Mittens has Class Ch. 03


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They did the same thing to Mittens' hair and cheeks (both sets), before bouncing off together, hand in paw, towards the kitchen. To their utter enjoyment, when they entered, they found Master wearing only a waist apron, arranging out the various ingredients for his delicious sausage alfredo. His bare behind gave a little wiggle at them at the sound of their chuckles.

"There's my adorable assistants." He said to them as he turned to regard them, a warm smile on his face. "Chloe, you get started chopping up the sausage. Mittens, melt the butter and the cream together on medium, please. Once it's simmered, I'll start adding the spices and cheese."

"Yes, Master." They both chirped brightly at him, each submissive going to her ascribed job. Mittens did a little dance as she measured the ingredients and poured it into the pan, meowing out what she was doing in a sing-song warble. It gave Chloe a bad case of the giggles.

Master gave his pet a playful swat on the rear. "If Chloe gets that sausage cut all uneven, I'm going to blame you, you know." He laughed.

"Will I gets a spankin'?" She asked thoughtfully. "'Cause I's can sings louder ands more off key!"

"You are absolutely incorrigible." He said with a kiss to her head.

"Yep!" She agreed.

Supervising his two submissives like the head chef of a restaurant, Master went back and forth between them, giving directions and adding his own touches to things. He also spent points where they had to wait for something to cook, melt, or sauté playing with them or drawing aside his apron to slip into them from behind. It was possibly the best way to cook, as far as Mittens was concerned.

When it was all finally mixed together, they filled bowls with the delicious pasta dish and retired to the dining room to enjoy. The meal was heavenly, Master's recipe one of Mittens' favorites. She slurped down the fettuccini noodles like a kid, pausing only to make purring sounds of satisfaction. The usually much more reserved Chloe dug into it with relish too, looking almost orgasmic as she ate.

As for Master, he seemed to savor his girls' reactions more than food. Either out of pride for his excellent culinary skills or because his greatest joy was seeing the pleasure of the two women he loved (Mittens was pretty certain it was more the later than the former), he spent most of the meal feasting on their reactions rather than the alfredo. This, of course, only gave Mittens more incentive to show just how much she liked it.

By the time her bowl was empty, she had sauce all over her face from wildly flailing noodles that she'd sucked up. Master chuckled at her as she gave him a messy grin of gratitude. "I think kitty needs a bath." He said with a chuckle.

"I votes bubble-bath!" She replied giddily, before going back to trying to swipe her tongue across her face like a cartoon character, in hopes of lapping up all the stray alfredo.

This was how the three of them, shortly after, found themselves all nestled together in the large 'love' tub in the main bathroom, surrounded by warm foamy bubbles. Designed to fit up to four people, with a little extra room for comfort and ease of play, the three of them were able to stretch out as they soaked together. Arranged with Master between them, they cuddled together, enjoying the moments.

However, Mittens began to notice Chloe looking at her with a strangely amused expression. "Do I still have something on my face?" She asked, reaching up with pruned fingers to feel for remnants of dinner.

"Oh, no. Sorry, I didn't mean to stare at you." Chloe giggled sheepishly. "I was just thinking how weird it seems to see you without ears and paws on. I get so used to you having them on that I forget sometimes that you actually have hands, I guess." She laughed.

Mittens looked at said hand. She had to admit, considering how rarely she saw them herself, it did seem strange to actually see human hands, instead of big fluffy paws. While, technically, she saw them every day at one point or another, between changing them or when taking a shower, she never paid real attention to sight.

Absently, she noticed that she was still keeping her two middle fingers close together, as they would be inside the paws. The thick plush material made it hard to have more than three articulate 'pads' for the paws, plus the 'dewclaw' for her thumb. She'd gotten so trained to work those two fingers together that it felt awkward to spread them apart.

"Maybe I should get some bath time paws and ears." She mused to herself, but quickly looked to Master. "Just for bath times like this. I know I still need to actually wash my hands from time to time." She spared him a quick, sly, wink, before returning her attention back to the strangeness of seeing her own fingers.

She knew that Master loved her playing his cat, but also worried about her extreme dedication to the role sometimes. Between the cosmetic dental work done to give her elongated canines (or, 'felines' as she likes to term them) and the prosthetic device grafted to the back of her pelvis to allow her to attach a tail directly to her body, she'd already made some serious investments to her role. Both were choices that Master had made her spend a lot of time really thinking about, especially the tail. She was pretty sure he wasn't fully comfortable with her going quite so far with some of these things, afraid that she would regret them down the road.

It had helped that the tail implant had been done by a friend of theirs who enjoyed Mittens' whole persona and simply wanted to see if it could be successfully done. Master was pretty well off financially, but she doubted he would have been as amenable to allowing her to have it done if it hadn't been pro bono. In fact, one of the caveats he'd placed upon their friend for allowing Mittens to volunteer for what was essentially an experimental procedure, was that a removal would also be pro bono, should she choose to have it removed down the road.

Knowing that it was still generally reversible, even if something were to happen to him or his ability to keep them in comfort, made him otherwise agreeable to the extremes she'd taken. In his mind, as much as he believed her dedication and devotion to both him and her role, he assumed that time might change her perspectives on leaving her humanity behind, even if only in part.

Mittens, however, didn't want 'reversible', she had no intention of ever going back to 'Rachel Wilson' or giving up being a cat. If she could take things even further, replacing stuffed gloves and clip on cat parts with real paws, tail, and ears, she would do so in a heartbeat. Never having to deal with the general hassles of the costuming would be wonderful. The gloves and slippers got sweaty sometimes, there were days when the ears just didn't want to say pinned into place, and the tail basically just hung there.

Technically, she could have kept it all on for the bath, she sometimes jumped into the pool with everything on, but it took forever to get the puffy paws dry again and she'd had more than few pairs of ears completely come apart from being in water too long. The tail was meant to hold up to nearly anything, but she only the one. And while she had other paws and other ears, both of which were fairly easy to replace, she wished she could just have real kitty-bits that didn't need changed or removed to clean under.

She felt Master give her a gentle squeeze and a kiss on top of her head and Chloe reach across to caress her supportively. She must have gotten lost in the melancholy thoughts for a bit, the disappointments of realistic limits probably causing a dour look on her face, and her perceptive partners had picked up on it. It was one of the many reasons she loved them so much, even if it wasn't all that necessary.

"Sorry." She said with a chuckle. "Didn't means ta seem like I'd gotten'd all maudlin on ya."

"It's okay, kitty-cat." Master said to her. "I know that you sometimes want more than stuffed props. You are always my loved pet, furry bits or not, however."

Chloe smiled encouragingly. "You're still a cat to me too, even without it all. I can't even think of you as anything but a cat-girl, through and through. I'm sorry if I made you sad mentioning it."

Mittens put her hand over Chloe's and gave it a squeeze, favoring her with a fangy grin. "You didn't. I promises-es. Just gots all lost in ma thoughts."

Master slipped out of the bath for a moment, going to where all those 'furry-bits' were laying in a pile on the counter. He returned with the ears, settled back in the bath, and took a moment to reattach them, struggling to get them secured to her wet hair. "There. That gets you back to the Mittens we know." He said once he finally had them on, but paused, looking at her a bit hesitantly. The ears were already lop-sided and starting to further shift.

"I might could try contacting Michael soon." He said cautiously after a moment. "See if he had any thoughts on some kind of, mostly non-invasive, anchor that could be installed where you have ears that connect directly to you, like the tail." He held up a finger very quickly. "Just to talk about it, for someday in the future. Don't get too excited."

Mittens looked at him agog. "REALLY?! That would be amaze-balls!" She gushed. "I can live with the fake paws, but having ears that don't fall off during sex would be great!"

He gave a hearty laugh. "I was thinking more along the lines of just not having to worry about a bad hair day making them hard to attach, but sure." He gave his head a shake. "Just don't get your hopes up too high or get too far ahead of anything. For now, it's just a thought and it would have to be something subtle and reversible. I also doubt he'll write it off again. And we're talking about your skull, here. If there is ANY chance that it might be dangerous... "

Mittens gave him an eager nod, giggling a little at his backpedaling. "I understand, Master. I promises! I won't let myself gets too excited." She was completely lying, given that she was already utterly thrilled by the prospect, but she felt sure he understood the nuance. If she was honest with herself, it wasn't especially likely that it would actually come to fruition, but the thought of it was enough to make her giddy.

Settling back into the tub to snuggle together, Mittens' mind began to spin wonderfully around the idea of getting new, better, ears. She imagined opening a birthday present with a pair of ear implants in it. It might not be for a few years, but it would be a closer step towards the 'Mittens' she wanted to be. Just the promise of it, someday, would be a great present.

Not that she was all that anxious to see the inside of a hospital again. The installation of her tail had been rough on her, being a bit uncomfortable with hospitals in general. All the times she'd had to rush her mother to an ER had left their scars. However, Master had stayed by her bed the whole time, making her laugh and keeping her smiling. Now she'd have Master AND Chloe doing that.

She looked at the two of them, cuddled together beside her, and felt truly loved. Both of them spoke about how she was the emotionally tough one, never needing help sorting through what she was feeling. The truth was, they were where she found the strength and peace to never be bothered by the little things. Or even the big things. They were her safe. Their love was her armor.

"Okie..." She shifted a little to focus her attention on them more obviously. "Explain to me how all this real estate stuff works." She said to them, an amused grin on her face. "Since you're both so worried about making me feel left out, loop a kitty in."

They both peered at her with a note of surprise for a moment, the request seeming to come out of nowhere. After a beat though, Master smiled. "Well, the first part of it all is finding a property that is in distress, but still has a strong foundation to be rebuilt on." He began, a wistful look on his face. "Places that other people might have given up on, thinking that the damage can't be repaired or simply unwilling to invest the time and energy into making those repairs."

Mittens smiled at the words, realizing that this philosophy pertained to a lot more than just real estate with him. She was pretty certain than both she and Chloe might each have once been thought of as 'distressed properties'. She certainly knew that she had been one that most people had given up on. He'd found her and rebuilt on her strong foundation, helping her transform into something far better than the original concept. "Places that are worth a lot more than the current owners give them credit for, in other words." She offered.

Master returned her knowing smile, looking proud that she'd picked up on his double meaning. "Exactly. Which means the seller often asks far less than its worth, even with the costs of returning it back to its glory. After that, it's just a matter of investing some time and compassion."

Mittens giggled. "Don't you mean time and 'effort'?"

Master's face became soft and tender. "No. Nothing worth having ever takes 'effort'. If you have compassion, nothing is ever truly broken or beyond repair. Bringing out its beauty is always a pleasure, not a chore."

Mittens nuzzled against him. "I love the way you see the world, Master." She purred. "I love you." She gave him a kiss. "That said, I was actually kinda serious. Get the pussy up to speed so she can follow when you two start rambling." She gave a chuckle.

However, Master fixed her with a speculative look. "Do you actually want to know or are you just asking to make us feel better?"

Mittens bit her lip playfully. "Would I be in trouble if it's the second one?"

"Only if you tell me it's the first one and don't actually mean it." He countered slyly.

Mittens considered that a moment, then nodded decisively. "Then it defin-a-lutely the firstest one!" She declared resolutely, before bounding forward to present her bottom for sudsy spankings.

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MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnow11 months agoAuthor

I'm glad you think so. She is very fun to write about too. Hahaha

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Mittens is so fun to read about

MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnow11 months agoAuthor

Chapter 4 is about half done already, so hopefully you won't have to wait awfully long for the next one. Hahaha

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Absolutely love it!! We'll worth the wait!

MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnow11 months agoAuthor

Glad you both enjoy. I've been enjoying getting show the world through Mittens' eyes and just double down on her craziness. She is so much fun to explore. It makes me very happy that people are enjoying her journey as much as I am.

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