Misunderstood Curse Ch. 01

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First journal entry: We've been handling lycanthrope wrong.
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(This is my first story here, and first story I've written since high school. So you have been warned. But I felt I had to get this story out, it has always been one I've wanted to read about, but never found. Hopefully I'm not alone. This first story will have a hell of a middle and end, but the beginning will be a bit of a build up. The first transformation is not meant to be erotic, but... you may still find it enjoyable, depending)

First Journal Entry: April 1, 2018

Sunday mornings are usually very relaxed for my wife and I. We'll wake up, rarely go get something to eat that isn't typically healthy, come back home and watch our favorite TV show of the month in bed until our alarm clocks wake us up for work the next day. But, today, we couldn't hold still. Because last night, was the first full moon night we've spent together after 4 years of marriage, In the same room. We are too excited to stand still today, and in fact, are going to contact the local pack to get some answers. I'll get to the local pack soon. They asked my wife to join years ago, and she's always resisted. That all changes today.

Let me start from the beginning. I have some years to catch up on since I've never held a journal before. My name is Alex Bence. Born February 29th 1988 (leap year baby, baby!) I grew up in a small town in Indiana, went to college in Ohio State University and got my Masters degree in mechanical engineering. I was in my first year of my masters program when I met Kira. It was actually right after my midterms that year, and having a practiced hand at school, I knew the best thing for me was to go out and have a good time that night.

I was at a club with a couple of friends on the smoking balcony (I don't smoke, but my friends do) when I saw her. The balcony was cast in low light usually, but the moon was very high and nearly full. She sparkled out of the corner of my eye. Almost my height at 5'8", she wore a low cut spaghetti strap black dress with almost lace pattern holes over her obviously toned stomach with a skirt that cut off half way to her knees. The midnight black dress played amazing contrast with her skin that seemed to drink in the lunar light. Dark brown hair, that in this light seemed to almost flow perfectly into her black dress. Cute pert nose between two bright green eyes that all sat above a set of the most luscious kissable lips I've ever seen in my life. needless to say, when we locked eyes, my chest felt like I left my heart in the testing room.

To be honest. My game is lacking. I mean, I take good care of myself. Being a mechanical engineer, I never wanted to be the tubby engineer that needed some young guy near me to help lift a heavy tool box or piece of equipment. So, I work out regularly and I'm in good shape. Not a fitness model with 8 pack abs, But toned, decent build and enough stamina to run until I'm bored before getting tired. My sense of style is, well, not horrible. I usually take a professional approach to all parts of my life, so being dressed in dark jeans and a Pink Floyd T-shirt was pretty casual to me. God I felt inadequate at this moment. Couldn't have bothered to throw an over shirt over my t-shirt that night? Oh well, didn't hinder what happened next.

She was surrounded by men but somehow, I caught her eye. I only just noticed her when she looked my way, and just as my eyes were walking back up her amazingly shapely legs, cute round butt, and breasts no larger then a couple of apples, I saw her green eyes like laser beams into my soul. Our eyes were locked and I couldn't look away. I wasn't done drinking in her sight and at this point, I damn well knew I was busted for better or for worse. After a few seconds that felt like years, I brought my attention back to my friends. A few moments later I went to use the bathroom.

On my way back, Kira intercepted me before I got to my friends. Remember the lack of game I admitted to earlier? It's mostly breaking the ice I have trouble with. It's because of this I love it when a woman takes initiative. I can't, for the life of me, walk up to a pretty girl and start a conversation out of the blue. So when Kira walked up to me and complemented me on my shirt, my heart finally finished his test and joined in on the fun. After introductions, I know how to make a girl laugh, I know to listen, and know with to compliment. She's a Veterinarian, or at least will be in two years at the time of me meeting her. It was obvious she loved what she did, and her confidence. I could write a whole different journal about her confidence.

It wasn't long until she started to lay the hints down. She was already grabbing my arm when I made her laugh. Making poor attempts to steal a glance of my body when I wasn't looking at her, which was rare. And eventually the train coming into the freaking station blare of her asking me if I wanted to get out of there. She laughed at how quickly I answered, paid my tab, told my friends bye, and got us a cab. And that night was the best sex I've ever had in my life. She wasn't anywhere near dominatrix style of control, but damn, she knew what she wanted. She rode me like I was going to float away. When I came, it set her off like a firecracker. We rode the wave of bliss together to a lull which lasted only a few moments when she noticed, and to my not unwelcome surprise, that I was still hard as a rock and ready for two more rounds of wild sex that night.

After a half a year of dating, school and finally finals. We both decided to take a vacation together over the summer. I started to notice something was different about her when I was trying to plan this extravagant almost month long excursion. It involved coordinating a cruise to Jamaica, two and a half weeks in Jamaica, then get back on a cruise ship to Florida when I noticed she was searching, and I mean buried in her purse to find a calendar, searching for a reason to not take that extended of a trip with me. I had the money, I've interned with my dad's friends over every summer which paid well, which is surprising for an intern. And for a sex bomb girl like this that already admitted her love for me, I was pulling all the stops to get this girl to enjoy her time with me. Every moment spent together was like a dream, and that's not even including the sex. There are no words to describe the sex we would have before she would "go home to her parents."

It wasn't until I mentioned that on the cruise home, we'd be able to watch a nearly full moon rise the last night of the cruise over the ocean. When I commented on how awesome our sex is before a full moon. I made a joke that she must be part werewolf. She got visibly uncomfortable when I said that, and I tried to reassure her that I was just making a joke and that it is in fact a good thing we fuck like animals. She finally reassured me the joke wasn't the problem. after a moment of silence she asked me "are you certain it's not an actual full moon?"

"yes, have I not shown you this?" I told her as I pulled out a photo album of my astro-photography. Most of the pictures in it were of the moon for obvious reasons. "I track the cycle of the full moon for photo sessions, and I know my moon phases well. I can nearly time a clock to how randy you get the nights before the night of a full moon." I looked at her skeptically before stating "I'm pretty certain your 'visits home'" making the quotations gesture with both of my hands middle and index fingers, "are not what you tell me they are. I trust you, and more importantly love you, so I let you have your privacy. I don't know if it's a religious thing, or what. But I obviously know it's very personal when that is the only lie you've ever seemed to tell me."

She sat silent for another moment, until she pulled her phone out and, without hiding it from me, pulled up an app from her home screen to show the phase of the moon when she typed in a date. She typed in the date after the cruise would be done. A picture of the moon at 100% illumination came on her screen and confirmed what I already knew, a full moon. She then typed in the first date of the vacation and it showed a picture of the moon in Waning Gibbous, the phase directly after a full moon. She then looked up at me, "Yes, to everything. I should have trusted that you would take my personal life into consideration before planning this trip. I'm willing to bet it's not a mistake the whole vacation takes place between full moons." she said as I nodded in confirmation but continued to listen. "Someday, probably very soon with how quickly I've been falling for you, I'll tell you why I have to disappear once every month. But, it is very hard for me to share that part of my life with anyone."

That summer went without a hitch. Everything was perfection. The next year went smoothly and I proposed the summer after we both graduated from our programs. I got her a ring where beneath the diamond was a picture of the full moon. Timed the proposal so it was the night before the full moon. Was hard to time it between the date and the sex. She said yes, but on only one condition. If I stayed the night with her through the full moon. The whole next day she explained everything after forcing me to promise I won't leave her until the next morning. Looking back on it. It was sweet. She cooked my favorite meal for breakfast while she sat across from me explaining.

"since I was 13 years old" she started after a deep breath, "every full moon I turn into a werewolf" a very disbelieving skeptical look came on my face as she stopped whatever I was about to say with a hand gesture. "I ran away from home and tried to camp in a nearby forest when a werewolf attacked me and I was barely able to escape with my life. In the hospital, during the night, the were that attacked me came to me and explained what I had to look forward to. Having tasted blood, but found no bones the next morning, he knew something bad happened and checked local hospitals. I refused to tell the hospital who I was or even what happened." She looked at me, I think to see if I was going to say anything. But like any intelligent man sitting in front of a girl with that amount of discomfort drawn on her face, I knew the right thing to do was shut the hell up.

"every full moon" She continued, "I turn into a beast that is uncontrollable and blood thirsty. I kill indiscriminately and it lasts through the whole night. From sunset, to sunrise. But that first year as a werewolf, I was taken in by a pack. They gave me a new Identity, only changing my last name, and framed my campsite as an animal attack." she winced. After a moment, she confirmed some things I knew but waited for her to tell me about, "My biological parents were very abusive, I had no remorse for what they went through thinking I died. That doesn't mean I enjoyed my pack parents any more. But because of the situation, I knew I needed to learn how to deal with this, so I went to their high school in the wilderness of Utah, and when I graduated, I left. Came here, and started my vet program here." She pulled out her phone and on a maps program showed an area almost to Indiana, "Using preservation money, I purchased a spot out here where I do my change. I lock myself up, and wait until morning where a timer unlocks the door and lets me out."

That conversation lasted another couple of hours where I asked some questions. All the way until that night, I was afraid my future wife was crazy. But there was too much love and amazing sex to give it all up on some extravagant prank where maybe she was just planning on showing me her religion during a full moon. So I went with it. We drove for two hours to the place she indicated and pulled up to a very sturdy built concrete shed. She showed me how the lock worked and opened a window to show where I could look in. When night time came, she walked in the room. She told me no matter what, the door won't open, there's also no cell service, so don't even try to call an ambulance.

With the door open, she stripped down in front of me. Thinking this is where the prank was, she gestured for me to stop before I took my own clothes off and instructed me to just watch. Her perfect body stood before me in the nude and came to to me to give me a kiss. I was already having an inordinate amount of trouble keeping myself calm the whole day, but at that moment, there was no stopping the hard on in my pants. I made no moves, though, because I could see that even though she was also horny, she was not having fun. After the kiss, she closed the door, and like clock work, the lock clicked shut.

It was dark. But the moon light poured into the room through the window as Kira turned so I could see her profile. It was obvious she didn't want to see what my facial expressions would be during this, but she didn't want to take away what I was getting into. A few moments passed until anything happened. Her breathing quickened and she seemed to be struggling to remain balanced. The first sign was when the hair on her head grew longer right before my eyes. Then hair sprouted from parts that initially just looked like she hadn't used a razor in year until it went beyond that. Her body hair never grew longer then an inch in any part, but it spread. Then her body started to change. There was a pop when she fell to the ground, and what I thought was at first a cry of pain turned into a low almost, if not in fact, growl. Her back distorted into a longer and more pronounced arch. Her chest heaved where her breasts still had some of that slight wobble I always loved, until they slowly stretched and receded and was flat with her toned stomach that seemed to get even more toned. It wasn't until then I realized it was just her skin catching up to the growing muscle underneath. her torso, her legs, her arms, and her face all started to extend and get larger. Almost like worms wiggling to find room under her skin, her very muscle fibers grew and multiplied until they were finally covered in fur.

Only 5 minutes in and she was no longer recognizable as Kira. Before me in the room stood an unmistakable monster. Almost resembling a furred slender woman with a dog head, she stood and stretched her new gotten stature. Her arms stretched out and her long hand sprouted long claws. Her round butt had thinned out before it was occluded by a long tail that grew in length as fast as it grew fur. Then, with two loud pops, a new joint formed in the middle of her Tibia and claws tore out of her feet. My reaction to her apparent pain drew the attention of her ears which rotated like a radar dishes in my direction and for the first time during the change, she looked at me. There was no love. My heart sank as I saw the teeth bear at me just as each one changed shape and sharpened. It was at this point the change seemed to stop.

Only a moment of silence was had before she pointed her head up straight and the loudest howl I've ever herd in my life echoed across the open plains. The fear in me was so hard to control. My whole perception of the world changed at that moment. Barely having time to even make it to the climax of my panic when a loud thud hit the door and I saw her claws and teeth flash in front of the window. I couldn't take any more. I hit my back to the wall and slid down to sit as I heard the monster thrash and crash against the door to try and kill me. But I trusted Kira. She wouldn't put my life in danger so I waited. After a couple of hours the thrashing stopped and I pulled out my phone and looked through pictures of us to remind myself why I was here.

Morning came around and I was only just starting to dose off when I heard a small beep, and a click as the door unlocked itself. I, remembering what might be on the other side, was immediately awake. I jumped up and readied myself to run if it wasn't Kira who blasted out of the door. After a few moments, nothing came out of the room. I looked through the window but could see nothing. I finally steeled myself to open the door and poke my head in when I saw a very human, very exhausted, but still sexy, Kira on the ground in the corner. I grabbed her backpack out of the car in a hurry, and grabbed the change of cloths she packed and put them on her. She was limp and never woke up as I carefully dressed her. For the first time as a werewolf, she woke up from that experience in a comfortable bed well after noon. And we had a long, much more interesting, talk.

SO! Now that the introduction to me, the love of my like, Kira, and our problem with the curse of Lycanthrope, lets begin why I started this Journal!

Four years we've been married and we got a handle on this whole thing. She's not proud about what she becomes every full moon, which is why she never took to being in a pack. And they have been a curse as much as they have been a blessing. With their help, and the oddly sizable preservation bank account, we were able to add a tornado shelter to our basement where she can change in the relative comfort of her own home and with both of us safe. Four years and we have the best stable repeating scheduled any marriage, paranormal or not, should covet. We'd go to work, have our date nights, have the best sex in the world, then before the full moon night, have the best sex in the universe, and on the full moon night, kiss her goodnight, she'd lock herself in and in the morning I'd go pick her up out of the basement and lay her in bed where usually breakfast would be served. Everything was perfect.

That was until last night when I was certain I was going to die. Yesterday, before she would bed down for the full moon, I wanted to add one more luxury to her changing room. I wanted her to be comfortable. In this "storm shelter" I added concrete furniture that was surprisingly comfortable as indestructible, a TV behind a Plexiglas/bullet proof window since sometimes she would have to wait a few minutes before the change would happen so she could watch TV. After we had to change the widow out twice, and the TV once, I added the obvious feature to turn the TV off after 30 minutes of being on and the wolf would leave it alone. So yesterday, I was adding a microphone under the TV so Kira could voice command the channel. I realized locking herself in a room for up to 30 minutes of the wrong channel was unacceptable for the love of my life, I wanted to give her some more control.

After I put the last screw in the hole, I called to Kira to come down to the room. She came down in a nighty that was easy to take on and off before and after her change. It also always made it hard to let her spend the night alone. She was fucking gorgeous. We had sex three times today already, and I didn't want to stop. She finally snapped me out of my trance, "Alex, you called me down, here, why. If you can get through your thought without looking at my tits, once. I'll pull them out for you to have a good motor boat before you leave me tonight."

I immediately shook my head with a sheepish grin, "Right, it's not my fault that your boobs are so perfect, give me some credit for being a functional human being when I'm ever around your boobies, will ya?" I gested... kinda, "ok, watch this" as I turned toward the TV, "Cable TV, on." As I commanded, the TV turned on and so did a TV show. Kira clapped her hands together and jumped up and down. "Cable TV, Turn to two, three, zero." and the TV channel changed. Kira came up to me and hugged me before letting her straps on her nighty down and slammed my face into her chest. I reveled on the breasts I've always considered to be perfect for a bit. But what we didn't notice, was Luna, our greyhound had inched herself behind the door to investigate something.

That's when the TV sounded with a doorbell from the movie that was on and Luna went wild like she always does when she THINKS some one is at the door. A sound I've never heard from inside the room in four years chilled me to the core. 'Thud, hiss, click' was all before we both even realized the trouble we were in. We both looked and saw the door closed and Kira trotted to it "No, no, no, no, this can't be happening!" she pushed on the door. There was no handle as the door wasn't latched shut unless it was locked shut. The door didn't budge. "I didn't realize how late it was!" Kira fearfully exclaimed while turning to me but backing up against the door. "You should not have been in here this late!" she then yelled at me.