Miss Casey Ch. 02: The Gift

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Another girl submits, and another haunting.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/17/2024
Created 03/31/2024
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There were a couple of requests for a sequel to Miss Casey, and though I initially thought it was a one-off story, ideas kept popping into my head whenever I tried to write anything else.

Many thanks to TheNyxianLily for editing this story too.

It was strange to be wearing clothes again. Miss Casey had kept Anna naked for several months, the happiest of Anna's life. However, you can't live in the same building forever, and one day, Miss Casey decided to drive Anna into the nearby town of Tarnstead. She'd picked out a conservative white blouse and knee-length grey skirt for Anna to wear, along with her trainers. There was no underwear, though Miss Casey wore some herself under her floral dress.

They'd gone out for a check-up at the dentist. The good news was Anna's teeth were perfect. The even better news was that Miss Casey had decided they should take a stroll around the town, along with lunch in a cafe. Anna had never been on a date, and this was the closest she'd come. OK, it had begun with a dentist visit, but still, it was a romantic day. Miss Casey took her down cobbled streets and through lazy parks, while the waxing spring sun dappled their way.

They couldn't be a couple out of the house. But they passed for mother and daughter, so they received no attention. Anna felt their age difference the most when Miss Casey asked her about the young people hanging around with brightly coloured hair. She explained that the ones with the spiky hair were punks, and the ones dressed as though from a prior century were New Romantics. Shaking her head, Miss Casey told her that Anna would rarely wear make-up; she preferred the natural look, and Anna had the beauty to pull it off.

In a bookshop, Miss Casey bought her a paperback called Ghosts, Hauntings and the Unexplained. Anna had developed a fascination with the supernatural since discovering their home was haunted. Next, Miss Casey decided to visit an up-market department store, and led the way to the womenswear section.

"This shop is terrible! The clothes are overpriced and rubbish!" So saying, a portly woman stormed out of the shop. A nearby shop assistant sighed; it appeared she'd done her best to help the customer, only to be abused. Anna noticed Miss Casey staring at the beautiful blonde girl for a moment before heading over to her.

"That can't be much fun," Miss Casey said to the girl.

Turning, the girl, whose name tag read 'Daisy', said, "Oh, yes, it's a bit disappointing when we can't please the customers. Can I help you with anything, ma'am?"

Miss Casey smiled. "Please don't call me ma'am; it makes me sound so old. And yes, I think you can help me. I'm looking for a gift for an old friend."

Daisy brightened up. "What were you looking for?"

"She's going to be turning forty soon, so I need something very special. I'd like something that delights her."

"Delight, huh? Well, we've had some new dresses come in this week. Perhaps we should start with those?"

"By all means. But I'm curious: are you a natural blonde? My friend Anna and I were disagreeing about that before we came over."

Anna blushed and noticed Daisy had the same reaction. "Uh, yeah. But I don't see what that has to do with the dresses."

Miss Casey laughed. "You see, Anna, I told you so. But please, Daisy, show me your stock."

The two looked at the dresses and many other items of clothing. But nothing Daisy suggested seemed to quite be what Miss Casey was looking for. Miss Casey picked out a lime green tracksuit for Anna instead, remarking that Anna had decided to take up jogging. That was the first Anna had heard of it.

Looking up, Daisy admitted defeat. "I'm afraid that's all we have. We should have some new stock in next week, or I could order something for you. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help."

A hint of a smile played at the corners of Miss Casey's mouth, though Anna wasn't sure what was so amusing. "That's quite alright. You've tried your best. I know this is your job, but I sense you enjoy serving people and making them happy."

Judging from Daisy's face, that was an unexpected comment, but the smile said it was welcome. "I do. I know it's just clothes, but there's something about making people happy that fills me with a sense of accomplishment."

Miss Casey nodded, as though considering something. "You know, Anna is about your age. She's much the same; she loves making people happy, which is a great credit to her. I helped her find a position where she's very, very happy. She doesn't want for love or excitement, and she gets the satisfaction of pleasing others. Nobody ever gets to treat her like that nasty woman treated you. And she lives in much more comfortable conditions than I guess a shop girl does. Are you interested in a position like that?"

Anna guessed it all sounded too good to be true. Daisy said, "I don't know. I've got a steady job here, and I wouldn't want to do anything illegal."

Miss Casey fished a card out of her handbag. "It's all perfectly legal. Think it over, and if you're interested, call me on that number. You could discuss it with Anna sometime. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to rush you; this new position needs to be filled quickly."

On their way out, Miss Casey bought some hair dye, spending a long time choosing between some almost identical shades of blonde.

"Are you going to dye your hair, Miss Casey? I like it as it is. There are a few greys in there, but they barely show in the blonde, and they make you look distinguished."

Miss Casey stared at her for a moment. "I have no grey hairs. I won't have any grey hairs until I say I do. I hope I've made myself clear, but a spanking later will make things clearer to you."

With a nervous glance around, which earned her a disapproving look from a nearby curmudgeon, Anna said, "Sorry, Miss Casey." Presumably, she would be the one turning blonde soon.


Three days later, Daisy called. Miss Casey was working the horses, so Anna was alone (and naked) when she took the call. Daisy was in tears because she'd lost her job and didn't know how to pay her rent, so she called Miss Casey out of desperation.

Anna checked the diary. Miss Casey was free that afternoon, but she'd still be wearing jodhpurs. She looked stunning and dominating in jodhpurs, even more than usual. Worried about Miss Casey's interest in Daisy, Anna suggested the following day instead.

The next day, Anna smiled to see Miss Casey wearing a skirt when she came down to breakfast. The two ate spicy omelettes that Anna had cooked. Curious, Anna asked what Miss Casey had picked for her to wear.

"I'm confused, little one. We're not going out, so why would I need to pick out anything for you?"

"Well, uh, we've got company, Miss Casey. Daisy is coming round."

A knowing smile lit up Miss Casey's face. "So?"

"Well, Miss Casey, she'll see me. Naked. Unless I dress."

Miss Casey nodded, and then the knocker on the front door boomed out. Rising to answer it, Miss Casey said, "You'd best stay out here in the kitchen."

Relieved, Anna waited, while murmuring voices came as the two women moved into one of the drawing rooms. She couldn't make out what they said. What was Miss Casey's interest in Daisy? It wasn't Anna's place to question it, or even ask. But Miss Casey was the only lover she'd ever had, and she couldn't avoid pangs of jealousy.

Miss Casey's raised voice came to her. "Anna, bring us some tea."

She had heard right, hadn't she? Miss Casey's order required her to enter the room with them. Naked. Pulse pumping, she boiled the kettle and arranged two cups on a tray, along with a plate of custard creams and bourbons. Perhaps she could dash upstairs and put on one of Miss Casey's nightdresses? But that would be to break one of her rules; Anna should be naked unless told otherwise. With the teapot filled, she carried the tray to the room, aware of every air current blowing on her bare flesh. She was proud to see her hands didn't shake.

When Anna entered the room, Daisy gasped. Miss Casey was used to being served by Anna naked, and she sat watching Daisy while Anna placed the tray on a small table, her breasts swinging down. Anna envied Daisy getting to wear her jeans and t-shirt.

At last, Daisy found her voice. "She's naked."

Miss Casey laughed while Anna poured out the two cups. "Very observant of you, Daisy dear."

"And she has no pubes. She's completely bald down there. I've never seen a grown woman without hair."

"Quite so. I prefer to keep her looking like that."

Anna added milk to Miss Casey's cup. "Would you like milk or sugar in your tea, Daisy?"

"Why's she naked?"

Miss Casey smiled. "At last you ask the important question." She turned to Anna. "Just give her a spot of milk, little one. I have a feeling she won't be giving useful answers for a while." Turning back to Daisy, she said, "She's naked because I told her to be. I love her body, and don't want any clothes in the way of my view. And the nudity helps to remind her which of us is in charge in our relationship."

Anna handed the second cup to Daisy, who placed it on the floor at her feet.

"So you force her to be naked?"

"I don't make Anna do anything. She chooses to do what I tell her because she enjoys it. I've been training her to please me."

"Please you? You mean, like..."

After waiting a moment for Daisy to continue, Miss Casey stood and slid her skirt down her legs. She was naked beneath, her own bush quite intact. Sitting on the edge of her armchair, she clicked her fingers and pointed at the floor near her feet. It took Anna a moment to recognise one of the gestures she'd been taught, and, blushing, she knelt where indicated, her knees sinking into the plush carpet. Wordlessly, Miss Casey reached a hand around the back of Anna's head, then pulled it forward, between her legs.

The situation was embarrassing for Anna, but she guessed Miss Casey intended it to be. And at least now she had Miss Casey's thigh hiding her face from the view of the judgemental Daisy. With her face in Miss Casey's crotch, Anna was more at home and confident. She licked slowly and lovingly along the lips, knowing exactly what Miss Casey enjoyed, luxuriating in the woman's tang, and the feel of wet flesh on her tongue.

Daisy said, "Is she...? Are you...?"

"She's performing oral sex, if that's what you're trying to ask. It's one of her duties, and I never let her skimp." Anna was embarrassed to realise the two were continuing their conversation while Anna slaked Miss Casey's lust.

"So you make her keep going down on you? I can see what's in it for you, but poor her."

"As I said, I don't make her do anything. She chooses to. And she loves this. The taste and texture of another woman is something to be savoured. And for a certain type of girl, being on her knees to serve a woman and seeing the pleasure she gives her, is something to live for. I'm not being altruistic, though; I've trained her well in this, and she is quite the performer."

Anna began adding swirls around Miss Casey's clitoris, not touching it, but teasing before heading on the long journey south along her lips.

Daisy said, "But it tastes horrible!"

"You've gone down on a woman, then, Daisy?"

"No, but it must."

Miss Casey's laugh reverberated around Anna, who had begun to tease the clitoris itself with each upstroke.

"Young women today. Honestly, you're like toddlers. 'I don't like the taste of that'. Until you've tried it, you're in no position to ju -- uhh -- judge."

"It's a nasty taste with men."

"Well then, Daisy, the answer is to avoid doing it to men, not to avoid it altogether."

There was a lull in the conversation, and china clinked on china. They were drinking their tea as if this was the most ordinary thing in the world. Anna began giving the clitoris more direct attention, licking and sucking it, and spending far less time on the labia.

Daisy broke the silence. "I'm not going to join in, if that's what you're hoping for."

"Nobody asked you to. I wanted to give you a glimpse into a different way of living. Try to imagine what it would be like to live like Ann - ooh, ohh, ohh - Anna. To be happy and appreciated by an older woman who makes all her decisions. She's sexually fulfilled, and she gets to bring happiness to another. She knows her place in life. I sense there is a similar spirit in you."

"So what are-"


Anna could sense Miss Casey was near. She concentrated on the clitoris, sucking and flicking with her tongue. She was rewarded with a growing series of moans, before Miss Casey bucked and screamed, her nails digging into Anna's scalp. A fresh deluge of musky fluids entered Anna's mouth, to be lapped up. Miss Casey had never moaned or screamed so loudly before. Was she driven on by being watched by a stranger, or was she exaggerating to impress Daisy?

Feeling the hand behind her head release, Anna stood. She knew she was flushed, and her face was coated. She kept her attention on Miss Casey, trying to pretend Daisy wasn't there. With a small curtsey, she said, "Thank you, Miss Casey."

Daisy laughed. "She does that, then she thanks you?"

Miss Casey rose and stepped back into her skirt. "Of course. She's very well-behaved, so she thanks me for every treat she gets."

"And do you thank her?"

"No. I own her. I don't thank my car when it drives me somewhere. I don't thank this house when it keeps the rain off my head. I expect my property to function as it should." She turned to Anna. "The tea's gone cold. Take the pot away."

With a smile, Anna said, "Yes, Miss Casey,", before collecting the cups and carrying the tray out. Daisy's mouth was hanging open.


Anna didn't get to hear much more of the conversation. She stayed in the kitchen and cooked dinner. After the front door slammed, Miss Casey came up to hug her from behind.

"How was it, little one?"

Anna shrugged. "You know I always like doing that to you, Miss Casey."

Miss Casey turned her around, and her blue eyes looked long into Anna's. "You've not been naked in front of someone else before, much less performed a sex act with an audience. I want to push you, but I need to know if I'm going too far. So tell me how it felt."

Anna hugged her. "It was different. I was embarrassed, but being under your control in front of another, nothing but a naked servant and sex slave -- it did add a spice that isn't usually there."

"You were such a good girl -- no hesitation or complaint. And now we're not playing in front of Daisy, I want you to know how much I appreciate you. I judged it best not to tell you at the time; it was too much fun to have you doing whatever I wanted. And Daisy's face was a picture. Since we both enjoyed it, I may have to step things up in that regard."

Miss Casey leaned down to plant a long kiss on Anna's lips. After she finished, she sniffed. "Something smells good."

"Thank you, Miss Casey. It's a curry. I guess we're both adding a little spice today."

"I'd better leave you to it then," Miss Casey said before turning away. But then she turned back. "Oh, by the way, you should plan to cook for three from now on; Daisy is coming to stay."


Anna sat in bed, reading Ghosts, Hauntings and the Unexplained while Miss Casey showered. Much of the book covered matters she'd once have dismissed. But now she knew the world wasn't all as it appeared to be, and her skin crawled at some of the terrors she envisaged. When Miss Casey entered the bedroom, drying herself with a towel, Anna jumped out of bed and pointed to a page.

"Look, Miss Casey, this is a map of ley lines."

The older woman stared at the book. "What's a ley line?"

"Ancient lines of mystic force that cross parts of Britain, Miss Casey, or something like that. I'm not sure I understand."

Miss Casey slipped on a green silk nightdress and climbed into bed. "But you think they're important?"

"Maybe, Miss Casey. They don't usually cross each other. There's only one place where that happens, if you can trust the map."

Miss Casey took the book and put it on a dresser. "That's enough reading. I have other uses for you tonight."

Snuggling her naked body against Miss Casey, Anna kissed her lightly on the lips. "What do you plan to do with me this time, Miss Casey?"

Running a nail down Anna's spine, Miss Casey leaned over to whisper, "You don't think I'm going to ruin the surprise and tell you, do you little one?"

Smiling, Anna cupped her cheek. "I guess you'll have to show me what you want, Miss Casey. For now."

"For now? What do you mean?"

Anna sighed. "Daisy, Miss Casey."

Miss Casey pulled back to stare into Anna's eyes. "You don't think I'd leave you for her, do you? I promised never to leave you."

Anna pouted. "No, of course not, Miss Casey."

Miss Casey ran her fingers through Anna's fine hair. "So what did you mean, little one?"

What had she meant? Anna was jealous of the beautiful blonde, the one who got to wear clothes and was moving in. But she couldn't admit that to Miss Casey. She stared dumbly at her.

Miss Casey gave a gentle laugh. "So you are jealous. And you lied to my face just now when you said you weren't. Oh, Miss Grant, you're not a bad girl often, but this is one of those times. This calls for a punishment."

Miss Casey usually called Anna by her first name. Anna, on the other hand, was under orders to call the other woman 'Miss Casey' whenever she spoke to her. It was one of the things that drove home the power imbalance in their relationship. Occasionally, Miss Casey called Anna by her surname. It might be expected to put them on a level footing, but it made Anna feel like a naughty schoolgirl, called out by the teacher. She gulped, knowing she was in trouble.

Looking up at Miss Casey, Anna said, "Another spanking, Miss Casey?"

"No, I said punishment, not reward. A relationship is built on trust, especially one like ours. If you can't trust me even after I promised to keep you -- if you lie to me -- then this can't work out."

"Miss Casey, you're not --"

"I'm not ending things between us. But you need to learn there are consequences to lying. I know I got you all hot and bothered earlier. Well, your punishment is that you don't get to orgasm until tomorrow night. And I do so love to watch you climax. Besides, a missed orgasm tonight should make you sing all the louder tomorrow. With Daisy in the next room, she'll hear and realise what she's missing."

"But Miss Casey --"

"Keep whining, little one, and you won't get one tomorrow either. Now, thank me for punishing you so you can learn."

Anna pouted. "Thank you, Miss Casey, for not letting me have an orgasm."

Miss Casey stared at her for a moment. "Anna, whose property are you?"

"Yours, Miss Casey."

"I love the way your face looks when you say that, and the smile it brings out. That's how I know you're happy. Your lying put that in jeopardy. I'm punishing you so you can remain my slave. Why don't you try thanking me again? I own you, and you should be thankful for whatever I do to you."

Anna felt she meant it this time when she said, "Thank you, Miss Casey." She rolled over.

"Anna, what are you doing?"

Anna rolled back. "I thought you said there'd be no sex tonight, Miss Casey."

"You need to listen better, little one. I said you wouldn't get an orgasm. I said nothing about me being punished."

Anna smiled as the older woman bestrode her and raised her nightdress, revealing her succulent womanhood hovering just above Anna's mouth. But she kept it tantalisingly out of reach. "I'm not sure I should even give you this treat."

"Please, Miss Casey. I'll be good."