Modified Ch. 01


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Penny looks shocked. "What? What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't give me that innocent look. You've been barely squeaking by, you don't get involved supporting the sorority's activities and even your GPA is an embarrassment. Most of the other girls are ready to throw you out. Tonight is your chance to make it up. And I am certain you have it in you." Stacy reveals an evil smile with her last statement. Removing her shoe, she moves her foot up onto Penny's chair between her legs. Penny jumps and screams, nearly knocking over her drink.

"Shh, calm down, girl, you wouldn't want to make a scene! Ooh, but what have we here!" Stacy's foot presses into Penny's crotch, finding the growing bulge under her sweat pants. Penny squirms and tries to get away, but Stacy grabs her hands.

"Sit still and listen to me," Stacy says sternly. Penny reluctantly sits back in her chair. Stacy's foot rubs Penny's bulge, and despite her anger and embarrassment her hips push against Stacy's offending foot.

"Now you are going to do everything I tell you to. If you don't, you are going to be kicked out of the sorority. And I'm sure your parents would be very disappointed, don't you think?" Stacy's foot continues to slowly stroke Penny's cock. Penny is on fire now, fully hard and throbbing, and finding it difficult to concentrate on what Stacy is saying. "So what's it going to be? Obey me or get kicked out? Oh, and I know a bit more about your 'condition' than you might think, so I strongly suggest you do as I say."

"Please stop!" Penny gasps. She's sure her cock is leaking fluid, if Stacy continues much longer a wet spot will certainly show even through her sweats, and god forbid if she were to orgasm in the restaurant.

"You didn't answer my question." Stacy presses her foot harder against Penny's bulge. Penny squirms and whimpers.

"Ok, yes, anything you say, just stop before I..."

"Good girl." Stacy pulls her foot away and Penny slumps in her chair, panting. Just then the server returns to the table and stares open mouthed at Penny. Penny turns red in embarrassment and looks down at her hands.


Finally back at Delta Omega house, Stacy leads Penny to her office. "You're coming with me. We need to get you into that new dress, and our pledges will be here in an hour. And we don't want you doing anything silly before then, now do we?" Stacy says as she grins at Penny.

"Please Stacy, I really need to use the bathroom. I can't hold it much longer."

"Nonsense, girl. Now get those ugly clothes off."

"What, here??? No, I can't!" Penny cried. Her erection had subsided somewhat, but she knew it was still engorged.

"Do I have to remind you of your agreement? Or that you are in no position to negotiate? I own you. I know of your 'situation', and I know your parents will probably cut you off if you get thrown out of school. Now, off with your clothes!" Stacy forcefully demands.

Dejected, Penny reluctantly begins to remove her clothes while Stacy smirks over her victory. After removing her top and bra and kicking off her flip flops, Penny hesitates. "Please..." she pleads.

"Take them off, let me see my new toy."

Penny cringes at Stacy's words, and then slowly pushes down her sweat pants. Despite knowing what to expect, Stacy gasps at the sight of the nylon encased appendage pressed against Penny's thigh. Afraid to look up, Penny then even more slowly wiggles out of her pantyhose. Her cock springs out, currently at half mast. Her pantyhose have a large stain from her leaking cock.

"Oooh, amazing!" Stacy walks up to Penny and runs her fingertip across down the length of her cock, causing it to jump and Penny to moan in both pleasure and despair. Stacy wraps one hand around it and with her other hand lifts Penny's chin with a finger, looking her in the eyes. She strokes Penny's cock slowly, it quickly growing to its full length. "Please..." Penny moans.

"You are mine, girl. And you are going to do exactly as I tell you tonight. Because if you don't, not only will I kick you out of the sorority, I will expose you to your friends and family. Do I make myself clear?"

Penny could only moan in response, her cock already leaking large amounts of pre-cum. Her eyes begin to roll back into her head when she is shocked back to reality as Stacy slaps her hard across the face and lets go of Penny's cock.

"Now get dressed, we don't have much time," Stacy orders as she moves to her desk and sits in her chair. She picks up her phone and quickly pulls up Selena's number.

"Selena, hi. Come to my office right away. Ok, thanks. Bye." Stacy puts down the phone. In a panic over not wanting to be seen by Selena, Penny quickly puts the new dress on. Her cock is now covered, but still tents the front of the dress. Selena knocks twice, and then enters the office. Penny quickly turns away. Selena gives Penny a glare as she walks over to Stacy's desk.

"Thanks Selena. Take this master key and go to Penny's room. Pick out the best 'fuck me' shoes you can find that go with the dress she's wearing."

"No problem, I'll be right back." Selena turns and smirks at Penny as she leaves the office, knowing something is up and is thrilled to see Penny get what's due to her.


Two hours later Penny finds herself mingling with a house full of her sorority sisters as well as the 3 new pledges. Her discomfort is apparent, but any attempts at fading into the background are thwarted by either Stacy or Selena, one of which always seems to be near her and ready to pull her back into the middle of the crowd. She is introduced to the pledges and prodded into making small talk with them. But her sisters seem to find openings in the conversation to make subtle jabs at her, bringing up stories of her indiscretions. And of course no sorority party would be complete without alcohol. Penny's drink is never empty, with someone seeming to refill it at every opportunity. And of course the pledges are encouraged to drink. Given their nervousness regarding whatever test they might have to endure, they each are by now feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"Ok everyone, gather round," Stacy calls out. "It's time to begin this evening's pledge activities!" The group gathers in the main room, circled around Stacy, with the pledges standing in front of her. "I'm sure you are all excited to hear what the first pledge test is going to be. I assure you it will be one you will always remember! Now, in the Delta Omega house we pride ourselves on nurturing girls who are strong and confident. This includes relationships with boys. We don't believe in girls submitting to their male partner's wishes, but instead believe women should be in control of all aspects of a relationship. The tests we have for you tonight will judge your skills in these matters. Now, we'll need a volunteer sorority sister for this. Who would like to help?"

Stacy glances around the room. Selena, standing behind Penny, gives her a shove and Penny stumbles out of the crowd in the direction of the pledges. "Excellent!" Stacy cries. "Penny, it's so nice of you to volunteer!" Penny is about to complain, but Stacy gives her a quick glance that Penny clearly understands not to fight her on this. "Selena, Jackie, a little help please," Stacy calls out.

The two girls grab Penny's wrists and pull her over towards the low coffee table, which has been cleared of drinks. She is pushed back, coming to a rest on her back on the table. Ropes appear from somewhere, and Penny's wrists and ankles are secured to the corners of the table. Her legs slightly spread, but her dress still hiding her surprise. Stacy walks up and leans close to Penny's ear. "Now be a good girl Penny."

Standing back up, Stacy announces to the group, "First we must pick the order in which the pledges will go." After drawing straws, the order is determined. First is Karen, a petite brunette with glasses. Second will be April, a lanky girl with dirty blonde hair. Last will be Jasmine, an African American with an athletic build, though sporting a round ass. Each of the pledges is eighteen years old, just out of high school.

"Ok pledges, here's the deal. Penny represents your boyfriend. You are horny and in need of his tongue on your pussy. But your boyfriend is rather reluctant. Your task is to convince him that it's in his best interest to lick you. You will be judged on your ability to elicit enthusiasm from your boyfriend. And to help put you in the mood, we have a very special treat for you this evening." Stacy walks over to Penny and looks at her with an evil grin. "Please, no..." Penny whispers. Ignoring her, Stacy flips up Penny's dress, exposing her to the room. The whole room looks on in shock, then break out first in whispers and finally giggles and crude comments. Penny turns beat red, closing her eyes to the crowd. "You see, Penny is no ordinary girl," Stacy continues. "She's well equipped to play the role of your boyfriend," she says as she grabs Penny's cock and tugs. Penny's hips rise up and her eyes fly open, but Stacy quickly lets go.

"Karen, you are first. Now don't be shy. Remove your skirt and panties. You can remove your top if you want, it's your choice."

Karen looks at Stacy in shock, and then at Penny. The alcohol has given her some confidence, but stripping in front of a crowd of girls and getting oral sex from a stranger is not something she would normally sign up to do. But Delta Omega is the most prestigious sorority on campus. Getting in here would be a huge benefit, making contacts that will probably help both during college as well as long afterwards. She steels herself and removes her skirt and panties, then walks over to Penny. Penny looks on in horror as Karen climbs onto the table, straddling Penny's chest. Without a word, she spreads her pussy and slides forward over Penny's head. Penny thrashes wildly until Karen grabs her hair and pulls her towards her pussy. Unable to avoid it, Penny is trapped between Karen's thighs with her pussy pressed against her lips.

"Lick me," Karen orders, yanking on Penny's hair in emphasis. Penny still resists, Karen's musky scent filling her nostrils. Karen begins to rub herself over Penny's chin and lips. Then she pinches Penny's nose closed. "Lick me!" she says angrily. After several moments, Penny can't hold out any longer and takes a breath through her mouth. Karen mashes her pussy against Penny's lips, and Penny's tongue inadvertently touches Karen's outer folds. "That's it, do it!" Penny can't believe the situation she is in. But at the same time, she realizes with alarm that her cock is standing straight up. Surely she can't be turned on by this treatment.

Karen grinds harder. Penny pushes her tongue out tentatively, tasting Karen. Karen slides herself across Penny's tongue. "That's it, push your tongue out farther," Karen commands. Penny tries to comply, delving into Karen's folds and tasting more of her juices. Now with both hands grabbing Penny's head, she grinds herself harder against Penny's face. Karen begins to moan, getting more turned on from dominating the girl tied to the table, becoming less concerned with the audience watching her performance. After several minutes of riding Penny's tongue, she pulls Penny's head against her clit. "Suck it," she says breathlessly. Penny reluctantly complies, resigned to her situation. Karen presses her pussy against Penny's lips and pinches her own nipples through her blouse. "Oh god!" she cries. "Come on, keep sucking!"

"Ok, times up!" Stacy calls out, and two sorority sisters pull Karen off of Penny.

"What!!! No, not yet!" Karen pleads. Her pussy still throbbing, she is left in a state of desire and disappointment.

"Let's all give Karen a big hand for her wonderful effort!" Stacy tells the group, and everyone give her applause as well as some hoots. Karen, now feeling embarrassed at what she just did, looks for her clothes to cover back up. "No need for those, my dear," Stacy tells Karen. "We need you ready for round two!"

"Ok, next up is April. Come on, the clock is ticking!"

April timidly removes her dress and then her panties, leaving her only in her bra, and then walks over to Penny. Left alone for only a few moments, Penny still has Karen's juices on her face and lips. More resigned to her fate, she doesn't fight when April straddles her face facing down her body. Having watched the show with Karen and Penny, April was already wet and ready.

Penny, smelling the muskier scent of April, resists by shaking her head. April rises up, and then gives a hard slap to Penny's left breast. Before Penny could register, April slaps her right breast.

"Oww!" Penny cries in shock. Not finished, April continues to slap Penny's breasts, leaving red hand marks on Penny's body. "Oww, oww, oww!" Penny cries. "Please, no more!"

Karen lowers herself over Penny's face again. Penny hesitantly puts out her tongue and tastes April's juices. But the stronger taste of April is too much for her and she tries to pull away again. "Oh no you don't!" April growls, and begins slapping again. Penny opens her mouth to cry out, and April grinds her pussy against Penny's lips. Penny's tits are now red and on fire. Finally relenting, Penny pushes her tongue into April. But April doesn't relent, continuing to slap her tits. Penny works her tongue more furiously, trying to get April to stop. She darts her tongue in and out, then focuses on April's clit, flicking her tongue as quickly as she can. This seems to get Karen's attention, and she momentarily stops slapping Penny's tits.

"Mmmmm, yes, just like that," April moans and grinds harder only Penny's face. Penny's tongue begins to tire, but as soon as she slows down April slaps her tits again. "Oh god, that's it, that's it," April pants. She soon loses control, her body thrashing and grinding against Penny's face as she cries out in orgasm. Penny is forced to gulp down the steady stream of juices oozing from April's pussy. Finally spent, April collapses on top of Penny.

"Times up! Excellent job, April. That's going to be hard to beat, no pun intended!" Stacy jokes. April, lifts off of Penny unsteadily and gives a weak smile as the crowd cheers. "Ok Jasmine, you've got your work cut out for you. Don't disappoint us!"

Jasmine quickly disrobes, showing no shame in exposing her athletic body. She strolls around the table where Penny is secured, like a predator circling her prey, occasionally tracing a fingernail along Penny's body, her calf, her neck, her hip. Then she runs a finger along Penny's hard cock, which jumps in response. "Mmmm, excellent," Jasmine purrs. Knowing she has limited time, she climbs on the table straddling Penny's hard member. Looking Penny in the eyes, she quickly drops down, impaling herself.

"Oh goddd," Penny cries from the excruciating pleasure. Her overly sensitive cock has been ready to burst since this afternoon. Jasmine then flexes her muscles, contracting her pussy around Penny's cock. Penny thrusts upward and moans again, even louder.

"Now Penny," Jasmine begins. "I know you love the feel of my pussy. But if you hope to feel it again, first you must lick me to orgasm. Is that clear?"

"Yes, please, anything," Penny hoarsely replies. Jasmine lifts herself up as Penny gasps again. Her cock dripping with both Jasmine's juices as well as her own pre-cum. Jasmine turns around and slowly lowers herself onto Penny's eager tongue. Penny finds Jasmine's taste to be intoxicating. She licks and sucks for all she's worth, unable to get enough. To encourage her, as if any additional encouragement were needed, Jasmine very slowly traces the underside of Penny's cock with a single fingernail. Penny's cock responds by drooling out more pre-cum.

Soon, Jasmine begins to erotically grind her pussy against Penny's tongue. "That's it baby, keep it up," she moans. Penny flicks her tongue furiously over Jasmine's clit. "Ooh yes!" Soon, her orgasm crashes over Jasmine and she cries out in ecstasy. Her pussy floods Penny's mouth, Penny does her best to lap it up as she savors the taste.

"Times up! Jasmine, that was fantastic. You certainly appear committed to getting into Delta Omega," Stacy observes. "Ok, time for a short break before round 2. Drink up everyone, the fun is just beginning! And someone please get a tall drink for Penny."

Penny slumps back down, frustrated, her face slick and smelling of the three pledges. Her cock is rock hard and pointing straight up, and continues to drool pre-cum. "This can't be happening!" she thinks. But her sexual desire is building, taking over any normal reasoning.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

so her parents would throw her out if she got tossed from school but wouldn't want to know about the blackmail rape and brand new dick??? wtf

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Holy fuck borrrrrrring you retard get to the fucking point

Couldn't make to the end too boring redundant and anti climactic

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
So good

Super fuckin hot. Great story line and good writing. I cant wait for more!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
bunch of

sick fucks

JamieFHFunJamieFHFunalmost 10 years ago
so hot

Love the story. I hope the treatments on Penny will make her cock grow to 10" or more and thick. Maybe other girls get the treatment nd become aggressors on campus (topping unsuspecting boys and making them their sex slaves)

BrendaNWBrendaNWalmost 10 years ago
very hot story

more please.. do part two and three.. I guess a girl would be overwhelmed by the senses in a cock, but for me I expect that a juicy pussy would be much more sensitive than my cock ever was... I would trade my weak male body for a lovely female one in a moment.. even the higher maintenance would be part of the wonder... is she now a fully functional hermaphrodite ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I love it!!!!

such a hot story...please continue!

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