Missing Dolores - A Novella


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"Oh, honey." She couldn't stop sobbing, making it difficult to form coherent speech. "I'm so sorry." Her unsteady arms extended toward Sarah. "Please forgive me!"

Sarah couldn't stop crying, but was quick to accept her sister's apology. In a second, they embraced each other, and for several minutes, let it all out. Linda gasped for air. It was agony, but there was no doubt the release was doing her good. Still, her mind raced.

Oh, my god. Where do we go from here?

She immediately found out. With tears still streaking down her cheeks, Sarah pressed her lips against her sister's, and the next moment, their tongues lashed together as they devoured each other's mouths, lips smacking, moans of pleasure growing louder and louder. Sarah pulled back.

"Smells like you washed your face," her little girl voice rasped. "I liked tasting your pussy."

"Oh, my god." Linda stroked Sarah's cheek, gazing deeply into her sister's eyes. "What are we doing?"

"I don't give a damn, but I like it." The girl started dropped to her knees. "I need it." Linda gasped as Sarah's mouth pressed against her bush. "Please." Her voice, muffled by her big sister's fur, stilled as Sarah's tongue started flicking across Linda's erect clit.

Linda quelled another impulse to push Sarah away.

Shit, girl. Stop overthinking it and let things happen. She's no longer a child.

"Ohhh..." Linda couldn't help but moan as Sarah's mouth worked its magic on her pussy. "Yes!"

God, this kid could give Dolores a run for her money. How does she know my pussy so well?

Linda tried not to undulate against Sarah's mouth as they found a rhythm, the younger sister licking up and down with steady strokes. Linda drew one knee up slightly, parting her thighs more, sensations raging in her body. She placed her hand on the back of Sarah's head, eliciting another moan from her little sister. Sarah's hands snaked up Linda's ribcage, soon covering her breasts.

Linda hissed as Sarah squeezed her aching mounds, taking her nipples between her fingers, rolling and pinching them.

Oh, my darling Sarah. You're going to make me come, aren't you?

Urgent pleasure rose higher and higher in Linda's body until she felt it about to spill over.

"Oh, shit, Sarah..." Linda panted as she looked down, eyes meeting her sister's. The rest of Sarah's face was hidden by her glistening, wet bush. "I'm going to come, and soon!"

Sarah nodded, her mouth never leaving her sister's pussy, giving another moan approval. Her thumbnails dug into Linda's hard, stinging buds.

"Ohhh, Sarah, my love!"

Then it hit.

"Aggghhhh!!!" Linda grunted, losing control of her body as it convulsed in orgasm. "GodDAMN!!!"

Sarah was tough. Her mouth remained glued to her sister's slick wetness until Linda pulled her head away, every nerve ending in her clit shooting off like fireworks.

"Ah...ah...ah..." Linda convulsed as if her body was possessed. Trying to grip the rock surrounding her, she looked down at her kid sister's face, coated in juices. Sarah grinned with satisfaction as she watched the result of her oral ministerings, her eyes holding that familiar mischievous glint.

"Fuck...FUCK!" Linda gasped, wide-eyed, as Sarah licked her lips.

As Linda's spasms subsided, Sarah stood, her face moving within inches of her sister's.

"Taste yourself," she whispered, again pressing her mouth against Linda's.

Linda moaned as she placed a hand on the back of Sarah's head, luxuriating in the soft, wet feel of mouth against mouth, savoring the taste of her own arousal. Any remaining shreds of parental feelings Linda held for her sister were overwhelmed by passionate need.

For several minutes, they necked like hungry lovers, or at least a thirty-eight-year-old mother and her teenaged kid sister. Linda recovered from her orgasm and, although in a blissful state of afterglow, felt her clit start to throb again.

We've gone this far. I wonder if she knows how to fuck like Dolores.

Their mouths parted and they both smiled, gazing into each other's eyes lovingly, Linda grasped Sarah's hips, pulling her body up just enough so that their fur pressed together.

Wordlessly, Sarah nodded, and, wrapping her arms around Linda's waist, began to move against her older sister.

"Oh, yes," Linda mouthed, her eyes dark and serene with loving desire.

Goddammit, it's like Dolores has possessed my little sister! I can't believe we're actually going to fuck!

Soon, Sarah's hips undulated against Linda's as she rested her face in the crook of her neck. Linda opened her thighs to increase their contact. Fur rubbed against fur as hard nipples caressed hot skin. Erect clits stung as pressure again began to build.

By then, both of them were panting, not only with exertion, but with urgent need. That perfect rhythm of body against body had been achieved as sensations welled up in both of them. Linda found her hands caressing her sister's smooth, waifish body, squeezing her ass,

touching the small of her back, fingertips brushing across pale arms and shoulders. Who knew illicit sibling sex could be so delicious?

"God, Sarah," Linda whispered. "Let's come together. I'm about to pop!"

"Uh huh!" Sarah nodded, turning her face up to kiss her sister again and again.

With a grunt, Linda reached down with both hands and gripped Sarah's waist, thrusting back with furious intensity.

"Ohhh, god, yes!" Sarah whimpered, surprised at her sister's sudden onslaught. "Coming...coming!"

"Yes...YES!" Linda echoed.

An outsider would've thought a pair of battling sea lions had invaded the cove as the two siblings thrashed and growled against each other, sweet, stabbing climaxes overtaking them again and again. The pent-up need was so great, they couldn't stop, mounting wave after wave, losing all sense of time.

Neither one of them could remember when they finally slid off the rock onto the wet sand where they clung together, like one body, in post-coital reverie. Linda didn't remember nodding off, but it was she who noticed the water rising. As her eyes blinked into wakefulness, she shook her kid sister.

"Sarah." She stroked her hair, kissing it. "Come on, honey."

The young girl, her hips still nestled between her sister's open thighs, groaned into wakefulness, rubbing her face back and forth against Linda's breasts.

"We need to get going, or we'll have to swim for it."

"Oh, fuuuck." Sarah, her wet, blond hair matted and permeated with sand, groggily looked around the cove. "That was intense."

"Yes, my love." Part of Linda wanted to return to the role of doting big sister and virtual mother, pretending what they had just done had never happened, but she knew it would never be the same between them. "I think we both needed that."

"No doubt." Sarah smiled again, gazing into her sister's eyes briefly, then planting another wet, lingering kiss.

Linda moaned as their tongues danced together for a few moments then, like a sack of potatoes, Sarah rolled off her sister. Linda rose to her feet, albeit slowly, steadying herself on the rock, her legs wobbly and uncertain. She couldn't decide whether she felt weak or relaxed. Maybe both. Her body had received the physical love it so craved, purging her mind, heart and soul of the sorrow and frustration of solitude.

Sarah clumsily slid up beside her sister, also struggling to stand upright, fighting to keep her eyes open. She looked like she'd been passed around by a group of frat hunks at a drunken party, and now it was dawn.

Linda took Sarah's hand, grinning at her kid sister's disheveled state. "Come on." She knew she probably looked just as bedraggled. Always the protector, guardian led young ward toward the receding light and the shoreline, their feet sloshing in the water with each step, out of the darkening cove. Linda, eyes now gleaming and contented, smiled toward the waves crashing in front of them.

Thank god someone didn't come in and catch us. That would've taken some explaining.

"This way." Linda pulled her sister toward the water. "Let's get off some of this sand."

Breaking away from her sister, Sarah ran out ahead, throwing herself into an approaching wave. She squealed, arms above her head, as it pushed her back. Linda smiled, following, as she marveled at the naked young waif. She spread her arms out, palms facing the next wave, letting the water crash at her feet. A huge sigh escaped her lungs.

I fucking love this, and I wish it would never end.

The next wave swept her off her feet, but she didn't mind. The day had been all about surrendering to unstoppable forces.

Dammit if my pussy isn't ready again. What a glutton! I just can't seem to get enough.

Before she could pick herself up, Sarah tumbled down beside her.

"Hey, Sis!" More kisses and naked, wet skin touching. They embraced, rolling over on the sand as Sarah mounted her sister once again. Linda didn't resist, although she was mindful of being seen, now they were outside the cove.

Sarah urgently humped against her sister as Linda gripped the girl's ass, again melding their bodies together. Another wave washed over them as they celebrated their new love, yelping as fresh climaxes overtook them.

"Fuck, Sis." Sarah stood near her sister as they rinsed sand from their hair and bodies. "Why does the beach make me so horny?"

"Who knows? I wish I could tell you." Linda splashed water against her privates and butt crack, amazed at how much sand found its way in. Sexual release had deepened her voice with peace and calm. "The power? The sound? Maybe the negative ions."

"It does the same for you, huh?' Sarah tossed her head back after dunking it in the foamy, green water. "I couldn't help but notice."

"Goddamn right." Linda again smiled at her sister, gripping her narrow shoulders as they both broke into laughter.

Holding hands, they took their time walking back. Brilliant, warm sunshine bathed their bodies, drying them as they followed the footprints they had made in the sand previously. The siblings had entered a brand new world and were reluctant to return to the old one.

"You and Dolores came here a lot." Sarah wasn't asking a question. It was a statement of certainty.

"Yes, we did." After sharing multiple orgasms with her sister, Linda no longer felt the need to hide her relationship with Dolores. "We came here a lot."

They both paused a beat, looking at each other, and started laughing again.

"That's a good choice of words." Sarah raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, fuck." Linda pulled Sarah against her, quickly glancing around to see if anyone was watching. "Cat's out of the bag now."

Sarah's kisses were delicate at first, two sisters lingering, not wanting their intimate time to end, but neither one of them could resist rubbing tongues. More necking like adolescents. Linda held her kid sister against her naked breasts.

"You two really love each other, huh?" Sarah's arms wrapped tightly around Linda's waist.

"Very much, yes." Linda kissed wet hair. "How did you find out about us? We were so careful to hide it."

"Oh, I've known about it for years. We all have."

Linda closed her eyes, shaking her head. A strange feeling swept over her, a combination of terror and relief. "Well, shit."

"Don't let it bother you." Sarah turned her face up to Linda's. "It's obvious you two need each other." They kissed again. "You needed someone after we lost Mom and Uncle Bill, and there's no substitute for a lover and a confidante."

"Oh, you don't know the half of it." Linda closed her eyes, savoring her sister's naked skin, also glad Sarah was mature enough to understand her secrets. "I lost my mind for just a little while. You two were just babies, and Grampa was always at work. I thank god for that woman."

"I always thought Gramps was a workaholic, but maybe he was just dealing with things in his own way."

"No doubt." Linda kissed her sister one more time. She also thanked god Sarah was becoming a mature, intelligent, independent woman, one that had no issues with a same-sex relationship that most people at the time considered wrong. And now incest. There was no other way to put it. Sisters having sex was incest, pure and simple.

Jesus, Sarah has no problem with Dolores, and no hesitation becoming my lover. Secrets become revelations. When will it end?

Linda pushed those thoughts aside and returned to the moment. "Now we need to see if our clothes are still where we left them, or we're fucked." Once again, they joined hands and continued walking. "And I'm sure Billy's wondering where the hell we are."

"As for the clothes, I have faith." Sarah gazed out upon the white ribbons of foam approaching, undulating across green, lashing with regularity against the shore.

"Ah, but you're so young, my love. Give it time."

"So cynical! And I'm sure Billy's just busy milking his cock for the umpteenth time."

"Naughty girl." Linda smacked Sarah's bare ass. The thought of her boy jerking off, his hand wrapped around that healthy piece of meat, to a gooey completion wasn't unpleasant to her. She unconsciously shook her head. "But I'm sure you're right."

At that moment, Linda spotted someone, far in the distance, walking toward them. The figure started as a speck on the horizon, growing larger at it approached.

"Well, I guess we're not off the hook." Linda said. "Another beachgoer gets to see our goods."

"Who gives a shit?" Sarah paused. She put her hands on her slender hips, squinting furiously, peering with intent toward the approaching figure, which had started running toward them.

"Well, fuck me!" Sarah snorted, quelling a chuckle. "Speak of the devil! It's your darling son."

Suddenly, Linda's face and chest flushed with fire, heart racing. She realized Billy was between them and their clothes. Sarah waved.

Dammit! We can't run away now. It would be too obvious.

The next moment, Billy was close enough to see and identify the two naked women. He paused for a moment, then continued his approach.

"Where did you go?" He asked, trying to avert his eyes from his aunt and mother. "You two have been gone for hours!" He paused, turning his gaze toward the water. "And where are your clothes?"

The sisters looked at each other, but it was Sarah who spoke first.

"Hey, we're just soaking up as much sun as we can." She shrugged. Billy shot her a glance, his eyes lowering to her body for an instant.

"You can walk out ahead of us, Billy, if we're embarrassing you." Linda was using her Mom voice.

"Well, no." The boy's voice sounded uncertain as he looked down at the sand. "It's just..."

"You've seen us naked before." Sarah mocked her nephew. "It's not like we're a house of prudes or anything."

"Yeah, but." The boy glanced over to his mother, eyes lingering for several seconds on her body, something that didn't go unnoticed.

"See anything you like?" She asked. The words surprised her as they came out of her mouth, but after what she and Sarah had just did together, her boundaries had shifted somewhat.

"Mom!" Billy whined, embarrassed. He ran ahead, as if returning to the house, then paused, eventually turning to walk back to them. Linda reached out and pulled Billy to her side.

"Okay, son." She squeezed his shoulder. "I won't tease you anymore."

Billy remained silent. Linda glanced down to see his cock was again fully erect, straining to escape his swim trunks.


She looked up and met her sister's gaze. Sarah smiled, nodding her head. Linda rolled her eyes and shook her head in disbelief.

Thankfully, the clothes were still there, albeit damp and rumpled. The same sun that had dried them also kept the clothes warm. Linda couldn't help but notice Billy eyeing them closely as they unrolled and shook out the garments, his boner still at full mast. Feeling impish, she took her sweet time getting dressed.

That thing's going to rip through his shorts if he doesn't calm it down.

The thought of her son's full erection, copious amounts of semen dribbling down to his balls again flashed through her brain. Only twenty-four hours ago, she would've blushed with shame, scolding herself for being a perverted mother. Now, after what had transpired, she wondered if she could fit his shaft all the way down her throat, and what his ejaculate would taste like.

That poor kid's cock must be as red as my lipstick. He needs some good, old-fashioned pussy.

Linda had become quite drowsy by the time they returned to the house. Still, she had motherly duties ahead. No rest for the wicked! Sandwiches were fine for yesterday, but everyone needed something more substantial. Linda poked through the kitchen cabinet.

"Tuna noodle casserole?" She called from the kitchen.

"Yes!" Sarah and Billy responded simultaneously.

"I want to help." Sarah was on her feet and beside her sister in two seconds.

"What's there to help with?" Linda asked, raising an eyebrow. Sarah pressed against her sister, nose rubbing on Linda's bare shoulder. It smelled of Coppertone and salt and sun and sweat and the young woman had to resist from kissing and licking.

"Oh." Linda smiled, realizing her sister's ruse. She leaned over to whisper in Sarah's ear. "Careful, honey." Her breath caressed the girl's skin, making goosebumps rise and nipples harden. Ecstasy! "We have to pretend nothing happened." A kiss on Sarah's neck made her gasp. "At least not around Billy."

"Yes, I understand." Sarah wanted to fuck again so bad she had a lump in her throat. "God, I'm so horny." Her cheeks flushed with arousal. Linda sympathized with her sister's condition.

"Patience, Sarah." Linda filled a big stewpot with water, igniting the burner on the stove. "We can fool around after bedtime, but we can't make any noise." She still had difficulty accepting the words that came from her mouth.

Does a grown woman say this to her kid sister?

"Yes." Sarah's arousal distracted her.

"Now go find something to occupy yourself until dinner's ready."

Sarah looked at her big sister with a scandalous grin. Linda snorted.

"Don't make any noise, though." Thinking of her sister masturbating, perhaps teasing one of her delicate nipples to hasten the climax, was pushing Linda to the brink as well.

Oh, what perverted mischief are we brewing? God, I need to fuck some more, too.

As the casserole neared completion, still nestled in the hot oven, Linda unfolded a card table on the front porch, covering it with a thick, cotton tablecloth. Sarah returned from the bedroom.

"Here." The younger sister, mindful of Billy's whereabouts, lifted her hand for Linda to kiss. The moment Linda's lips pressed against Sarah's fingers, the heady aroma of fresh pussy filled her nostrils.

"Mmmm." Linda also glanced around to make sure Billy wasn't watching, then licked and sucked her sister's fingers clean.

Sarah gasped and quivered watching Linda who, when done, leaned over to kiss her sister on the mouth, sharing the scent.

"Now get some plates and silverware." Linda whispered against her sister's lips. "I put a table out on the porch."

"Yes, ma'am." Sarah nodded obediently, sounding like a little girl. Her pussy was about to burst. She retrieved the appropriate items and headed to the living room. As Sarah passed her nephew, she smacked him on the thigh.

"Get off your ass and grab us some cups." She disappeared out the front door. Wordlessly, Billy obeyed.

Linda opened a fresh bottle of cabernet, pouring the dark, red liquid into three cups and passing it around. It was obvious that the time they had spent at the cove had stoked the two sisters into a high state of arousal and need. The siblings fought to slow down while eating, forks clanking against porcelain, and create innocuous conversation.
