Momma G.O.A.T. Ch. 09


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"Are you sure Arya and Jennifer will allow it?"

"It doesn't matter what they allow. This is my decision. Clearly their mother is going to die, and we can't just leave them here to follow her!" Pam insisted as she took one of the pups in her hands. Tim warily eyed the mother, but she seemed to be fine with Pam handling her pup.

Pam turned the little white pup over in her hands. "She's so adorable," Pam cooed. The little ball of fur nuzzled at her hands, its pink mouth open and closing, looking for milk. Its eyes were still closed, they probably wouldn't open for a few days or weeks yet.

Tim sighed, admitting to himself that he was not going to leave these pups nor kill them. "Okay, we can take them," he said in acceptance. Pam turned to him, beaming. Tim smiled back at her as best he could. Pam turned back to the pups, picking up the other one, this one all black, and handing the white one back to her mother. The mother weakly licked at her little white pup, then lay her head down, her breathing becoming shallower.

After a few minutes, the mother stopped breathing. Tim felt a hard lump rise in his throat, and he heard Pam's throat catch as she gave the great, grey wolf one last pet. Turning to Tim, her eyes brimming with tears, Pam smiled sadly and handed Tim the small little black pup. Taking it in his hands, Tim turned him over and was surprised by how small the little guy, for he was a guy, was. He barely filled Tim's hands, yet one day he would dwarf his mother in all likelihood.

Together, the two of them walked back to the rest of the group. When they approached Arya, Jennifer and the rest, the group looked up. Arya raised her eyes to the heavens and stood up when she saw Pam and Tim carrying two pups. Jennifer shook her head, muttering under her breath and continued to work away at the bear; Tim noticed that it was almost skinned already, and they seemed to have cracked the bears skull.

Arya walked around the bear and came to stand in front of Pam and Tim, her hands red from the blood. "What are you doing with those pups?" Arya asked frankly, her gaze locked onto Pam, dismissing Tim as the follower in this situation.

"Tim and I are rescuing them from certain death," Pam said haughtily, turning her nose up at her sister. Arya breathed heavily through her nose.

"Pam!..." The black-haired nannie began to say. However, with a slice of her hand, indicating she was done with the issue, she turned around and stalked off; Pam smiled at Tim victoriously. "You can deal with Mama when we get home!" Arya threw over her shoulder. Pam's smile faltered for a moment before coming back in full force.

By the approach of evening, the group ended up making camp not far from the site where Tim had slain the bear. Arya, Jennifer and the others had by that point skinned it and taken anything else that they wanted or needed from the kill. Jennifer had even gone back to the two dead wolves, the original one they had found, and then the mother of the pups that Tim and Pam had found, to collect their pelts as well. When she came back from skinning the mother of the pups, she gave that pelt, covered in salt Tim noticed, to Pam. "I suppose you're their mother now," was all she said before stalking off to help ready what was left of the bear for sacrifice.

Tim helped with the finding of logs and branches to burn for the sacrifice they would make of the carcasses. At that point, his revulsion had passed and he felt obligated to help with the animal that he had killed; he felt guilty for not having helped skin the bear earlier.

Looking at the fairly butchered kill surrounded by wood, Tim didn't notice Jennifer approach him with a torch. With Tim looking at her quizzically, the yellow eye nannie simply handed the torch to Tim. "It is your kill; you should make the sacrifice." Hesitantly, Tim took the proffered torch and turned back to the woodpile surrounding the bear and the two wolves that had been moved to join him.

Tim looked at what was left of the bear and then the wolves. He wondered to whom he should make the sacrifice. He thought of a couple gods, and dismissed them, before deciding on one. Clearing his throat, Tim noticed that pretty much everyone had gathered around and was watching him.

"I...I sacrifice this... fearsome bear... and the wolves he killed... To Artemis, the goddess of the hunt; She kept my aim true." Tim finished his very short speech and with a last look around at those gathered, he tossed the torch onto the pile.

Wondrously, the whole thing caught at once, as if doused in oil when Tim knew it hadn't been. The flames burned different shades of blue and white, with a bit of purple, yet there was no heat. Tim stumbled back while everyone else stayed still, the rest of the group unsurprised by the unnatural flames. Tim stood, transfixed, as he watched what was left of the bear and wolves rapidly burn away, carried into the sky as glowing ash much faster than should have been possible. No more than a minute later, the last remnants of the bear and wolves vanished into the sky, and the purple, blue and white flames died down, leaving more natural orange and yellow flames to eat at what was left of the wood and brush that they had gathered.

Tim started when Pam placed her hand on his shoulder, looking up at him. "W-What was that?" Tim asked, nodding his head in the direction of the dwindling fire at the sacrifice site.

"That was a sacrifice. And a good one I should say based on the flames. It seems that Artemis approves of your gift," Pam said with a toothless smile.

"The gods... Actually, know when and who sends a sacrifice?" Tim asked disbelievingly.

"Well of course... If they're paying attention." Pam added after a moment. "Sometimes a sacrifice just burns like any normal animal, but usually, if you name them, a god will accept the sacrifice like Artemis just did for you." Pam continued to explain.

Tim looked back to the blackened earth. His gaze then swept up to the heavens and he nodded in what he considered a very respectful manner. Pam giggled inwardly but just smiled at his sign of deference, then quickly led him back to the camp.

When they arrived back at their site, Sam, who was holding the two little sleeping pups eagerly gave them back to Pam, mumbling in what was supposed to be a grouchy manner, but what was really a fond grumble, that they had been trying to nurse from her. "I don't have any milk so you will have to feed them soon!" Sam finished, hesitantly prying her fingers from the white pup. She looked at the pups, then at Pam and Tim, seemingly unwilling to leave just yet.

"What are their names?" Sam asked, looking between Pam and Tim.

The lovers shared a blank look. "Their mother had a lot of fire in her..." Pam said uncertainly. Tim began thinking of names that had to do with fire. "Maybe blaze would be a good name for a male wolf," he pondered, though he wasn't fixed on it.

"Some fire huh?" Sam mused, twirling a curly golden lock through her fingers. "Well, then how about this little pale girl be Ash, and this little dark boy be Soot?" Sam said, pointing from the white female to the black male.

"...Oh Sam! Those names are just perfect!" Pam gushed, hugging the little pups to her chest. They nuzzled her bosom sleepily, but didn't quite yet seek out milk. "Ash, and Soot," Pam said lovingly down to the little sleeping forms. Tim reached out and gently stroked Soot's back; he wriggled at Tim's touch, bringing a smile to Tim's lips. Pam looked up at him and smiled brightly.

Sam left them and Pam and Tim found their way back to their bedrolls. They sat down tiredly and ate some food together, most everyone else had already eaten. Once done, the two pups woke up and wanted to feed. Pam gently let them latch onto her. Tim helped her figure it out, and a few giggles later Pam leaned back, supporting two little furry pups in her hands as they nursed from her bosom. She smiled over to Tim, and Tim smiled back, genuinely feeling this smile stretch further than any had since he killed the bear.

Just then, Jennifer came up to Tim, carrying the pelt of the bear in her arms; it nearly spilled out of them there was so much of it. Tim stood up to meet her. "Jennifer... What brings you here?" he began, before lamely looking down at the pelt in her arms.

"This is yours Tim," she said simply, proffering the pelt as she had done the torch earlier. Tim looked to Pam, his face pained, but Pam nodded her head seriously. It seemed it might not be in good faith to deny the pelt. With a sigh, Tim reached out and took the thick pelt from Jennifer. He was surprised by how heavy it was; this one was also coated in salt on the inside. He ran his fingers through the coarse brown fur before looking back up at Jennifer.

With a bow of his head, he thanked her, "Thank you for cleaning my kill when I could not." That seemed appropriately respectful Pam thought happily. Jennifer nodded her head and began to turn away. However, before she had gone, she paused.

"When we get back home, there is still work yet to be done on that pelt it if is to become a proper fur... I will help you if you would like," She offered after a moment. Tim felt himself smile and some more weight of the day wore off.

"I would like that very much Jennifer," Tim said simply. With a nod she turned around and stalked off to her and Arya's bedrolls. Smiling, Tim turned around and settled down next to Pam who was looking at him very approvingly.

"What a day," Tim said to Pam and the stars as he gazed up past the trees. Pam looked over at her lover, the sleeping pups warm in her arms.

"What a day indeed," Pam said quietly, love in her eyes as she gazed at Tim. He turned and looked at her, smiling at her loving gaze.

"Let's hope they're not all this exciting," Tim teased. Pam laughed and leaned over for a quick kiss.

"No, just a few here and there," she joked. Tim laughed and they two of them snuggled closer together. Soon, they fell asleep with the pups safely between them.


Hello reader. If you liked this chapter, please let me know! Comments are very much appreciated, and I honestly like hearing your thoughts on what happened, what may happen in Pam and Tim's future, or simply what you enjoyed most about the chapter. Also, I would like to know what you guys think of the sex scenes. Would you like to see more sex? Less sex and more story? And with the sex scenes, would you like them to be longer? Any thoughts are welcome!

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LechemanLechemanover 1 year ago

Loving the storyline, amount of sex appropriate coupled with possibility of babies in the future. Enjoying this story, immensely. Well done.

HOG57headHOG57headalmost 2 years ago

I have just finished 0-9. Great story! So sexy. Damn fine read. Please continue. The quality of your story - awesome. Hey if it takes time to get the story out , then it takes time. I would rather wait for a quality story than be bore with dribble every other day. Just wanted to say thanks

JimDiamondJimDiamondalmost 2 years ago

I very much enjoyed the stories and look forward to further additions. I enjoyed these stories very much, but that knife and the bear thing is really a far more far-out stretch than there even being actual "Nannies" and Satyrs. You would never throw a knife at a human, let alone a large grizzly bear. I remember military training by a close combat instructor on knife use in taking out a sentry. The Instructor looked at the person asking the question with a look like he had just sucked on a green persimmon and asked, "What do you do if an enemy throws a knife at you?" Then said, "You pick it up, and stab the stupid fucker to death with it!" "So you NEVER throw your knife at anything! It is a valuable tool, NOT a weapon!" Adding the wolf puppies was a wonderful twist. Nice lead-in for the soon-to-be "kids". :-)

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 years ago

Likewise, read 1-9 today. Great series. Please keep Pam monogamous with Tim!

Thomas_LM_WindsorThomas_LM_Windsorabout 2 years agoAuthor

Damn. I'm impressed, that's actually quite a lot to read in a day. I am also flattered; it must mean that the story is good enough to keep you turning the pages. Thank you for the comment; i really appreciate the feedback! I do also like to hear how small little things like the wolf pups are appreciated. Everyone is here for the sex, but i feel like the small little things really complete the reading experience. I am working on chapter 10, but my next post will probably be a separate story. I will be returning to Momma GOAT after.

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