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"We fucked."

"I've fucked before," I said, trying to keep some of the upper hand. Or something? I think this was just one of those awkward situations where you just say whatever you think you need to say when you're not thinking.

"Ya, and so have I. But you've never fucked *me*," he said. He smirked.

"It wasn't *that* good," I snorted, even though it had been.

"Yeah it was," he countered. I nodded.

"But it couldn't have been *that*...could it?"

"Well, maybe it--" he stopped. "Was there anything different than usual?"

"Well, there was the...the smell..." Dizzy silence slammed through my nostrils and into my brain. *The smell.* Instinctively, I knew that was it. That mind-bending, magical aroma, that melty tang emanating from our bodies, mixing with the heat and-- "It was our sweat!"


"Our sweat! When we fucked and mixed our sweat, it must have done something...the two together must have combined some way that...well, allows us to *control* people."

His mouth opened wide. Wider. Hung there—snapped shut. "So, when I showered--?"

"You washed it off. But I didn't. I can still do things."

"Can, can you control me, too?"

"Bark like a dog."


"I guess not."

He shivered in relief. "So we can't control each other, but when we fuck, no one else can stand in our way?"

I came out with a grin of my own. "I guess so."

"Shayla," he said, slinking up to me and sliding an arm around my waist, "we are going to have *lots* of fun."

I leaned in for a kiss; our lips met and dragged our bodies up close, and it felt tingly. I put my head down and sighed. He felt firm, and there with his arms around me and my head resting on his shoulder, my lips grazing the soft skin of his neck and my loins afire, I felt peaceful. I felt like maybe, here was a guy who could hold me for a while. Just maybe, I could be happy in his arms and in his heart.

The mystical powers didn't hurt, either.

Hand in hand, we walked across the quad to our next classes. He dropped me off at mine before continuing to his, waving as he took a couple of backwards steps before jogging over to the Psychology building. His hair glinted in the sunlight, which also obscured his face. Again, I felt restful. Heh, I think I had a *boyfriend* now. Who would have thought?


Freshly sweaty and bedraggled (although not dragged; fully consensual), Tris and I stepped back into the LitFly room. Our five freshman sat around in random chairs, lightly chatting. One was picking her nails with utter disdain. The whole mood was one of extreme apathy, of "it's a nice day and you call a *meeting*? What are you *on*?" This was the main test, though. If they responded like everyone else had, I was willing to chalk one up to mystic and have myself some fun.

"So. Meeting to order."

Nothing happened. Oh well; it was just an expression; didn't mean anything anyway.

"Pay attention!" snapped Tris. All five jerked up and swiveled their bodies and heads our way. "When Shay or I talk, you *listen*." I could hear cold malice in his voice. Woah, no need to get strict; I think we have them exactly where we want them. "Under*stand*?"

"Yes!" called one. The others nodded.

"And," he continued, "you *obey*."

I thought that was a bit cheesy, personally, but hey, to each his own.


"Now, the P53 protein, once activated, targets not the area that codes for it, but the..." Hoo boy. This was going to be a long class. The fact that I could still feel the heat of Tristan's kisses on the back of my neck didn't help anything. This morning we'd fucked in *his* room, a first for us. His roommate had smirked on the way out; probably remembering our little tryst in the laundry room last year. What a loser. He probably hadn't gotten any pussy since then. If only he'd come back fifteen minutes later, I could have made him shut up for good. Or maybe Tristan would've; seemed like he really enjoyed barking out the commands. Especially this week, he'd gotten a little, you know...There were times when I was really glad we couldn't control each other.


I jerked my head up. The whisper came again.


"Oh, hey Serena. What's up?"

The little blond quaked for some reason. "Ummm, not much..." She brushed back her bangs with long, delicate fingers. Her hair was so pale it practically matched her skin. "Uhhh, I was wondering..."

"Yeah?" I doodled a tree in the margin of my notebook. It was the only thing I could really draw.

"Do you, ummm, have a study partner? I mean, ummm, there's that test next week and do you want to study?" She was shaking like a leaf.

"Are you OK?"

She nodded rapidly.

"Yeah, sure, why not?"

She let out a huge surge of air. Had she been holding her breath? I noticed her slender form moving up and down beneath her clothes...Huh? A girl? Well, no. I had a boyfriend. But we could still study.

"Come to my room at eight tonight. Boshale 213."

Serena smiled with a small trace of a giggle, and went back to taking notes. For the rest of class, I was extremely conscious of how close her arm was to mine every time she reached the end of a line.

There was a tentative knock at my door at exactly eight pm. What with homework and LitFly and all, I still hadn't taken a shower.

"Come in, it's unlocked!" I called out from my desk.

Serena entered.

I think I managed to suppress my gasp, but I'm not quite sure. She was in this little blue sun dress and wicker sandals with straps that just crawled right up her ankles and calves...short skirts always made me want to touch the inside of those smooth, smooth thighs. Her hair was swept up into a half pony-tail, curling around her face and those deep blue eyes that matched the dress perfectly.

"You've...changed. Since class."

"Yeah." She ground the toe of one high-heeled sandal into the carpet. "I felt like I should."

"You can, uh, close the door?"

She reached out one slender arm, took hold of the doorknob, and gently pushed it into its place. I pretended not to notice either the swell of her petite breasts or the way she locked the door by busying myself getting my textbook off my shelf.

"So, ummm, studying?" She shrugged, and it made her little dress ride up on her legs. Oh my...I offered her a drink of milk, water or lemonade but didn't mention my beer. Beer made me too horny. She refused the drink anyway.

We started out sitting on my bed, and then slid down to the floor when the science got harder. That was why, a half hour later, I was leaning against my bed staring at her creamy ankles through slitted eyes, trying to recall the difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

"Ohh, don't tell me, don't tell me..."

"I won't...cuz I don't know either." She winked at me.

"Uchhh..." I groaned and rolled my neck around until it popped. "Ahhh..."

"So, ummm," she said, that nervous twitch back in her voice, "do you...oh, nevermind." She twisted her pencil between her hands, wringing it.

"No. Finish the sentence. What?"

"Do you want to do something else?"

"Like what?"


"Tell me what."

"Make out?" She squeaked.

I gulped and choked. Somehow, even after all that heated arm-grazing and the outfit and the fact that I was really really attracted to this girl, it hadn't occurred to me that she could actually feel the same way. And her suggestion was still ringing in my ears. I wanted to kiss those soft-looking lips, those moist, slightly-parted lips; my eyes were already pulled into her blue skies of irises, irises under a cloudless sky of...She'd only answered my question because Tristan had fucked me. I only knew she liked me because Tristan had fucked me. I only had a chance with this girl because I'd fucked Tristan. My boyfriend, Tristan.

I closed my eyes and leaned forward.


"What's wrong now?" Tristan asked with an impatient sigh, crossing his arms over that delightfully muscular chest. Thin faded t-shirt riding up under his arms to reveal just a hint of pubic hair and hips, six-pack abs and dammit!

"I don't really know how to say this..."

"Then don't. Don't say anything. Let's just fuck!"

"I don't know if I want to." Last night with Serena had been a thing of dreams. She was delicate in my arms, even paler underneath her dress; a moon with no craters. Smooth and tasty, moaning every time I found a new way to sweep my fingertips across her expanse, hot and tangy when I kissed her. There were no more powers to be had, and our scents mixing had canceled out the ones I still possessed that night, but she tasted like no boy ever had or ever could. She was sweet, and possibly addicting, and she sucked on her finger to keep tasting *me*. Even after she'd been down three times to feel me shudder "just one more time..." with a giggle, slid those graceful hands over my breasts with patterns that made me moan loud enough to echo off the cement-block walls, even then I still had no desire to stop. Even then, a shaking wreck all hollowed out with pleasure like never before.

"You're the horniest girl in school and you don't wanna do it? What's the deal?"

"Can't I just not want to fuck every once in a while?" I fiddled around with my computer so I didn't have to look him in the eye. I turned on some music. Something with a slow, hard beat. Pounding.

"Shayla, you never 'don't wanna fuck.'"

"I do right now."

"Look, hon, I'm kind of in a bind here. I have a test this morning and I really need those powers."

"Oh, so this isn't even about the sex, or about me, is it? You just need your little powers to pass some dumb test you should have been studying for. Well, no. The answer is no."

"No, no! It's not like that! Not at all." He looked deep into my eyes. "I...I love you. I didn't want to say it before, but...I do. I know I'm kind of callous at times, but it's because I need you. I do, baby."

I melted. I couldn't tell him now...but that was just a one time thing, right? I was mostly straight, and he was my boyfriend. And I'd pined for him. Insomuch, you know, as I ever pined for anyone. And that was really the key, wasn't it? Like Chuck Klosterman says, every once in a while you meet someone and the way you love them becomes your definition of love. My first love was the guy I first pined for, a guy I never fucked, never got, never even talked to. I'd pined for Tristan. And now I had him. Love. I loved him.

"Come on, Shayla," he said, looking deep into my eyes and wrapping his arms around my waist. "You know you want a little action." He swung his hips into the music and brought mine along with them.

"Tristan--" I still wasn't sure about this. But his heat was getting to me, jump starting my libido.

"No, shhh..." he placed one finger over my lips to stop me from protesting.

"You've been acting kind of—mmph!" My eyes shot wide open as he kissed me full on the mouth. He worked through my surprise, tilting my head back and deepening the kiss in a semblance of romance. He ran the fingers of one hand through my hair, winding them in, and slid the other down to the top of my jeans. His clever fingertips played with the button, then slid up to run his hand over my exposed hips. Softness against my skin...

"Tris! No!" I jerked away. "We can't do this anymore."

"Sure we can, Shayla. You want it."

"No, I..." The fact that I did, *really* badly, was *not* helping.

"You're hesitating. Look at me. No, look at me. Yeah. Shayla, this is a gift. This power...this doesn't happen every day. We should take advantage of that."

"By taking advantage of *me*?"

He snorted. "Shayla, you're not some blushing, fuckit, virgin or anything. Even before I got to you. I mean hell, you slept with my roommate, and his buddy the week before."

"That was last year!"

"Sure, whatever. But it's good with me, isn't it?"


"Yeah." He looked deep into my eyes. "Shayla. I get fireworks when I kiss you, did you know that? This is...this is special." He let his mouth fall open just a tiny bit, just so my sight was drawn to it, watching the air flow in and out, in and out, in and out...


"You're burning up, aren't you?" He reached out one strong arm and pulled me to his chest.

"Heat...yes, I—oh god!" I cried as his hand reached my ass and squeezed.

"Don't think anymore," he insisted. "Just feel. Just feel the heat. Feel my hands...feel my hands on your stomach, undoing your button, your zipper..." I grabbed his hand as I felt the pressure on my front slowly subside; I grabbed his hand to make him unzip me faster. The air came, it felt like it was rushing inside the slowly parting denim, as if the fabric was connected to my body, another set of lips for him to push though, to dominate. Tristan gently plucked my hand from his and knelt, pulling my jeans slowly off my hips and down to the floor. I lifted one foot at a time and he took the rings of cloth away. He went back up for the panties, leaning in close to breathe on my aching, swelling sex as he rid the center of my being of its last vestige of control.

"Please, please" I whimpered weakly.

He slipped a hand between my legs and ran it up my thighs, up and up...but didn't touch my dripping folds, only used it to spread my legs apart. My socks stuck on the rough carpet, but the dragging feeling was nothing to the sensation of my heart pounding in my pussy. My clit was ticking, twitching with arousal, wanting only the slightest touch to--

I yowled. His tongue, his tongue, he'd taken his hand away and replaced it with his mouth, his mouth latched to my aching need, lapping up my juices, and then swiping at my clit, sensations rocketing to my skull, ricocheting around the empty space where my brain used to be. I grabbed his hair, my dumb fingers forcing his head further between my legs. This pleasure was such torture, but look at me asking for more! I looked up into my mirror, saw tears sliding from my eyes with the intensity of the sensation. I saw one of his arms snake up my stomach and disappear under my shirt. Another fuzzy jolt of pleasure hit my eyes when his fingers slid over my nipple, raising it to heretofore unknown heights, and I was lost. Gone was any reluctance, any resistance, anything other than the desire to suck and fuck and cum, cum so hard they'd never get my smell out of the carpet.

I stripped off my shirt and added a hand of my own to the other raised nub. I think by this point I was moaning, but I don't remember the next few minutes very well; the next thing that's clear to me is the tumbling sensation of my body being lowered to the ground, being laid to rest atop a pile of discarded clothes; both his and mine.

His dick brushed my thigh, and I felt a spot of his wetness stay on it. I shivered. His cock brushed higher up and closer in. I spread my legs open farther, farther... he was hovering. He was waiting. Waiting? Why?! He'd gotten me this horny, why would he do that if he wasn't going to take care of me?

"Gah!" I moaned in indignant anger. "Are you gonna put it in, or what?"

Tris smiled one of his sideways grins at me.

"What? What do you know that I don't?" I wrigged my hips beneath him. I was going to lose it in a minute, why the damn delay?

He reached into the pocket of his pants from where they lay near us. He pulled something out, brought it towards my face. What was that? A little black box, what did he want with—oh. Oh! Spark-l-ly...

"Shayla, will you marry me?"

I sniffed. So romantic! "Yes, Tristan, I will." I held up my left hand and he slid the shining ring onto my finger. "Now put your cock in me before I fucking scream."

He grinned again, tossed the box aside, and slammed home.


The next day in bio, I saw Serena saunter through the door with more confidence than I'd ever seen her possess. I saw her smile at me, toss her hair, slip into the seat next to me, move in closer...

Then she noticed the ring. She looked like she'd been slapped. She hopped up from the seat and fled the room.

What else could I do?

"Serena and I were both here all class," I snapped to the class and the Professor, and sprinted out after her.

"Serena!" I called, "Serena!" My sneakers burned asphalt down the path.

The whole place, MON University, was gorgeous. It was like one big English park; tree-lined paths, shrubbery, and manicured lawns. Sure, they were surrounded by box-like nondescript brick buildings, but on sunlit days like today most students didn't care; everywhere I looked were sunbathing, chattering, frisbee-throwing students. Where was Serena?

The first flowers of the year were starting to bloom, but there was only one bright blossom I was looking for.

"Serena!" I slowed to a jog; people were starting to notice me. Some guys carrying drivers and tennis balls looked me over as they passed on through. "What're *you* looking at?" I growled.

"You." Said one of them.

"You're pretty hot," commented another.

"Hey, aren't you those guys who raped that girl last year?"

"Uhhh..." They looked at each other nervously. "No, we were just at the party." They both sighed. Oops. If it was them, one of their friends had died that night.

"Whatever. Have you seen Serena Michaels?"

"I think so?" said the one in the polo shirt, "Is that her?" He gestured towards a blonde in a short red sundress, power-walking angrily towards the Lilac building, a dorm on East campus.

"Yeah, that's her. Thanks. And you guys can, uh, feel, um...oh, fuck it. Thanks!"

I started to jog, and then turned it up into a sprint. Serena was wearing those cute wicker sandals again, but it meant she couldn't go very fast. She also didn't know I was following her, at least not until I pulled up to her side, panting.

"Serena!" I wheezed.

"What?" she snapped. Her eyes were red from holding back tears.

"I, I wanted to apologize. Just a..hoo, just a sec." I put my hands on my knees and breathed slowly and evenly, trying to recover. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"OK, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. But...what did you think was gonna happen with us?"

She squeezed her eyes shut for a long second. "I...I thought maybe you would like me enough to break up with Tristan. But then you, you...you get *engaged* to him the very next day? What was I to you?" One tear snuck down her left cheek. I thought about how soft her face was and my heart melted.

"Let, let me explain, OK?"

She nodded.

"Now, I know this is all going to sound completely crazy, but I can prove it. Remember that, OK? I can prove everything I'm about to say."

She sniffed, and rubbed one hand along her upper arm.

"OK, so, in the beginning I liked Tristan, well, not actually in the beginning, because in the beginning I just wanted to fuck him but I started to like him after that, see? Well, yeah, kinda, but the thing is we have these powers. We get these powers because we fuck each other. You remember the other night when I was asking you all those questions? You never would have answered those if I didn't have my powers making you do it. And it turned out awesome, it did, it really did, but like, see, I need to keep fucking him to have these powers because, it's like, the smell. Our sweat mixes when we fuck and that's what gives us these powers; the smell. And then there was you and it was totally amazing, best night of my life but...I want to keep having these powers and then he fucked me and he asked me to marry him and just, you know..."

She stood silently for another minute, absorbing it all.

"Prove it."

"Oh, uh, yeah sure. Do you know any of those guys?" I pointed to a group of scantily clad girls and admiring guys hanging out on patio furniture they'd dragged into a circle on the lawn outside the dorm.