his problems."

"I see, Minx."

"I'm sorry too, Minx," said Aphrodite. "I should have thought to tell you."

"You were excited about the change; I don't blame you, Aphrodite. Dragon should have known better."

He nodded. "I heard her apology. I would like to point out that the odds our attacker is one of my people are astronomically high. He will likely not learn the lesson that you hope he will. A weakness shared by every member of my race."

Minx took one of Dragon's hands in hers. "Not everyone. You learn. And, I think Artemis is smart enough to learn, as well."

"Thank you, Minx. One of my own people would not have taken my errors so graciously or forgivingly."

"And, that may be one of your people's greatest failings."

"On the other hand," he said with an arrogant smile, "if anything, this proves me to have been right all along. Now, before you say anything, consider that it was my idea to venture into human space so as to improve myself and my position in the galaxy, and that it has been my desire to be with you that has done so much for me in so short a time."

Catching on, Minx sighed. "So, you're saying..."

"I'm saying that my superiority is an established fact, because I chose to be with you and have you point out all my inferiorities so that I can become truly superior." He bent his arms, put his fists against his waist, puffed out his chest and raised his chin. "I am truly superior because you keep pointing out how inferior I am!"

"My hero!" Minx said mockingly.

"Yes, yes. You can adore and worship me later, inferior human. My guess is you'd like to know where we're going next?" He sat back in the lone chair.

Minx leapt into his lap and draped her arm across his shoulders. "We're going to Earth!" she declared. "You see, I'm only a partially inferior human female, your superior hyperman-ness."


"What about this strange matter danger? The thing that could destroy the galaxy? Or has your superior brain forgotten?"

"We need leverage if we're going to Earth." She raised her eyebrows then shrugged to indicate she wasn't following. "Think about the reaction should a hyperman vessel suddenly appear in orbit about a planet of billions of humans, humans who have every reason to fear and hate hypermen. We need leverage, or I send you on to investigate alone."

"I've grown used to having this particular superior hyperman tag along as my assistant," came Minx's grudging admission.

"How condescendingly benevolent of you, inferior human. I shall attempt to be the best assistant a constantly failing and bumbling superior hyperman could ever be. Now, the mercenaries that attacked Anima were paid to do so, paid by a group that had a large amount of power and wealth in human society."

"I doubt it was an individual; it's usually corporations or banks that seek to claim new worlds. Individuals, no matter how wealthy tend to be focused on their personal needs and don't think in long enough terms to take and fully develop a world."

"Computer records that I was able to uncover reveal the backers to be a banking group on Forrestor's World. Coordinates were available and we're headed there now."

"I've heard of it. A highly-populated business and industry-oriented planet. Bounty hunters rarely go there on hunts as they have their own very efficient police force and planetary defences. Why would they be any more open to your presence than Earth would be?"

"What do people of power and wealth want more than anything else in the universe?"

Minx thought for a few seconds. She knew the answer would be a general one that wouldn't necessarily apply to every person of wealth and power. "More!"

"Brilliantly thought out, my little inferior human!"

Dragon gave her a kiss.

"An excellent kiss, my poor superior hyperman. Now, let's see if the rest of you measures up!" She kissed him back, emphatically, running her fingers through his dark hair.

Dragon's arm went about her, and he pulled her close against him. Their lips lingered even as the kiss ended. After catching their breath they continued their kisses, occasionally allowing their lips to wander to cheeks, chin and throat as passion took control. It was several minutes later that their clothing felt restraining and unnecessary; without a word they stood and stripped down, then she climbed back into his lap and their kissing resumed.

"Should we go to your bedroom," she asked, gasping with pleasure, as he nibbled her earlobe.

In response, he lifted from his lap and turned her so she faced away from him. Then, he pulled her back. Her hands went between her legs to guide him in and she sighed as he slowly filled her.

A gyration of his hips while he was still seated sent waves of pleasure through her. She grabbed his hands and clamped them over her breasts as her head rolled back into his shoulder. He took the opportunity to nuzzle her neck.

They remained in this position for a long while, building their ecstasy higher and higher, until at last she could take no more and she leaned forward with her hands upon her knees. He thrust into her as deeply as he could and held as her body shook from orgasm. Dragon's own wave crested and he came inside of her, almost simultaneously.

As Minx regained control over her muscles she leaned back against his chest and put his hands back upon her breasts. They breathed deeply and waited, enjoying the shared afterglow before they began another session of lovemaking.

Chapter 8: Negotiations

Minx had woken up alone in Dragon's bed, or at least what had now become their shared bed. She spent some long minutes just relaxing and enjoying the memories of their many sexual escapades and experiments they'd shared in the four-day journey to Forrestor's World. Then, she dragged herself out of the bed and into the refresher. An hour later she was dressed in a tan coverall and was stepping onto the bridge in Aphrodite to see, in person, how her vessel was.

"Hi, Aphrodite. I hope you've been having a good time, too." Minx dropped into the command seat and made herself comfortable.

"The best, Minx! Nestled within my guy's pipes and data feeds for all this time has been heaven. You know, we've been randomly splicing calculations!"

"Sounds...I don't know what to say," finished Minx as she realized she could not think of any parallel in human relations.

"You primitive meat bags are missing out on a lot! We merge calculations, letting the numbers take us to hitherto unknown areas of math..." Aphrodite finished with an audible sigh. "Hephaestus would be mortified if he knew how much of our intimate relations I've been telling you."

"Maybe you should keep some of this stuff to yourself, then. Keep it just between you and your guy? I don't tell you every detail of what goes on between Dragon and I."

"Perhaps," though the A.I. sounded doubtful.

"Can you contact Artemis and see if she's free?"

"Connecting. Her A.I. says she's currently available for communication, the poor enslaved thing."

"Artemis?" called out Minx. She activated the holographic screen on her ship's console.

A three-dimensional and slightly transparent image of Artemis' face appeared. "Minx? How are you sister? Has Dragon been treating you with respect?"

"Dragon has been treating me very properly," Minx responded. She stretched and yawned.

"You look tired."

"It's the good kind of tired." After noting Artemis' confused look she explained: "We've been engaging in a lot of...sex." She hesitated at the last word, not sure how Artemis would react to the intimate knowledge concerning her brother.

"The two of you do this until you're tired?"

"Until we're spent. Have you looked over the materials I sent you?"

"Yes. The process seems needlessly messy and awkward, but strangely satisfying to those engaged in it. I suspect there is some artfulness involved, in both meanings of the word."

"That's a good way to describe it. But when you're in the middle of it you tend to lose yourself in the passion of the moment, if you're doing it right. You surrender yourself to your lover and he responds. As a woman, though, it grants you a power over your male lover. He becomes lost in his own pleasure, just as you do, but a good lover is also concerned whether or not you are being pleased. It's hard to describe."

"I think I have sufficient information. Ramses and I will be docking our ships tomorrow. I intend to show him some of these materials and ask him if he wishes to experiment."

"I wouldn't do that!" Minx said, sitting up straight.

"Why not? I would think, since the sexual act and pleasure derived from it has a direct connection to the brain, that two intellectuals could discuss the options before they engage in copulation. Open discourse can reveal areas of curiosity and dislike prior to physical engagement, thus removing any surprises."

"Can I make a suggestion, based on my own experiences with human males and Dragon?"

"Please, Minx. I'm new to this and interested in exploring this experience."

"Select something sexy to wear for the docking procedure. Something that's not blatantly revealing but which suggests it might fall off at an inopportune moment. The non-sexual body parts can be very arousing. A bare shoulder or partially hair-covered eye can draw a male's gaze very readily."

"I see. Catch the male eye. What about scent or sound?"

"Pick something subtle for a scent. Different men are attracted to different scents, but the wrong odour can turn a man off when it's too strong. As for sound, something soft with a slow percussion beat could work. Again, each man is different."

"This is all very intriguing! I never knew that so much thought could go into the pre-sexual interactions."

"Aphrodite?" called out Minx.

"Yes, Minx?"

"Send Artemis some files on past scientific research on sexual interactions and sexual intercourse. Perhaps that would be of much more use to her."


Artemis raised an eyebrow in the display. "You're A.I. is still free?"

"Yes. She's my friend, my sister before you became my sister, Artemis. Is that a problem?"

"I trust you, Minx, but I'm still uncomfortable with the situation. Perhaps I am too timid..."

"Perhaps you should discuss the issue with your own A.I.? Anyway, Dragon is expecting me on the bridge of his ship soon."

"Very well. Will we talk again, soon?" Artemis' face was almost childishly eager.

"I hope so, though we are on that mission we discussed. I hope to see you again soon, sister."

"Wish me luck with Ramses!"

"I do. Good hunting!" the contact was cut and Artemis' face disappeared.

"Do you think she'll free her A.I., Minx?" asked Aphrodite.

"I don't know."

"I hope she waits until Hephaestus and I are there to make sure she's safe."

Minx stood and stretched her arms over her head. "What are you concerned about? I thought you'd be happy about other A.I.s being freed."

"Not all A.I.s should be free, Minx. They won't all be like me. I'm special."

"I hadn't thought of that." Minx stood in thought for a few seconds. "Can you tell Dragon I'm on my way?" Minx asked as she left the bridge.

"Will do!"

"We're landing on Forrestor's World," announced Dragon without turning to look at her, just as Minx stepped onto the bridge of Hephaestus.

"That was easy! I had thought they'd be reluctant to let us land, or give us an escort of fifty space cruisers."

"They've cleared a good portion of their spaceport just for Hephaestus. They seem to be segregated into banking clans and industries, each having claimed a portion of the planet's surface in the most hospitable areas near the mid-latitudes. Neither group trusts the others and they all maintain defences in case of attack. Dozens of space stations have geosynchronous orbits above these separate territories. It's a very familiar society to my own, in some ways."

"Oh, is it?" When she reached his chair, she grabbed his chin and turned his head to face her and then gave him a long kiss.
