Miriam's Fall

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A cute little story about an accident at home.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/26/2023
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It was Thursday afternoon, and I was neck deep in a project at work that suddenly had landed in our lap. It was a mess, and it would take forever to finish, which worried me a little because I had dinner plans with my beautiful wife Miriam, whom I've been married to for the last 25 years.

Now that the kids were out of the house--and partially out of fear that we would end up divorced like so many of our friends that are our age--Miriam and I recently made a pact that each week we would set aside some time for each other to do something fun. Like last week, we went out dancing. This week I made plans for a meal at our favourite restaurant. Miriam worked from home today just for this specific reason and planned to meet me here at work, which meant I had no choice but to untangle this mess before she arrived.

It was a little after 3:30 when I noticed that must have left my phone on mute from the meeting earlier and I had a succession of missed calls from a withheld number. I usually avoid these calls like the plague--I assume they are a scam--but a second later when my phone started ring again from another withheld number, I groaned and answered it. "Yes?" I said in my best annoyed voice.

"Hello?" said a woman whose voice I did not know. "Are you Miriam's husband?"

"Yes. Who is this?" I asked.

"Miriam had a fall. You must get home and help her right away!" The woman's voice was shaky, and she sounded scared.

The line went dead.

I furrowed my brow for a second and stared at my phone. I quickly called Miriam, but my call went straight to her voice mail.

"That's odd," I said out loud.

"What is it?" asked one of the ladies I worked with.

"It's probably nothing," I said as I started to nervously tap my fingers on the desk, before I tried Miriam's number again and the same thing happened. "I must run home and check on something," I told my team as I snatched my car keys off my desk and headed for the door.

From my office to home only takes about 10 minutes by car. When the weather is fair, I usually take my bike, but since Miriam was going to meet me at the office for our dinner date, luckily today I drove. Thankfully traffic was light, and I made it home in good time.

Miriam's car was in the driveway like I expected. I jumped out of my car and opened the front door to our house.

"Miriam?" I said out loud but got no response. "Miriam!" I shouted louder.

From the back of the house, where her home office was, I could hear the faint sound of fucking. And not just any fucking, it sounded like a full-blown orgy coming from Miriam's tiny home office.

Not knowing what to expect, I tip toed through the kitchen where I found Miriam's big comfortable office desk chair, with one of our good fluffy towels on it, awkwardly jammed in the doorway to her office. I carefully edged my face around the door jam and peeked into Miriam's office.

At first glance the office was empty, and the orgy sounds were thankfully coming from her computer. Then, on the floor I found Miriam. "Oh my God!" I shouted out as I saw Miriam completely naked crumbled up against the far wall from her desk. Her eyes were shut and for a second she looked dead.

"Miriam!" I shouted as I violently pulled the office chair from the door frame and sent it rolling across our large, tiled kitchen. I lunged forth into Miriam's home office and first thing I did was step into something incredibly slippery that she must have spilled on to the hardwood, parquet floors we had installed at great expense a few years back. I nearly toppled over myself, but I just managed to catch the edge of her desk which stopped me from dying too.

I immediately became aware of where the sounds of the orgy were coming from when I looked up and saw a troop of well-endowed black men having their way with a rather cheerful white woman on Miriam's side monitor.

I reached over and hit the off button on the side monitor before I turned around to get a good look at my wife. Miriam was sprawled out on the floor, more naked than I had seen her in years. Most shocking of all was that someone in bold red permanent marker had scrawled the words "Cock Slut" across the top of her naked chest.

"Miriam!" I screamed but got no response. I tried to take another step towards her, and nearly fell again from whatever was all over the floor. Finally, I went to my knees, and inelegantly crawled over to Miriam.

My heart was racing when I finally managed to get a hold of her wrist, and--thank God--she had a pulse. I put my face close to her face to see if I could feel her breathing, but when I looked down, I could clearly see her nipples as they rose and fell with each breath.

"Miriam!" I shouted and shook her gently to see if she would come around. "What's wrong Miriam?"

"She hit her head!" came the same woman's voice that had called me earlier from Miriam's primary monitor.

I looked up to see a video chat screen open and the on light to her fancy webcam she uses for work meetings blaring white. At first all I could see was another home office, not to dissimilar to Miriam's office except there was an empty chair on the screen. Then suddenly, in the corner of the video chat screen, the top of a woman's head rose up until I could just see her eyes while she continued to hide the rest of herself underneath her desk.

"Excuse me?" I said more in shock than anything.

"She hit her head on the wall behind you," the woman said again.

I looked up and directly above where Miriam lay, there was a round, head sized dent in the wall. I ran my hand back behind Miriam's head and sure enough it was wet with blood.

"Oh god!" I shouted out and held up my hand for the woman on webcam to see.

"Is it a lot of blood or a little?" she demanded.

"How would I know?" I asked to the pair of eyes watching me.

"Is her hair wet, dripping with blood?" the woman demanded.

I carefully tilted Miriam's head where I could get a better look. There was a good 10 cm diameter blood spot on the back of her head, but it wasn't dripping.

"It's not dripping," I told the woman.

"Thank God!" exhaled the woman as she blinked in relief.

"What should I do?" I shouted out as I became aware of an odd buzzing noise coming from somewhere nearby.

"I've already called the paramedics," said the hidden woman.

"What?" I proclaimed as I darted my eyes around the room trying to figure out what the hell the buzzing sound was.

"I didn't know if you would ever pick up your phone, so I called the paramedics," the woman groaned. "They should be there any minute."

"This isn't good," I began to panic as I attempted to come to grips with the situation. "Miriam will never forgive either of us if they find her like this."

"I agree," said the woman. "You must hide all of her toys."

"What toys?" I asked out of confusion.

"First there should be a rather large and realistic black dildo kicking around there somewhere. I didn't see where it went when she fell over."

"How large?" I impulsively asked.

"It will be hard to miss," the woman confessed.

I frantically began to look all around Miriam's office on the floor until I glance down, and below her desk I saw an absolutely monster of a dildo. It was humongous--the size of my arm--black, covered in thick rope like veins, with a massive head and two realistic black balls.

I attempted to grab it, but it was slick to the touch and heavy, and slipped out of my hand with a heavy thud. I tried again but the same thing happened, so eventually I had to reach down and wrestle it was both hands. Eventually I got a hold of it and with some effort held it up to the webcam. "Is this it?"

"Yes," said the woman with an embarrassed look in her eyes.

Suddenly my doorbell began to ring followed by someone pounding on the front door.

"They are here," I said as I opened a drawer on Miriam's desk and flung in the giant dildo.

"Shit," said the woman. "There should be a vibrator around there somewhere too."

"Is that what's making the buzzing sound?" I asked. "Any idea where it went?"

"No sorry," said the woman.

I got back to my feet and looked down at the big wet spot on the floor in front of Miriam. On closer inspection, I could see my footprint in the puddle where I just stepped as well as what look like Miriam's footprint. Then in the mess I could see an odd singular trail heading off at a 45-degree angle towards a set of filing cabinet from which I could hear an odd buzz. "Got it," I shouted as I pulled the big purple rabbit vibrator from under the cabinet and turned it off.

"Excellent," said the woman.

The pounding on my front door grew worse.

"Don't forget the lube!" The woman gestured to a large bottle of lube that sat next to Miriam's teacup on her desk.

At first, I mistook it for hand cream, but the image of a butt on the label quickly rid me of that notion, so I grabbed it and dropped the lube into the drawer.

"Oh, and her anal beads!" shouted the woman as she pointed to Miriam's rear.

"What?" I said in shock. "I didn't think Miriam liked anything coming near her rear."

The woman just shrugged her shoulders.

I carefully peaked down between Miriam's thighs. I attempted to avert my eyes from looking directly at her vagina, but given the proximity of it to her anus, I couldn't help it. To my shock her vagina was red, raw, and slightly agape. I forced my eyes down, and, sure enough, protruding from her anus was a thin black rubber stem with a loop attached at the end.

"What should I do?" I asked the woman.

"Just pulled it out," the woman ordered.

"Won't I hurt her?"

"No," said the woman resolutely. "She put them in there."

"Ah, yes. I see," I said before I carefully reached down and hooked my index finger through the loop and began to pull. It didn't budge.

"Pull harder," the woman demanded. "She must have cinched up." Suddenly her phone began to ring. "It's the paramedics. You must hurry!"

I tried to pull again but nothing budged. So, I hooked my middle finger through the loop for good measure, pulled up her right leg where I put my hand on the back of Miriam's thigh for leverage, and pulled. Suddenly there was movement. A lot of movement. I'm not sure what I was expecting to come out when I first began to pull, but this wasn't it. Unexpectedly a big black rubber ball began to crown. It was at least a good 5 cm in diameter but still not out.

"Uggghh," Miriam involuntarily groaned as her rear end fought to keep whatever was lodged in there in place.

"Harder!" shouted the woman.

Finally, with an almighty tug, the first big, black, bead broke from her arse and the rest immediately followed in a sudden rush of rather long and dirty anal beads.

I held up the dirty anal beads and the woman's eyes went wide for a second. "Anything else?" I asked before I dropped the anal beads in the drawer and shut the drawer tight.

The pounding at my door continued, followed by the sound of it opening, "Hello? It's the Paramedics here. Did someone call for help?" came a voice from my front door.

"Her chest! Her chest!" yelled the woman on cam before she suddenly stood up and pointed to her naked chest on which the word 'Whore' was written in black marker. "Clean her chest!"

I quickly stepped down next to Miriam and ran my hand across the words "Cock Slut" written on her chest.

"She used a sharpy marker! It's permanent! You need something oil based!" the woman hissed down the line.

"Hello, Miriam? Are you okay?" yelled the paramedic again.

In a near blind panic, I looked over and saw the puddle on the floor. "She must have dropped the lube, which is oil based," I said out loud to myself. From my pocket I pulled out my white handkerchief and quickly wiped up as much of the lube as I could. I then prayed before I wiped it across Miriam's naked chest.

The red 'Cock Slut' letters instantly smeared into an indiscernible mess across the top of her breast.

"Is that it?" I demanded of the woman in a hushed tone, suddenly afraid that we would be overheard.

"Let's hope so," said the woman as she leapt up from where she had been hiding behind her desk. She too was also fully naked. She quickly lunged across her desk. I couldn't get a good look at her face, but I did get a close-up view of her dark bush before she said, "Sorry," and suddenly her camera went dark, and the call died.

"In here!" I shouted as I stood up, ducked into the kitchen, and grabbed the towel off the chair. I quickly ducked back into Miriam's home office and did my best to wrap the towel around her. "In here. My wife has had a fall!"

Several hours and an MRI scan later Miriam, her doctor, and I, found ourselves in a private room at our local hospital.

"I cannot emphasize enough how careful one must be when you leave the bath," the doctor scolded her. "I see at least one serious head injury a week from patients like you who slip on a wet floor on the way out of a bath. You were very lucky that all you needed was some stitches in the back of your head and a night of good rest. Also, you were very lucky that your husband found you when he did." The doctor reached over and patted both of us on our hands. "It warms my heart to see that such wonderful couples like you two still exist in this world. Now if you will excuse me, I'm off to deal with a stabbing." The doctor smiled at both of us before she turned and walked out of the hospital room.

"So...," Miriam let out a long pause before she eventually continued awkwardly. "I guess we won't be going out for dinner tonight."

"I've already called the restaurant and explained that you had a fall. They said they would keep a table for us when you are well," I said.

"That's good. I really like that restaurant," said Miriam.

"As do I," I said.

The two of us sat there in silence for several minutes before Miriam spoke again.

"Should we talk about what happened today?" Miriam asked cautiously.

I gave Miriam a smile and squeezed her hand before I pointed to the white bandage that was wrapped around her head, "maybe not tonight dear, for I see you have a headache."

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sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

NOW there a chapter 2, but why no indication here that this is a chapter one? I agree that I wouldn't bother trying to protect her reputation or modesty,

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker60about 1 year ago

Everyone has a hobby. His wife likes dildos and anal beads. Needs to watch out for dangerous lube spills. Definitely a HAZMAT. Lucy got some splainin’ to do

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Simply hilarious! 5 stars

SerradaCSerradaCabout 1 year ago

Excellent, ignore the anon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ha ha, humour before the rumours.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

meh. unfinished train wreck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Worst way to end the story. Really disappointed.

BiggaluteBiggaluteabout 1 year ago

Loving wives section and the poisonous comments are not my cup of tea but I love your writing and your imagination 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Absolutely not the way to end a story.

tralan69ertralan69erabout 1 year ago

Not finished.

Sounds like the discussion needs to happen.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Rated a 1! Not finished and the wimp husband had no idea what to do. Why not just let the paramedics inside and discover all the toys and let the chips fall where they mat?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

He never asks the woman "Who the fuck are you?"


Why should he care what happens to Miriam?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Haha fun story

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