Mom's Bed Ch. 07


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"Pinch your nipple!" I demanded. "Make it hurt!" Rhonda complied without argument and squeezed one of her thick points far more aggressively than I would have. That didn't stop me from reaching out and doing the same to her other nipple a moment later.

"Oh yes!" she cried. "I'm going to cum!"

"No!" I snapped suddenly, releasing her and pulling out. "Not yet." I didn't want to finish this way.

"Don't stop! Please!" Rhonda moaned. In answer, I rolled her back onto her stomach and thrust inside her from behind. My hips slammed against her bright red ass cheeks with every thrust. Her cries changed quickly. "Yes! It hurts! Thank you! It hurts! Punish me!"

All the pent up fear, anger and frustration bottled up inside of me burst free in that moment. I loved Rhonda. I also hated her for the emotional turmoil she caused me since I woke up and found her gone. A dark part of me wanted to make her pay for that and because she had a desire to feel my retribution too, I let it out.

I grabbed Rhonda by the hair and pulled her head off the mattress, taking a moment to lean forward and rape her lips with my own. Her eyes met mine and I could see her need for me to finish as plain as I could feel my own. I sat back up, but didn't release her hair. I pulled it harder, forcing her to prop herself up on her elbows. I swatted her already red ass between pushing in and out of her and she cried out in pain and pleasure. I did it twice more.

"Oh yes! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!" Rhonda moaned loudly. Instead of swatting her ass again, I rested my hand just below the small of her back and thrust my thumb down between her cheeks. I found the opening there and pushed in. She lifted her hips off the bed and pushed back against my hips and hand. "I'm going to!"

I let go of her hair and grabbed her hip, leaving my other hand where it was. I thrust inside of Rhonda as deep as I could go with both my thumb and cock. The latter let loose a torrent of cum as well as all my pent up pain and rage. I slammed against her so hard that it had to hurt, but she just cried out in release. Our bodies shook together as I filled her. I squeezed with the hand on her hips as tightly as I could. I was sure there would be a hand print there later.

I don't remember finishing. Maybe I blacked out for a moment because the next thing I knew I was lying in bed with her resting on my shoulder. We were both breathing heavy. Neither one of us spoke as we recovered. It was almost five minutes later before Rhonda broke the silence.

"Brian?" she began tentatively.

"Yes?" I asked, looking down at her. She refused to look at me for a moment, but then relented and met my eyes.

"Thank you for coming for me," she said softly.

"You're welcome," I replied before looking away. "But I shouldn't have had to." She didn't bother denying it.

"I'm sorry," she said slowly. "Please tell me I haven't lost you over it?" It was a fair question.

"No," I replied with equal slowness. "But things are going to have to be different."

"I know," she said sadly. I couldn't stand seeing her that way.

"Not that different," I sighed, shifting us until we were spooning. She took my hand in hers and rested them both between her breasts. It felt good to be lying like this together. We remained like that for a while before Rhonda spoke again.

"Do you think this bet thing is going to work?" she asked.

"It better," I said. "Or you and Lisa are going to end up with Megan."

"You'll still have your mother and Gabby," Rhonda said. "That's something." I pulled free of Rhonda and spun her toward me until she was looking at me.

"That's unacceptable," I said in a voice that brooked no argument. "You're mine. So is Lisa. Sure, maybe you're your sister's as well for the moment, but that will change."

"I hope so," Rhonda said, a tear falling down her cheek. "I love Megan, but I don't know how I'll live without you."

"It won't come to that," I insisted, hoping I was right. We lay like that in silence for a few more minutes.

"It's time to change the subject," Rhonda eventually sighed.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Well," she said, hesitating briefly before continuing. She sounded far more like herself when she did. "How about we start with what just happened?"

"What about it?" I asked in confusion. She actually laughed.

"Brian, you are one of the most dominate people I've ever met and you're also one of the kindest," she began to explain. "Those don't always go together. You're naturally decent even when you are domineering. I'm going to have bruises for days after what we just did and sooner or later, you're going to see them and start feeling guilty even though deep down you know I needed what happened as much as you did."

"I'll be okay," I said, trying to convince myself as much as her.

"No you won't," Rhonda insisted. "You're view on things are very traditional. You've been brought up to protect people, especially women. The idea of hitting one is horrifying to you."

I knew she was right, but this was different wasn't it? My own questioning made me snort. If I wasn't confident about what just happened and why I did what I did then Rhonda was right. Eventually, I would feel guilty over it. I guess there was a part of me that already did.

"I thought I had a grip on all of this," I sighed. "But I guess not. I keep comparing myself to your sister and coming up with reasons why I'm different, but they're not necessarily true, are they? I figured that even though I like to be dominate, I didn't like to hurt people like your sister does. Yet, then this happens." Another thought came to mind and it only made me feel worse.

"Your sister mentioned the possibility of me actually peeing on her and I was horrified. I told myself that I would never be into humiliation like that, but then I forced her to stand in the shower while I washed her. I'm sure that was humiliating to her in a way. Worse, I made her dry me like she was my servant."

"She must have loved that," Rhonda said, shaking her head.

"I'm no better than she is, am I? Hell, maybe the truth is that I'm just like your sister, only less experienced."

"And that thought scares the hell out of you," Rhonda said confidently, rolling back over and taking my arm. We were spooning again.

"You have no idea!" I sighed. We fell silent and lay like that for a few minutes. I thought that maybe Rhonda had drifted off to sleep, but then she spoke again.

"You know what your problem is?" she asked suddenly.

"No, what?" I asked, feeling oddly comforted by our discussion despite the subject. I knew Rhonda loved me, but today she seemed very relaxed with me. I guess she was carrying around a fear that I would one day realize her sister still had a hold on her and that it would drive me to push her away. It must have weighed down on her mind ever since we got together. Either that or my punishment of her comforted her somehow. Weird shit.

"You think too much," she replied. I couldn't very well argue based on my last few thoughts, so instead I laughed. It felt good. We fell silent again, but somehow I felt better this time. I was just drifting off to sleep when she rolled out of bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked in surprise.

"I smell some of your mother's famous pasta primavera," she replied with a grin. "I haven't eaten since dinner last night."

"I guess I'm a little hungry too," I sighed, sat up and stretched. Rhonda reached for her clothes and I moved to the door. I needed to grab something to wear from my room.

"Brian," she said, just as I reached for the doorknob.

"Yes?" I asked turning back.

"Please be gentle with Gabby," she said. It seemed like the topic was coming out of left field, but in truth I wasn't really surprised. I knew how much she cared for her little sister. "Don't let your anger at Megan or me affect how you treat her."

"I won't," I said. I was sorely tempted to tell Rhonda the truth about her little sister and my relationship, but it would be a mistake. I held my peace despite it being difficult.

"And stop comparing yourself to Megan," she continued, watching me carefully. "You're looking for absolutes to differentiate yourself from my sister and they don't exist, at least not in the places you're looking. There is punishment and humiliation in every relationship. It might not be sexual or physical, but it's there just the same. It's the human condition. It starts with our parents trying to show us right from wrong and it goes until we're on our deathbeds."

"The truth is that I needed to be punished for leaving, and you needed to get beyond your anger and pain over my going. Personally, I think what happened was a lot better than me hating myself for my weakness and you growing to hate me for it as well. You punished me and I accepted it. Sure, the issue still exists, but the pent up emotions behind it were released. That's the best that we can hope for until everything finally gets resolved."

"I hear you," I said slowly. I knew she was right, but the idea of Megan and I being alike still bothered me. Rhonda looked at me as if she were reading my mind. A moment later I was almost certain she had.

"You know, Megan's not really a bad person," she continued. "And what's happening with her is as much my fault as hers."

"How do you figure?" I asked in surprise.

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked in response. "My sister thinks she's supposed to be dominant and the truth is she's not really. My personality is so completely submissive that when things came to a head between us she fell into the dominant role. She let it define her and now she doesn't know how to break away from it."

"I guess I'm not the only one who thinks too much," I said with raised eyebrows, causing Rhonda to laugh briefly.

"Megan is more like Lisa than you or I. She can be dominating, but she also has a need to be dominated, only in my sister's situation, she can't see it. I've tried talking to her about it, but she refuses. Her sense of self is too tied to the role in order to break her from it."

"Do you think it's even possible?" I asked. She looked at me oddly and then smiled.

"Before I met you? No," she replied. "But now, maybe. Only Brian?"

"Yes?" I asked in reply. She'd lost her smile.

"You're going to have to do far worse than make her dry you with a towel to do it. You're going to have to force her to accept herself for what she really is, but you're going to have to do it in a way that doesn't break her completely."

"Sounds like fun," I sighed. Rhonda understood.

"For what it's worth the real difference between you and Megan is that her need to control, punish and humiliate comes from a deep feeling of inferiority and fear. You're not a man who needs to feel control so much as naturally being that way. And although you'll use punishment, and yes even humiliation, you'll only do it to reach a goal."

"And what was my goal with bringing you pain just a short time ago?" I asked, somewhat numbly.

"I could say that the goal was to relieve your pain and anger at my betrayal and that would be fair, but I don't think you would have hurt me even still except that I needing it as well. You've always been able to read my emotions and needs. Sure, you enjoyed my pain, but only because I did as well, although maybe enjoyed is the wrong word." She paused briefly as she pulled on her socks. I stood there by the door watching her, knowing she wasn't done yet.

"Brian, I needed what happened," she said slowly. "And I may again before the month is over with Megan in the house. Don't be afraid of it."

"I'm not, "I said carefully. "Or at least I'm more afraid of what I'm becoming then the specific situations. Every time I think I understand and can accept what's happening, something else occurs and I have to question myself and my motives again."

"And that's exactly my point," she sighed as she stood and joined me by the door. "Stop doing it. You are what you are. Accept it."

"It's not that easy," I said.

"Don't you think I know that?" she asked. "Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to accept me for what I am? I fought it at first and even talked to counselors about it, but the bottom line is that I'm happiest when there's someone else in control. I wasn't thrilled with everything that happened with Megan, but she's my sister and I love her. The truth is that I was content with her controlling my life until I met you."

"I'm sorry," I frowned.

"Don't be," she smiled, resting her hand on my cheek and kissing me briefly. "You are the love of my life. I want to spend the rest of my days making you happy. Deep down I know it's what I was made for, only Megan is my sister and she needs me. She losing it and I have to help her if I can."

"Is that why you left me?" I asked, confused once more. Rhonda stepped back and snorted.

"No, I left you because Megan called and told me to. She used Gabby to break the little resistance I had against her."

"If she told you to do something right now, would you?" I asked, watching her carefully. Rhonda expression turned melancholy.

"I wish I could say no," she said slowly, a tear drifting down her cheek.

"Good," I found myself saying.

"What?" Rhonda asked in surprise.

"Rhonda, I can't bear the thought that you left me willingly. I can and will fight Megan for you, but only if I'm certain you wouldn't choose her over me if you had any control."

"I wouldn't," she said confidently. "I love you. I want to give myself to you mind, body and soul, but Megan..."

"Let me worry about her," I interjected, pulling Rhonda into a hug. "Now let's go eat."

"We'd better get downstairs before there's none left," Rhonda said, smiling at me warmly as we let the subject drop.

The next month would be difficult and in order to persevere against Megan I was going to have to stop dwelling on my fears and focus on winning the bet. On the other hand, I felt oddly sated after my time with Rhonda. The sex, and yes, even the punishment helped, but I think in the end it had more to do with our conversation afterward. Despite everything that was happening I could feel Rhonda and I growing closer. More weird shit, but then again, I was starting to accept that life was like that.

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Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

Another really enjoyable story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved the series until the first page of this entry. Couldn’t get through it and gave up on the story. Way too much drama and mind games for this type of story. If you wanted to make a story about domination and contests between domineering people, then write one about that. Don’t mix it into a story about other things.

englishnospeakenglishnospeakalmost 3 years ago

I'm just going to pretend this great series ends at chapter 6. What a shame!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
too much drama

Too much analysing and too little action.

Bro u disappointed in this one.

CuntDestroyer7000CuntDestroyer7000over 5 years ago

The part about the "bet" is a bit too far and doesnt really help the story as much. It almost seems "wierd" - almost.

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