Mom takes Her Meds and Her Son Ch. 03


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I gasped out loud when I saw what she had sent.

There before me was a picture of Steph ... on all fours, on our bed at home, with my son, Todd, fucking her mouth with reckless abandon. His buddy, "Big Guy," was buried in her pussy from behind. The photo was from two or three months ago, when I had seen them gang-fucking her while I was in Austin for the football playoff game!

Then another message arrived, from Steph: "Well? Are you coming?" I stood, instinctively, as another text instantly followed. ... "Or just breathing hard?"

This was going to be one helluva dinner, I thought, as I approached the steakhouse host. There I stood, waiting for the host to show me to our table, when a weird thought entered my head -- "Did I want to order an appetizer?"

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donaldelliott11donaldelliott11almost 3 years ago
So sad when a story goes to shit

From chapter 1 author overdoes the details and complications. But here in chap 3 he just piles one on top of another. Did he think we care about Texas high school wrestling meets, flat tires, needless delays and complications?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
another chapter

please right another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

....was that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
cmon, give dady a chance

What brashness. At least the wife needs to show remorse by taking advantage of the dinner to make up to the husbie by contriving to fuck his brains out at the steakhouse rather than flaunting her infidelity in the husbie's face. It always leads to someone loosing out.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopabout 6 years ago
I love appetizers

Husband needs to get caught up on the fun xoxoxoxoxo Annette

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Well written

I liked th line "should I order a appetizer?"

Sir travels a lot

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