Mom and Me - Adventures with Spunk Ch. 05


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"Hey, Henry," she said without stopping.

Doofus and me froze. What the fuck? We were both rooted to the spot and turned to watch the group of girls walking away laughing. WHAT THE FUCK?

"Dude," he said, sounding as surprised as I felt, "She spoke to you. She said your fucking name."

Thank Christ for that. I thought I was hearing things. "Uh huh," I mumbled still in shock, "Why would she do that?"

Rufus rubbed his chin through his whiskers. "Drugs, dude," he nodded after giving it a moments thought, "Definitely drugs."

Yeah. That made sense. Why else would the divine Binky Brewster even so much as look at someone like me? That thought hurt way more than I could ever put into words as Doofus grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to class.


Later that evening..

Mom and me were at it again. On my single bed with me on top and Mom wriggling enthusiastically underneath me as I pumped away between her spread thighs. Her arms were hooked under my own and she was gripping me by the shoulders as I felt the warmth of her breath against my right cheek as she urged me to fuck her pussy harder with language that could strip paint.

One thing I had noticed during the short time we'd been having actual sex was that she wasn't exactly a screamer when she came. More like a whispering groaner as she tightened her love tunnel around my impaled prick. Which was kind of a relief as Christ knows what the neighbors would think. But she sure knew how to talk the dirty talk which shocked me right out of my little comfort zone. Even more so when she wanted me to do the same.

"Umm, Henry dear," she breathed as she licked my ear, "Do that to me one more time just like you did before. Show Mommies pussy what she's been missing all this time. Mommy just loves what you're doing to her."

She had me captured between her bare thighs as she rocked her sex around my own and squeezed her rippling orifice along the surging length of my cock. I was doing good. No sign of the old hair trigger so far as I shuffled forward on my knees so that I was basically pumping her clasping slot from directly above. Feeling me move, Mom raised her thighs further so she could wrap her legs completely around my lower back and buttocks which were flexing back and forth with my sweaty efforts. It felt like I was on autopilot and could just enjoy the warmth of an easy going fuck before all hell let loose.

Words, numbnuts. Use them. That's what they're there for. Tell her things she wants to hear that turn her on. A little shared vulgarity can go a long way. Considering you have your penis in her vagina I seriously doubted she was going to ground me for telling her how much I loved fucking her hot cunt.

"Like this, Mom?" I asked her with my mouth close to her ear, "Do you like my big cock up this tight pussy of yours?" The room echoed to the sound of my rocking single bed banging and squeaking away, "Want me to fill you up with all my rich creamy spunk?" See? What did I tell you? When I put my mind to it I can slut talk with the best of them. The Bard has nothing on me.

I felt Mom jerk under me as I told her what I was going to do to her and her awesome snatch. "Oooo yes, baby," she cooed as she pulled me tighter to her hot bod with her crotch grinding harder against me, "Your big thing feels so good and deep inside me, Henry. Ooo, right there. Do me deeper and harder. Mommy loves the feel of hard cock fucking her poor little pussy!"

Sweating buckets, I pushed myself up so that I was looking down at her as she twisted her head this way and that with her eyes tightly shut. Her face was flushed and she was gasping as each thrust nailed her to the bed. Whoa. This was as hot as fuck. Mom sure did love my big dick and it was up to me to make sure she felt every fucking inch of it. Making Mom this happy was just the best feeling ever.

"Come for me, hon," she suddenly gasped as her eyes flew open in surprise, "Mommy feels so good right now. Gonna come any second!"

No way could I fuck her any harder. I was pounding her upturned vagina like a madman and could feel my own climax building to the inevitable release. THUMP THUMP THUMP sang the headboard as I gave one final huge effort to push us both over the edge.

"HENRY!" she suddenly squealed as her body twisted and spasmed with the waves of her orgasm completely capturing her, "OOO BABY!!"

SHIT. Come on, dude. Time to blow your God damned load. Don't be late for this fucking train. A second later, I snorted like a donkey and felt my asshole tighten right up. Okay, here we go. But things didn't exactly go as they were meant to. In reflex, instead of jerking forward so that my throbbing penis buried itself completely up my Mothers sex, it did the opposite.

What the fuck?

It was like I had stuck my sex drive into reverse and my hips jerked back so that my whole length yanked out of her clasping vagina to leave it spasming and twitching menacingly over her abdomen. Uh oh. I was so far gone I had no control over what happened next.

Mom raised her head when she felt me slip out of her and we both stared wide-eyed as my firehose opened up and released the first jet of freshly boiled spunk over her stomach to land in a long streamer between her firm tits and belly button.

Oh fuck. Whoops.

"Henry, what are you?" she exclaimed in a voice tinged with shock and awe as she watched me give her a seriously disgusting spunk bath.

Wow. Will you look at that. My arms were shaking as I gawped at my spitting snake spewing out an obscene amount of jizz that seemed to last forever. Not talking watery shit either. This was some seriously thick gloop I was unloading and by the time I finished, there was a decent sized puddle coating her stomach and running in streams down into her pubic hair. Even though I had made a right mess, she looked as sexy as fuck lying there covered in my frothy ejaculate. Idly, I wondered if she'd let me take photos of our sessions in future. Purely for educational reasons you understand.

Lightheaded, I gave one last shudder with my dick and balls bobbing up and down with the effort. That blow out had been a definite ten out of ten. I was shivering all over and it felt like I had run a marathon without going anywhere. I was completely shit faced and all I wanted to do was crash the fuck out and go to sleep.

Mom was breathing hard and running her hands through her damp hair before she realized what I was about to do. "Henry, wait, no.."

Forgetting where I was, I eased off her and collapsed to my right. And fell straight over the side of the single bed onto the floor with a loud thud as Mom tried to grab me.



I think we were done for day one.


The second day.

The most important thing to note was that Mom had taken the day off work and that yours truly had no classes to attend either. That meant a whole single day indoors with my Mom. Doing stuff. It was also the day neither of us would ever forget.

It began as I woke up and bumbled my way downstairs to the kitchen where Mom was sat at the table having her first coffee of the day as I yawned and stretched my way to the fridge to got some milk for my cereal. Once done, I stumbled over to the table and slumped down into the chair opposite Mom who looked like she had a pile of magazines in front of her and was idly thumbing her way through the one on top.

"Morning!" she said brightly.

Still bleary-eyed, I waved my spoon at her before tucking into my cornflakes completely oblivious to what Mom was actually doing. One thing I am definitely not is a morning person. Rise and shine can fuck the fuck off. As I sat there munching away, she glanced up at me over the top of her spectacles before returning back to whatever it was she was reading.

"Oh, my!" she said suddenly.

Emerging from my sleepy haze, I stopped chewing and frowned at her. "What?"

Mom bit her lip and held up the magazine she was reading.

I froze. What the fuck?

"Anal Invaders from Mars, huh," she said, trying to keep a straight face.

Oh shit. My porn stash. Mom was reading my porn mags. And here was me with a mouthful of cornflakes watching her do it. "Uh," I stuttered. This was like the most embarrassing thing ever, "I can uh explain. Sort of." What was she doing? Those were mine. She shouldn't be reading those sort of things. It'd be like me reading the Bible as I took a dump.

Mom ignored me and read the tagline. "Sex-crazed Martian shows Miss Venus an ass fucking good time on Uranus!" On the cover was a well-hung bug-eyed alien waving his huge penis at a sexy blonde in a silver bikini as she knelt at his feet with her hand to her mouth in wide-eyed shock. Well, there you go. Flash Gordon was never like this. Sadly.

Keeping my mouth shut, I slunk lower in my chair trying to disappear.

"Hmmm," Mom said as she flicked through the porn mag. "Now will you just look at the size of that thing. How on earth does something that big fit up there?" she exclaimed as she glanced at me again. For added embarrassment, she held up the relevant page she was looking at. I looked from Mom to the porn mag. My Mother had a point. Sexy Miss Venus sure did have one flexible pooper as she knelt there on her hands and knees with about six inches of Martian dong stuck up her adorable Venusian asshole with another three or four inches sticking out.

Caught bang to rights, I gave Mom a weak smile and saw her eyes widen in surprise as she turned the final page. Oh shit. The Martian pop shot. A well-thumbed page I had wanked myself silly over many a time. So many times I had lost count. The babe from Venus looked like someone had dipped her in a bowl of whipped cream as bug-eyed Eddie stood there letting his sexy captive lick his spent alien wang clean. Talk about a close encounter of the spunky kind. I fucking loved cosplay porn. Dressing up for that sort of kinky sex pressed all the right buttons for me. No wonder I was a complete dork. Maybe I should book a one-way ticket to Uranus. Sounds my kind of place.

Mom put the mag back on the pile. "Those were," It was obvious she was enjoying watching me squirm as she discovered all my little personal quirks, "Educational."

I frowned at her. "You looked at them all?"

Mom shrugged with amusement. "Curiosity got the better of me," she admitted as she sat back, "You seem to have a VERY wide range of sexual interests."

You have absolutely no idea, Mom. "Uh, I guess so," I admitted as I looked down at my hands, " You're not mad at me are you?" I asked her.

"Heaven's no, dear," replied Mom waving her hand, "I'm not the old maid I know you sometimes think I am," She pulled out another mag from the middle of the pile and flicked through it, "Sometimes it pays to know what your only Son is thinking about."

I winced as I saw which one she was reading. "Mom.."

Mom pressed the open mag against her chest and laughed. "Really?" she teased before turning her attention back to it, "Spiderman at one end and Batman at the other. Who's the lucky girl in the middle?"

"That would be uh, Thelma," I mumbled.


"From Scooby Doo."

"Ah!" said Mom as she turned another page, "Scooby Doo, huh," she nodded as she tried to keep a straight face, "That explains everything. The things you like to read."

Which was true enough. Thinking about it, we hadn't exactly been a birds and bees family as I grew up. How else was I supposed to get my sex education and discover what I did and didn't like? Like pussy. Like anal. Like cosplay. Something about a hot babe in spandex was the mutts nuts. Doing a sixty-nine with Penelope Pitstop sucking my dick as Jane Jetson licked my balls with Wilma Flintstone rimming my ass was definitely my ultimate fantasy. What I wouldn't give to be the plaything of three hot women dressed up like that. Sure, I had the Internet to satisfy my little urges but there was just something so much more tactile reading about it in an old school porn mag. Hell, I even liked the stories

Despite it being excruciatingly embarrassing as fuck, it was, at the same time, strangely exhilarating to watch your whole sub-conscious being peeled away like layers of an onion by someone else. The fact that it was my own Mother somehow added to that tingle of electricity that was running up and down my spine. Here you go, Mom. Take a good look. This is me. These are the things I think about. All the time. Every day.

"So what are we going to do now?" she asked suddenly.

Everything. I want to do everything with you Mom. "Uh, I'm not sure."

"No?" she said, looking at me in that way Moms do, "In that case, seeing that we have the whole day together, maybe we should use these, " She held up a magazine, "As a guide to some of the things we can try. How does that sound?"


"Well," I said, trying not to bounce around the kitchen like a raving lunatic, "If you're sure you really want to do some of those things, Mom."

Mom smiled. "My treat," she replied with a glint in her eye, "Now then," she said thoughtfully as she picked up the pile of porn mags and began to shuffle them like a pack of cards with the front covers face down. Once she was satisfied, she spread them out on the table between us, "Since you probably know each of these things back to front, I'll pick one out and we can do the things they're doing in that one. Deal?"

I just nodded. My heart was hammering between my ears as I watched her run a finger over the spread pack. She was right. I did know each of them back to front and back again. Gallons of spunk had been spurted over the months I had secretly smuggled each of them indoors. But there was one magazine that was my absolute favorite and as her finger passed over it a voice was yelling "THAT ONE. PICK THAT ONE, MOM!!" in my head.

Mom paused and tapped a finger against her lips as she considered her options. Oh, COME ON, Mom! Pick one for fuck's sake or I'll explode. She glanced up at me as I turned purple with anticipation and smiled at the expression on my face.

"That one," she said, "Let's try that one."


A short while later.

There was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for Church.

The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"

After a little hesitation, Mom walked into my bedroom and my jaw hit the floor. She had definitely dressed to impress and I thought my eyeballs were going to pop out of my skull. She had squeezed her voluptuous frame into a low cut black leather one-piece number that barely reached to mid-thigh and which I sort of remembered from back in the day when Dad was still around and she was a size or two less. Everything was bulging out in all the right places in all the right ways. To me, she looked amazing with her big tits squished erotically together and pointing directly at me as she took a seat and crossed her bare legs. Between us, on the desk, was the chosen porn mag open at the first page.

Well, Doctor," replied my Mother as she wriggled in her seat to get comfortable, "I'm not exactly sure but I think I have a problem with my bottom."

"Your bottom?"

Mom nodded and sighed. "Something isn't quite right up there, Doctor," she explained, "And I need someone to take a look and see what the problem is. Since you're the only one I know who can do anything about it I thought I'd ask you."

"Just to make sure we're on the same page, Mrs. Peterson," I responded as I fiddled with my tie and squeezed my already erect organ under the desk, "Are you saying you want me to give you an anal examination?"

"Well," she said, "That's one way to put it. And if you want to talk like that then, yes, I want you to take a look and see what's making my anus itch so bad. The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. By the way, I've already made sure I'm as clean as a whistle back there."

The sexual tension between us was palpable as I got to my feet and came to stand in front of Mom who was turning out to be a proper little actress. Standing over her, I had a birds-eye view of her expansive cleavage with each succulent teat barely held in place by her leather top. Those were some seriously impressive titties she had on her that were just made to be sucked long and hard by her ever loving Son.

"Let's go over to my uh examination table," I told her indicating my single bed, "And I'll see what I can do."

Mom got to her feet and walked over to the bed as my gaze dropped to her well-packed ass stuffed into her leather dress. Fuck me sideways. Mom had an ass to die for. Big. Full. Absolutely fuckable. She stopped and turned to me. "Don't you have something that could take a closer look up there?" Smiling at me, she reached over to the porn mag on my desk and turned the page, "Something long and flexible?"

"Actually, Mrs. Peterson," I explained, "I have just the thing we need."

Mom put a finger to her lips. "OOo," she simpered, "And what exactly would that be?" she asked as she looked around my bedroom.

Maybe I should give her three guesses. Her eyes widened as she saw me pointing at my crotch. "I call it my own personal rectal probe. Works wonders. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If this doesn't scratch your itch nothing will." What a charmer. I should be on stage treading the boards. Not so much vaudeville but pornville.

Mom put her hand over my growing instrument. "Oh my," she gasped, putting a hand to her cheek, "It feels so big! How is it going to fit up my bum?"

Now there was a question that had set sail a thousand ships. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out one of Mom's thin rubber gloves and with the other presented her with a small jar of cold cream. Voila! Always be prepared for every eventuality. You never know when a little lubrication will come in handy. Ask an Eskimo.

Wriggling my right hand into the glove, I let the elastic end snap back with a surprisingly erotic crack that had Mom staring at it wide-eyed. It was my turn to have a look at the porn mag on the desk to see what we had to do next. Ah. This will be fun.

"So what do you want me to do, Doctor?" asked my Mother watching hypnotically as I dipped a rubber digit into the pot and scooped out a blob of cream.

Uh, yeah. What did I want her to do? Where to start? I had a list as long as my arm but I kept to the script as we had agreed. Which was kind of freaky when I start to think about it. From initial shock, through obvious reluctance, to breaking the ultimate taboo, and now enthusiastically encouraging me to play sex games with her, Mom sure was getting into the spirit of things and seemed to be really enjoying our little incest adventures. Not that I was complaining one bit you understand.

Mom had sat on the end of my bed with her face just about level with my crotch. "Maybe I should take a look at this rectal probe of yours, Doctor. Can I take it out?"

Before I could open my mouth, she had already unbuttoned the front of my pants and was tugging down my shorts. Ever eager to please, my pride and joy sprang free to sway gently an inch or so from her lips. Our eyes met as she looked up at me and an unspoken understanding passed between us. Yeah. Take a good look, Mom. That's one rectal probe you're going to be feeling a lot of in future if I had my wicked way. Her gaze returned to my throbbing cock and she licked her lips slowly.

"Go easy, dear," she whispered going off script, " You're much bigger than anything else I've had up there in the past. Just make sure you grease me up real good."

With a last look at my penis, she turned around and knelt on the bed with her spectacular ass high in the air. Stepping forward, I used my left hand to tug her leather skirt over her shapely buttocks to reveal she wasn't wearing any panties. Holy ass bangers. What a sight. The crack between her ass cheeks was deep, long, and perfectly defined with a glimpse of her already wet pussy peeking out below. It was definitely time to say hello to her secret orifice and I was raring to go.